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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I came across this funny description of each Zodiac sign. They are a little harsh but all in fun. I'm an Aries and oh boy!


    Aries have ramlike eyebrows and smug expressions. They should not be quite so smug because they are constantly clunking themselves in the skull. Cat Stevens' "Hard Headed Woman" was probably an Aries. Aries rarely say one thing and do another. They usually do the wrong thing and don't discuss it. Never point this out to an Aries unless you want your kidneys pulled out through your sinuses. Aries folks love Pisceans because Pisces people make them feel well-grounded. Aries love to laugh at the funny moon-people who suck their thumbs at age 35. Aries use guns to describe philosophical concepts. Whether you live in a palatial estate or a cardboard tepee, you will insist until death that it is exactly what you always wanted. Most Aries were concrete parking bumpers in at least two of their past lives. Aries are never born. They skip gaily from their mothers' wombs. This may even involve rollerblades. The Aries makes life decisions as a toddler. Aries marry several times for funnies but never divorce. Their spouses have many freak accidents resulting in death or crippling injury. Being infallible, God is probably an Aries. This would make Satan an Aquarius. Aries always hold management positions. If one is assigned to clean toilets, he will form a one-man union. Then he will go and picket in the parking lot. All of you think you're Lech Walesa. People run away when an Aries comes around. They know that if they do not, the Aries will set them on fire. Aries hate listening to Scorpios talk because they take pride in being even more self-centered. In fact, much to the Scorpios' dismay, you are the biggest pr*cks in the zodiac. Your rams' horns are in everyone else's asses.

    You are brooding emotion incarnate. One minute you're up, the next you're down, the next you've shot your favorite newscaster in the kneecaps, "just 'cuz.". You're very earthy, which may mean that you don't shower as often as most people. Or it may just mean that you like to roll around with your nose in clover and sigh. Taureans love happy movies where everyone is jolly and having fun, but they fight with waiters and get upset with billboards. They like to psychoanalyze their friends but have no real experience with life in general. Taureans mumble while describing philosophical concepts. The Taurus is a strange bird because he or she holds grudges about things that never actually happened. This may stem from the feelings of inadequacy resulting from being beaten out for first in line in the zodiac by Aries. That is the Taurean self-image, always second best. However, they are undoubtedly the best at feeling like second best. All Taureans want to be God. Unfortunately, God is an Aries. You are generally tough to figure out because you answer every question with a question. Also, you won't come out from under the bed. Most Taureans love conflict. If nothing is wrong, then that in itself is something wrong. Some especially like bar fights. If they can't get into an actual bar fight, they will make up interesting stories about them which they can tell their friends right before they psychoanalyze them. If it weren't for Bazooka Joe and The Family Circus, Taureans wouldn't know what to do. You feel that you are going nowhere in life. You are probably right. Milwaukee is full of Taureans. Taureans are impatient and pushy. They are in a tremendous hurry to get to the nowhere that they intend to go to. They make little dioramas of their homes, complete with tiny effigies of the people they know, and act out scenarios of the way things would be if they were God.

    Everyone loves a Gemini because everyone loves a schizophrenic. You like to think that you are a half-and half mixture of Socrates and Michelangelo, but in reality it's more like Prince and Bea Arthur. You are progressive, outgoing, and one of the most popular rides at Cedar Point. However, you can and will negate all of this by the time you're finished reading this sentence. Geminis drive funny cars. They often drive them into trees or buildings. Geminis are pushy and overbearing. They pick fights with small children and moon people at weddings. They like to use Libras as punching bags. A bisexual Gemini is a walking double date. The rest are hermaphrodites. Geminis vandalize their own houses. Geminis use far-fetched analogies to describe philosophical concepts. Geminis rarely compete in the Olympics. When they do, it is usually pool or air hockey. Frogger turns up as well. Geminis are always on some sort of medication. This medication is not always legal. Gemini is Latin for "I'm okay, I'm okay." Geminis speak very loudly in order to be heard. This is unfortunate as they are nearly always talking to themselves. In fact, they often pick animated arguments with themselves in the bathtub. The most famous Gemini in history is Orville and Wilbur Wright. Geminis are frequently ambidextrous, which means that they can pick both sides of their noses at the same time. The Gemini is essentially nothing more than a paranoid Aquarius.

    You like to know what's going on in the lives of everyone in the galaxy. However, you tend not know what's going on in your own. If you are lucky, your friends will tell you. Cancerians only get dressed because they have to, and their fashion sense can only be described as "erratic." You are more likely than any other sign in the zodiac (except Pisces, who does not iron) to iron your clothes by sleeping with them sandwiched between the mattress and box-spring. Likewise, you can stretch one pair of underwear out for almost a month. Your home is like your very own Biodome, and you can remain indoors for months at a time. Despite your need to be everyone's savior, you need no social interaction. SWAT teams often show up, mistakenly thinking there's a hostage situation. A Cancer is like a walking Ladies' Home Journal, quick on the draw with shortcake recipes and helpful hints on how to talk to your teen. Whether they know it or not, they are all born with an exceptional talent for cross-stitch. So much for buying the world a Coke - they would breast-feed the world if they could. This trait is not gender-specific. You will never excel in sports because you have to rest for fifteen minutes every time you breathe. You do not mind, since you plan to conduct your career from the comfort of your own bed. You maintain your questionable health through a steady diet of Ho-Ho's and beer. You also imbibe a great deal of Pepto-Bismol in order to confuse your numerous ulcers. People walk on you often. Actually, not often - all the time. If you think someone is screwing you, you're probably right. The most entertaining thing about this is that you like it. You strive to be a doormat. Cancerians coin their own words to describe philosophical concepts. This is why it is no surprise that George W. Bush is a Cancer. Cancerians have minimal influence over their friends, even though they show up with homemade soup to remedy every minor or major tragedy. However, they wield their power through the fact that they know what everyone is thinking at any given time. This is why they are never invited to parties. Cancerians claim to be "tactful". The word for this is actually "shiftless". Cancerians are always appointed to take their drunken, drooling friends home. These friends are usually Pisceans.

