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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    How do you discipline your kids?

    I use time out, and I NEVER spank. I was brought with getting spanked with the belt, and I made a promise that I would never do that to my kids. I have to admit that I am guilty of raising my voice though. I try to control it, but sometimes I get soooo mad that I could just scream.

    I also take privleges away, early bedtimes, no TV, or they have to take an hour nap.

    Do you believe in spanking?

    What discipline works the best for you?


    Kako disciplinujete svoju decu?

    Koristim tajm-aut i NIKADA ne udaram. Doveden sam sa udarcem kaišem, i obećao sam da to nikada neću učiniti svojoj deci. Moram priznati da sam ipak kriv što sam povisio ton. Pokušavam da to kontrolišem, ali ponekad se tako naljutim da mogu samo da vrištim.

    Takođe oduzimam privilegije, rano odlazak na spavanje, bez TV-a, ili moraju da odspavaju sat vremena.

    Da li verujete u batinanje?

    Koja disciplina vam najbolje odgovara?


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I was very lucky.. my daughter did what i said.. if it was no, she simply obeyed.. as she got older whatever rules i had she followed no matter what it was.. i set the example, and she followed my lead.. but you also have to be very careful with this.. children pay more attention to the parents then you think.. the thing with this is she was an only child so it was easy, it is others that have the influence, so i think if i would of had more children i would probably had to have another type of discipline.

    The worse i ever got in losing my temper would be getting loud and yelling some kind of profanity. I wouldn't spank, probably use the time out or take away priviledge..

    Imao sam mnogo sreće.. moja ćerka je uradila ono što sam rekao.. ako nije, jednostavno je poslušala.. kako je starila, ona je sledila koja god pravila koja sam imala.. ja sam dao primer, a ona je sledila moja vodi.. ali i sa ovim moraš biti veoma oprezan.. deca obraćaju više pažnje na roditelje nego što misliš.. stvar u tome je da je ona bila jedinac pa je bilo lako, drugi imaju uticaj, tako da mislim da bih imao više dece verovatno bih morao da imam drugu vrstu discipline.

    Što sam gore ikad izgubio živce, to bi bilo da sam bio glasan i da vičem neku vrstu vulgarnosti. Ne bih udario, verovatno iskoristio tajm aut ili oduzeo privilegiju..

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I have a 3 year old and 4 year old, and different things for for each.  My 4 year old son is very bright, has always been so spanking (like smacking the hand etc.) did more harm than good I found with him.  For him now, it's timeouts and taking away something he likes.  That really does the trick.  I usually just have to threaten him with 'do you want a timeout....want me to take your xxx away until tomorrow' and it works like a charm because he really 'gets' the threat.  The few times I have to followup with them, he gets very upset but i still will do the timeout/toy takeaway etc. even if it kills me.

    My daughter who is 3, well she is a different gal lol.  You could probably take everything away from her and she won't give a hoot nor will she connect that it's being taken away because of her behavior.  She understands timeouts and it doesn't have to be in a room, i can sit her on the couch and say 'you're in a 1 minute timeout' and she will flip out because she is in trouble.  Just being in trouble is bad for her.  Whatever I do, I try to talk to them so they know.  Chance knows already, he's so aware, but Sinclaire you have to sit down and really get eye level and make her look at you so she understands why she is in trouble.  She's very happy go lucky, everything is fun, and we are possibly guilty of being lighter on her because she is a girl and the baby but we're trying to change that.

    Imam dete od 3 godine i od 4 godine, i različite stvari za svakog. Moj 4-godišnji sin je veoma bistar, oduvek je toliko udarao (poput udarca po ruci itd.) koji mi je naneo više štete nego koristi. Za njega je sada tajm-aut i oduzimanje nečega što voli. To zaista radi trik. Obično samo moram da mu zapretim sa 'hoćeš li tajm-aut.... želiš da ti odnesem kkk do sutra' i to deluje kao šarm jer on zaista 'dobije' pretnju. Nekoliko puta kada moram da ih pratim, on se veoma uznemiri, ali ja ću ipak uraditi tajm-aut/odnošenje igračaka itd. čak i ako me to ubije.

