Masa. Specijalni izbori u Senat......uzmite TOG Obamu!

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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yes....I am sitting here with an adult beverage celebrating that the "borrow and spend, spend, spend" Democrats have taken a mighty hit in the Mass. special Senate election. 

    Hopefully, this will at least put some brakes on Obama and the Polosi Democrats tanking our nation.

    Ahhhhhh....Ted Kennedy's seat going to the Republicans!  Karma is such a bit..h!

    Da.... sedim ovde sa pićem za odrasle i slavim da su demokrate "pozajmite i potrošite, potrošite, potrošite" veliki udarac na specijalnim izborima za Senat u Mass.

    Nadajmo se da će ovo barem malo zakočiti Obamu i Polosi demokrate koji su napali našu naciju.

    Ahhhhhh.... mesto Teda Kenedija ide republikancima! Karma je tako malo..h!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm gonna drive my truck to D.C. just to watch the the progressive's squirm.

    Odvešću svoj kamion u DC samo da gledam kako naprednjaci izvijaju.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I think that it was in part the news leaking out of all the perks and sweetheart backroom deals and her onw attitude which led to this defeat. I saw a clip from a John Stewart show in which Coakely was asked about her campaigning and she responded

    "Be out in the cold next to the ballpark shaking hands?"

    That kind of an attitude would even turn me to vote for anyone else no matter if they were my party or not. I oly think this will be interesting in the coming months to see what occurs.

    Mislim da su vesti koje su procurile iz svih povlastica i zakulisnih poslova drage volje i njen stav doveli do ovog poraza. Videla sam snimak iz emisije Džona Stjuarta u kojoj su Coakeli pitali o njenoj kampanji i ona je odgovorila

    „Biti na hladnom pored stadiona i rukovati se?“

    Takav stav bi me čak naveo da glasam za bilo koga drugog bez obzira da li je moja stranka ili ne. Mislim da će ovo biti zanimljivo u narednim mesecima da vidimo šta će se desiti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I am ECSTATIC of the outcome of that election in Mass!!  Holy Moly, if that doesn't send a strong message to the current administration about Americans being fed up and that we aren't going to take anymore....I don't know what will.  I've been waiting patiently for the REAL truths to come out after Obama was elected and they are slowly coming to the surface.  I'm terrified of what the govt run health care plan would do to this country, her people, and just hope...and pray....that with the newly elected Mass Senator, it will lose its momentum.  Yep...take THAT Obama grin

    EKSTATIČAN sam ishodom tih izbora u misi!! Bože, ako to ne pošalje snažnu poruku sadašnjoj administraciji da su Amerikanci siti i da nećemo više da znam šta će. Strpljivo sam čekao da PRAVE istine izađu na videlo nakon što je Obama izabran i one polako izlaze na površinu. Užasava me šta bi državni plan zdravstvene zaštite uradio ovoj zemlji, njenom narodu, i samo se nadam...i molim se....da će sa novoizabranim senatorom za masovnu zaštitu izgubiti svoj zamah. Da...uzmi TOG Obamu grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Amen hymacaw!

    Amen himacav!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm gonna drive my truck to D.C. just to watch the the progressive's squirm.

    "Yee-Haw"...can I ride in the back, with my gun safely tucked away?  I am a law abiding concealed carry holder...and will fight to the death to retain that right  cheesy

    Odvešću svoj kamion u DC samo da gledam kako naprednjaci izvijaju.

    "Iee-Hav"...mogu li se voziti pozadi, sa svojim pištoljem bezbedno sklonjenim? Ja sam držalac skrivenog nošenja koji poštuje zakon... i boriću se do smrti da zadržim to pravo cheesy
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm gonna drive my truck to D.C. just to watch the the progressive's squirm.

    "Yee-Haw"...can I ride in the back, with my gun safely tucked away?  I am a law abiding concealed carry holder...and will fight to the death to retain that right  cheesy

    Im not a gun owner myself but I'll cheer you on. As Andy Rooney said: Guns dont make you a killer. Killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a car or a baseball bat but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game!

    Odvešću svoj kamion u DC samo da gledam kako naprednjaci izvijaju.

    "Iee-Hav"...mogu li se voziti pozadi, sa svojim pištoljem bezbedno sklonjenim? Ja sam držalac skrivenog nošenja koji poštuje zakon... i boriću se do smrti da zadržim to pravo cheesy

    Ja lično nisam vlasnik oružja, ali navijaću za vas. Kao što je Endi Runi rekao: Oružje te ne čini ubicom. Ubijanje te čini ubicom. Možete ubiti nekoga autom ili bejzbol palicom, ali niko ne pokušava da vam zabrani da vozite na utakmicu!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I think that it was in part the news leaking out of all the perks and sweetheart backroom deals and her onw attitude which led to this defeat. I saw a clip from a John Stewart show in which Coakely was asked about her campaigning and she responded

    "Be out in the cold next to the ballpark shaking hands?"

    That kind of an attitude would even turn me to vote for anyone else no matter if they were my party or not. I oly think this will be interesting in the coming months to see what occurs.

