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  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Hallo zusammen,

    auch in diesem Monat gibt es natürlich einen Wettbewerb im deutschen Casino Forum. Dieses Mal soll es aber nicht um Spielautomaten oder dergleichen gehen, sondern um Musik! Ich dachte mir, wir erstellen mal eine Sammlung der schönsten Weihnachtslieder!

    Postet einfach eure schönsten Weihnachtslieder entweder mit vollständigem Text mit oder einem Video des Liedes von Youtube und wenn ihr wollt, schreibt noch dazu, was ihr mit diesem Lied verbindet!.

    Das Gewinnspiel startet schon heute, am 15. Dezember 2019 und endet am  25. Dezember 2019.  Jeden Tag, an dem ihr einen Weihnachtssong vorstellt, verdient ihr ein Ticket und am Ende wird ausgelost, wer gewinnt. Je öfter ihr mitmacht, umso besser sind eure Chancen. Pro Tag könnt ihr ein Mal teilnehmen.

    Und das gibt es zu gewinnen:

    • 1. Platz: 20 Dollar in LCB Chips chips
    • 2. Platz 15 Dollar in LCB Chips chips
    • 3. Platz 10 Dollar in LCB Chips chips
    • 4. Platz: 5 Dollar in LCB Chips chips

    Jeder Spieler kann nur einen der Preise gewinnen. Wer aufgrund von Verstößen gegen die Forumsregeln aktuell davon ausgeschlossen ist, LCB-Chips zu sammeln, kann auch bei diesem Wettbewerb keine gewinnen. Mitglieder, die parallel auch am  Wettbewerb im englischsprachigen Forum teilnehmen, können nicht in beiden gewinnen. 

    Ich wünsche viel Erfolg!

    Viele Grüße und viel Spaß


    Pozdrav svima,

    Naravno, ovog meseca postoji i takmičenje na nemačkom kazino forumu. Ovog puta neće biti reči o slot mašinama ili nečem sličnom, već o muzici! Mislio sam da sastavimo kolekciju najlepših božićnih pesama!

    Jednostavno postavite svoje najlepše božićne pesme sa celim tekstom ili video snimkom pesme sa IouTube-a i ako želite, napišite šta povezujete sa ovom pesmom!.

    Takmičenje počinje danas, 15. decembra 2019. godine i završava se 25. decembra 2019. godine . Svaki dan kada izvodite božićnu pesmu, zaradite tiket i na kraju će biti žreb da se vidi ko će pobediti. Što češće učestvujete, veće su vam šanse. Možete učestvovati jednom dnevno.

    A ovo je ono što možete osvojiti:

    • 1. mesto: $20 u LCB čipovima chips
    • 2. mesto $15 u LCB čipovima chips
    • 3. mesto 10 dolara u LCB čipovima chips
    • 4. mesto: 5 dolara u LCB čipovima chips

    Svaki igrač može osvojiti samo jednu od nagrada. Svako ko je trenutno isključen iz prikupljanja LCB čipova zbog kršenja pravila foruma ne može pobediti ni na ovom takmičenju. Članovi koji takođe učestvuju u takmičenju na forumu engleskog govornog područja ne mogu pobediti u oba.

    Želim vam puno uspeha!

    Srdačan pozdrav i zabavite se


    Hello everyone,

    Of course, there is also a competition in the German Casino Forum this month. This time it won't be about slot machines or anything like that, but about music! I thought we'd put together a collection of the most beautiful Christmas songs!

    Simply post your most beautiful Christmas songs with either the full lyrics or a video of the song from YouTube and if you want, write what you associate with this song!.

    The competition starts today, December 15th, 2019 and ends on December 25th, 2019 . Every day you perform a Christmas song, you earn a ticket and at the end there will be a draw to see who wins. The more often you take part, the better your chances are. You can take part once per day.

    And this is what you can win:

    • 1st place: $20 in LCB chips chips
    • 2nd place $15 in LCB chips chips
    • 3rd place 10 dollars in LCB chips chips
    • 4th place: 5 dollars in LCB chips chips

    Each player can only win one of the prizes. Anyone who is currently excluded from collecting LCB chips due to violations of the forum rules cannot win this competition either. Members who also take part in the competition in the English-speaking forum cannot win in both.

    I wish you much success!

    Best regards and have fun


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Da ich aus privaten gründen eig. kein Weihnachten feier,aber trotzdem beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen möchte,poste ich nur Liednamen oder Youtube Videos zu dem Gewinnspiel.Ich wünsche trotzdem allen Leuten ein fröhliches und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und viel Glück beim Gewinnspiel! 


    Das warscheinlich bekannteste Weihnachtslied:


    Pošto ne slavim Božić iz ličnih razloga, ali ipak želim da učestvujem u takmičenju, objavljujem samo nazive pesama ili jutjub video snimke o takmičenju.I dalje želim svima srećan Božić i puno sreće u takmičenju !

    Verovatno najpoznatija božićna pesma:


    Since I don't celebrate Christmas for personal reasons, but still want to take part in the competition, I'm only posting song names or YouTube videos about the competition. I still wish everyone a merry and merry Christmas and good luck in the competition!

    Probably the most famous Christmas song:


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Also für mich an Weihnachten ein absolutes Muss 

    Ave Maria 

    Wird zum absoluten Highlight in dieser Version von Tarja Turunen.  Einfach der absolute Hammer diese Frau 


    Apsolutno obavezno za mene za Božić

    Ave Maria

    Postaje apsolutni vrhunac u ovoj verziji Tarje Turunen. Ova žena je jednostavno neverovatna


    An absolute must for me at Christmas

    Ave Maria

    Becomes the absolute highlight in this version by Tarja Turunen. This woman is simply amazing


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    und hier auCh schon was für Tag Nr. 2

    ❄ Weißröckchen,
    wann kommst du 
    Du wohnst in den ☁
    dein Weg ist so weit.

    Komm setz dich ans Fenster,
    du lieblicher
    malst ⚘ und ,
    wir haben dich .

    ❄, du uns
    die ⚘ zu,
    dann schlafen sie sicher
    in Ruh‘.

    ❄ Weißröckchen,
    komm zu uns ins Tal,
    dann bau’n wir ’nen ⛄
    und werfen den Ball.

