Idi na listu kazina


VISA (Visa International Service Association) je jedna od najvećih svetskih mreža za digitalna plaćanja koja omogućava platne transakcije između banaka, korporacija, privatnih lica i državnih institucija u više od 200 zemalja širom sveta.

Osnovana je 1958. kao deo odeljenja za upravljanje kreditnim karticama Banke Amerike. VISA kreditnu karticu osmislio je jedan bankarski službenik koji je uvideo da bi objedinjen kompjuterski sistem značajno olakšao obradu transakcija korisnika, što su do tog trenutka trgovci obavljali manuelno i pojedinačno.

Ideja je odmah zaživela, a zahvaljujući ovom službeniku, VISA kreditna kartica postala je jedna od najpopularnijih metoda plaćanja u svetu. Prema izveštaju iz 2006. godine, VISA je imala 44% udela na tržištu kreditnih kartica i 48% na tržištu debitnih kartica samo u SAD-u. Sedište korporacije je u San Francisku, Kalifornija.

Kako se koristi VISA kreditna kartica?

VISA kreditna kartica funkcioniše slično bilo kojoj drugoj kreditnoj kartici. Prijava vlasnika kartice mora da bude odobrena od strane VISA kompanije. Sve transakcije koje se obavljaju u onlajn kazinima zovu se Transakcije bez vlasnika kartice (engl. Cardholder Not Present transactions) - transakcija može da se obavi bez obaveznog fizičkog prisustva vlasnika, te je stoga namenjena uplatama, isplatama i plaćanjima na daljinu, putem telefona, Interneta ili imejla.

Kada vlasnik kartice unese broj kreditne kartice, VISA koristi dodatne mere bezbednosti, odnosno alat koji se zove Verified by Visa da bi utvrdila da korisnik ima validnu karticu i dovoljno sredstava na njoj. Kada se ovo ustanovi, VISA odobrava transakciju. Da bi se transakcija uspešno izvršila, neophodno je da vlasnik kartice unese PIN broj (engl. Personal Identification Number), odnosno, lični identifikacioni broj.

Svakog meseca, vlasnik kartice dobija izveštaj o svom VISA kreditnom nalogu koji detaljno prikazuje sve transakcije, obavljene kupovine, neplaćene naknade i sveukupni platni promet na računu. Vlasnik kartice bira kako da izmiri svoja dugovanja - plaćanjem duga u celosti ili plaćanjem minimalne dozovljene sume do određenog datuma, da bi izbegao moguće dodatne kamate.

Restrikcije VISA kreditne kartice

14. aprila 2020. UK zabranjuje upotrebu kreditnih kartica u onlajn kazinima i dodaje još jedan sloj zaštite za igrače koji su prekoračili dozvoljene limite plaćanjem u kazinu. Zabrana se ne odnosi samo na kreditne kartice, već i na E-novčanike povezane sa kreditnim karticama i nalogom u banci.

Igrači u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, koji su do tada kockali onlajn koristeći VISA ili neku drugu kreditnu karticu bili su prinuđeni da odaberu alternativnu platnu metodu za uplate i isplate u onlajn kazinima i na sajtovima za sportsko klađenje.

VISA: za i protiv

Ovaj način plaćanja ima samo jednu manu, a to je da većina kazina više ne prihvata uplate i isplate VISA kreditnom karticom. Ako zanemarimo ovu činjenicu, VISA kreditna kartica je jedan od najboljih i najjednostavnijih načina plaćanja u onlajn kazinu. Ne samo da ju je lako koristiti, nego je i vrlo sigurna i pouzdana. Kada su u pitanju prevare, alat Visa Verified by Visa sprečava mnoštvo sumnjivih transakcija. Sve u svemu, VISA kartica pruža korisniku pozdanu platformu za sve onlajn transakcije, a onlajn kazina nisu izuzetak.

Pročitajte još

Visa Credit način plaćanja, naknade i važne informacije
Visa Credit je popularan u ovim zemljama Canada, Ontario, CA, India, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, United States
Zemlje koje su izuzete iz Visa Credit Nemačka, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Link ka stranici Pravila i uslovi

Onlajn kazina
prihvata Visa Credit

Bonusi na uplate putem Visa Credit

pregledaj sve

Uslovni obrt



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Uslovni obrt












video poker

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... + Prikaži više

Najbolja Visa Credit kazina

Pronađenih kazina: 47

Prikaži filtere

Da bismo vam uštedeli vreme, prikazujemo kazina u kojima je Virdžinija dozvoljena zemlja.
Ukoliko želite uvid u ponudu za sve zemlje, isključite filter klikom ovde.