    "Be out in the cold next to the ballpark shaking hands?"  <----most horrible response i've ever seen, tells you alot about her in 11 words

    Mislim da su vesti koje su procurile iz svih povlastica i zakulisnih poslova drage volje i njen stav doveli do ovog poraza. Videla sam snimak iz emisije Džona Stjuarta u kojoj su Coakeli pitali o njenoj kampanji i ona je odgovorila

    „Biti na hladnom pored stadiona i rukovati se?“

    Takav stav bi me čak naveo da glasam za bilo koga drugog bez obzira da li je moja stranka ili ne. Mislim da će ovo biti zanimljivo u narednim mesecima da vidimo šta će se desiti.

    „Biti na hladnom pored stadiona i rukovati se?“ <----najstrašniji odgovor koji sam ikada video, govori vam mnogo o njoj u 11 reči
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    What is supposed to come out about Obama?  He is not GOD and he is about change, maybe not the change some people wanted but it was a change from the good ole boy far as the change of guard in Massachussets, well the Kennedys held on it to it forever and now thats a change for: we will see.  President Obama inherited a lot and so its gonna takea lot to fix it, but working together is the change I was hoping for and some folks dont want that change and thats the bottom line here and thats my take on it.  I do feel President Obama needs to focus more on jobs and the economy because that it was needs some care ..and as far as health care...well I wish i had some but I will survive that too as I have for 54 and counting years.  It has been a year since he took office and it will take more than that too make some positive changes and there is a President but he doesnt rule alone, you have the senate the house and the lobbyists, the crooks, the special interest groups .....he has so much opposition, there are those that are out there too see him fail so that we will never have a president that is not from the good ole boy network and that is how  I feel about the whole darn situation.  GOD Bless that i live in.

    Šta bi trebalo da izađe o Obami? On nije BOG i radi se o promeni, možda ne promeni koju su neki ljudi želeli, ali to je bila promena od mreže dobrih starih dečaka...što se tiče promene garde u Masačusetsu, pa su se Kenediji držali toga zauvek a sada je to promena za: videćemo. Predsednik Obama je mnogo toga nasledio i zato će biti potrebno mnogo da se to popravi, ali zajednički rad je promena kojoj sam se nadao, a neki ljudi ne žele tu promenu i to je suština i to je moj stav o tome. Osećam da predsednik Obama treba više da se fokusira na poslove i ekonomiju jer je za to bila potrebna neka nega..a što se tiče zdravstvene zaš, voleo bih da je imam, ali preživeću i to kao što imam za 54 i računajući godine. Prošlo je godinu dana otkako je preuzeo dužnost, a biće potrebno i više od toga da napravite neke pozitivne promene i postoji predsednik, ali on ne vlada sam, imate senat kuću i lobiste, lopove, posebne interesne grupe. ....ima toliko opozicije, ima i onih koji su tamo i vide kako on propada, tako da nikada nećemo imati predsednika koji nije iz mreže dobrih ole boia i tako se ja osećam u vezi cele proklete situacije. BOG blagoslovi Ameriku.....zemlju u kojoj živim.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yes....I am sitting here with an adult beverage celebrating that the "borrow and spend, spend, spend" Democrats have taken a mighty hit in the Mass. special Senate election. 

    Hopefully, this will at least put some brakes on Obama and the Polosi Democrats tanking our nation.

    Ahhhhhh....Ted Kennedy's seat going to the Republicans!  Karma is such a bit..h!

    If I remember correctly, it was the Bush administration that started the huge unconditional bank bailouts. Obama continued with further bailouts, however, he did try to put restrictions/conditions on the bailouts.

    When Obama became president, he came into a no win situation, the economy had already crashed and no matter what he does, it is impossible for him to fix crisis he inherited.

    The public has continuously asked what he is going to do to fix the economy, yet when he does take action, he is bashed for spending money in an attempt to do what americans have asked of him.

    Now I ask, how do you think the government can help/fix the economy without spending?  Should they quit spending in order to balance the budget, quit helping all the people out of work who will be homeless, and hungry? Should they deny aid to Haiti, other countries, and individual states that are are devastated by disasters? Should they quit giving corporate tax breaks - sometimes referred to as corporate welfare? Should they not provide any bailout money?

    Do you think that it is time for survival of the fittest from large corportations down to the poorest of citizens?

    I am truly curious and very interested in the various thoughts and opinions on these questions.

    Da.... sedim ovde sa pićem za odrasle i slavim da su demokrate "pozajmite i potrošite, potrošite, potrošite" veliki udarac na specijalnim izborima za Senat u Mass.

    Nadajmo se da će ovo bar malo zakočiti Obamu i Polosi demokrate koji su napali našu naciju.

    Ahhhhhh.... mesto Teda Kenedija ide republikancima! Karma je tako malo..h!

    Ako se dobro sećam, Bušova administracija je bila ta koja je započela ogromne bezuslovne spasavanja banaka. Obama je nastavio sa daljim spasavanjem, međutim, pokušao je da postavi ograničenja/uslove za spasavanje.