    Da hat man schon so viele Emojies und irgendwie reichen sie immer noch nicht  

    i ovde nešto za dan broj 2

    ❄ Bela suknja,
    kada dolaziš
    Živite u ☁
    tako je dug tvoj put.

    Dođi sedi pored prozora,
    ti ljupki
    boje ⚘ i ,
    imamo te.

    ❄, ti nas
    ⚘ do,
    onda bezbedno spavaš
    u miru'.

    ❄ Bela suknja,
    dođi nam u dolinu,
    onda ćemo izgraditi ⛄
    i baci loptu.

    Već ima toliko emodžija i nekako još uvek nisu dovoljni

    and here too something for day number 2

    ❄ Whiteskirt,
    when are you coming
    You live in the ☁
    your path is so long.

    Come sit by the window,
    you lovely one
    paint ⚘ and ,
    we have you.

    ❄, you us
    the ⚘ to,
    then you sleep safely
    in peace'.

    ❄ Whiteskirt,
    come to us in the valley,
    then we'll build a ⛄
    and throw the ball.

    There are already so many emojis and somehow they are still not enough

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Also irgendwie fehlen bei dem Eintrag die Emojies deswegen hier der Screenshot meines eigentlichen Textes.

    Dakle, emodžiji nekako nedostaju u unosu, pa evo snimka ekrana mog stvarnog teksta.

    So somehow the emojis are missing from the entry, so here is the screenshot of my actual text.

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Band Aid – "Do They Know It's Christmas

    Band Aid – „Da li znaju da je Božić

    Band Aid – "Do They Know It's Christmas

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen - deutsches Weihnachtslied zum Mitsingen.

    Die Urfassung des Liedes stammt von Hedwig Haberkern (1837-1902) die zunächst Kindergärtnerin, dann Lehrerin in Breslau war. Sie verfasste die Erzählung Geschichte von der Schneewolke, in dem das Lied Schneeflöckchen vorkommt.



    Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen,
    wann kommst du geschneit?
    Du wohnst in den Wolken,
    dein Weg ist so weit.

    Komm setz dich ans Fenster,
    du lieblicher Stern,
    malst Blumen und Blätter,
    wir haben dich gern.

    Schneeflöckchen, du deckst uns
    die Blümelein zu,
    dann schlafen sie sicher
    in himmlischer Ruh'.

    Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen,
    komm zu uns ins Tal.
    Dann bau'n wir den Schneemann
    und werfen den Ball.



    Schneeflockchen, Veißrockchen - nemačka božićna pesma uz koju se peva.

    Originalna verzija pesme potiče od Hedvig Haberkern (1837-1902), koja je prvo bila vaspitačica u vrtiću, a zatim učiteljica u Breslavu. Napisala je priču Priča o snežnom oblaku u kojoj se pojavljuje pesma Pahulja.


    Pahulja bela haljina,
    Kada dolazi sneg?
    Živiš u oblacima,
    tako je dug tvoj put.

    Dođi sedi pored prozora,
    ti divna zvezda,
    slikati cveće i lišće,
    sviđaš nam se.

    Pahuljice, pokrila si nas
    malo cveće se zatvara,
    onda bezbedno spavaš
    u rajskom miru'.

    Pahulja bela haljina,
    dođi nam u dolinu.
    Onda ćemo napraviti snežaka
    i baci loptu.

    Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen - German Christmas song to sing along to.

    The original version of the song comes from Hedwig Haberkern (1837-1902), who was first a kindergarten teacher and then a teacher in Breslau. She wrote the story Tale of the Snow Cloud, in which the song Snowflake appears.


    Snowflake whitedress,
    When are you coming snow?
    You live in the clouds,
    your path is so long.

    Come sit by the window,
    you lovely star,
    paint flowers and leaves,
    we like you.

    Snowflake, you've got us covered
    the little flowers close,
    then you sleep safely
    in heavenly peace'.

    Snowflake whitedress,
    come to us in the valley.
    Then we'll build the snowman
    and throw the ball.

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Lasst uns froh und munter sein - Bald kommt Nikolaus! Habt Ihr schon Eure Stiefel geputzt?

    Liedtext zu "Lasst uns froh und munter sein"

    Laßt uns froh und munter sein
    und uns recht von Herzen freun!
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Dann stell’ ich den Teller auf,
    Nik’laus legt gewiß was drauf.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Wenn ich schlaf’, dann träume ich:
    Jetzt bringt Nik’laus was für mich.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Wenn ich aufgestanden bin,
    lauf’ ich schnell zum Teller hin.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Nik’laus ist ein guter Mann,
    dem man nicht genug danken kann.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!


    Budimo srećni i veseli – stiže nam Deda Mraz! Jeste li već očistili svoje čizme?

    Tekst pesme "Budimo srećni i veseli"

    Budimo srećni i veseli
    i zaista nas volite od srca!
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Onda sam stavio tanjir,
    Nik'laus sigurno nešto sprema.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Kad spavam, sanjam:
    Sada Nik'laus donosi nešto za mene.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    kada sam ustao,
    Brzo trčim do tanjira.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Nik'laus je dobar čovek,
    kome se ne možete dovoljno zahvaliti.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Let's be happy and cheerful - Santa Claus is coming soon! Have you cleaned your boots yet?

    Lyrics to "Let's be happy and cheerful"

    Let us be happy and cheerful
    and really love us from the bottom of our hearts!
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    Then I put the plate on,
    Nik'laus is certainly up to something.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    When I sleep, I dream:
    Now Nik'laus brings something for me.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    When I got up,
    I quickly run to the plate.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    Nik'laus is a good man,
    who you can't thank enough.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Once bitten and twice shy
    I keep my distance
    But you still catch my eye
    Tell me, baby
    Do you recognize me?
    Well, it's been a year
    It doesn't surprise me
    (Merry Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it
    With a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it
    Now, I know what a fool I've been
    But if you kissed me now
    I know you'd fool me again
    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Last Christmas, I gave…