    You will grab attention in any way you possibly can. Self-immolation is not out of the question. You like to kiss mirrors a lot. Genghis Khan was a Leo, and so is Barney the Dinosaur. People still love Lucy, but less because she was a Leo. Leos will interrupt conversation to talk, and they will place themselves bodily in the way of someone who is trying to leave before the Leo is finished saying what he or she needs to say. All Leos want parades on their birthdays. Leos never marry because no one is good enough for them. If they do marry, they keep their spouses locked under the bathroom sink. They need physical affection at all times; unfortunately, they can't find any because everyone thinks they are irritating punks. This is why so many of the people arrested for necrophilia are Leos. A Leo uses himself as an example of the Overman in order to describe philosophical concepts. Some Leos decide to be homosexual even if they aren't, because they think this gives them shock value. It actually means that neither gender will want to hook up with them. In actuality, anything besides a romantic evening with themselves is considered a step down for the Leo. Leos open doors by screaming at them. They expect their Clappers to applaud when they enter a room. Leos are said to resemble lions. This means that they are loud, have cleft upper lips and slimy noses, and sh*t under trees as they walk. They snack on monkeys while watching "Entertainment Tonight". Humility frightens Leos. That is why Jesus was a Capricorn, Buddha was an Aries, and so forth. However, "radical cult leader" is not out of the question. Leos like to start fights with Aries. They will stomp and bloody each other regardless of whether or not they are in public. In fact, the Leos usually prefer it. You will see these fights taking place at bars, sporting events, fashion shows, or Taco Bell. If you are a clever Capricorn, you will sell tickets. Don't worry about hanging posters--Leo will take care of that in advance. Aquarians hang posters of rock stars on their walls. Scorpios hang posters of famous disasters on their walls. Capricorns hang posters of great mathematicians on their walls. Pisceans hang posters of unicorns on their walls. Leos hang posters of themselves on their walls.

    You are a pain in the ass. You regulate your breathing and color-coordinate the clothes in your closet. No Virgo in history has ever belched. Virgos clean every square inch of everything they own twice daily with a toothbrush. Everything has its place, and yours is on the floor scrubbing with a magnifying glass, checking for germs. Obsessive-compulsive disorder? A nice euphemism for the word "Virgo". Virgos use pointers and elaborate charts to describe philosophical concepts. You commit a lot of drive-by shootings. When you are questioned, you tell the police that it was because "the bastard had a filthy car". The police usually let you go because they are Virgos too. It is easy to freak out a Virgo. Tell them they have something between their teeth. Then watch them scrub frantically at the imaginary thing. Virgos are a hell of a lot of fun for assholes like us. Hell for a Virgo is being locked up in an elevator for eternity with a naked Aquarius. That is because in hell, Aquarians are allowed to bring beer, which they leave all over the floor. Virgos, however, have to surrender their brooms and squeegees to God. Virgos also have a hard time coping when they find out there's something under the fridge. But it's usually just a depressed Taurus. Virgos have read enough Hints from Heloise to know that the depressed Taurus can be coaxed out from under the fridge with a banana wine cooler. Virgos don't see the world in shades of black and white. They see it in shades of clean and dirty. Cat hair makes Virgos foam at the mouth. Virgos are cool because they will do your laundry for you. They'll separate everything by color and fabric until it consists of fourteen loads of three things apiece. Then they will put them in the washer in alphabetical order by name of manufacturer. Virgos are often found opening and shutting the refrigerator door, attempting to trick the light inside. Don't put cheese where it doesn't belong in a Virgo's refrigerator. He or she will go Jack Torrence on your ass. You will be stabbed with a cuticle pusher. Jack Torrence was probably a Virgo in the first half of "The Shining". After that, he went all Leo.

    Naišao sam na ovaj smešan opis svakog horoskopskog znaka. Malo su grubi, ali svi su zabavni. Ja sam Ovan i o, dečko!


    Ovan ima ramove obrve i samozadovoljne izraze lica. Ne bi trebalo da budu tako samozadovoljni jer se stalno zveckaju u lobanju. "Tvrdoglava žena" Cat Stevens je verovatno bila Ovan. Ovnovi retko govore jedno, a rade drugo. Obično rade pogrešnu stvar i ne razgovaraju o tome. Nikada ne pokažite ovo Ovnu osim ako ne želite da vam se bubrezi izvuku kroz sinuse. Ljudi Ovnovi vole Ribe jer ih ljudi Ribe čine da se osećaju dobro utemeljenim. Ovnovi vole da se smeju smešnim ljudima koji sišu palčeve sa 35 godina. Ovnovi koriste oružje da opisuju filozofske koncepte. Bilo da živite u raskošnom imanju ili u kartonskoj tepi, do smrti ćete insistirati da je to upravo ono što ste oduvek želeli. Većina Ovnova su bili betonski branici za parkiranje u najmanje dva prošla života. Ovan se nikada ne rađa. Veselo skaču iz utrobe svojih majki. Ovo može uključivati čak i rolere. Ovan donosi životne odluke kao dete. Ovan se ženi nekoliko puta radi zabave, ali se nikada ne razvodi. Njihovi supružnici imaju mnogo čudnih nesreća koje rezultiraju smrću ili teškim povredama. Budući da je nepogrešiv, Bog je verovatno Ovan. Ovo bi Satanu učinilo Vodolijom. Ovan uvek ima rukovodeće pozicije. Ako neko bude određen da čisti toalete, formiraće sindikat jednog čoveka. Onda će otići i pikirati na parkingu. Svi vi mislite da ste Leh Valensa. Ljudi beže kada dođe Ovan. Oni znaju da će ih Ovan zapaliti ako to ne urade. Ovnovi mrze da slušaju Škorpije kako govore jer se ponose time što su još više egocentrični. U stvari, na veliko zaprepašćenje Škorpiona, vi ste najveći z*kaci u zodijaku. Tvoji ovnujski rogovi su u guzici svih ostalih.

