Hi LCB'ers,
Our experienced tester was tasked to test Bet It All Casino. He made a deposit using Skrill, play some games, and attempt to cash out. Here are the highlights:
- Tester of the day: Punakontti
- Registration not done on this occasion, because the tester is already a member of Bet It All Casino
- Deposit of 200€ via Skrill made on October 10, 2024
- Withdrawal of 50€ via Skrill requested on October 11, 2024
- KYC- docs requested after the cashout request was made (selfie, utility bill, and an image of the driving license); approved immediately after uploading
- The tester received the requested amount of money on the same day, approximately half an hour after submitting the withdrawal request
Having registered on a previous occasion, the tester simply accessed the cashier to add funds to his balance. Bet It All Casino is a crypto-friendly platform with an abundance of excellent games from the industry’s most creative minds, a sophisticated loyalty program, and amazing promos, so we were all eager to hear some first-hand insights from our highly experienced tester.
Let’s see how the investigation unfolded!
To get the adventure started the tester made a deposit of EUR 200 via Skrill. The money became visible on his balance less than a minute later.
The minimum deposit amount at this non-US-friendly online casino is EUR 10. To replenish the account, players can use a wide spectrum of methods such as VISA, MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafecard, CashtoCode, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Tether, Dogecoin, Tron, Cardano, Bank Transfer, and many others. Deposits made via VISA or MasterCard may incur a fee.
Immediately after the funds became visible on his balance the tester immersed himself into the operator’s colorful portfolio of games. After opening his gaming session with San Quentin 2: Death Row, he played Cornelius Milk Hunter Megaways and Twin Spin Megaways. The tester’s next choice was one of his favorites- Bonanza Megaways.
20,000 Waves was the first adventure he checked out a day later, followed by Epic Fish Adventure and Empress of the Shadows. The next in line were Beanstalk Grows Wild and Eager Beavers, after which he played Quackin’ Reels and Freaked Out Fish.
Later on, he had fun playing Barnyard Megahays, and The Princess & Dwarfs: Rockways, as well as Beware the Deep Megaways and Mustang Gold Megaways. Wild Coaster and Revenge of Loki Megaways were his next ports of call, after which he concluded a two-day gaming session with Cosmic Cash.
Withdrawal and KYC
Opting for Skrill, the same method he used to deposit the tester made a request to cash out EUR 50.
As soon as the typed in the desired amount of money, an e-mail arrived, letting him know that ID verification needed to be completed. To fulfill his duties, the tester uploaded an image of his driving license, selfie, and utility bill.
Having supplied the documents, he was immediately notified that the utility bill needed to be resubmitted. After getting in touch with the support department, the tester was told that the document he uploaded initially was the previous year’s bill. He reacted immediately and provided a new utility bill dated to the ongoing year, no older than 3 months.
Documents were uploaded immediately upon being provided, so he placed a new cashout request. The money was credited on the same day.
Cashouts can be completed either via the last method used to fund the account or via bank transfer. Daily and weekly withdrawal amounts are EUR 2,000 and EUR 5,000 respectively, whereas the monthly and yearly sums are EUR 10,000 and EUR 50,000 respectively, which is below the industry’s average.
It is possible to request up to 2 cashouts per 24 hours. Each unsuccessful, that is, returned withdrawal comes with a fee of EUR 25.
In case the minimum wagering requirements are not met, a 15% fee will be applied to a cashout. The minimum ranges from x3 to x6 the deposited amount, depending on the games played.
Time to recap the milestones!
All in all, the tiny mistake our tester made caused absolutely no delay in withdrawal processing. As a matter of fact, it was a perfect opportunity to put the live chat support team of Bet It All Casino to test, and we are happy to say, they passed it.
Keep a close eye on our channel for more insightful video reviews coming soon! Gamble responsibly!
Full report: https://lcb.org/news/testing-bet-it-all-casino-instant-withdrawal-of-eur-50-via-skrill-despite-re-upload-of-utility-bill
Zdravo LCB'ers,
Naš iskusni tester je dobio zadatak da testira Bet It All Casino. Napravio je depozit koristeći Skrill, igrao neke igre i pokušao da unovči. Evo najvažnijih stvari:
- Tester dana: Punakontti
- Registracija ovom prilikom nije izvršena, jer je tester već član Bet It All kazina
- Depozit od 200€ preko Skrill-a napravljen 10. oktobra 2024
- Povlačenje 50€ preko Skrill-a je zatraženo 11. oktobra 2024
- KIC- dokumenti koji se traže nakon podnošenja zahteva za isplatu (selfi, račun za komunalije i slika vozačke dozvole); odobreno odmah nakon otpremanja
- Tester je primio traženi iznos novca istog dana, otprilike pola sata nakon podnošenja zahteva za povlačenje
Nakon što se prethodno registrovao, tester je jednostavno pristupio blagajni kako bi dodao sredstva na svoje stanje. Bet It All Casino je platforma prilagođena kriptogramima sa obiljem odličnih igara iz najkreativnijih umova u industriji, sofisticiranim programom lojalnosti i neverovatnim promocijama, tako da smo svi bili željni da čujemo neke uvide iz prve ruke od našeg veoma iskusnog testera.