    Prošlog Božića, dao sam ti svoje srce
    Ali već sledećeg dana ste ga dali
    Ove godine, da me spase suza
    Daću je nekom posebnom
    Prošlog Božića, dao sam ti svoje srce
    Ali već sledećeg dana ste ga dali
    Ove godine, da me spase suza
    Daću je nekom posebnom
    Jednom ugrizen i dvaput stidljiv
    Držim distancu
    Ali još uvek mi upadaš u oči
    Reci mi dušo
    Da li me prepoznaješ?
    Pa, prošla je godina
    To me ne čudi
    (Srećan Božić!) Zamotao sam ga i poslao
    Sa napomenom "Volim te", to sam i mislio
    Sad, znam kakva sam budala bio
    Ali ako si me sada poljubio
    Znam da bi me opet prevarila
    Prošlog Božića, dao sam ti svoje srce
    Ali već sledećeg dana ste ga dali
    Ove godine, da me spase suza
    Daću je nekom posebnom
    Prošlog Božića dao sam…

    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Once bitten and twice shy
    I keep my distance
    But you still catch my eye
    Tell me, baby
    Do you recognize me?
    Well, it's been a year
    It doesn't surprise me
    (Merry Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it
    With a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it
    Now, I know what a fool I've been
    But if you kissed me now
    I know you'd fool me again
    Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
    But the very next day you gave it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I'll give it to someone special
    Last Christmas, I gave…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski


    Jedes Jahr im Kreise der Familie spielt mein Opa den Sinatra und trinkt ein Glas Whisky dazu. Das einzige Glas Alkohol im ganzen Jahr und sagt: " Na dann mein Freund, auf in die nächste Runde"


    Svake godine sa porodicom moj deda igra Sinatru i popije čašu viskija. Jedina čaša alkohola cele godine i kaže: "Pa onda prijatelju, u sledeću rundu"


    Every year with the family, my grandpa plays Sinatra and drinks a glass of whiskey. The only glass of alcohol all year and says: "Well then my friend, on to the next round"

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Bing Crosby – "White Christmas"

    Bing Krosbi – „Beli Božić“

    Bing Crosby – "White Christmas"

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    eigentlich mag ich garkeine aber dieses Lied hat meine Oma jeden Heiligabend gesungen un klingelt somit alljährlich Anfang Dezember im Hirn an und läuft durch bis Silveste durch xD xD xD

    Süsser die Glocken nie klingen

    Süsser die Glocken nie klingen
    als zu der Weihnachtszeit,
    ’s ist, als ob Engelein singen
    wieder von Frieden und Freud’.
    |: Wie sie gesungen in seliger Nacht, :|
    Glocken mit heiligem Klang,
    klinget die Erde entlang!
    O, wenn die Glocken erklingen,
    schnell sie das Christkindlein hört:
    Tut sich vom Himmel dann schwingen
    eilig hernieder zur Erd’.
    |: Segnet den Vater, die Mutter, das Kind, :|
    Glocken mit heiligem Klang,
    klinget die Erde entlang!
    Klinget mit lieblichem Schalle
    über die Meere noch weit,
    dass sich erfreuen doch alle
    seliger Weihnachtszeit.
    |: Alle aufjauchzen mit herrlichem Sang! :|
    Glocken mit heiligem Klang,
    klinget die Erde entlang!

    An alle schon mal ein frohes Fest!

    Ja zapravo ne volim nijednu od njih, ali moja baka je pevala ovu pesmu svako Badnje veče i ona mi odzvanja u mozgu svake godine početkom decembra i traje do Nove godine kD kD kD

    Slađe zvona nikad ne zvuče

    Slađe zvona nikad ne zvuče
    nego u vreme Božića,
    Kao da anđeli pevaju
    opet mira i radosti'.
    |: Kako su pevali u blagoslovenoj noći, :|
    Zvona sa svetim zvukom,
    zvuci duž zemlje!
    O, kad zvona zazvone,
    brzo ona čuje malo Hristovo dete:
    Zatim zamahni sa neba
    požuri na zemlju.
    |: Blagosilja oca, majku, dete, :|
    Zvona sa svetim zvukom,
    zvuci duž zemlje!
    Zvoni sa slatkim zvukom
    daleko preko mora,
    da su svi srećni
    srećan Božić.
    |: Svi navijajte divnim pevanjem! :|
    Zvona sa svetim zvukom,
    zvuci duž zemlje!

    Srećni praznici svima!

    I actually don't like any of them, but my grandma sang this song every Christmas Eve and it rings in my brain every year at the beginning of December and runs through until New Year's Eve xD xD xD

    Sweeter the bells never sound

    Sweeter the bells never sound
    than at Christmas time,
    It's like angels are singing
    again of peace and joy'.
    |: How they sang in the blessed night, :|
    Bells with a holy sound,
    sounds along the earth!
    Oh, when the bells ring,
    quickly she hears the little Christ child:
    Then swing from the sky
    hurry down to the earth.
    |: Blesses the father, the mother, the child, :|
    Bells with a holy sound,
    sounds along the earth!
    Rings with a sweet sound
    far across the seas,
    that everyone is happy
    happy Christmas time.
    |: Everyone cheer with wonderful singing! :|
    Bells with a holy sound,
    sounds along the earth!

    Happy Holidays to everyone!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski


    Mein Favorit um die Truppe Zuhause auf Zack zu bringen..!


    Moj favorit da odvedem trupe kući!


    My favorite to get the troops going at home!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Michael Bublé - Winter Wonderland 

    Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
    In the lane, snow is glistening
    A beautiful sight,
    We're happy tonight,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    Gone away is the bluebird,
    Here to stay is a new bird
    He sings a love song,
    As we go along,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    In the meadow we can build a snowman,
    Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
    He'll say: Are you married?
    We'll say: No man,
    But you can do the job
    When you're in town.
    Later on, we'll conspire,
    As we dream by the fire
    To face unafraid,
    The plans that we've made,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    In the meadow we can build a snowman,
    And pretend that he's a circus clown
    We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
    Until the other kids knock him down.
    When it snows, ain't it thrilling,
    Though your nose gets a chilling
    We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    Walking in a winter wonderland,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.