    Kada je Obama postao predsednik, došao je u situaciju bez pobede, ekonomija je već doživela krah i šta god da uradi, nemoguće je da reši krizu koju je nasledio.

    Javnost je stalno pitala šta će da uradi da popravi ekonomiju, ali kada nešto preduzme, kritikuju ga što troši novac u pokušaju da uradi ono što su Amerikanci tražili od njega.

    Sada pitam, kako mislite da vlada može da pomogne/popravi ekonomiju bez trošenja? Da li bi trebalo da prestanu da troše da bi uravnotežili budžet, da prestanu da pomažu svim ljudima bez posla koji će biti beskućnici i gladni? Da li bi trebalo da uskrate pomoć Haitiju, drugim zemljama i pojedinačnim državama koje su razorene katastrofama? Da li bi trebalo da prestanu da daju poreske olakšice za preduzeća - koje se ponekad nazivaju korporativnim blagostanjem? Zar ne bi trebalo da obezbede nikakav novac za spasavanje?

    Da li mislite da je vreme za opstanak najsposobnijih od velikih korporacija do najsiromašnijih građana?

    Zaista sam radoznao i veoma sam zainteresovan za razna razmišljanja i mišljenja o ovim pitanjima.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I think the one good thing about this is that Brown said "We don't want to throw out health care, we just need to redo it"

    Now that I can agree with. I am for all people having it, seen too many suffer due to the lack of it after I came back to WA. Just without all that BS that was put into the original.

    Mislim da je jedna dobra stvar u vezi sa ovim što je Braun rekao „Ne želimo da odbacimo zdravstvenu zaštitu, samo to treba da ponovimo“

    Sada sa tim mogu da se složim. Ja sam za sve ljude koji ga imaju, jer su mnogi od njih pate zbog nedostatka nakon što sam se vratio u VA. Samo bez sve te BS koja je stavljena u original.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I couldn't agree with you more. I think it is a no win situation. President O'bama was left with such a mess that did anyone really think he was going to save America overnight?

    It's just too unrealistic. It's so easy to sit back on the sidelines and point fingers. Maybe i am just naive.......but i don't think any man in office regardless of what political side of the fence they are on could be 'miracle man" we are looking for.

    Patience......its all about patience.


    Ne bih se mogao više složiti sa tobom. Mislim da je situacija bez pobede. Predsednik Obama je ostao u takvoj zbrci da je neko zaista mislio da će preko noći spasiti Ameriku?

    To je jednostavno previše nerealno. Tako je lako sedeti po strani i pokazivati prstom. Možda sam samo naivan.......ali ne mislim da bi bilo koji čovek na funkciji, bez obzira na kojoj političkoj strani ograde se nalazili, mogao da bude 'čudo čovek' kojeg tražimo.

    Strpljenje......sve je u strpljenju.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I sincerely meant NO disrespect towards Obama in my previous posts, more of a frustration coming out of the let downs from all the promises made from his campaign.  But...that IS what politics are all about...what POLITICIANS are all about and I really don't care for ANY of them.  Yes, Prez Obama was left with a mess from the previous administration (as was the Bush administration) and I do believe he had the best intentions to try and fix what was broke.  Perhaps one year is not enough time to judge ones abilities as the "free world leader" but gosh darn it....we are heading down a path that has all the signals of self destruct and quite frankly, it frightens me.  I am conservative in my political and moral views and what I have seen evolving in the current administration's agenda, well, just sends shivers down my spine.  I think he is in way over his head. I have never condoned the 'good ole boy' politics and think it too, has done great injustice to our country.  Politics and religion are always such passionate, personal and emotional topics for us all aren't they?  I don't have the answers to our problems by any means, just don't agree with how those problems are being handled by our current leader.  But I still believe and hold steadfast to the love and respect of my country...for our freedoms to speak our minds without fear of persecution and WE as a people, are one wonderful nation. too many drinkies to bed I go.  I don't speak much here on LCB, mostly gambling conversation but there are some topics that are just worthy of engaging in...respectfully of course  grin

    Iskreno sam mislio NE na nepoštovanje prema Obami u mojim prethodnim postovima, više na frustraciju koja proizlazi iz razočaranja zbog svih obećanja datih iz njegove kampanje. je ono što je politika...o čemu se bave POLITIČARI i mene stvarno nije briga ni za koga od njih. Da, Prez Obama je ostao u neredu od prethodne administracije (kao i Bušova administracija) i verujem da je imao najbolju nameru da pokuša da popravi ono što je pokvareno. Možda jedna godina nije dovoljno vremena da procenimo svoje sposobnosti kao "lidera slobodnog sveta", ali dovraga... mi idemo putem koji ima sve signale samouništenja i iskreno, to me plaši. Ja sam konzervativan u svojim političkim i moralnim stavovima i ono što sam video da se razvija u agendi sadašnje administracije, pa, samo mi ježi kroz kičmu. Mislim da je na putu preko glave. Nikada nisam odobravao politiku 'dobrog starca' i mislim da je i ona nanela veliku nepravdu našoj zemlji. Politika i religija su uvek tako strastvene, lične i emotivne teme za sve nas, zar ne? Nikako nemam odgovore na naše probleme, samo se ne slažem sa tim kako se tim problemima bavi naš sadašnji lider. Ali ja i dalje verujem i ostajem nepokolebljiv za ljubav i poštovanje moje našu slobodu da govorimo šta mislimo bez straha od progona i MI kao narod smo jedna divna nacija.

    ok...jedan previše pića večeras....idem u krevet idem. Ne govorim mnogo ovde o LCB-u, uglavnom o kockanju, ali postoje neke teme koje su vredne uključivanja... uz poštovanje, naravno grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Your posts are just great and never disrespectful. It's interesting to hear the different views and maybe a long the way learn different perspectives.