    Ti si inkarniran emocijama. Jednog minuta ste gore, sledećeg ste dole, sledećeg ste pogodili svog omiljenog voditelja vesti u kapice za kolena, "samo 'cuz.". Veoma ste zemljani, što može značiti da se ne tuširate tako često kao većina ljudi. Ili to samo može značiti da volite da se valjate sa nosom u detelini i uzdišete. Bikovi vole srećne filmove u kojima se svi vesele i zabavljaju, ali se svađaju sa konobarima i nerviraju zbog bilborda. Vole da psihoanalizuju svoje prijatelje, ali nemaju pravog iskustva sa životom uopšte. Bikovi mrmljaju dok opisuju filozofske koncepte. Bik je čudna ptica jer se ljuti na stvari koje se nikada nisu dogodile. Ovo može proisteći iz osećaja neadekvatnosti koji je rezultat toga što ga je Ovan pobedio za prvog u redu u horoskopu. To je slika o sebi Bika, uvek druga najbolja. Međutim, oni su nesumnjivo najbolji u tome da se osećaju kao drugi najbolji. Svi Bikovi žele da budu Bog. Nažalost, Bog je Ovan. Generalno vas je teško shvatiti jer na svako pitanje odgovarate pitanjem. Takođe, nećete izaći ispod kreveta. Većina Bikova voli sukobe. Ako ništa nije u redu, onda je to samo po sebi nešto pogrešno. Neki posebno vole tuče u baru. Ako ne mogu da uđu u pravu kafansku tuču, izmišljaće zanimljive priče o njima koje mogu ispričati svojim prijateljima neposredno pre nego što ih psihoanalizuju. Da nije bilo Bazuka Džoa i Porodičnog cirkusa, Bikovi ne bi znali šta da rade. Osećate da ne idete nigde u životu. Verovatno ste u pravu. Milvoki je pun Bikova. Bikovi su nestrpljivi i nasrtljivi. Oni su u ogromnoj žurbi da dođu do nigde gde nameravaju da odu. Oni prave male diorame od svojih domova, zajedno sa sićušnim likovima ljudi koje poznaju, i glume scenarije kako bi stvari bile da su Bog.

    Svi vole Blizanca jer svi vole šizofreničara. Volite da mislite da ste pola-pol mešavina Sokrata i Mikelanđela, ali u stvarnosti je više kao princ i Bea Artur. Vi ste progresivni, otvoreni i jedna od najpopularnijih vožnji u Cedar Pointu. Međutim, možete i hoćete da negirate sve ovo do trenutka kada završite sa čitanjem ove rečenice. Blizanci voze smešne automobile. Često ih zabijaju u drveće ili zgrade. Blizanci su nasrtljivi i nadmoćni. Na svadbama biraju tuče sa malom decom i mesečarima. Vole da koriste Vage kao vreće za udaranje. Biseksualni Blizanci su hodajući dvostruki sastanak. Ostali su hermafroditi. Blizanci vandaliziraju sopstvene kuće. Blizanci koriste naterane analogije da opisuju filozofske koncepte. Blizanci se retko takmiče na Olimpijskim igrama. Kada to rade, to je obično hokej na bazenu ili na vazduhu. Frogger se takođe pojavljuje. Blizanci su uvek na nekoj vrsti lekova. Ovaj lek nije uvek legalan. Blizanci na latinskom znači „dobro sam, dobro sam“. Blizanci govore veoma glasno da bi ih čuli. Ovo je žalosno jer oni skoro uvek razgovaraju sami sa sobom. U stvari, oni često biraju animirane rasprave sa sobom u kadi. Najpoznatiji Blizanci u istoriji su Orvil i Vilbur Rajt. Blizanci su često ambidekstralni, što znači da mogu da čupaju obe strane nosa u isto vreme. Blizanci u suštini nisu ništa drugo do paranoična Vodolija.

    Volite da znate šta se dešava u životima svih u galaksiji. Međutim, vi obično ne znate šta se dešava u vama. Ako budeš imao sreće, prijatelji će ti reći. Rakovi se oblače samo zato što moraju, a njihov smisao za modu može se opisati samo kao „nepravilan“. Veća je verovatnoća da ćete od bilo kog drugog znaka zodijaka (osim Riba, koje ne peglaju) peglati svoju odeću tako što ćete spavati sa njom u sendviču između dušeka i opruge. Isto tako, jedan par donjeg veša možete rastegnuti skoro mesec dana. Vaš dom je kao vaš sopstveni Biodome, i možete ostati u zatvorenom prostoru mesecima. Uprkos vašoj potrebi da budete svačiji spasilac, nije vam potrebna društvena interakcija. SVAT timovi se često pojavljuju, pogrešno misleći da je situacija sa taocima. Rak je poput hodajućeg Ženskog kućnog dnevnika, brz u izvlačenju sa receptima za kolače i korisnim savetima o tome kako da razgovarate sa svojim tinejdžerom. Znali oni to ili ne, svi su rođeni sa izuzetnim talentom za ukrštanje. Toliko o kupovini koka-kole - oni bi dojili svet da mogu. Ova osobina nije rodno specifična. U sportu se nikada nećete istaći jer morate da se odmorite petnaest minuta svaki put kada udahnete. Nemate ništa protiv, jer planirate da vodite svoju karijeru iz udobnosti sopstvenog kreveta. Održavate svoje sumnjivo zdravlje kroz stalnu ishranu Ho-Ho-a i piva. Takođe unosite veliku količinu Pepto-Bismol-a da biste zbunili svoje brojne čireve. Ljudi često hodaju po vama. Zapravo, ne često - stalno. Ako mislite da vas neko zajebava, verovatno ste u pravu. Najzabavnija stvar u vezi ovoga je da vam se sviđa. Trudite se da budete otirač. Rakovi smišljaju sopstvene reči da opišu filozofske koncepte. Zato nije iznenađenje da je Džordž V. Buš Rak. Rakovi imaju minimalan uticaj na svoje prijatelje, iako se pojavljuju sa domaćom supom da poprave svaku manju ili veću tragediju. Međutim, oni koriste svoju moć kroz činjenicu da znaju šta svi misle u bilo kom trenutku. Zbog toga ih nikada ne pozivaju na zabave. Rakovi tvrde da su "taktični". Reč za ovo je zapravo „bez smena“. Rakovi su uvek postavljeni da svoje pijane, balavi prijatelje odvedu kući. Ovi prijatelji su obično Ribe.