    Michael Buble - Vinter Vonderland

    Zvone zvona saonica, slušaš li,
    U kolovozu blista sneg
    prelep prizor,
    Srećni smo večeras,
    Šetnja u zimskoj zemlji čuda.
    Otišla je plava ptica,
    Ovde da ostane nova ptica
    On peva ljubavnu pesmu,
    dok idemo dalje,
    Šetnja u zimskoj zemlji čuda.
    Na livadi možemo napraviti snjegovića,
    Onda se pretvarajte da je Parson Brovn
    Reći će: jesi li oženjen?
    Reći ćemo: Ne čoveče,
    Ali možete obaviti posao
    Kad si u gradu.
    Kasnije ćemo se zaveriti,
    Dok sanjamo kraj vatre
    Suočiti se bez straha,
    Planovi koje smo napravili,
    Šetnja u zimskoj zemlji čuda.
    Na livadi možemo napraviti snjegovića,
    I pretvarati se da je cirkuski klovn
    Zabavljaćemo se sa gospodinom sneškom,
    Dok ga druga deca ne obore.
    Kad pada sneg, zar nije uzbudljivo,
    Iako ti se nos naježi
    Zabavljaćemo se i igrati, na eskimski način,
    Šetnja u zimskoj zemlji čuda.
    Šetajući po zimskoj zemlji čuda,
    Šetnja u zimskoj zemlji čuda.

    Michael Bublé - Winter Wonderland 

    Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
    In the lane, snow is glistening
    A beautiful sight,
    We're happy tonight,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    Gone away is the bluebird,
    Here to stay is a new bird
    He sings a love song,
    As we go along,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    In the meadow we can build a snowman,
    Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
    He'll say: Are you married?
    We'll say: No man,
    But you can do the job
    When you're in town.
    Later on, we'll conspire,
    As we dream by the fire
    To face unafraid,
    The plans that we've made,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    In the meadow we can build a snowman,
    And pretend that he's a circus clown
    We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
    Until the other kids knock him down.
    When it snows, ain't it thrilling,
    Though your nose gets a chilling
    We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.
    Walking in a winter wonderland,
    Walking in a winter wonderland.

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Heut e mol uff hessich


    Danas je vreme da idemo u Hesih


    Today it's time to go to Hessich


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
    The Jackson Five

    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    You better watch out
    You better not cry
    You better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    He is making a list
    And checking it twice
    Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
    Santa Claus is comin' to town, oh yeah
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    He sees you when you're sleeping
    He knows when you're awake
    He knows if you've been bad or good
    So be good for goodness sake
    Oh, you'd better watch out
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Oh, Santa Claus is comin' to town, oh yeah
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to…

    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Džekson pet

    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Bolje se pazi
    Bolje da ne plačeš
    Bolje da se ne duriš
    Kažem ti zašto
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    On pravi spisak
    I to dvaput proverava
    Saznaću ko je nevaljao i fin
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad, o da
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    On te vidi kada spavaš
    On zna kada si budan
    On zna da li si bio loš ili dobar
    Zato budi dobar za ime Boga
    Oh, bolje pazi
    Bolje da ne plačeš
    Bolje ne duri se
    Kažem ti zašto
    Oh, Deda Mraz dolazi u grad, o da
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u grad
    Deda Mraz dolazi u…

    Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
    The Jackson Five

    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    You better watch out
    You better not cry
    You better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    He is making a list
    And checking it twice
    Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
    Santa Claus is comin' to town, oh yeah
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    He sees you when you're sleeping
    He knows when you're awake
    He knows if you've been bad or good
    So be good for goodness sake
    Oh, you'd better watch out
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Oh, Santa Claus is comin' to town, oh yeah
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to town
    Santa Claus is comin' to…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski


    Der wunderbare Stevie Wonder...


    Divni Stivi Vonder...


    The wonderful Stevie Wonder...

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski



    Heutzutage ist Weihnachten sooo gefühlsdudelig, da muss sich schon Santas-.Little-Helper mit der Rute Knechten


    Danas je Božić toliko emotivan da Deda Mrazov mali pomoćnik mora da radi nešto sa štapom


    Nowadays, Christmas is so emotional that Santa's Little Helper has to do some work with the rod

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Christmas in the Sand
    Colbie Caillat
    I love Christmas in the snow
    But Christmas in the sand don't end
    I tell you that's where it's at
    Hawaiian Tropic on my skin
    A candy cane of peppermint, a hint
    Of cocoa on my lips
    It could've been the sun
    It could've been the sea
    It could've been my childhood fantasy
    I saw Santa in his bathing suit
    Tried to catch a wave, but he tried to soon
    He laughed so hard that he could barely breathe
    And washed up next to me
    He said that you look naughty
    But I'm sure you're nice
    He was soaking wet but he cracked a smile
    With a present in his hand
    He said it's Christmas in the sand
    I must have had too much to drink
    'Cause Rudolph's nose was shining green, I think
    He was playing reindeer games on me
    Santa only called him once
    But you should've seen him run so fast
    They were…

    Božić u pesku
    Colbie Caillat
    Volim Božić u snegu
    Ali Božić u pesku se ne završava
    Kažem ti da je to tamo
    Havaiian Tropic na mojoj koži
    Slatkiša od peperminta, nagoveštaj
    Od kakaoa na mojim usnama
    Moglo je biti sunce
    Moglo je biti more
    To je mogla biti moja fantazija iz detinjstva
    Video sam Deda Mraza u kupaćem kostimu
    Pokušao je da uhvati talas, ali je ubrzo pokušao
    Toliko se smejao da je jedva disao
    I oprao se pored mene
    Rekao je da izgledaš nevaljalo
    Ali siguran sam da si fin
    Bio je mokar, ali se osmehnuo
    Sa poklonom u ruci
    Rekao je da je Božić u pesku
    Mora da sam popio previše
    Zato što je Rudolphov nos sijao zeleno, mislim
    Igrao se sa mnom sa irvasima
    Deda Mraz ga je pozvao samo jednom
    Ali trebalo je da ga vidiš kako trči tako brzo
    Oni su bili…

    Christmas in the Sand
    Colbie Caillat
    I love Christmas in the snow
    But Christmas in the sand don't end
    I tell you that's where it's at
    Hawaiian Tropic on my skin
    A candy cane of peppermint, a hint
    Of cocoa on my lips
    It could've been the sun
    It could've been the sea
    It could've been my childhood fantasy
    I saw Santa in his bathing suit
    Tried to catch a wave, but he tried to soon
    He laughed so hard that he could barely breathe
    And washed up next to me
    He said that you look naughty
    But I'm sure you're nice
    He was soaking wet but he cracked a smile
    With a present in his hand
    He said it's Christmas in the sand
    I must have had too much to drink
    'Cause Rudolph's nose was shining green, I think
    He was playing reindeer games on me
    Santa only called him once
    But you should've seen him run so fast
    They were…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Eigentlich ein Klassiker, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass Helene Fischer und Robbie Williams mal zusammen singen

    Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me
    Been an awful good girl
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight (Ooh!)

    Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
    I'll wait up for you dear
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Think of all the fun I've missed
    Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
    Next year I could be just as good
    If you'll check off my Christmas list

    Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot (Oh yeah)
    Been singing angels all year
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with the duplex and cheques
    Sign your x on the line
    Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

    Santa honey, one little thing I really do need, the deed
    To a platinum mine
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Come and trim my Christmas tree
    With some decorations bought at Tiffany
    I really do believe in you
    Let's see if you believe in me

    Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, some bling
    I don't mean on the phone
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
    Hurry down the chimney tonight
    Hurry, tonight

    Eigentlich ein Klassiker, aber ver hatte gedacht, dass Helene Fischer und Robbie Villiams mal zusammen singen

    Deda Mraz dušo, samo mi gurni samur ispod drveta
    Bila je užasno dobra devojka
    Deda Mraz dušo, zato požuri niz dimnjak večeras (Ooh!)

    Deda Mraz beba, takođe kabriolet iz '54, svetloplava
    Čekaću te draga
    Deda Mraz dušo, zato požuri niz dimnjak večeras

    Pomisli na svu zabavu koju sam propustio
    Pomisli na sve momke koje nisam poljubio
    Sledeće godine bih mogao biti isto tako dobar
    Ako pogledaš moju božićnu listu

    Deda Mraz dušo, želim jahtu i stvarno to nije mnogo (O da)
    Pevaju anđeli cele godine
    Deda Mraz dušo, zato požuri niz dimnjak večeras

    Deda Mrazu, i napuni moju čarapu dupleksom i čekovima
    Potpišite svoje k na liniji
    Deda Mrazu, i požuri niz dimnjak večeras

    Deda Mraz dušo, jedna mala stvar koja mi zaista treba, delo
    U rudnik platine
    Deda Mraz dušo, zato požuri niz dimnjak večeras

    Dođi da mi ošišaš jelku
    Sa nekim ukrasima kupljenim u Tifaniju
    Zaista verujem u tebe
    Da vidimo da li verujete u mene

    Deda Mraz dušo, zaboravio sam da pomenem jednu sitnicu, neki sjaj
    Ne mislim na telefon
    Deda Mraz dušo, zato požuri niz dimnjak večeras
    Požuri niz dimnjak večeras
    Požuri, večeras

    Eigentlich ein Klassiker, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass Helene Fischer und Robbie Williams mal zusammen singen

    Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me
    Been an awful good girl
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight (Ooh!)

    Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
    I'll wait up for you dear
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Think of all the fun I've missed
    Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
    Next year I could be just as good
    If you'll check off my Christmas list

    Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot (Oh yeah)
    Been singing angels all year
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with the duplex and cheques
    Sign your x on the line
    Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

    Santa honey, one little thing I really do need, the deed
    To a platinum mine
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

    Come and trim my Christmas tree
    With some decorations bought at Tiffany
    I really do believe in you
    Let's see if you believe in me

    Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, some bling
    I don't mean on the phone
    Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
    Hurry down the chimney tonight
    Hurry, tonight

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Come to decide that the things that I tried
    Were in my life just to get high on
    When I sit alone
    Come get a little known
    But I need more than myself this time
    Step from the road to the sea to the sky
    And I do believe that we rely on
    When I lay it on
    Come get to play it on
    All my life to sacrifice
    Hey oh
    Listen what I say, oh
    I got your hey oh
    Now listen what I say, oh
    When will I know that I really can't go
    To the well once more time to decide on?
    When it's killing me
    When will I really see
    All that I need to look inside
    Come to believe that I better not leave
    Before I get my chance to ride
    When it's killing me
    What do I really need
    All that I need to look inside
    Hey oh
    Listen what I say, oh
    Come back and hey oh
    Look here what I say oh
    The more I see, the less I know…

    Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Dođi da odlučim da su stvari koje sam pokušao
    Bili su u mom životu samo da bih se naduvao
    Kad sedim sam
    Dođi da se malo upoznaš
    Ali ovaj put mi treba više od sebe
    Korak od puta do mora do neba
    I verujem da se na to oslanjamo
    Kad ga položim
    Dođi da igramo
    Ceo život da žrtvujem
    Hej oh
    Slušaj šta ti kažem, oh
    Imam tvoj hej oh
    Sad slušaj šta ti kažem, oh
    Kada ću znati da stvarno ne mogu da idem
    Do bunara još jednom da se odlučite?
    Kad me to ubija
    Kada ću zaista videti
    Sve što treba da pogledam unutra
    Povjeruj da je bolje da ne odlazim
    Pre nego što dobijem priliku da jašem
    Kad me to ubija
    Šta mi zaista treba
    Sve što treba da pogledam unutra
    Hej oh
    Slušaj šta ti kažem, oh
    Vrati se i hej oh
    Pogledaj šta ja kažem oh
    Što više vidim, manje znam...

    Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Come to decide that the things that I tried
    Were in my life just to get high on
    When I sit alone
    Come get a little known
    But I need more than myself this time
    Step from the road to the sea to the sky
    And I do believe that we rely on
    When I lay it on
    Come get to play it on
    All my life to sacrifice
    Hey oh
    Listen what I say, oh
    I got your hey oh
    Now listen what I say, oh
    When will I know that I really can't go
    To the well once more time to decide on?
    When it's killing me
    When will I really see
    All that I need to look inside
    Come to believe that I better not leave
    Before I get my chance to ride
    When it's killing me
    What do I really need
    All that I need to look inside
    Hey oh
    Listen what I say, oh
    Come back and hey oh
    Look here what I say oh
    The more I see, the less I know…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Ein Wihnachtslied das im 15. Jahrhundert seinen Ursprung findet

    Es ist ein Ros‘ entsprungen
    aus einer Wurzel zart.
    wie uns die Alten sungen,
    von Jesse kam die Art.
    Und hat ein Blümlein bracht
    mitten im kalten Winter,
    wohl zu der halben Nacht.

    Das Röslein, das ich meine,
    davon Jesajas sagt,
    hat uns gebracht alleine
    Marie, die reine Magd.
    Aus Gottes ew’gem Rat
    hat sie ein Kind geboren
    wohl zu der halben Nacht.