    Keep them posts coming, besides i smile every time i see that beautiful shepard!!


    Tvoji postovi su jednostavno sjajni i nikada ne predstavljaju nepoštovanje. Zanimljivo je čuti različite poglede i možda dug put naučiti različite perspektive.

    Nastavite sa njihovim objavama, osim što se osmehnem svaki put kada vidim tog prelepog ovčara!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    arizonadback I think it's not that he's spending money, but it's how it is BEING spent. When I first heard about the "Stimulus Money" and grants I applauded this as I was sure that our crumbling infastructure would be brought back up.

    Nope, we're seeing companies who are well established getting it for some inprovements which they could have "Borrowed" for. However, the banks now won't lend!

    Or some of the money is going to states and what happens? They repaved roads already in fair to good condition. Is it any wonder that bridge collapsed in Minn?

    We DO need to spend the money, but spent wisely, we'll reap the benefits way down the road. As it is now, I fear more bridge failures and then the fingers will start to point. But it'll be too late for the unfortunate.

    I am not frightened, but wary of what is to come, but I hold out hope that this nation will recover, and discover a return to what we know what is right and continue to do so.

    Arizonadback Mislim da nije da on troši novac, već kako se troši. Kada sam prvi put čuo za "Stimulus Monei" i grantove, pozdravio sam ovo jer sam bio siguran da će naša infrastruktura koja se raspada biti ponovo podignuta.

    Ne, vidimo da kompanije koje su dobro uspostavljene dobijaju to za neka poboljšanja za koja su mogli da „pozajme“. Međutim, banke sada neće da pozajmljuju!

    Ili nešto novca ide u države i šta se dešava? Popravili su puteve koji su već u dobrom stanju. Da li je čudo što se srušio most u Minu?

    Moramo da potrošimo novac, ali potrošeno mudro, mi ćemo požnjeti dobrobit u budućnosti. Kako je sada, plašim se još kvarova na mostu i onda će prsti početi da upućuju. Ali za nesrećnike će biti kasno.

    Nisam uplašen, već oprezan onoga što će doći, ali se nadam da će se ovaj narod oporaviti i otkriti povratak onome što znamo šta je ispravno i nastaviti tako.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    genenco.......He is spending money that is BARROWED and we cannot pay back.

    Other than bailing out some state workers and hiring more federal workers....all of which is is hard pressed to stated what the Stimulus accomplished.

    genenco.......On troši novac koji je ZADUŽEN a mi ne možemo da vratimo.

    Osim spašavanja nekih državnih radnika i zapošljavanja još federalnih radnika....sve je to privremeno....teško je reći šta je Stimulus postigao.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I am glad I am not any younger.  I really feel sorry for the young kids.  They will be the ones paying it back.


    Drago mi je što nisam mlađi. Zaista mi je žao male dece. Oni će to vratiti.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    genenco.......He is spending money that is BARROWED and we cannot pay back.

    Other than bailing out some state workers and hiring more federal workers....all of which is is hard pressed to stated what the Stimulus accomplished.

    Well, wheather we can pay it back, is to be seen. However, like I said, our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt. If the stimulus had gone there, it would have employed many for construction projects.

    Remember that we GAVE BILLIONS to other countries after WW 2, we paid it back and WW 2 is still rated as the most expensive war ever fought and we came back from that.

    I believe we CAN pay it back, but how it was spent, is the issue. And don't forget, Japan, UK and other countries also have the same problem and even one has gone other. The only thing this mess is creating largely is hysteria and that's not helping us.

    genenco.......On troši novac koji je ZADUŽEN a mi ne možemo da vratimo.

    Osim spašavanja nekih državnih radnika i zapošljavanja više federalnih radnika....sve je to privremeno....teško je reći šta je Stimulus postigao.

    Pa, da li ćemo to moći da vratimo, to će se videti. Međutim, kao što sam rekao, našu infrastrukturu treba obnoviti. Da je podsticaj otišao tamo, mnoge bi zaposlio za građevinske projekte.

    Zapamtite da smo DALI MILIJARDE drugim zemljama posle Drugog svetskog rata, vratili smo ih, a Drugi svet je i dalje ocenjen kao najskuplji rat ikada vođen i mi smo se vratili iz toga.

