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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi Members,

    Laughter always makes us feel better. I know certain people in my life really make me laugh. But there are moments when laughing is NO laughing matter. I have a bad habit of laughing when im not suppose to...and because of that it makes me laugh more!

    From the time i was a kid in school i got in trouble for laughing. On one ocassion me and my best friend started laughing in class. The teacher said if we did not stop we would be sent to the principals office...wrong thing to only made us laugh more! Down at the principals office the secretary asks..."why are you girls here"..we laughed so hard we couldnt even talk...she made us sit in opposite corners til we stopped.....which took another 15 minutes to calm down. When in the principals office we had a laughing fit again....needless to say he was ticked...and we had a detention after school for it.

    Once when i was working...the girls got called into our bosses office. He had a tendency to purse his lips when he talked. Right before walking in one of my co-workers comments..."i wonder if he will purse his lips in the meeting". Well he did! I started to giggle...and im fighting it hard....i know im about to have a laughing fit. My co-workers glance at me in the meeting and before you know it there struggling NOT to laugh! I began to laugh uncontrollably...tears streaming down my face..i try to think of something sad to stop to no avail! I literally had to leave in the middle of the meeting. Later i had to humbly apologize to my boss for the disruption..explaining that someone told me a joke right before i walked in!

    The other day i was sitting on my front porch with a good friend of mine. My neighbor across the street saw me...she headed towards us...i mumbled to my friend.."please please don't let her come over and talk". Well she did.......and me and my bud started laughing so hard...we could not stop!

    One time i had to go to a funeral..on the way there i told my we can not have a laughing fit when we get there ( it was a funeral for a distant relative of a friend).  After giving our respects to the family, we sit down...she looks at me..i look at her.....and the laughing begins.........we had to pretend we were crying!

    It seems i am always getting myself into jams for laughing when im not suppose to! Have you ever laughed at the wrong time?


    Zdravo članovi,

    Smeh uvek čini da se osećamo bolje. Znam da me određeni ljudi u životu zaista zasmeju. Ali postoje trenuci kada se smejanje NE sme smejati. Imam lošu naviku da se smejem kada ne bih smeo...i zbog toga me više zasmejava!

    Od vremena kada sam bio klinac u školi, upadao sam u nevolje zbog smejanja. Jednom prilikom smo ja i moj najbolji drug počeli da se smejemo na času. Učiteljica je rekla da ako ne stanemo bićemo poslani u direktorsku kancelariju...pogrešno rečeno..samo nas je još više nasmejalo! Dole u direktorskoj kancelariji pita sekretarica..."zašto ste devojke ovde"..toliko smo se smejali da nismo mogli da pričamo...terala nas je da sedimo u suprotnim uglovima dok nismo stali...što je trajalo još 15 minuta da se smiri. Kada smo bili u direktorskoj kancelariji, ponovo smo imali smeh... suvišno je reći da je bio tikvan... i zbog toga smo imali pritvor posle škole.

    Jednom kada sam radio... devojke su pozvane u kancelariju našeg šefa. Imao je tendenciju da skupi usne kada je pričao. Neposredno pre nego što sam ušao u komentare jednog od mojih saradnika..."pitam se da li će stisnuti usne na sastanku". Pa jeste! Počeo sam da se kikoćem...i teško se borim....znam da će mi se smejati. Moji saradnici me pogledaju na sastanku i pre nego što to primetite, bore se da se NE smeju! Počeo sam da se nekontrolisano smejem...suze su mi tekle niz lice..pokušavam da smislim nešto tužno da prestanem bezuspešno! Morao sam bukvalno da odem usred sastanka. Kasnije sam morao da se ponizno izvinim svom šefu zbog ometanja..objašnjavajući da mi je neko rekao vic neposredno pre nego što sam ušao!

    Pre neki dan sam sedeo na tremu sa mojim dobrim prijateljem. Moja komšinica preko puta me je videla...zaputila se prema nama...promrmljala sam svojoj drugarici..."molim te, nemoj da joj dozvoliš da dođe i priča". Pa ona jeste.......i ja i moj pupoljak smo počeli da se smejemo tako jako...nismo mogli da prestanemo!

    Jednom sam morao da idem na putu do tamo rekao sam svom prijatelju..sada ne možemo da se smejemo kada stignemo tamo (to je bila sahrana za daljeg rođaka prijatelja). Nakon što smo se poklonili porodici, sedamo...ona me gleda..ja pogledam nju.....i počinje smeh.........morali smo da se pretvaramo da plačemo!

    Čini se da sam uvek u gužvi zbog smeha kada ne bi trebalo! Da li ste se ikada smejali u pogrešno vreme?


