I would strongly recommend all new players who got baited for the great welcome bonus to stay away from this casino as far as possible.
I claimed the welcome bonus, played my wager and ended up hitting my biggest win yet (Around 1500x with 0.20 bet)
I've completed the wager and tried to withdraw my 270 euros.
First of all - Once you made a deposit with PSC, you are unable to make a withdrawal without depositing again. This was the first red flag to me, but I decided to make another deposit. I contacted support beforehand, they checked my winnings, and decided to froze my account for reason yet unknown.
The same day, they said that my phone number was matching with other account, and to provide a passport with selfie to security department.
I did that almost immidietally, and I never heard from them since. I did contact them every week how the progress is going, but they never responded back.
After a month, I finally managed to get in touch with them on Live chat. They told me that my account was disabled becouse I broke the ToS for creating another account. At that point, I knew that something shady is going on, since I never heard of the casino before, and my browsing history did not show any access to the site before. (And I do obviously remember which casino I am visiting, unless its compelely redesigned)
I requested reasons why my account is blocked, and they provided me with the screenshot of another account, that shares the same email adress.
Now comes the fun part - I did investigate this screenshot, and found out how the intentionally fucked me over.
1. - The account with the matching phone number was created BEFORE my phone number was even created (I checked with T-Mobile, nobody did use that phone nubmer before)
2. - Name of the acount was supposedly ,,Michlaa". That name DOES NOT EXIST in any country. They faked it so badly that they put there name that does not exist? That's insane.
3. - (This is the best one so far) The email adress that was associated with that account DID NOT EXIST. Yes that is correct. They faked that I have multiple accounts, and the did not even created email that was associated with it :DDD
I have found another 7 things that does not add up at all. I wont share it with you since there are some personal things as IP adresses.
I have sent all the proofs to their security demartment with screenshots attached and guess what? They did not respond.
It was 2 months now, and I sent them 3 reminders, so now I am 100% sure that they did see it and indeed intentionally f*cked me over.
Please go play on some AG vertifed casinos, do not hop on every new casino that comes out like I did.
Toplo bih preporučio svim novim igračima koji su dobili mamac za veliki bonus dobrodošlice da se drže dalje od ovog kazina što je dalje moguće.
Uzeo sam bonus dobrodošlice, odigrao svoju opkladu i na kraju postigao najveći dobitak do sada (Oko 1500k sa opkladom od 0,20)
Završio sam opkladu i pokušao da podignem svojih 270 evra.
Pre svega - Kada jednom napravite depozit kod PSC, nećete moći da izvršite povlačenje bez ponovnog deponovanja. Ovo mi je bila prva crvena zastava, ali sam odlučio da uplatim još jedan depozit. Prethodno sam kontaktirao podršku, oni su proverili moj dobitak i odlučili da zamrznu moj nalog iz nepoznatog razloga.
Istog dana su mi rekli da se moj broj telefona poklapa sa drugim nalogom i da odeljenju obezbeđenja dam pasoš sa selfijem.
Uradio sam to skoro odmah, i od tada nisam čuo za njih. Kontaktirao sam ih svake nedelje kako napreduje, ali nikada nisu odgovorili.
Posle mesec dana, konačno sam uspeo da stupim u kontakt sa njima na Live chat-u. Rekli su mi da je moj nalog onemogućen jer sam prekršio uslove korišćenja za kreiranje drugog naloga. U tom trenutku sam znao da se nešto mutno dešava, pošto nikada ranije nisam čuo za kazino, a moja istorija pregledavanja nije pokazivala nikakav pristup sajtu ranije. (I očigledno se sećam koji kazino posećujem, osim ako nije potpuno redizajniran)
Tražio sam razloge zašto je moj nalog blokiran, a oni su mi dali snimak ekrana drugog naloga koji deli istu adresu e-pošte.
Sada dolazi zabavni deo - istražio sam ovaj snimak ekrana i otkrio kako me je namerno zajebao.
1. - Nalog sa odgovarajućim brojem telefona je kreiran PRE nego što je moj broj telefona uopšte kreiran (proverio sam sa T-Mobile-om, niko ranije nije koristio taj broj telefona)
2. - Ime naloga je navodno bilo ,,Michlaa". To ime NE POSTOJI ni u jednoj zemlji. Toliko su ga lažirali da su tu stavili ime koje ne postoji? To je suludo.
3. - (Ovo je najbolja do sada) E-mail adresa koja je bila povezana sa tim nalogom NIJE POSTOJALA. Da, to je tačno. Lažirali su da imam više naloga, a nisu čak ni kreirali imejl koji je bio povezan sa njim :DDD
Našao sam još 7 stvari koje se uopšte ne slažu. Neću to deliti sa vama jer postoje neke lične stvari kao što su IP adrese.
Poslao sam sve dokaze njihovom bezbednosnom odeljenju sa priloženim snimcima ekrana i pogodite šta? Nisu odgovorili.
Prošlo je 2 meseca, i poslao sam im 3 podsetnika, tako da sam sada 100% siguran da su to videli i da su me zaista namerno zajebali.
Molim vas idite da igrate u nekim verifikovanim kazinom AG-a, nemojte uskočiti u svaki novi kazino koji se pojavi kao ja.