    Privući ćete pažnju na svaki mogući način. Samospaljivanje nije na odmet. Mnogo volite da ljubite ogledala. Džingis Kan je bio Lav, kao i Barni dinosaurus. Ljudi i dalje vole Lusi, ali manje zato što je bila Lav. Lavovi će prekinuti razgovor da bi razgovarali i oni će se fizički staviti na put nekome ko pokušava da ode pre nego što Lav završi sa izgovorom onoga što treba da kaže. Svi Lavovi žele parade na svoje rođendane. Lavovi se nikada ne žene jer niko nije dovoljno dobar za njih. Ako se venčaju, supružnike drže zaključane ispod lavaboa. U svakom trenutku im je potrebna fizička naklonost; nažalost, ne mogu da nađu jer svi misle da su iritantni pankeri. Zbog toga su mnogi ljudi uhapšeni zbog nekrofilije Lavovi. Lav se koristi kao primer Nadčoveka da bi opisao filozofske koncepte. Neki Lavovi odlučuju da budu homoseksualci čak i ako nisu, jer misle da im to daje šok vrednost. To zapravo znači da nijedan pol neće želeti da se poveže sa njima. U stvari, sve osim romantične večeri sa sobom smatra se korakom prema dole za Lava. Lavovi otvaraju vrata vrišteći na njih. Očekuju da njihovi Clappers aplaudiraju kada uđu u sobu. Kažu da lavovi liče na lavove. To znači da su glasni, da imaju rascepljene gornje usne i ljigave nosove i da seru ispod drveća dok hodaju. Grickaju majmune dok gledaju "Entertainment Tonight". Poniznost plaši Lavove. Zato je Isus bio Jarac, Buda je bio Ovan, i tako dalje. Međutim, „vođa radikalnog kulta“ nije na odmet. Lavovi vole da započinju svađe sa Ovnovima. Oni će gaziti i krvariti jedni druge bez obzira da li su u javnosti ili ne. U stvari, Lavovi to obično preferiraju. Videćete kako se ove tuče odvijaju u barovima, sportskim događajima, modnim revijama ili Taco Bell-u. Ako ste pametni Jarac, prodaćete karte. Ne brinite o okačenju postera - Leo će se pobrinuti za to unapred. Vodolije kače postere rok zvezda na svoje zidove. Škorpije na svoje zidove kače postere poznatih katastrofa. Jarčevi na svoje zidove kače postere velikih matematičara. Ribe kače postere sa jednorozima na svoje zidove. Lavovi kače postere sebe na zidove.

    Ti si muka u guzici. Regulišete svoje disanje i usklađujete boju odeće u svom ormanu. Nijedna Devica u istoriji nikada nije podrignula. Device čiste svaki kvadratni inč svega što poseduju dva puta dnevno četkicom za zube. Sve ima svoje mesto, a tvoje je na podu i ribaš lupom, proveravaš da li ima klica. Opsesivno kompulzivni poremećaj? Lep eufemizam za reč "Devica". Device koriste pokazivače i složene grafikone da opišu filozofske koncepte. Počinite mnogo pucanja iz vožnje. Kada vas saslušaju, kažete policiji da je to bilo zato što je "kopile imao prljav auto". Policija vas obično pušta jer su i oni Device. Lako je izbezumiti Devicu. Reci im da imaju nešto među zubima. Zatim ih gledajte kako mahnito ribaju zamišljenu stvar. Device su pakleno zabavne za seronje poput nas. Pakao za Devicu je zaključan u liftu za večnost sa golom Vodolijom. To je zato što je u paklu Vodolijama dozvoljeno da donesu pivo, koje ostavljaju po podu. Device, međutim, moraju da predaju svoje metle i brisače Bogu. Device takođe teško podnose kada saznaju da ima nešto ispod frižidera. Ali obično je to samo depresivni Bik. Device su pročitale dovoljno saveta od Heloise da znaju da se depresivni Bik može izvući ispod frižidera pomoću hladnjaka za vino od banane. Device ne vide svet u nijansama crne i bele. Oni to vide u nijansama čistog i prljavog. Mačja dlaka stvara penu kod Devica na ustima. Device su kul jer će vam oprati veš. Odvojiće sve po boji i tkanini dok se ne sastoji od četrnaest tovara po tri stvari. Zatim će ih staviti u mašinu za pranje po abecednom redu imena proizvođača. Device se često nalaze kako otvaraju i zatvaraju vrata frižidera, pokušavajući da prevare svetlo unutra. Ne stavljajte sir tamo gde mu nije mesto u frižideru Device. On ili ona će ti napasti Jacka Torrencea. Bićete ubodeni guračem zanoktice. Džek Torens je verovatno bio Devica u prvoj polovini filma „Sjaj“. Posle toga je otišao sav Leo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    You are oh-so-elegant and tasteful to the point of incurring nausea from loved ones. You are also bipolar as hell and can't make a decision on your own. You usually consult your therapist or TV Guide. Libras are trendy and malleable folks. They are funny because they will glom onto something they hated before if it suddenly becomes fashionable. Velour is not entirely lost upon these people. Libras eat a lot of ethnic food from cultures they don't understand. They single-handedly started the cappuccino movement. Ask them why, and they will claim something unintelligible about solidarity. You constantly worry about what other people think. If you really paid any attention, maybe people would like you more. Libras use quotes from David Mamet plays to describe philosophical concepts. Then they have those concepts engraved upon nice little wallet cards. The Libran interest in current events ends with the J. Crew catalog. They don't eat fast food or have any clue where their trash goes. They have other people tie their expensive shoes. Only two Libras have ever been found in thrift stores. All of their bell-bottoms were color-coordinated to match their lamé turtlenecks. Libras are always on the cutting edge of what the rest of us think is absolute pretentious bullsh*t. They have huge collections of CDs they've never even listened to. Libras give to designer charities. Hollywood is full of Libras. You are the reason butterfly hairpins and parachute pants have made a comeback. Next on the list is those big jam shorts. You probably never threw out your old pair. Hang on to your Winger t-shirt too. Get a Libra as drunk as possible and he or she will still be able to explain the difference between café latté and café au lait. This is peculiar as the rest of us know that there is no difference at all.