    Moja ćerka koja ima 3 godine, pa ona je drugačija devojka lol. Verovatno biste mogli da joj oduzmete sve, a ona neće da se zabrine niti će povezati da joj se to oduzima zbog njenog ponašanja. Ona razume tajm-aute i ne mora da bude u sobi, mogu da je sednem na kauč i kažem 'na tajmautu si od 1 minuta' i ona će se trgnuti jer je u nevolji. Samo biti u nevolji je loše za nju. Šta god da radim, pokušavam da razgovaram sa njima da znaju. Šansa već zna, on je tako svestan, ali Sinkler moraš da sedneš i stvarno podigneš oči i nateraš je da te pogleda kako bi razumela zašto je u nevolji. Srećno je srećna, sve je zabavno, a mi smo možda krivi što smo bili blaži prema njoj jer je devojčica i beba, ali pokušavamo da to promenimo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    A former psychologist can get ALL over this one! 

    I don't spank my kids, but I am not totally against it.  Obviously, spanking has gotten a bad reputation.  Also, there are good studies out which reveal spanking may not be a good idea.  However, and some of you are not going to like this, there are also good studies that state spanking (if done within specific boundaries) may be an effective way of disciplining a small child.  You'll never hear about these studies on The Today Show or Oprah.

    Time-outs have pluses and lots of minuses.  When I used to do family therapy I would often see kids who were utter and complete brats who were disciplined by....you guessed it....time-outs.

    ***The number ONE best way to discipline your child is to NOT give in to what they want.  If you as a parent are always buying your kids crap, reliving your resolved childhood through them, never saying no, or trying to be their "friend," then you are running a high risk of having a brat and problem adult later on.

    Bivši psiholog može da pređe SVE preko ovoga!

    Ne tučem svoju decu, ali nisam ni protiv toga. Očigledno, batinanje je steklo lošu reputaciju. Takođe, postoje dobre studije koje otkrivaju da batinanje možda nije dobra ideja. Međutim, a nekima od vas se ovo neće svideti, postoje i dobre studije da batinanje (ako se radi u određenim granicama) može biti efikasan način disciplinovanja malog deteta. Nikada nećete čuti za ove studije u emisiji The Todai Shov ili Oprah.

    Tajm-auti imaju pluseve i dosta minusa. Kada sam radila porodičnu terapiju, često sam viđala decu koja su bila potpuna i potpuna derišta koja su bila disciplinovana... pogađate... tajm-autima.

    ***Najbolji način broj JEDAN da disciplinujete svoje dete je da NE popustite ono što želi. Ako vi kao roditelj uvek kupujete sranje svojoj deci, proživljavate svoje rešeno detinjstvo kroz njih, nikada ne kažete ne, ili pokušavate da im budete „prijatelj“, onda rizikujete da ćete kasnije imati derište i problematičnu odraslu osobu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    As much as I don't believe in spanking, I must admit that if my child ever crossed the lines, spanking isn't good enough. my son is too young to understand this but my daughter sure knows it and so far we both have been blessed.
    All of her friends think I am a saint and envy her but if you ask my daughter, she will tell you this..."oh,you don't know my mother well...she can be the nicest mother on earth but she can make you pee in your pants just with her evil eyes if you cross her..."
    CURFEW......absolutely be followed!!! Discipline......Is must needed if necessary!!!

    Koliko god da ne verujem u batinanje, moram da priznam da ako je moje dete ikada prešlo granicu, batinanje nije dovoljno dobro. moj sin je premlad da to razume, ali moja ćerka to sigurno zna i do sada smo oboje bili blagosloveni.
    Svi njeni prijatelji misle da sam svetac i zavide joj, ali ako pitaš moju ćerku, ona će ti reći ovo... "Oh, ti ne poznaješ dobro moju majku... ona može biti najlepša majka na svetu, ali može da te natera da piškiš u pantalone samo svojim zlim očima ako je pređeš...“
    CURFEV......apsolutno pratite!!! Disciplina......Mora se po potrebi!!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    A former psychologist can get ALL over this one! 

    I don't spank my kids, but I am not totally against it.  Obviously, spanking has gotten a bad reputation.  Also, there are good studies out which reveal spanking may not be a good idea.  However, and some of you are not going to like this, there are also good studies that state spanking (if done within specific boundaries) may be an effective way of disciplining a small child.  You'll never hear about these studies on The Today Show or Oprah.

    Time-outs have pluses and lots of minuses.  When I used to do family therapy I would often see kids who were utter and complete brats who were disciplined by....you guessed it....time-outs.

    ***The number ONE best way to discipline your child is to NOT give in to what they want.  If you as a parent are always buying your kids crap, reliving your resolved childhood through them, never saying no, or trying to be their "friend," then you are running a high risk of having a brat and problem adult later on.