250% up to $250

Kod bonusa: MATCH250LCBN

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US & Non US OK. How to claim: Sign up from our LINK - make your first deposit of $25 or more and use bonus code shown below to claim.25x the bonus and 0 x deposit. Players from Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania and UK need to wager 50x bonus. Bonus expires: Until further notice. 
  • C- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.2 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi
Slotland 09/08/16
Primeri uloga


Kod bonusa: FREE68LCBN

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Amount: $68. Max cashout:$100. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%; Video Poker 20%; Keno counts 50%; Roulette1%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: after 30 days. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries at the casino: Australia, Belarus, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Kazakstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Viet Nam. (Wagering requirements for the players from AR, AZ, BD, BR, HU, PO, RO, RU, SA, and TZ are multiplied by 5x).
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.2 / 5 Ocene

Primeri uloga
  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: LCB18

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only - US OK. The list of restricted countries for this exclusive has been updated: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Max cashout = $150. ALLOWED games: Slots only (no progressives). Minimum deposit is needed in order to cash out winnings. You will also need to validate your email address, validate your email by clicking on the link in the 'Welcome eMail' you receive when you register.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.1 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: LCBMIAMI15

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Restricted games: Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games. Once credited when does the bonus expire: No expiry. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max Cash out: $150. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $25. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.1 / 5 Ocene

3 Visa Credit

100% up to $1000

3rd Deposit Bonus
20x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Visa Credit Samo za Visa Credit depozite
100% match, cashable, on the first five purchases of credits, up to $1,000.00 per bonus. Roulette, Baccarat and Craps are excluded from bonus play.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.1 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: RS15

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Amount $15. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and once registered go to Cashier - click on 'Instant Coupon', type in the bonus code and click Validate. Max cashout: $150. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia and Ukraine. Restricted games: Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.1 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: READY30

No Deposit
53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C's apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. The wagering requirements for Free Chip are 53x, allowing to cash out $60. Applies to all games except titles by Dragon game provider, All Roulette Games, Ride'em Poker, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Craps, Caribbean Poker, Top Card Trumps (Casino War), Draw High Low, Pontoon 21, Pirate 21, Red Dog, Oasis Poker.
  • D++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4.1 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: DRIVE

No Deposit Bonus
53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. $30 Free Chip. Players need to sign up from our link, activate bonus code in profile (email should be verified). Maximum cashout: $60. Restricted games: No. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: no restrictions.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: WONDERCHIP

No Deposit Bonus
53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. $30 Free Chip. Players need to sign up from our link, activate bonus code in profile (email should be verified). Maximum cashout: $60. Restricted games: No. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: no restrictions.
  • D++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi
LTC Casino 03/12/21
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • B++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • A++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

114% up to $1140 + 14 Spins

Kod bonusa: SLOTOLOVE-1

Valentine's Day Bonus
30xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
All Players. 114% 1st Match up to $1140 + 14 Spins on Fortunate Buddha. Minimum deposit: $25. WR: 27x. Bonus Code: SLOTOLOVE-1. 214% 2nd Match up to $2140 + 14 Spins on Fortunate Buddha. Minimum deposit: $25. WR: 27x. Bonus Code: SLOTOLOVE-2. Claim Your $114 Free Chip! Bonus Code: SLOTOLOVE-3. No Max Cashout. Valid until 28th February, 2025.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.8 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: STA35

No Deposit - Exclusive
70xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and enter the bonus code shown below during registration. The no deposit bonus will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Allowed games: Slots, Keno and Scratch tickets. Max bet allowed for no deposit bonuses: $20. Min deposit needed in order to cash out winnings: Yes - $50. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is the ND available on mobile: Yes. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • D++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.8 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$3000

Sign Up Bonus
1xd - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.7 / 5 Ocene

275% up to $2000

Kod bonusa: LCBLIVE275

Sign Up Bonus - Live Dealer Exclusive
50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 275% up to $2000. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, make a minimum deposit and redeem the bonus code. Minimum deposit: $25. No max cashout. Restricted games: Baccarat, Craps, European Roulette, and the following slots: Chilli Pop, The Golden Owl of Athena, Legend of the Nile, Ogre Empire, Reels of Wealth, Sin City Nights, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Max allowed bet: $10. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Armenia, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Lebanon, Lithuania, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Romania, Ukraine and Russian Federation.