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

        I Love to laugh.  The laugh that hurts your stomach. The laugh that threatens to have you wet yourself.  The laugh that makes you literally drop to your knees as you can't stand up or walk.  (Like the guy in the casino with the fan blowing at me)

            There are many times when I laughed I shouldn't of. 
          Once,  I was at a funeral as well. It was all somber and people were paying their last respects.  This woman walks up and as she is sniffling,  when suddenly the heel on her shoe broke.  Wobble... wobble...Like she is drunk, arms flailing...
            Down she goes. Right on her keister.
    Now mind you she wasn't hurt, except her pride. But she took one look at her shoe and busted out crying harder than she had been crying before over the departed. Must of been her favorite pair of shoes. I let out a laugh that was much to LOUD.  I had to actually leave the room, and could not return for several minutes as that scene kept running thru my mind and made me laugh all over again.  (Just to let you know, I was NOT the only one laughing.) I think in a serious situation like a funeral our bodies take over and release the stress any way it can.

          Another time....
    I have a friend who wears a wig do to medical reasons.  Well we were minding our own business one day and we get rear ended, a fairly good bump.  Off flies her wig,  right into the back seat in my lap.  I'm telling you there was nothing funny about that situation, But I busted out hysterically.  The look on her face from the impact, and then to see her grabbing her head and become aware she had just lost her wig, was too much for me.  I picked it up and threw it to her  "Here, I believe this belongs to you." cheesy Then she started laughing too.  Then I laughed harder.

              Laughter  is a wonderful gift....

    Volim da se smejem. Smeh koji te boli u stomaku. Smeh koji preti da se pokvasi. Smeh koji vas tera da bukvalno padnete na kolena jer ne možete da ustanete ili hodate. (Kao tip u kazinu sa ventilatorom koji duva na mene)

    Mnogo puta sam se smejao, a ne bi trebalo.
    Jednom sam i ja bio na sahrani. Sve je bilo tmurno i ljudi su odavali poslednju počast. Ova žena priđe i dok šmrcne, odjednom joj je pukla potpetica na cipeli. Ljuti se... klati se... Kao da je pijana, mašu rukama...
    Ona ide dole. Pravo na njen keister.
    Imajte na umu da nije povređena, osim njenog ponosa. Ali bacila je jedan pogled na svoju cipelu i raspala se plačući jače nego što je ranije plakala nad pokojnicima. Mora da je njen omiljeni par cipela. Ispustio sam smeh koji je bio veoma GLASAN. Morao sam da napustim sobu i nisam mogao da se vratim nekoliko minuta jer mi je ta scena prolazila kroz misli i iznova me nasmejala. (Samo da znate, NISAM se samo ja smejao.) Mislim da u ozbiljnoj situaciji poput sahrane naša tela preuzimaju i oslobađaju stres na bilo koji način.

    Drugi put....
    Imam prijatelja koji nosi periku iz medicinskih razloga. Pa, jednog dana smo gledali svoja posla i dobili smo pozadinu, prilično dobar udarac. Odletela je njena perika, pravo na zadnje sedište u mom krilu. Kažem ti da nije bilo ništa smešno u toj situaciji, ali sam ispao histerično. Izraz njenog lica od udarca, a zatim da vidim kako se hvata za glavu i postaje svesna da je upravo izgubila periku, bilo je previše za mene. Podigao sam ga i bacio joj "Evo, verujem da ovo pripada tebi." cheesy Onda je i ona počela da se smeje. Onda sam se jače nasmejao.

    Smeh je divan dar....

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi PMM,

    You crack me up about the woman with the heel...........i would havd died laughing. Someone who trips or falls is another moment of complete hysterics.

    I remember once when i was a mom was coming down the stairs that led into our living room. It was a flight of about 12 stairs...she tripped on one of the stairs...and bounced on her booty down the next 5 steps like a ping pong ball.

    Now i knew she was not hurt or any danger....and i will tell you why. As she bounced down each step...she looked down dead at me to see if i was laughing at her. She gave me a look of ...don't you dare laugh.......that was it...i think i laughed a half hour after that.

    Another time we were coming out of the grocery store and she tripped in the parking lot.......bags flying.....fruit rolling down the street...she sits on the ground unconcerned about the groceries or cars coming. Her concern...........lookin up at me to see if i was laughing...and of course i was!


    Zdravo PMM,

    Razbesneo si me za ženu sa štiklom...........da bih umro od smeha. Neko ko se spotakne ili padne je još jedan trenutak potpune histerije.

    Sećam se jednom kada sam bio tinejdžer...moja mama je silazila niz stepenice koje su vodile u našu dnevnu sobu. Bio je to let od oko 12 stepenica...saplela se o jednu od stepenica...i odskočila na svom plenu niz sledećih 5 stepenica kao loptica za ping pong.

    Sada sam znao da nije povređena ili bilo kakva opasnost....i reći ću vam zašto. Dok je poskakivala niz svaku stepenicu... mrtva je gledala u mene da vidi da li joj se smejem. Pogledala me je...da se nisi usudio da se smeješ je bilo to...mislim da sam se smejao pola sata posle toga.