Da vidimo kako se odvija istraga!
Da bi avantura započela, tester je napravio depozit od 200 evra preko Skrill-a. Novac je postao vidljiv na njegovom bilansu manje od minut kasnije.
Minimalni iznos depozita u ovom onlajn kazinu koji nije pogodan za SAD je 10 evra. Da bi dopunili račun, igrači mogu da koriste širok spektar metoda kao što su VISA, MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, Paisafecard, CashtoCode, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin , Tether, Dogecoin, Tron, Cardano, bankovni transfer i mnogi drugi. Depoziti napravljeni putem VISA ili MasterCard kartice mogu zahtevati naknadu.
Odmah nakon što su sredstva postala vidljiva na njegovom bilansu, tester se uronio u šareni portfolio igara operatera. Nakon što je otvorio svoju gejming sesiju sa San Kuentin 2: Death Rov, igrao je Cornelius Milk Hunter Megavais i Tvin Spin Megavais. Sledeći izbor testera bio je jedan od njegovih favorita - Bonanza Megavais.
20.000 talasa bila je prva avantura koju je odjavio dan kasnije, a zatim su usledile Epic Fish Adventure i Carica senki. Sledeći na redu su bili Beanstalk Grovs Vild i Eager Beavers, nakon čega je igrao Kuackin' Reels i Freaked Out Fish.
Kasnije se zabavljao igrajući Barniard Megahais, i The Princess & Dvarfs: Rockvais, kao i Bevare the Deep Megavais i Mustang Gold Megavais. Vild Coaster i Revenge of Loki Megavais su bile njegove sledeće luke poziva, nakon čega je završio dvodnevnu sesiju igranja sa Cosmic Cash-om.
Povlačenje i KIC
Odlučivši se za Skrill, isti metod koji je koristio za deponovanje testera, zahtevao je da unovči 50 evra.
Čim je ukucao željeni iznos novca, stigao mu je e-mail sa obaveštenjem da je potrebno izvršiti verifikaciju lične karte. Da bi ispunio svoje dužnosti, tester je postavio sliku svoje vozačke dozvole, selfija i računa za komunalne usluge.
Nakon što je dostavio dokumente, odmah je obavešten da račun za komunalije treba ponovo da se preda. Nakon što je stupio u kontakt sa odeljenjem za podršku, ispitivaču je rečeno da je dokument koji je u početku postavio račun za prethodnu godinu. Odmah je reagovao i dostavio novi račun za komunalije za tekuću godinu, ne stariji od 3 meseca.
Dokumenti su postavljeni odmah po dobijanju, tako da je postavio novi zahtev za isplatu. Novac je uplaćen istog dana.
Isplate se mogu izvršiti bilo poslednjim metodom korišćenim za finansiranje računa ili putem bankovnog transfera. Dnevni i sedmični iznosi povlačenja iznose 2.000 i 5.000 evra respektivno, dok su mesečni i godišnji 10.000 i 50.000 evra respektivno, što je ispod proseka industrije.
Moguće je zahtevati do 2 gotovine u toku 24 sata. Za svako neuspešno, odnosno vraćeno povlačenje plaća se naknada od 25 evra.
U slučaju da zahtevi za minimalno klađenje nisu ispunjeni, naknada od 15% će biti primenjena na isplatu. Minimum se kreće od k3 do k6 deponovanog iznosa, u zavisnosti od igranih igara.
Vreme je da ponovimo prekretnice!
Sve u svemu, mala greška koju je napravio naš tester nije izazvala apsolutno nikakvo kašnjenje u obradi povlačenja. U stvari, bila je to savršena prilika da se tim za podršku ćaskanja uživo Bet It All kazina stavi na testiranje, i srećni smo što možemo reći da su prošli.
Pažljivo pratite naš kanal za detaljnije video recenzije uskoro! Kockajte se odgovorno!
Kompletan izveštaj: https: //lcb.org/nevs/testing-bet-it-all-casino-instant-vithdraval-of-eur-50-via-skrill-despite-re-upload-of-utiliti-bill