  • B+ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.7 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


No Deposiit - Exclusive
60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. US OK! Amount: $35 February Free Chip. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, go to Cashier, and activate the bonus. WR: 60xBonus. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Max cashout: 1 x bonus. Max bet: No. Cashable bonus: Yes. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: March 5th, 2025. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $25. 
  • C- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • C++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.6 / 5 Ocene

500% up to $1250

Kod bonusa: BLB20

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 20 free chip. Min deposit $25. Maximum cash out is 20 times the deposit amount. 
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.5 / 5 Ocene

Casino Max 09/07/17

335% up to $3350 + 175 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCBVIP

Sign Up Bonus + 175 FS - EXCLUSIVE
40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 21+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 21+. PLUS 175 Free Spins on Cash Bandits 3. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK - make your first deposit and claim coupon code. Free spins are issued 25 per day for 7 days. Allowed games - Slots Keno and scratch cards. No max cashout! Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Available on mobile: Yes. Certain countries are excluded from first deposit Welcome Offer and non-deposit bonus offers: Armenia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Philippines, Turkey, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • D++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • D++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.5 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi
iNetBet 09/08/16


Kod bonusa: LCB15

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
20xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our LINK - Simply redeem the coupon code provided in the cashier section.Max cashout: $100. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit?: NO. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings?: Verification deposit may be required on withdrawal. Players from the following countries are not permitted to redeem any non deposit bonuses prior to making their first purchase: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • E- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi
Slots Plus 09/08/16

400% up to $500

Kod bonusa: SIW25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 25 free chip. Min deposit $25. Max cashout $2,000. 
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

100% up to $1000

Kod bonusa: LCBONUS

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USA and Canada only. Claim up to 11 times. Can be used one time per day. Maximum cash out up to $2,000. If playing Multi hand Video Poker, Blackjack, 21 Games or Video Poker wagering requirements increase to 90 times your deposit plus bonus. Wagers in Live Dealer Games, Craps, Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Caribbean Hold’em, Baccarat, Roulette or SicBo or Progressives games cannot be applied to the wager requirements.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

400% up to $500 + 25 Spins

Kod bonusa: NYG25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 25 free spins. Min deposit $25.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

250% up to $1500 + 50 Spins

Kod bonusa: WELCOME2LCB

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
75x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New players only – US OK! Plus 50 free spins. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, go to cashier, make a minimum deposit of $25 and enter the coupon code. Minimum deposit: $25. Max cashout: No. WR: 75xbxd for the deposit, 60xb for the free spins. Exclusive promo valid:  Until further notice.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

Slotastic 03/02/16


Kod bonusa: LCB30FREE

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code shown below. The bonus will be added automatically. Allowed games: Slots, Scratch Cards, Keno. Promo offer expires: until further notice. Maximum cashout = $180. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Restricted countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ontario.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

400% up to $500 + 15 Spins

Kod bonusa: CCC25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus $15 free spins. Min deposit $25. Max cashout $2,000. 
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

25 Spins

Valentine's Day Bonus
99xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 25 Free spins on Coins of Zeus. Max cashout $/€100.  Valid until February 28th, 2025.
  • B+ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • E++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

210% up to $2100 + 200 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCB210

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 21+ US OK! 210% up to $2,100 + 200 free spins on Diamond Fiesta. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and redeem the code in the cashier before making a deposit. ( You'll receive 20 free spins for 10 days). Minimum deposit: $35 ($10 crypto). No max cashout. Allowed games: Slots, keno and scratch cards only. Cashable bonus: No. Available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for the bonus: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan , Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia , Lithuania, Mauritius, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • D++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

350% + 15 Spins


Reload Bonus
40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
15 Extra Spins on Mask of the Golden Sphinx. Players must have a minimum deposit of $35.00 or more to redeem.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • D++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: LCB-50

No Deposit - Exclusive
45xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! Amount: $20. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, and enter the bonus code in the Cashier/ Coupons section. The no deposit bonus will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Game contribution towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100%, Scratch Cards and Board Games - 25%, Keno - 10%, All other games, network progressive slots and tournament wagers - 0%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 1 month. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Max allowed bet for no deposit bonuses: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes - $25. Is the bonus cashable: Yes, after the wagering has been completed. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: n/a. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for the bonus: Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Slovakia.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • E++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

200% up to €/$3000

Sign up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene


Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: $20. Game contribution: Slots, Keno, Scratch Cards - 100%; Card games (BlackJack, Multihand Video Poker, Video Poker, Tri Card Poker) - 20%.

  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • C- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.4 / 5 Ocene


No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only - US OK. Max cashout = $200. Players from the following countries do not qualify for the free no deposit bonus. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan , Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria, Brazil, Croatia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia , Lithuania, Mauritius, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , United Kingdom, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Min deposit needed in order to withdraw winnings: YES. Restricted Games: Baccarat, Blackjack, CaribStud, Craps, DoubleUp, LetItRide, PaiGow, RedDog, Roulette, Sicbo, Slot Progressive, ThreeCard, Video Poker, War. Avaiable on mobile and instant and download version.
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.3 / 5 Ocene

EmuCasino 08/11/12

200% up to $200 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - US
45x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  200% match up to $200 in bonus cash + 50 free spins. Maximum bet size: $15. Wagering requirements can be fulfilled on all pokies/slot games excluding jackpots and selected games (Booming Games, Wazdan).
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • B-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.3 / 5 Ocene

