Hi Gang:
I live alone, and spend alot fo time here at LCB. Things like cleaning get neglected till it is absolutley necessry. For example, I dont dust. I just let it collect into a large ball and use it for furniture.
I thought it might be helpful to list a few of the signs it is time to clean.
Your front door has more fingerprints than the FBI.
The dust mites are having an anniversary party under your bed.
You are wearing clothes from the floor of the closet - inside out
Your family is eating off paper plates so you don't have to open the cabinets.
You need a gas mask when you open the refrigerator.
The kids can't find their toys -- in fact they can't find the toy box.
The garbage disposal is coughing.
You can't find the cordless phone unless it rings.
You can't turn on the ceiling fan without creating a dust storm.
Your chore for the day is to find the vacuum cleaner bags -- and the vacuum cleaner.
The remote control has been lost in a sofa crack since the end of football season.
The kitty litter is a concrete block.
The cat has been missing for three days.
There is something solid and black in the bottom of the coffeepot.
You can't decide whether to clean the windows or just buy mini blinds.
The dog has offered to loan you his doghouse.
The mail hasn't been opened since last tax season.
The piles of magazines may fall over and bury you.
You are afraid to turn on the oven because bugs may be raising a family in there.
You wonder if a hose down would ruin the carpets.
There is something sprouting in the dishwasher.
The washing machine reminds you of a concrete mixer.
You introduce your kids as the three little pigs.
You can't go outside because fresh air makes you dizzy.
It seems easier to move than to clean the house.
If any of these seem slightly familiar, it may be time to message Zuga you'll be gone for a few days and CLEAN.
Da li je vreme da, uh....počistimo?
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