Thank you for the reply, here.
When following standard self-exclusion, especially when the request is made A. Due to Compulsive Gambling and B. specifically across all areas of the network (and supposedly granted), in terms of responsible gaming, it would follow any "site" under the company and license.
Simply stated: When I requested the permanent exclusion, it was specifically stated to be on ALL sites, network, etc. that were affiliated with Casino Extreme. I received a reply that my request had been granted. Based on that alone (which I have I writing), when attempting to register for Brango, my email address should have been flagged. This is standard practice in online casinos. However, I WAS able to register. I then requested a withdrawal. At that point, I again should have been flagged and the withdrawal should have been canceled and all deposits refunded. Again, standard procedure.
None of this happened.
Instead, because of a Facebook ad for Brango coming across my news feed, I slipped and clicked the link and was able to register and play.
If the standard procedures for self exclusion across a network had been followed, we wouldn't be in this situation.
As you stated, "Also even though we are Sister Casinos, the entire operations are run separately.", yet, you are a manager for both, and the license verification link on both sites takes me to a license where Anden Holdings, Ltd. is listed as the owner (and it also states that the US is a restricted country, but that's a whole other conversation....).
I would like, at the very least, a response in some way to my communication to try to come up with a reasonable solution and, as I stated in my email (that was not responded to), Implementation of a standard database for people who have self excluded to be used across your entire gaming network (anything owned by Anden Holdings, Ltd.).
Although there are "Responsible Gaming" options listed on both sites (under the same license, mind you), all of these actions seem somewhat predatory in nature.
All of that being said- to those who are able to gamble responsibly, the Anden Holdings casinos are pretty nice, with quick customer service and the instant payouts are legit.
I'm just trying to help others like me....
Hvala vam na odgovoru, evo.
Kada sledite standardno samoisključivanje, posebno kada je zahtev podnet A. Zbog kompulzivnog kockanja i B. posebno u svim oblastima mreže (i navodno odobren), u smislu odgovornog igranja, ono bi pratilo bilo koji „sajt“ pod kompanija i licenca.
Jednostavno rečeno: Kada sam tražio trajno isključenje, izričito je navedeno da se nalazi na SVIM sajtovima, mreži itd. koji su povezani sa Casino Ektreme. Dobio sam odgovor da je moj zahtev odobren. Samo na osnovu toga (što sam napisao), kada sam pokušavao da se registrujem za Brango, moja adresa e-pošte je trebalo da bude označena. Ovo je standardna praksa u onlajn kockarnicama. Međutim, uspeo sam da se registrujem. Zatim sam zatražio povlačenje. U tom trenutku, trebalo je ponovo da budem označen i povlačenje je trebalo da bude otkazano i svi depoziti vraćeni. Opet, standardna procedura.
Ništa od ovoga se nije dogodilo.
Umesto toga, pošto je reklama na Fejsbuku za Branga naišla na moj feed vesti, okliznuo sam se i kliknuo na vezu i mogao sam da se registrujem i igram.
Da su se poštovale standardne procedure za samoisključivanje širom mreže, ne bismo bili u ovoj situaciji.
Kao što ste rekli, „Iako smo mi sestrinska kazina, čitave operacije se vode odvojeno.“, ipak, vi ste menadžer za oba, a link za verifikaciju licence na obe lokacije vodi me do licence gde Anden Holdings, Ltd. je naveden kao vlasnik (i takođe navodi da su SAD zabranjena zemlja, ali to je sasvim drugi razgovor....).
Želeo bih, u najmanju ruku, da na neki način odgovorim na moju komunikaciju da pokušam da dođem do razumnog rešenja i, kao što sam naveo u svom mejlu (na koji nije odgovoreno), implementaciju standardne baze podataka za ljude koji su se isključili da se koriste u celoj vašoj mreži za igre (sve što je u vlasništvu Anden Holdings, Ltd.).
Iako postoje opcije „Odgovornog igranja“ koje su navedene na obe lokacije (pod istom licencom, imajte na umu), sve ove radnje deluju pomalo grabežljivo.
Uz sve to – za one koji su u stanju da kockaju odgovorno, kazina Anden Holdingsa su prilično lepa, sa brzom korisničkom uslugom i trenutne isplate su legitimne.
Samo pokušavam da pomognem drugima poput mene...