    Verujem da MOŽEMO da ga vratimo, ali pitanje je kako je potrošeno. I ne zaboravite, Japan, Velika Britanija i druge zemlje takođe imaju isti problem, pa čak i jedna je otišla u drugu. Jedina stvar koju ovaj nered u velikoj meri stvara je histerija i to nam ne pomaže.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Genenco & drpsyce,

    I happen to be one of those state workers. I can tell you that my state did not use the money to pave roads, nor to bail me out. I work for a revenue generating division that does not need to be bailed out and assists some of the most important citizens of this country-our children-by making sure they receive the support they deserve.

    The stimulus money has been used to keep many programs operating allowing us to continue to help the most vulnerable citizens in this time of crisis.

    Thousands of people have lost jobs and homes and if weren't for government programs, those thousands of people, many, many with children ,would be living on the streets, their kids would be going hungry and would not be receiving medical care during a flu epidemic. The stimulus has helped AZ continue to provide services to the developmentally disabled, child protective services, medical care, schools, the unemployed, and many others.

    The AZ government has many flaws and I am not a big fan of our current governor or legislature, but I do think they did the right thing with the stimulus funds by using it where it was most needed.

    I know I have been a little long winded on this subject and apologize for that, it's just that it's a subject that I am personally involved with.

    Genenco & Drpsice,

    Ja sam slučajno jedan od tih državnih radnika. Mogu da vam kažem da moja država nije koristila novac za asfaltiranje puteva, niti za spasavanje mene. Radim za odeljenje koje stvara prihode koje ne treba da bude spaseno i pomažem nekim od najvažnijih građana ove zemlje – našoj deci – tako što će obezbediti da dobiju podršku koju zaslužuju.

    Novac od podsticaja je iskorišćen za održavanje mnogih programa koji nam omogućavaju da nastavimo da pomažemo najugroženijim građanima u ovom trenutku krize.

    Hiljade ljudi je izgubilo posao i domove i da nije bilo vladinih programa, te hiljade ljudi, mnogi, mnogi sa decom, živeli bi na ulici, njihova deca bi bila gladna i ne bi dobijala medicinsku negu tokom epidemija gripa. Stimulacija je pomogla AZ-u da nastavi da pruža usluge za osobe sa smetnjama u razvoju, usluge zaštite dece, medicinsku negu, škole, nezaposlene i mnoge druge.

    Vlada AZ ima mnogo nedostataka i ja nisam veliki obožavatelj našeg trenutnog guvernera ili zakonodavnog tela, ali mislim da su uradili pravu stvar sa stimulativnim sredstvima koristeći ih tamo gde je bilo najpotrebnije.

    Znam da sam se malo bavio ovom temom i izvinjavam se zbog toga, samo što je to tema kojom se ja lično bavim.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I certainly empathize the unemployed and the homeless.  I was there myself in 1996.

    For you state workers and your state programs.....Will Obama give you another stimulus this year?  2011?  2012?  Simply throwing a very, very temporary bandage on your state just prolongs hard choices.  Because of the wild borrowing by Obama and the Democrats, not only will state workers loose their jobs AND state services be cut...but MORE will loose jobs and more services cut because the borrowing will worsen the economy.

    Case in point:  Obama said WITHOUT the stimulus unemployment would go above 8%.  Well, we passed the stimulus and unemployment went to 10% with no signs of immediate improvement.  Thus, we have learned tanking the overall economy does state workers and state services little good in the long run.

    Now, if you are a FEDERAL employee you have seen pay raises and those ranks INCREASE. 

    Svakako saosećam sa nezaposlenima i beskućnicima. I sam sam bio tamo 1996. godine.

    Za vas državne radnike i vaše državne programe.....Hoće li vam Obama dati još jedan podsticaj ove godine? 2011? 2012? Jednostavno stavljanje vrlo, vrlo privremenog zavoja na vaše stanje samo produžava teške izbore. Zbog divljeg zaduživanja Obame i demokrata, ne samo da će državni radnici izgubiti posao I državne usluge će biti ukinute...već će VIŠE izgubiti radna mesta i više usluga će biti ukinuto jer će zaduživanje pogoršati ekonomiju.

    Primer: Obama je rekao da će BEZ stimulansa nezaposlenost ići iznad 8%. Pa, prošli smo stimulaciju i nezaposlenost je otišla na 10% bez znakova trenutnog poboljšanja. Dakle, naučili smo da propadanje ukupne ekonomije dugoročno gledano čini malo dobrog državnim radnicima i državnim službama.

    Sada, ako ste FEDERALNI službenik, videli ste povećanje plata i povećanje tih činova.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    We will most likely not receive continuing stimulus money, however, it has given the legislature a little more time to attempt to come up with other options. Many cost saving measures have been made, and will continue to be made such as closing offices by merging and selling state owned buildings, among other things.
    I know further cuts are likely and it hurts everyone, but by delaying the cuts, I remain hopeful that the economy will start rebounding and further cuts will not be as bad or as long term as they would have been without the stimulus assistance.