    Božićna pesma koja potiče iz 15. veka

    Iznikla je ruža
    iz nežnog korena.
    kako su nam stari pevali,
    stil je došao od Džesija.
    I doneo mali cvet
    usred hladne zime,
    verovatno pola noći.

    Mislim na malu ružu
    za koji Isaija kaže,
    doveo nas same
    Marie, čista sobarica.
    Od večnog Božijeg saveta
    rodila je dete
    verovatno pola noći.

    A Christmas carol that has its origins in the 15th century

    A rose has sprung up
    from a tender root.
    as the ancients sang to us,
    the style came from Jesse.
    And brought a little flower
    in the middle of cold winter,
    probably half the night.

    The little rose I mean
    of which Isaiah says,
    brought us alone
    Marie, the pure maid.
    From God's eternal counsel
    she gave birth to a child
    probably half the night.

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski


    So, zum Ende noch mein persönlicher Favorit. Wünsche euch allen ein frohes Fest und erholsame Tage!


    Dakle, na kraju, moj lični favorit. Želim vam svima srećne praznike i opuštajuće dane!


    So, at the end, my personal favorite. Wish you all a happy holiday and relaxing days!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Ich liebe es einfach :)


    Jednostavno volim :)


    I just love it :)


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Sido - Weihnachtszeit


    Mich verbinden mit diesem Lied einfach alte Erinnerungen ;-)

    Sido – Božićno vreme


    Samo imam stara sećanja povezana sa ovom pesmom ;-)

    Sido - Christmas time


    I just have old memories associated with this song ;-)

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Lasst uns froh und munter sein - Bald kommt Nikolaus! Habt Ihr schon Eure Stiefel geputzt?

    Liedtext zu "Lasst uns froh und munter sein"

    Laßt uns froh und munter sein
    und uns recht von Herzen freun!
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Dann stell’ ich den Teller auf,
    Nik’laus legt gewiß was drauf.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Wenn ich schlaf’, dann träume ich:
    Jetzt bringt Nik’laus was für mich.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Wenn ich aufgestanden bin,
    lauf’ ich schnell zum Teller hin.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Nik’laus ist ein guter Mann,
    dem man nicht genug danken kann.
    Lustig, lustig, tralalalala!
    Bald ist Nikolausabend da,
    bald ist Nikolausabend da!

    Budimo srećni i veseli – stiže nam Deda Mraz! Jeste li već očistili svoje čizme?

    Tekst pesme "Budimo srećni i veseli"

    Budimo srećni i veseli
    i zaista nas volite od srca!
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Onda sam stavio tanjir,
    Nik'laus sigurno nešto sprema.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Kad spavam, sanjam:
    Sada Nik'laus donosi nešto za mene.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    kada sam ustao,
    Brzo trčim do tanjira.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Nik'laus je dobar čovek,
    kome se ne možete dovoljno zahvaliti.
    Smešno smešno tralalalala!
    Uskoro dolazi Nikoljdan,
    Uskoro stiže Nikoljdan!

    Let's be happy and cheerful - Santa Claus is coming soon! Have you cleaned your boots yet?

    Lyrics to "Let's be happy and cheerful"

    Let us be happy and cheerful
    and really love us from the bottom of our hearts!
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    Then I put the plate on,
    Nik'laus is certainly up to something.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    When I sleep, I dream:
    Now Nik'laus brings something for me.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    When I got up,
    I quickly run to the plate.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

    Nik'laus is a good man,
    who you can't thank enough.
    Funny funny tralalalala!
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon,
    St. Nicholas Eve is coming soon!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    12 - Frank Schöbel und Sweetys - Weihnachten in Familie
    Weihnachten in Familie
    sieh, wie die Kinder sich freu'n,
    wenn wir die Silbersterne
    auf ihr Bäumchen streu'n.

    Noch wärmer als die Kerzen,
    strahlt so ein Augenblick.
    Ich wünsche dir von Herzen
    Frieden und viel Glück.

    Weihnachten in Familie,
    alle sind zeitig zu Haus,
    holen die Heimlichkeiten
    aus Verstecken raus.

    Noch wärmer als die Kerzen,
    strahlt so ein Augenblick.
    Ich wünsche dir von Herzen
    Frieden und viel Glück.

    Weihnachten in Familie,
    bist du da einmal allein,
    wir wollen in Gedanken
    alle bei dir sein.

    Noch wärmer als die Kerzen,
    strahlt so ein Augenblick.
    Wir wünschen dir von Herzen
    Frieden und viel Glück.
    Frieden und viel Glück.

    12 - Frank Schobel i Sveetis - Božić sa porodicom
    Božić sa porodicom
    vidi kako su deca srećna,
    kada dobijemo srebrne zvezde
    poškropi njeno malo drvo.

    Još toplije od sveća,
    takav trenutak sija.
    od srca ti želim
    Mir i sreću.

    Božić sa porodicom,
    svi su rano kući,
    dobiti tajne
    iz skrovišta.

    Još toplije od sveća,
    takav trenutak sija.
    od srca ti želim
    Mir i sreću.

    Božić sa porodicom,
    jesi li sama tamo,
    želimo u mislima
    svi neka budu s tobom.

    Još toplije od sveća,
    takav trenutak sija.
    Želimo vam od srca
    Mir i sreću.
    Mir i sreću.

    12 - Frank Schöbel and Sweetys - Christmas with the family
    Christmas with family
    look how happy the children are,
    when we get the silver stars
    sprinkle on her little tree.

    Even warmer than the candles,
    such a moment shines.
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart
    Peace and good luck.

    Christmas with family,
    everyone is home early,
    get the secrets
    out of hiding.

    Even warmer than the candles,
    such a moment shines.
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart
    Peace and good luck.

    Christmas with family,
    are you alone there,
    we want in thought
    all be with you.

    Even warmer than the candles,
    such a moment shines.
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
    Peace and good luck.
    Peace and good luck.

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Das Älteste: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

    Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
    aus einer Wurzel zart.
    Wie uns die Alten sungen,
    aus Jesse kam die Art
    Und hat ein Blümlein bracht,
    mitten im kalten Winter,
    wohl zu der halben Nacht.

    Das Röslein das ich meine,
    davon Jesaias sagt:
    Maria ist's, die Reine,
    die uns das Blümlein bracht.
    Aus Gottes ew'gen Rat
    hat sie ein Kind geboren,
    wohl zu der halben Nacht.