    Drugi put kada smo izlazili iz prodavnice i ona se saplela na parkingu.......kese lete.....voće se kotrlja ulicom...ona sedi na zemlji bezbrižna za namirnice ili automobile dolazi. Njena briga...........pogledala je u mene da vidi da li se smejem...i naravno da jesam!


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh my goodness, i'm so guilty of this..
    I get into so much trouble for laughing.. and the shameful looks
    only make me laugh harder, its like a disease i'm stricken with
    But i just can't help it.. its like i'm gonna need
    Laughers Anonymous, for reals Lips.. are we sick?  cheesy

    O moj Bože, tako sam kriv za ovo..
    Upadam u nevolje zbog smeha.. i sramotnih pogleda
    samo me jače smejati, to je kao bolest od koje sam pogođen
    Ali jednostavno ne mogu pomoći.. kao da će mi trebati
    Anonimni smejaci, stvarno Usne.. jesmo li bolesni? cheesy

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh my goodness, i'm so guilty of this..
    I get into so much trouble for laughing.. and the shameful looks
    only make me laugh harder, its like a disease i'm stricken with
    But i just can't help it.. its like i'm gonna need
    Laughers Anonymous, for reals Lips.. are we sick?  cheesy
    Lmaoooo if we are least its a fun sickness girl!

    O moj Bože, tako sam kriv za ovo..
    Upadam u nevolje zbog smeha.. i sramotnih pogleda
    samo me jače smejati, to je kao bolest od koje sam pogođen
    Ali jednostavno ne mogu pomoći.. kao da će mi trebati
    Anonimni smejaci, stvarno Usne.. jesmo li bolesni? cheesy
    Lmaoooo ako smo je zabavna bolesnica!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    oh the things that go through your head when u try to keep from bursting out loud in starts with the little chirps i let out...and as soon as i think "i wonder if ppl know i'm laughing"...i let out this honk from my nasal passage...and then another one...frantically i bite all i can hear are little sounds of hiccups on rapid fire....and don't ask me why..but i thinketh again "can they tell???"....this time it's all over...chirp chirp...honk honk.......only escape...i make like i'm about to unload a huge load and run for the washroom...and let it all out...the laughter (the load was fake)...and when i return..i never go back to my seat - standing at the back is actually the best seat in the house

    oh stvari koje ti prolaze kroz glavu kada pokušavaš da sprečiš da ne prasneš glasno od smeha...počinje sa malim cvrkutom koje ispuštam...i čim pomislim "pitam se da li ljudi znaju da se smejem "... pustio sam ovo trube iz nosnog prolaza... a onda još jedno... mahnito zagrizem... tako da sve što mogu da čujem su mali zvuci štucanja na brzoj paljbi... i ne ne pitaj me zašto..ali opet pomislim "mogu li reći???"....ovaj put je sve gotovo...cvrkuti cvrkuti...trubiti huk.......samo pobjeći...ja pravim se kao da ću istovariti ogroman tovar i trčati u toalet...i pustiti sve...smeh (tovar je bio lažan)...i kad se vratim..nikad se ne vraćam u svoj sedište - stajanje pozadi je zapravo najbolje sedište u kući

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    oh the things that go through your head when u try to keep from bursting out loud in starts with the little chirps i let out...and as soon as i think "i wonder if ppl know i'm laughing"...i let out this honk from my nasal passage...and then another one...frantically i bite all i can hear are little sounds of hiccups on rapid fire....and don't ask me why..but i thinketh again "can they tell???"....this time it's all over...chirp chirp...honk honk.......only escape...i make like i'm about to unload a huge load and run for the washroom...and let it all out...the laughter (the load was fake)...and when i return..i never go back to my seat - standing at the back is actually the best seat in the house just erupted another laughing fit! Was it okay to laugh!!!!!!!!!

    oh stvari koje ti prolaze kroz glavu kada pokušavaš da sprečiš da ne prasneš glasno od smeha...počinje sa malim cvrkutom koje ispuštam...i čim pomislim "pitam se da li ljudi znaju da se smejem "... pustio sam ovo trube iz nosnog prolaza... a onda još jedno... mahnito zagrizem... tako da sve što mogu da čujem su mali zvuci štucanja na brzoj paljbi... i ne ne pitaj me zašto..ali opet pomislim "mogu li reći???"....ovaj put je sve gotovo...cvrkuti cvrkuti...trubiti huk.......samo pobjeći...ja pravim se kao da ću istovariti ogroman tovar i trčati u toalet...i pustiti sve...smeh (tovar je bio lažan)...i kad se vratim..nikad se ne vraćam u svoj sedište - stajanje pozadi je zapravo najbolje sedište u kući
    roflmaoooooooooooo...upravo si izbio još jedan napad smeha! Da li je bilo u redu da se smejem!!!!!!!!!

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