Hi LCB'ers,
Unlicensed Lucky Owl Club Casino tested! If you want to find out about the way things are at this online hub, check out our full report. Here are the highlights:
- Tester of the day: Juggaloroscoe
- Registration date: April 15, 2024
- Deposit of $200 in Bitcoin made on April 15, 2024
- KYC or other identification methods not done on this occasion
- Withdrawal request for USD 400 in BTC submitted on April 18, 2024
- Withdrawal not completed- the tester made multiple requests but never received the funds (last attempt June 18, 2024); support kept repeating that the “system was temporarily down” and eventually stopped responding
A bunch of amazing slots, video poker, and table games coupled with cashback bonuses, and monthly rewards, sound cool, doesn’t it? But the fact that the US-friendly Lucky Owl Club Casino operates without a license doesn’t, does it?
When signing up with this operator players are presented with a play for fun and a play for real, of which our tester selected the latter one. Having entered all the necessary data, he officially registered.
Proceeding quickly to the next stage he deposited USD 200 in Bitcoin. His starting balance was USD 200.02.
Information on available deposit methods and how to use them are available on the “Cashier” page. The minimum deposit amount is USD 25.
With funds on his balance the next logical thing for our tester to do was play some games. He explored Global Cup Soccer, Bigfoot Fortunes, Fairytale Fortunes: Jack and the Giants, Big Shrimpin’, Windy Farm, and Dublin Your Dough: Rainbow Clusters.
He also checked out Best of Luck, which justified its name by bringing him a USD 66.00 win. Next in line were Dawn of El Dorado and Dragon Harmony.
A day later the tester ventured into Astral Luck, Nuclear Fishin’, Dog Pound Dollars, and Crocodile Hunt, which was marked with a massive win of USD 259.90.
Withdrawal & Customer Support
Two days later, on April 18, 2024 the tester decided to make a withdrawal request for USD 400 via BTC.
Upon making a request, the tester was notified that it was canceled by the external system validations.
According to the live chat support agent, it was due to a technical issue. As far as the chat agent noted, once it’s eliminated, they will notify him, but that didn’t happen.
A couple of hours later, the tester attempted to make another request and the next day as well. Both without a happy ending.
The requests placed on April 22, 2024, and April 25, 2024, had the same outcome. Support wasn’t of much help, as the only thing they did was repeat that the problem resulted from a technical issue.
The drama continued in May as well, with multiple requests placed, but none of them ever processed. In one of the chats, the tester noted that it’s been three weeks since the first attempt to withdraw was submitted.
During the chat session initiated on May 11, 2024, the chat agents didn’t even bother to respond.
On May 22, 2024, the tester submitted one more request, pointing out that it’s already been six weeks since the initial withdrawal request was submitted. This time, the live chat support agent joined the chat and immediately disconnected.
The same happened on May 30, 2024.
Over two months after making the very first withdrawal request, the tester placed another one on June 18, 2024, but also without success.
As far as mentioned on the “Cashier” page, it takes between 48 and 72 hours to process a payout.
Depending on the method selected, a fee may be charged. Before a payout request is processed, a player needs to wager the deposit at least once. The minimum withdrawal amount is the same as that for deposits. The weekly cashout limit is on the lower end, amounting to USD 2,500.
When the absence of a license, unprocessed payment, and unresponsive customer support are all found in one place, the wisest thing players can do is avoid it!
With so many credible online casinos out there, why waste time with those operators that disrespect players, their time, and money? We hope these insights helped you get a complete insight into Lucky Owl Club Casino’s poor practices.
Keep a close eye on our channels, more video reports coming soon!
Full report: https://lcb.org/news/unlicensed-lucky-owl-club-casino-tested-unsuccessful-withdrawal-of-usd-400-in-btc-unhelpful-customer-support
Zdravo LCB'ers,
Nelicencirani kazino Lucki Ovl Club je testiran! Ako želite da saznate kako stvari stoje u ovom onlajn centru, pogledajte naš kompletan izveštaj. Evo najvažnijih stvari:
- Tester dana: Juggaloroscoe
- Datum registracije: 15.04.2024
- Depozit od 200 dolara u bitkoinima napravljen 15. aprila 2024
- KIC ili druge metode identifikacije koje nisu urađene ovom prilikom
- Zahtev za povlačenje 400 USD u BTC podnet 18. aprila 2024
- Povlačenje nije završeno – tester je podneo više zahteva, ali nikada nije dobio sredstva (poslednji pokušaj 18. juna 2024.); podrška je stalno ponavljala da je „sistem privremeno u kvaru“ i na kraju je prestala da reaguje
Gomila neverovatnih slotova, video pokera i stonih igara u kombinaciji sa bonusima za povraćaj novca i mesečnim nagradama, zvuči super, zar ne? Ali činjenica da kazino Lucki Ovl Club, prijatelj SAD, radi bez licence, nije, zar ne?