    You got into computers early so you could use made-up, bullsh*t terminology and get away with it. Most hackers are Scorpios, as are most people who think they're going to find fame on a chat board. You embarrass Libras because you like your coffee straight out of the bag, eaten with a spoon. You may have actually snorted Chock Full o' Nuts at one time in your life. You take your paranoid beatnik approach to life very seriously. Many Scorpios have found ways to successfully smoke in the shower. Your number-one grudge is about never having been abducted by aliens, or being the victim of a government conspiracy. Most of those fake virus warnings or cash offers from Bill Gates are your attempt to stir something up. Ironically, Bill Gates is a Scorpio. The fully-automated barracks he lives in should clear up any doubt. Your master plan for world domination will never work because it involves you at the helm. It is hard for you to accept that Star Trek is fiction, and you are not a Borg leader. Scorpios use expletives to describe philosophical concepts. It's no wonder that Halloween falls smack in the middle of the Scorpio range. This is the only time of year when fake hauntings, sugar-induced hysteria, and impersonating Dr. Who won't get you arrested. Scorpios have strong sex drives, because it gives them yet another opportunity to smoke. Scorpios have much advice to give on matters that are of no concern to them. If you want to find out if someone is a Scorpio, ask them a pertinent question. Five minutes of silence later, the answer will be "I'm sorry, what?" Scorpios are often hairy and feel that this makes them more virile. This is especially true of Scorpio women. Scorpios cheat at the lottery. If it's automated, they can hack it.

    Sagittarians are born adventurers. They like smashing spiders with their bare hands and trying to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night with the lights out. They would sooner sustain crippling injury than do anything the easy way. Sagittarians love to entertain their friends, family, and total strangers. This often includes transvesticism. Nearly every Sagittarian was born into the wrong gender. Sagittarians are loud and have no social graces. They seek to offend. Sagittarians usually have nicknames like Thunderpooper or Vomitus Maximus. Animals and small children love Sagittarians. This is unfortunate since adults usually hate them. However, Sagittarians make excellent circus freaks and vagrants. Sagittarians use interpretive dance to describe philosophical concepts. Buttons and bumper stickers with rude sayings on them are a trademark of the Sagittarian. They throw food at expensive restaurants and ask lots of questions in the middle of church. Don't ever bring a Sagittarius home to meet your parents. He or she will tie up your mother and pants your dad. Famous Sagittarians include the Geo Metro. The holiday during which the sun is in Sagittarius is Thanksgiving. This is highly appropriate since everyone eats until they're sick and passes out while a bunch of cross-dressers and huge inflatable things wander through the streets of New York, the most Sagittarian town in the universe. The Shriners driving around in the tiny little cars are a very Sagittarian image. Even more so if there's a ridiculously busty woman stuffed into the car as well. A Sagittarius is always a better Madonna than Madonna. Men can pull off sequins, and women can pull off construction helmets. The Sagittarius is incapable of being unhip.

    Capricorns are hardworking, reliable, and dull as hell. They are always on the move, headed to their next delusion of grandeur. They are often good at math which explains why they are such pains in the ass. René Descartes was a great mathematician and a crappy philosopher, so he must have been a Capricorn. Stephen Hawking is even more Capricorn because he's all of the above and a pompous S.O.B. to boot. Sure, he's overcome a lot of obstacles etc. etc., but even in perfect health you can't overcome being a Capricorn. Most politicians are Capricorns, which is why our country is always in the hole. It is not surprising that politicians need so much security around them all the time. Capricorns are like a strange cross between a Leo and a Virgo. They think that this makes them both charismatic and logical. In reality, it means that they are tight-assed and nitpicky, and have to keep their egos in the backyard. In the event of nuclear war, only cockroaches and Capricorns would find a way to survive. The rest of us just don't want to live in a world like that. The nation's cockeyed system of toll roads was probably designed by a freakin' Capricorn. They learn how to screw the public over at an early age. Their parents buy them books of law for Christmas so they can underline the loopholes. Capricorns cannot even fathom, much less describe, philosophical concepts because they don't involve equations. (See comments about Descartes and Hawking above) Capricorns own lots of Filofaxes and other tools to organize the lives they do not have. They love to be seen talking on their cell phones. These phones are not actually turned on because Capricorns don't have any friends to call. Capricorns went out of style in 1989. They still believe that Trump was a visionary. Most of the people arrested for counterfeiting are Capricorns.

    The Aquarius loves a party. Anytime, anywhere is their motto. It is not unlikely that an Aquarius will consider a wake a good place to meet chicks. Aquarians tend to be nostalgic about the 1960s because that was the last time they could be naked in public and get away with it. Aquarians love to be naked. It is even better if they are naked and crocked. 97.4% of the Night Train consumed in the past thirty years has been consumed by Aquarians. Almost every Aquarian will claim to have seen Jerry Garcia's image in their Froot Loops at least once. Froot Loops is a very Aquarian cereal. So is Rice Krispies, since it will engage in a friendly chat with the Aquarian as he or she is eating breakfast. Count Chocula is off-limits, however. It belongs to the Scorpios. Aquarians are the only people in the zodiac who can play volleyball with themselves. And they frequently do. Aquarians use the phrase "Dude, man..." frequently when describing philosophical concepts. Aquarians have out-of-body experiences on a daily basis. If you are talking to an Aquarian and he or she zones out, consider the conversation hopeless. He or she is talking to the guy three feet away from you. Aquarians are fun because they channel people. Plus, if you tell them to, they will run around naked. Aquarians like astronomy because they've been to all those places. If you want to know what the food is like on Saturn, ask an Aquarius. They can also walk on water if they try really really hard. This usually happens in the bathtub. Aquarians can allow themselves every possible vice on the planet, and don't think twice about it. That is why they piss everyone else off. They are cosmically entitled to do this. Most rock stars are Aquarians.