    Najverovatnije nećemo dobiti kontinuirani podsticajni novac, međutim, to je dalo zakonodavnom telu malo više vremena da pokuša da smisli druge opcije. Mnoge mere uštede su napravljene i biće i dalje urađene, kao što je zatvaranje kancelarija spajanjem i prodajom državnih zgrada, između ostalog.
    Znam da su nova smanjenja verovatna i da to šteti svima, ali odlaganjem rezova ostajem u nadi da će privreda početi da se oporavlja i da dalji rezovi neće biti tako loši ili dugoročni kao što bi bili bez stimulativne pomoći.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    of course, these are my opinions for today. Tomorrow, our legislature may make some really dumb decisions, which they are know for doing, and I could have totally different thoughts about them!!

    naravno, ovo su moja mišljenja za danas. Sutra će naše zakonodavstvo možda doneti neke zaista glupe odluke, po čemu su poznati, a ja bih mogao imati potpuno drugačija mišljenja o njima!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    arizona.....Oh, my hat is sure off to you as a public servant.  It's a shame that police, teachers, firefighters, state workers, etc.....tend to get the shaft.  It's not fair.

    Arizona.....Oh, moj šešir je siguran za tebe kao javnog službenika. Sramota je da policija, nastavnici, vatrogasci, državni radnici itd..... teže da dođu do okna. Nije pošteno.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well be part of the solution not the problem.  President Obama does not rule the U.S. by himself, so he just got left with a problem and it will take more than a year or more to work it out, about the time things get better there will be another president and they will give him/her credit.  There are more than civil service workers included state, federal, and firefighters losing hours and days and jobs from work, some dont have a day of work.  I am working to be part of the solution, but this is America and everyone has opinion just like everyone has an asshole and sometimes some folks act like one...I am not speaking of anyone at the LCB and if you take it that way then that were you are acting like the above word.  GOD Bless that I live in.

    Pa budite deo rešenja a ne problema. Predsednik Obama ne vlada SAD sam, tako da je samo ostao sa problemom i biće potrebno više od godinu dana ili više da se to reši, otprilike kada stvari krenu na bolje biće drugi predsednik i oni će mu dati/ njen kredit. Više od zaposlenih u državnim službama, uključujući državne, savezne i vatrogasce, gube sate i dane i poslove zbog posla, neki nemaju ni dan posla. Radim na tome da budem deo rešenja, ali ovo je Amerika i svako ima mišljenje kao što svako ima šupak i ponekad se neki ljudi ponašaju kao jedan...Ne govorim ni o kome u LCB-u i ako to tako shvatite tada se ponašate kao gornja reč. BOG blagoslovi Ameriku...zemlju u kojoj živim.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I get confused with all this, but does anyone here happen to know off hand where we borrow the money from, and if there are many who our greatest debt is owed to?

    Ja se zbunim u svemu ovome, ali da li neko ovde slučajno zna odakle pozajmljujemo novac i ako ih ima mnogo kome dugujemo naš najveći dug?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    How we get it, is issuing bonds among other things.

    Major holder of our debt is China I believe..

    Please correct me if wrong smiley

    Kako to dobijamo, između ostalog je i izdavanje obveznica.

    Verujem da je najveći vlasnik našeg duga Kina.

    Ispravite me ako grešite smiley

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    When the Government Writes Checks, Where Does the Money Come From? 

    With billions of dollars paid out or promised for financial industry bailouts and the stimulus bill -- and more requests on the way -- Paul Solman looks at where the government is getting the money to pay for the rescue measures.


    JIM LEHRER: The rescue money source question comes from our economics correspondent, Paul Solman.

    PAUL SOLMAN, NewsHour economics correspondent: Time and again, viewers like you have visited our Q&A Web site, "The Business Desk," and asked the following Q: Where is the government getting all the money, several trillion dollars so far, for all its bailouts and stimuli?

    Here's the A: The government gets the money two ways, as we're about to explain by putting it graphically.

    The Treasury Department borrows money; the Federal Reserve creates it. We'll start with the Fed and creationism and, this being PBS, with a bit of history.

    Once upon a time, money -- that most convenient stand-in for value -- was itself valuable, often made of precious metals like gold and silver. Rulers minted the metals into coins and stamped them to vouch for their content, a kind of "Royal Housekeeping Seal of Approval."

    But with the industrial revolution came an explosion of new wealth. The supply of gold and silver couldn't keep up; that shackled the trading of wealth and thus economic growth.

    So folks came up with paper money: printed promises issued by rulers or rich merchants or banks redeemable for something precious, like gold or silver.

    In fact, the U.S. government issued gold certificates from the 1880s to the 1930s. And as recently as the 1960s, all one-dollar bills and most fives and tens were silver certificates, payable to the bearer on demand.

    Until recently, few wanted to meddle with the metals, preferring to trust the paper. After all, it's a real hassle to store the shiny stuff, as we learned on a recent visit to a gold and silver dealer in Oakland, California.

    CHARLIE MAMMOSER, Northern California Coin Exchange: I've had people come in, and they say, "I want to buy 10, 20, 40 ounces of gold." And they take it away, and I tell them, "Don't think you can hide it in the freezer, because crooks know to look there." "Oh, no, I'm going to go put it in my safe deposit box."

    If the bank goes belly up, how do you get into your safe deposit box to get your gold that you bought to protect yourself from all this stuff?