    Es ist das älteste Weihnachtslied aus dem Jahre 1599, deswegen habe ich es ausgesucht :-)

    Najstariji: Iznikla ruža

    Iznikla je ruža
    iz nežnog korena.
    Kako su nam stari pevali,
    vrsta je došla od Džesija
    I doneo mali cvet,
    usred hladne zime,
    verovatno pola noći.

    Mislim na malu ružu
    o čemu Isaija kaže:
    To je Marija, čista,
    koji nam je doneo mali cvet.
    Od večnog Božijeg saveta
    rodila je dete,
    verovatno pola noći.

    To je najstarija božićna pesma iz 1599. godine, zato sam je i izabrao :-)

    The oldest: A rose has sprung up

    A rose has sprung up
    from a tender root.
    As the ancients sang to us,
    the species came from Jesse
    And brought a little flower,
    in the middle of cold winter,
    probably half the night.

    The little rose I mean
    of which Isaiah says:
    It is Mary, the pure one,
    that brought us the little flower.
    From God's eternal counsel
    she gave birth to a child,
    probably half the night.

    It's the oldest Christmas carol from 1599, that's why I chose it :-)

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Christmas Could Have Been Good
    von Mando Diao

    You're feeling down
    And there's no one around who can see
    Why you keep your head up high
    Little sister's running around with candy
    And you don't
    Wanna suffer your pride so you shut up
    While your mommy's crying loud
    Daddy's decorating the wall
    And the christmas trees
    it's the worst of days
    so you lay down in your bed
    And oh, Christmas could have been good
    Oh, Christmas could have been good
    It's a shame what you have with your family affair but still
    Christmas could have been good
    Oh, Christmas could have been good
    Was a dream that you had but a dream that has passed away
    Your house was made
    Of blood and tears you wanna pray
    From the opera
    But you got no money to escape
    from tragedy
    Bad luck girl
    Your daddy's here again he's got his anger
    and way too drunk to speak…

    Božić je mogao biti dobar
    von Mando Diao

    Osećaš se loše
    I nema nikoga ko može da vidi
    Zašto držiš glavu visoko
    Mala sestra trči okolo sa slatkišima
    A ti ne
    Želiš da trpiš svoj ponos pa ućutiš
    Dok tvoja mama glasno plače
    Tata ukrašava zid
    I božićna drvca
    to je najgori dani
    pa legneš u svoj krevet
    I oh, Božić je mogao biti dobar
    Oh, Božić je mogao biti dobar
    Šteta što imate sa porodicom, ali ipak
    Božić je mogao biti dobar
    Oh, Božić je mogao biti dobar
    Bio je san koji ste imali, ali san koji je prošao
    Vaša kuća je napravljena
    Krvi i suzama koje želiš da se moliš
    Iz opere
    Ali nemaš novca da pobegneš
    od tragedije
    Loša sreća devojko
    Tvoj tata je ponovo ovde, on je dobio svoj bes
    i previše pijan da bi govorio...

    Christmas Could Have Been Good
    von Mando Diao

    You're feeling down
    And there's no one around who can see
    Why you keep your head up high
    Little sister's running around with candy
    And you don't
    Wanna suffer your pride so you shut up
    While your mommy's crying loud
    Daddy's decorating the wall
    And the christmas trees
    it's the worst of days
    so you lay down in your bed
    And oh, Christmas could have been good
    Oh, Christmas could have been good
    It's a shame what you have with your family affair but still
    Christmas could have been good
    Oh, Christmas could have been good
    Was a dream that you had but a dream that has passed away
    Your house was made
    Of blood and tears you wanna pray
    From the opera
    But you got no money to escape
    from tragedy
    Bad luck girl
    Your daddy's here again he's got his anger
    and way too drunk to speak…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door

    I, I, I, I
    Feels like fire
    I'm so in love with you
    Dreams are like angels
    They keep bad at bay, bad at bay
    Love is the light
    Scaring darkness away

    I'm so in love with you
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door
    When the chips are down I'll be around
    With my undying, death-defying
    Love for you

    Envy will hurt itself
    Let yourself be beautiful
    Sparkling love, flowers
    And pearls and pretty girls
    Love is like an energy
    Rushin', rushin' inside of me

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    This time we go sublime
    Lovers entwine - divine, divine
    Love is danger, love is pleasure
    Love is pure: the only treasure

    I'm so in love with you
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    The power of love
    A force from above
    A sky-scraping dove

    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door

    Zaštitiću te od kandže sa kapuljačom
    Držite vampire od svojih vrata

    Ja, ja, ja, ja
    Oseća se kao vatra
    I tako sam zaljubljen u tebe
    Snovi su kao anđeli
    Drže se loše na odstojanju, loše na odstojanju
    Ljubav je svetlost
    Plašeći mrak

    I tako sam zaljubljen u tebe
    Očistite dušu
    Neka ljubav bude vaš cilj

    Moć ljubavi
    Sila odozgo
    Čišćenje moje duše
    Plamen na gori želja
    Ljubav vatrenim jezicima
    Očistite dušu
    Neka ljubav bude vaš cilj

    Zaštitiću te od kandže sa kapuljačom
    Držite vampire od svojih vrata
    Biću tu kada se čipovi spuste
    Sa mojom besmrtnom, prkosnom smrti
    Ljubav za tebe

    Zavist će samu sebe povrediti
    Dozvolite sebi da budete lepi
    Svetlucava ljubav, cveće
    I biseri i lepe devojke
    Ljubav je kao energija
    Žuri, žuri u meni

    Moć ljubavi
    Sila odozgo
    Čišćenje moje duše
    Plamen na gori želja
    Ljubav vatrenim jezicima
    Očistite dušu
    Neka ljubav bude vaš cilj

    Ovaj put idemo uzvišeno
    Ljubavnici se prepliću - božanski, božanski
    Ljubav je opasnost, ljubav je zadovoljstvo
    Ljubav je čista: jedino blago

    I tako sam zaljubljen u tebe
    Očistite dušu
    Neka ljubav bude vaš cilj

    Moć ljubavi
    Sila odozgo
    Čišćenje moje duše
    Moć ljubavi
    Sila odozgo
    Golub koji struže u nebo