    Everywhere you go, laughter and comedy ensue. This would be great if you were trying to be funny. You are deeply confused by the idea of sex. As far as you are concerned, if it didn't happen in "The Velveteen Rabbit", it doesn't exist. Piscean women wear long floaty dresses and enormous amounts of unusual silver jewelry. On hikes. Pisceans claim to love the stars, but the only constellation they can find is the Big Dipper. If they cannot find it, they cry. You remember what you were wearing on March 3rd, 1981 but forget your own address. You have no sense of direction. The people you find going in reverse at 70 m.p.h. on the expressway are usually Pisceans. Pisceans are most likely to die by falling out of a window or getting run over by a truck. That is, of course, unless they live with a Cancer. Pisceans are so zoned and perpetually endangered that they can bring out the maternal instincts of a Leo. Don't be fooled, however; many Pisceans can surprise you by kicking your ass and the asses of your four imaginary friends. While Leos tend to achieve the most fame in the field of entertainment, Pisceans strive to achieve historical greatness by sheer fluke. They are proud to tell you that Michelangelo, Galileo, George Washington, and Albert Einstein, none of whom had an agent, were all Pisceans. What they won't tell you is that so is Ted Kennedy. Pisceans claim to want "honest criticism" of their work. Then they commit hara-kiri on the floor when you say you don't like it. Never try to use logic with a Pisces; he or she is living about three feet off of the natural ground or in Narnia. Their tools of debate are non-sequiturs, quotes from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and, of course, crying. It wouldn't matter what linguistic devices Pisceans use to describe philosophical concepts because they aren't positive they know what they're talking about anyway. You cry over dead animals in the road but feel no remorse about mowing down humans you don't like. Cancerians say one thing and do another. Scorpios say one thing and do it just for spite. Pisceans say far too much and do whatever the hell they want.
    Vi ste tako elegantni i ukusni do te mere da izazivate mučninu od voljenih osoba. Vi ste takođe bipolarni kao pakao i ne možete sami da donesete odluku. Obično se konsultujete sa svojim terapeutom ili TV vodičem. Vage su moderni i savitljivi ljudi. Smešni su zato što će se nabaciti na nešto što su ranije mrzeli ako to odjednom postane moderno. Velur nije potpuno izgubljen za ove ljude. Vage jedu mnogo etničke hrane iz kultura koje ne razumeju. Oni su sami pokrenuli kapućino pokret. Pitajte ih zašto, i oni će tvrditi nešto nerazumljivo o solidarnosti. Stalno brinete o tome šta drugi ljudi misle. Da ste zaista obratili pažnju, možda bi vas ljudi više voleli. Vage koriste citate iz komada Dejvida Mameta da opišu filozofske koncepte. Zatim imaju te koncepte ugravirane na lepim malim karticama novčanika. Interesovanje Vaga za aktuelna dešavanja završava se sa J. Crev katalogom. Ne jedu brzu hranu niti imaju pojma kuda ide njihovo smeće. Imaju druge ljude da im vežu skupe cipele. Samo dve Vage su ikada pronađene u prodavnicama za štednju. Sve njihove donje hlače bile su usklađene u boji kako bi se slagale sa njihovim lamenim dolčevinama. Vage su uvek na vrhuncu onoga što mi ostali mislimo da je apsolutna pretenciozna glupost. Imaju ogromne kolekcije CD-ova koje nikada nisu ni slušali. Vage daju dizajnerskim dobrotvornim organizacijama. Holivud je pun Vage. Vi ste razlog zašto su se ukosnice i padobranske pantalone vratile. Sledeći na listi su oni veliki džem šorts. Verovatno nikada niste bacili svoj stari par. Držite se i svoje Vinger majice. Napijte Vagu što je više moguće i on ili ona će i dalje moći da objasne razliku između cafe latte i cafe au lait. Ovo je neobično jer mi ostali znamo da nema nikakve razlike.

    Rano ste ušli u kompjutere da biste mogli da koristite izmišljenu, glupu terminologiju i da se izvučete. Većina hakera su Škorpije, kao i većina ljudi koji misle da će pronaći slavu na tabli za ćaskanje. Sramotite Vagu jer volite svoju kafu pravo iz kese, jedenu kašikom. Možda ste jednom u životu zapravo šmrkali Chock Full o' Nuts. Svoj paranoični bitnički pristup životu shvatate veoma ozbiljno. Mnoge Škorpije su pronašle načine da uspešno puše pod tušem. Vaša ljutnja broj jedan je što vas nikada nisu oteli vanzemaljci ili što ste bili žrtva vladine zavere. Većina tih lažnih upozorenja o virusima ili gotovinskih ponuda od Bila Gejtsa su vaš pokušaj da nešto podmetnete. Ironično, Bill Gates je Škorpija. Potpuno automatizovana kasarna u kojoj živi trebalo bi da razjasni svaku sumnju. Vaš glavni plan za svetsku dominaciju nikada neće uspeti jer uključuje vas na čelu. Teško vam je da prihvatite da su Zvezdane staze fikcija, a vi niste vođa Borga. Škorpije koriste psovke da opisuju filozofske koncepte. Nije ni čudo što Noć veštica pada usred ranga Škorpije. Ovo je jedino doba godine kada vas lažna proganjanja, histerija izazvana šećerom i lažno predstavljanje dr Ko neće dovesti do hapšenja. Škorpije imaju jak seksualni nagon, jer im to daje još jednu priliku da puše. Škorpije imaju mnogo saveta o stvarima koje ih ne tiču. Ako želite da saznate da li je neko Škorpija, postavite mu neko relevantno pitanje. Pet minuta ćutanja kasnije, odgovor će biti "Izvinite, šta?" Škorpije su često dlakave i osećaju da ih to čini muževnijim. Ovo se posebno odnosi na žene Škorpije. Škorpije varaju na lutriji. Ako je automatizovan, mogu da ga hakuju.

