Kids do say the funniest things.
I recall my son when he was about 4 - he had just come home from school and I was doing some ironing.
He said to me " mum they use bad language at school". Trying not to make too much out of it, I said calmly "oh really - what sort of things are they saying...don't say it, just say the first letter". He said "they say the S word". I said "what - SH word" - he said yes. I asked him what else they said. He said "The B word". I asked him what the second letter was. "The second letter is an L and the third letter is an O". I said "oh dear - thats not nice - I hope you don't say it". He replied "nah".
I asked him if there was anything else. He said "yeah - one other - the F word". My jaw dropped and I dreaded what was about to come next. I calmly asked him "what's the second letter then". He said "Its an A". I thought thank goodness it wasn't the "U" but what could it be. I said - "oh really - so what's the next letter. He said "R". ....and the other letters I asked? He decided to spell the whole word for me. His eyes wide open and that cute look of shock that kids have and his hands palm up and his arms open wide he said "F A R T". "Oh that's not nice at all" I said.
I wanted to laugh out loud so much, my sides were hurting but I didn't dare. I had to run out of the room and I just could not stop laughing for what seemed a very long time. What I thought was going to literally be the "F" word turned out to be the funniest cutest thing ever. I have never and will never forget it.
Deca govore najsmešnije stvari.
Sećam se svog sina kada je imao oko 4 godine – upravo se vratio iz škole, a ja sam peglala.
Rekao mi je "mama, u školi govore ružan jezik". Trudeći se da od toga ne pravim previše, rekao sam mirno „oh, stvarno – kakve stvari pričaju... ne govori, samo reci prvo slovo“. Rekao je "oni kažu S reč". Rekao sam "šta - SH reč" - rekao je da. Pitao sam ga šta su još rekli. Rekao je "reč B". Pitao sam ga koje je drugo pismo. „Drugo slovo je L, a treće slovo je O“. Rekao sam "o, dragi - to nije lepo - nadam se da to nećeš reći". Odgovorio je "ne".
Pitao sam ga da li ima još nešto. Rekao je "da - jedno drugo - reč na F". Vilica mi je pala i plašio sam se onoga što će uslediti. Mirno sam ga pitao „koje je onda drugo pismo“. Rekao je "A". Mislio sam, hvala bogu, da nije "U", ali šta bi moglo biti. Rekao sam - "Oh, stvarno - pa šta je sledeće slovo. On je rekao "R". .... i ostala slova koja sam pitao? Odlučio je da speluje celu reč umesto mene. Njegove oči širom otvorene i onaj slatki pogled šoka koju deca imaju i sa dlanovima nagore i širom raširenih ruku rekao je "PRDI". "Oh, to uopšte nije lepo" rekao sam.
Toliko sam želeo da se nasmejem naglas, boljele su me bokovi, ali nisam smeo. Morao sam da istrčim iz sobe i jednostavno nisam mogao da prestanem da se smejem, što se činilo veoma dugo. Ono što sam mislio da će bukvalno biti reč na "F" ispostavilo se kao najsmešnija najslađa stvar ikada. Nikada to nisam i nikada neću zaboraviti.