    Plamen na gori želja
    Ljubav vatrenim jezicima
    Očistite dušu
    Neka ljubav bude vaš cilj

    Zaštitiću te od kandže sa kapuljačom
    Držite vampire od svojih vrata

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door

    I, I, I, I
    Feels like fire
    I'm so in love with you
    Dreams are like angels
    They keep bad at bay, bad at bay
    Love is the light
    Scaring darkness away

    I'm so in love with you
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door
    When the chips are down I'll be around
    With my undying, death-defying
    Love for you

    Envy will hurt itself
    Let yourself be beautiful
    Sparkling love, flowers
    And pearls and pretty girls
    Love is like an energy
    Rushin', rushin' inside of me

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    This time we go sublime
    Lovers entwine - divine, divine
    Love is danger, love is pleasure
    Love is pure: the only treasure

    I'm so in love with you
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    The power of love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    The power of love
    A force from above
    A sky-scraping dove

    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make love your goal

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Another Rock and Roll Christmas
    Gary Glitter
    light the lights, ring the chimes
    come on in its party time
    raise a glass for old lang syne
    come on and rock it up for all mankind
    good to see friends i know
    kissin' under the mistletoe
    i love to hear the children sing
    it looks like santa's gonna' bring...
    another christmas rock and roll
    presents hangin' from the tree
    you'll never guess what you've got from me
    (another rock and roll christmas)
    another christmas rock and roll
    you better be off home, shut up tight
    you never know it might snow tonight
    guys and gals stay up late
    they're so excited they can't wait
    let there be peace on earth
    come on and rock and roll for all your worth
    were gonna' laugh were gonna' sing
    were gonna' make the rafters ring
    pull my cracker
    let me be the…

    Još jedan rokenrol Božić
    Gari Glitter
    upalite svetla, zazvonite
    hajde u vreme zabave
    podignite čašu za stari lang sine
    hajde i zaljuljaj ga za celo čovečanstvo
    dobro je videti prijatelje koje poznajem
    ljubeći se ispod imele
    volim da slušam decu kako pevaju
    izgleda da će Deda Mraz doneti...
    još jedan božićni rokenrol
    pokloni vise sa drveta
    nikad nećeš pogoditi šta imaš od mene
    (još jedan rokenrol Božić)
    još jedan božićni rokenrol
    bolje ti je da odeš kući, čvrsto ćuti
    nikad ne znaš da bi večeras mogao da padne sneg
    momci i devojke ostaju budni do kasno
    toliko su uzbuđeni da jedva čekaju
    neka bude mir na zemlji
    hajde i rokenrol za svu svoju vrednost
    oni će se smejati, pevati
    će učiniti da splavi zazvone
    povuci moj kreker
    pusti me da budem…

    Another Rock and Roll Christmas
    Gary Glitter
    light the lights, ring the chimes
    come on in its party time
    raise a glass for old lang syne
    come on and rock it up for all mankind
    good to see friends i know
    kissin' under the mistletoe
    i love to hear the children sing
    it looks like santa's gonna' bring...
    another christmas rock and roll
    presents hangin' from the tree
    you'll never guess what you've got from me
    (another rock and roll christmas)
    another christmas rock and roll
    you better be off home, shut up tight
    you never know it might snow tonight
    guys and gals stay up late
    they're so excited they can't wait
    let there be peace on earth
    come on and rock and roll for all your worth
    were gonna' laugh were gonna' sing
    were gonna' make the rafters ring
    pull my cracker
    let me be the…

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski




  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    hoffe ihr habt die Feiertage alle gut rumgebracht

    Gibt es hier schon die Gewinner? Oder wo wird das veröffentlicht? :D

    Nadam se da ste svi dobro proveli odmor

    Ima li ovde pobednika? Ili gde je ovo objavljeno? :D

    I hope you all had a good holiday

    Are there any winners here yet? Or where is this published? :D

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Hallo zusammen,

    noch sind die Gewinner nicht bekanntgegeben, aufgrund der Feiertage hat sich die Ziehung etwas verzögert.. Das wird sich aber bald ändern, keine Sorge :)

    Noch ein wenig Geduld!

    Viele Grüße


    Pozdrav svima,

    Dobitnici još nisu proglašeni, izvlačenje je malo odloženo zbog praznika.Ali to će se uskoro promeniti, ne brinite :)

    Još malo strpljenja!

    Srdačan pozdrav


    Hello everyone,

    The winners have not yet been announced, the drawing has been delayed a bit due to the holidays. But that will change soon, don't worry :)

    A little more patience!

    Best regards


  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Gesagt, getan :)

    Kurz nach Weihnachten folgt also hier die Fortsetzung der Bescherung. Vielen Dank, an alle die mitgemacht haben. Der ein oder andere Ohrwurm hat sich eindeutig festgesetzt und hier sind die Gewinner. Wir gratulieren:

    1. MissesCruelty zu 20$  chips
    2. Quaktisch zu 15$chips
    3. GambleGanja zu 10$chips
    4. boyana777 zu 5$chips

    Viel Spaß mit dem Guthaben und euch allen einen guten Rutsch, wir sehen uns zum nächsten Contest im neuen Jahr!

    Rečeno i urađeno :)

    Ubrzo posle Božića, darivanje se nastavlja ovde. Hvala svima koji su učestvovali. Jedna ili dve privlačne melodije su se očigledno zadržale i evo pobednika. Čestitamo:

    1. MissesCruelti na 20 dolara chips
    2. Kuaktic za 15 dolara chips
    3. GambleGanja za 10 dolara chips
    4. boiana777 za 5 dolara chips

    Zabavite se uz zasluge i srećna vam nova godina svima, vidimo se na sledećem takmičenju u novoj godini!

    Said and done :)

    Shortly after Christmas, the gift-giving continues here. Thanks to all who participated. One or two catchy tunes have clearly stuck and here are the winners. We congratulate:

    1. MissesCruelty at $20 chips
    2. Quaktic at $15 chips
    3. GambleGanja for $10 chips
    4. boyana777 at $5 chips

    Have fun with the credit and a happy new year to all of you, see you at the next contest in the new year!

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Herzlichen Dank

    mnogo vam hvala

    thank you very much

  • Original nemački Prevod srpski engleski

    Vielen dank!! :**

    Hvala vam!! :**

    Thank you!! :**

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