    PAUL SOLMAN: So Charlie Mammoser's customers wind up spending their energy on camouflage.

    CHARLIE MAMMOSER: I had a customer. He had some thousand-ounce silver bars. And what he did is he spray-painted them black, and he would use them as doorstops in his house. You could walk right by it and never know what it was.


    Edward Yardeni
    Yardeni Research 
    That great, big sucking sound you hear out there is global capital coming into our markets.

        Federal Reserve creates money
    PAUL SOLMAN: No wonder the less enterprising among us put our trust in Uncle Sam's money. But here's a source of confusion when it comes to that money.

    It's not paper that the Fed creates when it makes the new money for its bailouts and the like. Relying on this oldly minted footage, as we TV folks do to visualize dollars, we tend to mislead folks. In fact, there's only $1 trillion or so worth of bills and coins out there at the moment worldwide, pretty much the same amount there was last year.

    But there's another $1 trillion or so worth of Federal Reserves in the banking system, most of which have been created in the past 12 months.

    We'd interviewed economist David Wyss recently at New York's Central Park Zoo, discussing the extent to which bearish psychology, a form of what's called animal spirits, has played a role in the bath we're all taking. We also asked Wyss, what's a Federal Reserve?

    DAVID WYSS, chief economist, Standard & Poor's: All it really is, is an electronic transfer into the bank account. And if they want to buy mortgage-backed securities, all you do is send an electronic signal to the bank and get the securities and exchange.

    PAUL SOLMAN: And then the bank has that amount on deposit from the Fed?

    DAVID WYSS: That's what federal funds are. The Fed creates money. That's its job. That's a central bank's job.

    PAUL SOLMAN: But what's the difference between minted money and Federal Reserves, we asked economist Simon Johnson?

    SIMON JOHNSON, MIT Sloan School of Management: It's quite funny. The Federal Reserve insists, absolutely categorically, "We do not print money. That's the U.S. Mint that prints money."

    But, of course, the Fed issues money. It's a great deal, right? Instead of having to print it on a printing press, you just do it digitally. It doesn't actually cost you anything, hardly anything to issue these new digits, these new bits of code on a computer somewhere.

    PAUL SOLMAN: In other words, these Federal Reserves or federal funds are just digital promises, computer blips, not cash, but just as good, no different than the money in your checking account.

    So the Fed is creating money, even if it's not minting it, something like $600 billion new electronic dollars in the past year. But that's not the only way the government is coming up with money to try to quell the crisis. It's also been borrowing money from investors all over the world.

    EDWARD YARDENI, president, Yardeni Research: That great, big sucking sound you hear out there is global capital coming into our markets.


    Robert Samuelson
    Author, The Great Inflation 
    There is a danger that, if they pump too much in, the ultimate consequence will be inflation, which they don't want. 

    Foreign investments
    PAUL SOLMAN: We caught up with economist Ed Yardeni at an investment breakfast a while ago.

    EDWARD YARDENI: We're talking about investors around the world that are now focusing on the return of their capital than the return and their capital. They want their money back. And, apparently, they feel that the U.S. government is the best place to park their money right now.

    PAUL SOLMAN: By U.S. government, Ed Yardeni means not the Fed, but the Treasury, which collects taxes and, if they fall short of federal expenses, borrows to make up the difference by selling its Treasury bills, notes, and bonds to investors.

    Usually, the more it borrows, the higher the interest rate it has to pay to keep lenders lending. But investors have been so safety conscious of late, they've been willing to take almost no interest at all to stow their dough in Treasuries.

    So the world's and America's investors are lending the government all this money?

    EDWARD YARDENI: That's right. It's a very perverse situation that's really benefiting the United States. It's certainly easy to argue that we started this mess in the first place with all of our excesses, and you would think that foreigners would say, "You know, a curse on you. We don't want to invest in the United States anymore."

    Quite the opposite. They're saying, "Take all of our money, and you don't even have to pay us anything. Just put it in Treasury bills. And do whatever you want with it; just make sure we get it back." And as a result, that's created this enormous benefit for us.

    PAUL SOLMAN: The Treasury has borrowed $1.5 trillion in just the past year to cover both its annual revenue shortfall, the budget deficit, and the TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, not including the newly passed stimulus, which will require another $800 billion or so and other new Fed programs.

    But add it all together and you've got a couple of trillion at least in new Treasury borrowing and some $600 billion in new Fed money, thus far.

    So that's where the money comes from, but it raises a new and pressing concern. With all this printing and borrowing, might there be too much money in circulation, risking inflation? That's worrying folks at the moment both left and right.

    Bob Samuelson, author of "The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath," is sometimes thought of as conservative.

    ROBERT SAMUELSON, author, "The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath": The Fed is clearly pumping huge amounts of money into the financial system to prevent a panic, to provide liquidity for institutions who need it. And there is a danger that, if they pump too much in, the ultimate consequence will be inflation, which they don't want.

    PAUL SOLMAN: Former Nixon aide Kevin Phillips, proud author of "Bad Money," is now decidedly liberal.