    I agree with you.. and yes.. i do beleive that MAYBE at a certain time, spanking might be a way to go, if done so correctly.. yes there are some very unruly children out there.. some are not at their own fault but fault of the parent, i've seen some parents that need a really good whoop a**. Some children are just out of control and a parent might feel it is the last resort..

    Mainly and we have all seen it in the grocery stores where the parent is whipping the child all the way out to the car.. how does that become so nessesary.. what has the child done so bad.. wouldn't listen to the words "behave yourself in the store?" The parent needs to LISTEN to the child.. therefore a child will grow to listen to them.. it's all that in most cases would be needed to just listen and pay attention.

    Bivši psiholog može da pređe SVE preko ovoga!

    Ne tučem svoju decu, ali nisam ni protiv toga. Očigledno, batinanje je steklo lošu reputaciju. Takođe, postoje dobre studije koje otkrivaju da batinanje možda nije dobra ideja. Međutim, a nekima od vas se ovo neće svideti, postoje i dobre studije da batinanje (ako se radi u određenim granicama) može biti efikasan način disciplinovanja malog deteta. Nikada nećete čuti za ove studije u emisiji The Todai Shov ili Oprah.

    Tajm-auti imaju pluseve i dosta minusa. Kada sam radila porodičnu terapiju, često sam viđala decu koja su bila potpuna i potpuna derišta koja su bila disciplinovana... pogađate... tajm-autima.

    ***Najbolji način broj JEDAN da disciplinujete svoje dete je da NE popustite ono što želi. Ako vi kao roditelj uvek kupujete sranje svojoj deci, proživljavate svoje rešeno detinjstvo kroz njih, nikada ne kažete ne, ili pokušavate da im budete „prijatelj“, onda rizikujete da ćete kasnije imati derište i problematičnu odraslu osobu.

    Slažem se sa tobom.. i da.. verujem da bi MOŽDA u određeno vreme, batinanje mogla biti pravi način da se uradi, ako se to uradi kako treba.. da, tamo ima neke veoma neposlušne dece.. neka nisu na svome sopstvena krivica, ali krivica roditelja, video sam neke roditelje kojima je potrebna stvarno dobra kurva. Neka deca su jednostavno izmakla kontroli i roditelj bi mogao da oseti da je to poslednje rešenje.

    Uglavnom i svi smo to videli u prodavnicama gde roditelj šiba dete sve do auta.. kako je to postalo tako neophodno.. šta je dete tako loše uradilo.. nije hteo da sluša reči "pristojno se ponašaj u prodavnici?" Roditelj treba da SLUŠA dete.. pa će dete rasti da ih sluša.. to je sve što bi u većini slučajeva bilo potrebno samo da sluša i obrati pažnju.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well, I came from an time I LOATHED the "Mattel" toy company. They made a toy which had (what they called) "Hot Tracks" and brother, having one of them across your behind did hurt.

    I agree there's pros and cons to spanking. I think I'd try eveything else unless the situation called for it. It's really strange how a kid punished or not will grow up.

    I recall one of the richest Oregonians (He owned  Weyerhaeuser ) and this guy had the bucks BIGTIME. He also had 2 sons. One was working dilligently for the company, the other one was a bank robber.

    They both had college educations, but somewhere along the way, one went bad, the other good....Strange.

    Pa, došao sam iz vremena kada sam MRZIO kompaniju igračaka "Mattel". Napravili su igračku koja je imala (kako su zvali) "Vruće staze" i brata, što ti je jedan od njih preko leđa boleo.

    Slažem se da ima prednosti i nedostatke batina. Mislim da bih pokušao sve drugo osim ako situacija to ne zahteva. Zaista je čudno kako će dete kažnjeno ili ne odrasti.

    Sećam se jednog od najbogatijih Oregonaca (posedovao je Veierhaeuser) i ovaj tip je imao VELIKI dolar. Imao je i 2 sina. Jedan je vredno radio za kompaniju, drugi je bio pljačkaš banke.

    Oboje su imali fakultetsko obrazovanje, ali negde usput, jedno je loše, drugo dobro.... Čudno.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yeah geneco it is strange how that happens. Kids from the same up bringing will go different ways sometimes. It makes me wonder what my kids are going to be when they grow up..I really hope they all do the right thing in life.


    Da geneco, čudno je kako se to dešava. Deca iz istog odrastanja ponekad idu različitim putevima. Pitam se šta će moja deca biti kada porastu.. Zaista se nadam da će svi učiniti pravu stvar u životu.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Most social psychologist say we are about to see an adult generation of narcissists.  Though some in that generation will be highly service oriented, most will not and be super self absorbed people.  We have those in every generation, right?  Yes, we do.  But, this will (likely) be an above average group in that area.