    Strelci su rođeni avanturisti. Vole da razbijaju pauke golim rukama i pokušavaju da odu do kupatila usred noći sa ugašenim svetlima. Pre bi zadobili teške povrede nego bilo šta na lakši način. Strelci vole da zabavljaju svoje prijatelje, porodicu i potpune strance. Ovo često uključuje transvesticizam. Skoro svaki Strelac je rođen u pogrešnom polu. Strelci su glasni i nemaju društvene milosti. Oni traže da uvrede. Strelci obično imaju nadimke kao što su Thunderpooper ili Vomitus Makimus. Životinje i mala deca vole Strelce. Ovo je žalosno jer ih odrasli obično mrze. Međutim, Strelci su odlične cirkuske nakaze i skitnice. Strelci koriste interpretativni ples da opisuju filozofske koncepte. Dugmad i nalepnice na braniku sa grubim izrekama na njima su zaštitni znak Strelca. Bacaju hranu po skupim restoranima i postavljaju mnoga pitanja usred crkve. Nikada nemojte dovoditi Strelca kući da upozna svoje roditelje. On ili ona će vezati tvoju majku i pantalone tvog tatu. Poznati Strelci uključuju Geo Metro. Praznik tokom kojeg je sunce u Strelcu je Dan zahvalnosti. Ovo je veoma prikladno jer svi jedu dok se ne razbole i onesveste se dok gomila kros-dressera i ogromnih stvari na naduvavanje luta ulicama Njujorka, grada sa najviše Strelca u univerzumu. Shrineri koji se voze okolo u malim automobilima su veoma Strelčevska slika. Još više ako je u automobilu ugurana i smešno prsata žena. Strelac je uvek bolja Madona od Madone. Muškarci mogu da skinu šljokice, a žene građevinske šlemove. Strelac nije u stanju da bude bez kuka.

    Jarčevi su vredni, pouzdani i dosadni kao pakao. Oni su uvek u pokretu, usmereni ka svojoj sledećoj obmani veličine. Često su dobri u matematici, što objašnjava zašto su toliki problemi. Rene Dekart je bio veliki matematičar i usrani filozof, tako da je morao biti Jarac. Stiven Hoking je još više Jarac jer je on sve gore navedeno i pompezni jebač. Naravno, on je savladao mnoge prepreke itd. itd., ali čak ni u savršenom zdravlju ne možete da prevaziđete što ste Jarac. Većina političara su Jarci, zbog čega je naša država uvek u rupi. Nije iznenađujuće što je političarima potrebna tolika sigurnost oko sebe sve vreme. Jarčevi su poput čudnog ukrštanja Lava i Device. Smatraju da ih to čini i harizmatičnim i logičnim. U stvarnosti, to znači da su zbijeni i izbirljivi, i da moraju da drže svoj ego u dvorištu. U slučaju nuklearnog rata, samo bi bubašvabe i Jarci pronašli način da prežive. Mi ostali jednostavno ne želimo da živimo u takvom svetu. Nacionalni sistem puteva sa naplatom putarine je verovatno dizajnirao jebeni Jarac. Oni uče kako da zajebaju javnost u ranom detinjstvu. Roditelji im kupuju knjige zakona za Božić kako bi mogli da podvuku rupe. Jarci ne mogu čak ni da dokuče, a još manje da opišu filozofske koncepte jer oni ne uključuju jednačine. (Pogledajte komentare o Dekartu i Hokingu iznad) Jarci poseduju mnogo filofaksa i drugih alata za organizovanje života koje nemaju. Vole da ih vide kako razgovaraju na svojim mobilnim telefonima. Ovi telefoni zapravo nisu uključeni jer Jarci nemaju prijatelja koje bi mogli da pozovu. Jarci su izašli iz mode 1989. Oni i dalje veruju da je Tramp bio vizionar. Većina ljudi uhapšenih zbog falsifikovanja su Jarčevi.

    Vodolija voli zabavu. Bilo kada, bilo gde je njihov moto. Nije malo verovatno da će Vodolija smatrati bdenje dobrim mestom za upoznavanje devojaka. Vodolije imaju tendenciju da budu nostalgični za 1960-im jer je to bio poslednji put da su mogli da budu goli u javnosti i da se izvuku. Vodolije vole da budu gole. Još je bolje ako su goli i nagnuti. Vodolije su potrošile 97,4% noćnog voza u poslednjih trideset godina. Skoro svaki Vodolijanac će tvrditi da je video Džerija Garsije u svojim Froot Loops bar jednom. Froot Loops je veoma Vodolijanska žitarica. Kao i Rajs Krispi, jer će se upustiti u prijateljski razgovor sa Vodolijom dok on ili ona doručkuju. Grof Čokula je, međutim, zabranjen. Pripada Škorpionima. Vodolije su jedini ljudi u zodijaku koji mogu sami sa sobom da igraju odbojku. I to često rade. Vodolije često koriste frazu „Čoveče, čoveče...“ kada opisuju filozofske koncepte. Vodolije svakodnevno imaju vantelesna iskustva. Ako razgovarate sa Vodolijom i on ili ona se udaljavaju, smatrajte da je razgovor beznadežan. On ili ona razgovaraju sa tipom tri stope od vas. Vodolije su zabavne jer kanališu ljude. Osim toga, ako im kažete, trčaće goli. Vodolije vole astronomiju jer su bili na svim tim mestima. Ako želite da znate kakva je hrana na Saturnu, pitajte Vodoliju. Oni takođe mogu hodati po vodi ako se jako trude. To se obično dešava u kadi. Vodolije mogu sebi dozvoliti svaki mogući porok na planeti, i ne razmišljajte dvaput o tome. Zato ljute sve ostale. Oni imaju kosmičko pravo da to urade. Većina rok zvezda su Vodolije.