100 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCB100FREE

Casino Spins - Exclusive
60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. USA Ok. 100 Free Spins on Mega Monster. New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code upon registration. Max cashout: $180. Max bet for the bonus: $10. Minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: No. Is the No deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant play version only. Promo offer valid: Until further notice.
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • C- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.2 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi

250% up to $5500

Kod bonusa: WELCOME

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min Deposit: $25. On 2nd & 3rd deposit get 150% bonus. No max cashout. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.
  • C- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.2 / 5 Ocene

500% up to $2500

Kod bonusa: MPB50

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 500% Welcome Bonus + 50% Cash Back. Min deposit: $25. Bonus Code: HGR50. Wager: 45x(d+b). Max Cashout: 20xDeposit.
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.2 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: LCB10

No Deposit - Exclusive
50xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+ US OK! Amount: $10. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, open the email inbox to see the welcome message from LadyLuck with introductory deals, then hit Cashier on the site to verify your email address (In case you can’t find the casino’s verification email, check your spam folder and look for the sender TheOnlineCasino). Click on the link, hit Cashier again to load and open the Coupons tab to enter the bonus code shown below. Tap Redeem Coupon and pick any slot game you want to play. Allowed games: Slots only. Maximum cashout: $100 ( Please note: Once wagering is complete your playable balance will reset to $50. You can only withdraw exactly $100 from this bonus via Bitcoin. If your balance is below $100 you will have to continue playing until your balance reaches $100 or greater, if your balance exceeds $100 after wagering has been completed any funds over this amount will be removed from any subsequent cashout. Standard casino terms and conditions apply.) Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 60 days. Max allowed bet for no deposit bonuses: $5. Need to make a deposit in order to verify a payment: Yes - $20 (for ecoPayz)/ $26 (for other banking methods). Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is No deposit available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice.
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • A++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • C++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • E- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3.2 / 5 Ocene

  • $3 Nagradni čipovi


Kod bonusa: LCB-20

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
45xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+.  US OK! Amount: $20 Free Chip. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link, go to the cashier, enter the code and simply click redeem. Maximum cashout: $100. Restricted games: Baccarat, Caribbean Poker, Craps, Roulette. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots and Keno 100% and Board Games 25%. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 3 months. Promo offer expires:  Until further notice. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Non-sticky bonus: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. 
  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • E++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

3 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$3000

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots
  • A++ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.8 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: LCB-BOUNTY

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
45xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. All players coming from LCB - US OK! $30 Free Chip. How to claim the bonus: Sign up from our LINK and redeem the bonus code at the casino cashier. Allowed Games: Slots. Max Bet: No. Max Cashout:  $100. Only available to players who have made total deposits of $50 or more within the last 7 days. Bonuses are valid every Wednesday between 12:00 am and 11:59 pm EST and can be redeemed every Wednesday until June 30th, 2025.
  • C- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • D++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.7 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: CUPID125

Valentine's Day Bonus
No Info
Cupid’s Bonus. 125% Match Bonus. 20 Free Spins on Glam Cash. available 1x per day, Tuesday to Friday. Valid until 14th February, 2025. For more information about wagering requirements please contact Casino customer support.
  • B-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • C- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • A++ Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.7 / 5 Ocene

400% up to €800

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Min Deposit: €25. Max Cashout: 15 x Deposit. Max bet €5. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 10 days. Welcome Casino Package can be used on slots and only on the following Providers: Egt, Amatic, Netent.

  • A- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • C++ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.6 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$500

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit is $25. When playing with a bonus, there is a maximum bet of $5 per spin/round until the wagering requirement has been met. Bonuses expire 30 days after being awarded to you. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.
  • B+ Minimalan iznos uloga
  • D++ Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F+ Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.4 / 5 Ocene

  • F-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F-- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.3 / 5 Ocene


600% up to $3000

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly.  Minimum deposit: $25. 
  • F-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F-- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F-- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

2.2 / 5 Ocene

400% up to €/$6000

Sign Up Bonus
No Info
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  400% Bonus (in the cashier) OR 100% Cashback (Contact  Live Chat Support).  Max cashout: 10xdeposit.  For more information about wagering requirements please contact the casino's customer support.

  • F-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F-- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F-- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

1.9 / 5 Ocene

CryptoReels 25/10/19
  • F-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F-- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F-- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

1.5 / 5 Ocene

  • F-- Minimalan iznos uloga
  • F-- Limit pri isplati dobitka
  • F-- Potrebno vreme za isplatu dobitka
  • F-- Minimalna dozvoljena isplata

1.5 / 5 Ocene

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Pronađenih bonusa: 385

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Primer:20x uslovni obrti

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