I only had one story when I tried casino gambling because before that I only did sports betting on my favorite game, which is soccer. When I decided to play casino games, I went to the Casinocanada.com site and chose one from the list. There was some kind of first deposit, some kind of bonus, I don't remember exactly, to make a long story short, it was like I was trying to win something and I realize that no matter how hard I try, nothing works, then I just started spinning like boom slots and you won't believe it, I started winning and then of course I got sucked in and ended up winning nothing. So after this case I just came here to have a good time and distract myself from a hard day at work.
Imao sam samo jednu priču kada sam probao kockanje u kazinu jer sam se pre toga bavio samo sportskim klađenjem na moju omiljenu igru, a to je fudbal. Kada sam odlučio da igram kazino igre, otišao sam na sajt Casinocanada.com i izabrao jednu sa liste. Bio je neka vrsta prvog depozita, neka vrsta bonusa, ne sećam se tačno, da skratim priču, kao da sam pokušavao nešto da osvojim i shvatam da koliko god da se trudim ništa ne ide, onda sam samo počeo da se vrtim kao bum slotovi i nećete verovati, počeo sam da pobeđujem i onda sam naravno bio uvučen i na kraju nisam dobio ništa. Tako da sam nakon ovog slučaja došao samo da se dobro provedem i odvratim pažnju od napornog dana na poslu.