    Gde god da krenete, smeh i komedija nastaju. Ovo bi bilo sjajno ako pokušavate da budete smešni. Duboko ste zbunjeni idejom seksa. Što se vas tiče, ako se to nije dogodilo u "The Velveteen Rabbit", to ne postoji. Žene Ribe nose dugačke lebdeće haljine i ogromne količine neobičnog srebrnog nakita. Na planinarenju. Ribe tvrde da vole zvezde, ali jedino sazvežđe koje mogu pronaći je Veliki medved. Ako ne mogu da ga pronađu, plaču. Sećate se šta ste nosili 3. marta 1981. ali zaboravite svoju adresu. Nemate osećaj za pravac. Ljudi koje zateknete da idu unazad brzinom od 70 mph na autoputu su obično Ribe. Ribe će najverovatnije umreti tako što će ispasti kroz prozor ili ih pregazi kamion. To je, naravno, osim ako ne žive sa Rakom. Ribe su toliko zonirane i stalno ugrožene da mogu da ispolje majčinske instinkte Lava. Međutim, nemojte se zavaravati; mnoge Ribe mogu da vas iznenade tako što će vam razbiti dupe i guzice vaša četiri imaginarna prijatelja. Dok Lavovi imaju tendenciju da postignu najveću slavu u oblasti zabave, Ribe nastoje da postignu istorijsku veličinu pukim slučajem. S ponosom vam kažu da su Mikelanđelo, Galilej, Džordž Vašington i Albert Ajnštajn, od kojih niko nije imao agenta, svi bili Ribe. Ono što vam neće reći je da je i Ted Kennedi. Ribe tvrde da žele "iskrenu kritiku" svog rada. Onda počine hara-kiri na podu kada kažeš da ti se ne sviđa. Nikada ne pokušavajte da koristite logiku sa Ribama; on ili ona žive oko tri stope od prirodnog tla ili u Narniji. Njihovi alati za debatu su non-sekuiturs, citati Elizabeth Barrett Brovning, i, naravno, plakanje. Nije važno koje jezičke načine Ribi koriste da opisuju filozofske koncepte jer ionako nisu sigurni da znaju o čemu govore. Plačete nad mrtvim životinjama na putu, ali ne osećate kajanje zbog košenja ljudi koji vam se ne sviđaju. Rakovi govore jedno, a rade drugo. Škorpije govore jedno i rade to samo iz inata. Ribe govore previše i rade šta god žele.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Capricorns are hardworking, reliable, and dull as hell.

    Yes, I am hard-working and reliable! But I'm not dull, I'm not! smiley
    Jarčevi su vredni, pouzdani i dosadni kao pakao.

    Da, vredan sam i pouzdan! Ali nisam dosadan, nisam! smiley
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    This is really funny

    Ovo je stvarno smešno

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    It's very cute and to be honest the only stars i can find is the little dipper or is it the big dipper  laugh_out_loud laugh_out_loud

    Johnny you are far from boring!!!!! You are a live wire  wink

    Veoma je sladak i da budem iskren, jedine zvezde koje mogu da nađem je mali medved ili je to veliki medved laugh_out_loudlaugh_out_loud

    Džoni ti si daleko od dosadnog!!!!! Vi ste živa žica wink

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I thought this was hysterical. "Cat Stevens' "Hard Headed Woman" was probably an Aries."

    Hard Headed Woman


    Mislio sam da je ovo histerično. „Tvrdoglava žena” Cat Stevens je verovatno bila Ovan.

    Hard Headed Voman


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    I'm an Aries married to a Scorpio... OY


    Ja sam Ovan oženjen Škorpijom... OI

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    I'm an Aries married to a Scorpio... OY

    No way! My hubby is a Scorpio too! That's funny gabby.


    Ja sam Ovan oženjen Škorpijom... OI

    Ne dolazi u obzir! I moj mužić je Škorpija! To je smešno gabi.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    This is a good laugh Froggy.  You brightened a dull afternoon.


    Ovo je dobar smeh Froggi. Ulepšali ste dosadno popodne.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    LMAOOO.. my ex is a Libra and he does make me nauseaded, he is bi-polar from hell, he always had stupid quotes, and trust me he sees a difference in EVERYTHING, picks at it to the point where you just say .. yea yea YEEEAAH OKAY NOW!

    Funny thing is.. i'm Libra too, i love cappicino, i eat ethic foods from cultures i don't understand.. i hate fast torquoise corduroy bell bottoms still fit me (love it with my glitter gold halter top and brown laced platforms) but really i swear i know where the trash goes.. the hole i dug in my backyard to make compose and burn those parachute pants and jam shorts

    LMAOOO.. moj bivši je Vaga i izaziva mi mučninu, on je bipolaran iz pakla, uvek je imao glupe citate, i veruj mi, on vidi razliku u SVEMU, bira to do tačke kada ti samo kažeš . iea iea IEEEAAH OKAI SADA!

    Smešna stvar je.. i ja sam Vaga, volim kapicino, jedem etičku hranu iz kultura koje ne razumem.. mrzim brzu hranu.. još uvek mi pristaju moji donji deo zvona od torkiznog sumota (obožavam ga sa svojim svetlucavim zlatnim halterom top i braon platforme sa pertlama) ali zaista se kunem da znam gde smeće ide.. rupa koju sam iskopao u svom dvorištu da bih sastavio i spalio te padobranske pantalone i džem šorts

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thanks froggy these were a lot of fun... I'm a Pisces and that description was all too accurate! Good thing I live with a Cancer...

    and remember this - Pisceans say far too much and do whatever the hell they want. (possibly the most accurate line in the description)


    Hvala žabo, ovo je bilo jako zabavno... Ja sam Riba i taj opis je bio previše tačan! Dobro je što živim sa Rakom...

    i zapamtite ovo - Ribe govore previše i rade šta god žele. (verovatno najtačnija linija u opisu)


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I am so elegant ...!!!!

    Tako sam elegantan...!!!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    im an aries and if anyone agrees to the post on aries i will be setting a bonfire tonight rofl jk wink kiss :'X

    ja sam ovan i ako se neko složi sa objavom o ovnu, večeras ću naložiti lomaču rofl jk winkkiss :'IKS

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    im an aries and if anyone agrees to the post on aries i will be setting a bonfire tonight rofl jk wink kiss :'X

    LMAOOOOOOOO I'm an Aries too rena and I've already burned up half of my neighborhood  LOL

    ja sam ovan i ako neko pristane na post o ovnu, večeras ću naložiti lomaču rofl jk winkkiss :'IKS

    LMAOOOOOOOO I ja sam Ovan rena i već sam spalio pola svog komšiluka LOL
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    lol hun <3

    lol hun <3

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