I'm sorry, I missed both of the LCB streams this week.
I missed all the fun, d _ _ n - it! 
I guess, I'll have to settle for the re-runs.(if that's what they are called?) 
I really enjoyed chatting with everyone and my shot at winning lots of goodies in the last stream I participated in; absolute kick-butt fun! I never knew some of you LCBers were so funny, I was totally amazed!
If you are reading this post and you haven't caught any of the LCB streams, NEWS FLASH, you are really missing out on some incredible fun! I honestly recommend you listen in to the streams and I'll bet you won't regret watching or winning!
Fun + Prizes = LCB Stream.
Looking forward to the upcoming LCB streams
Thank-you Zuga and the LCB Crew for everything it takes to put these streams together, they are ROFL fun!
As always LCB ROCKS!
Žao mi je, propustio sam oba LCB strima ove nedelje. 
Propustio sam svu zabavu, d _ _ n - to! 
Pretpostavljam da ću morati da se zadovoljim reprizama. (ako se tako zovu?) 
Zaista sam uživao u ćaskanju sa svima i u mom pokušaju da osvojim mnogo dobrota u poslednjem streamu u kojem sam učestvovao; apsolutna zabava! Nikada nisam znao da su neki od vas LCB-i tako smešni, bio sam potpuno zadivljen!
Ako čitate ovaj post i niste uhvatili nijedan od LCB strimova, NOVOSTI FLASH, zaista propuštate neku neverovatnu zabavu! Iskreno vam preporučujem da slušate strimove i kladim se da nećete požaliti što ste gledali ili pobedili!
Zabava + nagrade = LCB strim.
Radujemo se predstojećim LCB strimovima
Hvala Zuga i LCB Crev za sve što je potrebno da se ovi strimovi spoje, oni su ROFL zabavni!
Kao i uvek LCB ROCKS!