Prilikom prijave kod ovog operatera, igračima je predstavljena igra za zabavu i igra za stvarnost, od kojih je naš tester izabrao drugu. Nakon što je uneo sve potrebne podatke, zvanično se registrovao.
Brzo je prešao na sledeću fazu, deponovao je 200 USD u Bitcoin. Njegov početni iznos je bio 200,02 USD.
Informacije o dostupnim metodama depozita i načinu njihovog korišćenja dostupne su na stranici „Blagajna“. Minimalni iznos depozita je 25 USD.
Sa sredstvima na svom bilansu sledeća logična stvar za našeg testera je da igra neke igre. Istražio je Global Cup Soccer, Bigfoot Fortunes, Fairitale Fortunes: Jack and the Giants, Big Shrimpin', Vindi Farm i Dublin Iour Dough: Rainbov Clusters.
Takođe je proverio Best of Luck, koji je opravdao svoje ime tako što mu je doneo pobedu od 66,00 USD. Sledeći na redu su bili Davn of El Dorado i Dragon Harmoni.
Dan kasnije, tester se upustio u Astral Luck, Nuclear Fishin', Dog Pound Dollars i Crocodile Hunt, koji je obeležen ogromnom pobedom od 259,90 USD.
Povlačenje i korisnička podrška
Dva dana kasnije, 18. aprila 2024. tester je odlučio da uputi zahtev za povlačenje 400 USD preko BTC-a.
Po podnošenju zahteva, tester je obavešten da je poništen proverama eksternog sistema.
Prema agentu za podršku ćaskanju uživo, to je bilo zbog tehničkog problema. Koliko je agent za ćaskanje primetio, kada se eliminiše, oni će ga obavestiti, ali to se nije dogodilo.
Nekoliko sati kasnije, tester je pokušao da uputi još jedan zahtev i sledećeg dana. I jedno i drugo bez srećnog kraja.
Zahtevi postavljeni 22. aprila 2024. i 25. aprila 2024. imali su isti ishod. Podrška nije bila od velike pomoći, jer su jedino ponovili da je problem rezultat tehničkog problema.
Drama je nastavljena i u maju, sa više zahteva, ali nijedan od njih nikada nije obrađen. U jednom od ćaskanja, tester je primetio da su prošle tri nedelje otkako je podnet prvi pokušaj povlačenja.
Tokom sesije ćaskanja započete 11. maja 2024, agenti za ćaskanje se nisu ni potrudili da odgovore.
Tester je 22. maja 2024. podneo još jedan zahtev, ističući da je već prošlo šest nedelja od podnošenja prvobitnog zahteva za povlačenje. Ovog puta, agent podrške za ćaskanje uživo se pridružio ćaskanju i odmah prekinuo vezu.
Isto se dogodilo 30. maja 2024. godine.
Više od dva meseca nakon prvog zahteva za povlačenje, tester je postavio još jedan 18. juna 2024, ali takođe bezuspešno.
Koliko je pomenuto na stranici „Blagajna“, potrebno je između 48 i 72 sata za obradu isplate.
U zavisnosti od izabranog metoda, može se naplatiti naknada. Pre nego što se obradi zahtev za isplatu, igrač treba da uloži depozit bar jednom. Minimalni iznos za povlačenje je isti kao i za depozite. Nedeljni limit za isplatu je na donjem kraju i iznosi 2.500 USD.
Kada se odsustvo licence, neobrađeno plaćanje i neodgovarajuća korisnička podrška nađu na jednom mestu, najmudrija stvar koju igrači mogu da urade je da to izbegnu!
Sa toliko kredibilnih onlajn kazina, zašto gubiti vreme sa onim operaterima koji ne poštuju igrače, njihovo vreme i novac? Nadamo se da su vam ovi uvidi pomogli da steknete potpuni uvid u lošu praksu Lucki Ovl Club Casino-a.
Pažljivo pratite naše kanale, uskoro više video izveštaja!
Kompletan izveštaj: https: //lcb.org/nevs/unlicensed-lucki-ovl-club-casino-tested-unsuccessful-vithdraval-of-usd-400-in-btc-unhelpful-customer-support