    Većina socijalnih psihologa kaže da ćemo uskoro videti odraslu generaciju narcisa. Iako će neki u toj generaciji biti visoko orijentisani na usluge, većina neće i biti ljudi koji su veoma samopouzdani. Imamo ih u svakoj generaciji, zar ne? Da. Ali, ovo će (verovatno) biti natprosečna grupa u toj oblasti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I remember when I was a child, when my dad was alive.

    He used to call it Lickings..I would have to go get the belt myself. It was big and red and leather shocked

    It had these holes in it..I will never forget the walk back from getting it. laugh_out_loud

    I would be petrified. However, I was a BIG help to my 6 brothers and sisters since I was the oldest, and I usually didn't get the "lickings."

    When I moved in with my grandmother, she would do more threatening than spanking, and when she got real mad, usually over silly things, she would come after me, and I couldn't help but laugh. Looking back, it probably wasn't my smartest move.


    Sećam se kada sam bio dete, kada je moj tata bio živ.

    Zvao je to Lickings..Morao bih sam da idem po pojas. Bila je velika i crvena i kožna shocked

    Imao je ove rupe u sebi.. Nikada neću zaboraviti šetnju nazad od uzimanja. laugh_out_loud

    bio bih skamenjen. Međutim, bio sam VELIKA pomoć za svojih 6 braće i sestara od kada sam bio najstariji, i obično nisam dobijao "lizanje".

    Kad sam se uselio kod bake, ona bi više pretila nego batina, a kada bi se jako naljutila, obično zbog gluposti, dolazila bi za mnom, a ja nisam mogao da se ne smejem. Gledajući unazad, to verovatno nije bio moj najpametniji potez.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Though me and my sisters and brothers never got it.. my mom used to chase us with the dreaded hanger.. we'd get on the top bunk all the way against the wall she couldn't reach us, i can still hear her.. umph, umph.. trying to reach up there.. i know she was missing us on purpose now.. but then we didn't lol.. with my father.. all he had to do was put his hand on the buckle of his belt like he was gonna undo it while he was wearing it and look at us.. oh we shut up immediately.. mainly it was just a quick loud YAAAWWLLLL from my father when we got unruly.. it worked.. i don't remember not one single spanking... but i remember the chases loool

    Iako ja i moje sestre i braća to nikada nismo dobili.. moja mama nas je jurila sa strašnom vešalom.. seli bismo na gornji krevet skroz do zida, ona nije mogla da nas dohvati, još uvek je čujem .. hm, hm .. pokušava da dohvati gore .. znam da nam je sada namerno nedostajala .. ali tada nismo lol .. sa mojim ocem .. sve što je trebao da uradi je da stavi ruku na kopča njegovog kaiša kao da će ga otkopčati dok ga je nosio i pogledaj nas.. oh, odmah smo ućutali.. uglavnom je to bio samo brzi glasni JAAAVVLLLL od mog oca kada smo postali neposlušni.. uspelo je.. ja ne sećam se ni jednog jedinog batina... ali sećam se jurnjave loool

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Mommy:  Those who advocate spanking children would NOT suggest doing it the way you experienced as a child.

    Mama: Oni koji zagovaraju batinanje dece NE bi predložili da to radite onako kako ste doživljavali kao dete.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I agree, to this day it is why I don't spank my kids.


    Slažem se, do danas zbog toga ne tučem svoju decu.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I grew up in TX from 5 years to 15, and in the third grade a group of us girls got into trouble and ended up getting spanked with a wooden paddle with holes in it from the principle.  Lucky me, I was wearing a dress on that day that when I bent over gave them access directly to my bare behind.  It was torture, I still remember the pain and the humiliation.  I was crying in the bathroom for the rest of the day.  I *think* that isn't allowed in schools anymore, and it sure as heck better not be when my kids go. 

    Odrasla sam u Teksasu od 5 godina do 15, a u trećem razredu grupa nas devojaka upala je u nevolju i na kraju je bila batina sa woo den veslo sa rupama u njemu iz principa. Na moju sreću, tog dana sam nosila haljinu koja im je, kada sam se sagnula, omogućila pristup direktno mojim golim leđima. Bilo je to mučenje, još se sećam bola i poniženja. Plakala sam u kupatilu do kraja dana. *Mislim* da to više nije dozvoljeno u školama, i sigurno je bolje da ne bude kada moja deca idu.

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