    KEVIN PHILLIPS, author, "Bad Money": You have the government spending these huge amounts of money in commitments they're making to bail everything out. It's all the money that's being given to the investment banks and banks that are in trouble at almost negligible cost. And they are allowed to come in and basically bring in a piece of some instrument that's almost worthless, and they get real money, insofar as our money is real money, for that.

    Kada Vlada piše čekove, odakle dolazi novac?

    Sa milijardama dolara isplaćenih ili obećanih za spasavanje finansijske industrije i račun za stimulaciju -- i još više zahteva na putu -- Pol Solman razmatra odakle vlada dobija novac za plaćanje mera spasavanja.

    JIM LEHRER: Pitanje izvora novca za spasavanje dolazi od našeg ekonomskog dopisnika, Pola Solmana.

    POL SOLMAN, ekonomski dopisnik NevsHour-a: Gledaoci poput vas su stalno iznova posećivali našu veb lokaciju za pitanja i odgovore, „The Business Desk,“ i pitali sledeće pitanje: Odakle vladi sav novac, nekoliko triliona dolara do sada, za sve njene pomoći i podsticaja?

    Evo odgovora: Vlada dobija novac na dva načina, kao što ćemo objasniti grafičkim prikazom.

    Odeljenje trezora pozajmljuje novac; stvaraju ga Federalne rezerve. Počećemo sa FED-om i kreacionizmom i, ovo je PBS, sa malo istorije.

    Nekada davno, novac - to najpogodnije zamena za vrednost - je sam po sebi bio vredan, često napravljen od plemenitih metala poput zlata i srebra. Vladari su kovali metale u novčiće i žigosali ih da bi jamčili za njihov sadržaj, svojevrsni „Kraljevski pečat odobrenja za domaćinstvo“.

    Ali sa industrijskom revolucijom došlo je do eksplozije novog bogatstva. Zalihe zlata i srebra nisu mogle da prate; to je okovalo trgovinu bogatstvom, a time i ekonomski rast.

    Tako su ljudi smislili papirni novac: štampana obećanja koja su izdali vladari ili bogati trgovci ili banke za nešto dragoceno, poput zlata ili srebra.

    U stvari, američka vlada je izdavala zlatne sertifikate od 1880-ih do 1930-ih. A tek 1960-ih, sve novčanice od jednog dolara i većina petica i desetica bile su srebrne diplome, koje se plaćaju donosiocu na zahtev.

    Do nedavno, malo ko je želeo da se meša sa metalima, radije verujući papiru. Na kraju krajeva, pravi je problem čuvati sjajne stvari, kao što smo saznali tokom nedavne posete trgovcu zlatom i srebrom u Ouklandu, Kalifornija.

    ČARLI MAMOZER, Berza novčića Severne Kalifornije: Dolazili su mi ljudi i rekli: „Želim da kupim 10, 20, 40 unci zlata.“ I oni to odnesu, a ja im kažem: "Nemojte misliti da možete da ga sakrijete u zamrzivač, jer lopovi znaju da traže tamo." "O, ne, idem da ga stavim u svoj sef."

    Ako banka krene nagore, kako da uđete u svoj sef da uzmete svoje zlato koje ste kupili da biste se zaštitili od svega ovoga?

    PAUL SOLMAN: Dakle, kupci Čarlija Mamozera na kraju troše energiju na kamuflažu.

    ČARLI MAMOZER: Imao sam mušteriju. Imao je srebrne poluge od hiljadu unci. I ono što je uradio je da ih je sprejom ofarbao u crno, i koristio bi ih kao graničnike za vrata u svojoj kući. Mogao bi da prođeš pored njega i da nikad ne znaš šta je to.

    Edvard Iardeni
    Iardeni Research

    Taj sjajan, veliki usisni zvuk koji čujete tamo je globalni kapital koji dolazi na naša tržišta.

    Federalne rezerve stvaraju novac
    POL SOLMAN: Nije ni čudo što su manje preduzimljivi među nama poverili novac ujka Sema. Ali evo izvora zabune kada je u pitanju taj novac.

    Nije papir koji Fed stvara kada zarađuje novi novac za svoje spasavanje i slično. Oslanjajući se na ove zastarele snimke, kao što mi TV ljudi činimo da vizualizujemo dolare, skloni smo da obmanemo ljude. U stvari, u ovom trenutku širom sveta postoji samo 1 bilion dolara vrednih novčanica i novčića, otprilike isti iznos koji je bio prošle godine.

    Ali u bankarskom sistemu postoji još jedan trilion dolara vrednih federalnih rezervi, od kojih je većina stvorena u poslednjih 12 meseci.

    Nedavno smo intervjuisali ekonomistu Dejvida Visa u njujorškom zoološkom vrtu Central Park, raspravljajući o tome u kojoj meri je psihologija medveda, oblik onoga što se naziva životinjskim duhovima, igrala ulogu u kupanju koje svi uzimamo. Takođe smo pitali Vissa, šta su Federalne rezerve?

    DAVID VISS, glavni ekonomista, Standard & Poor's: Sve što zapravo jeste, je elektronski transfer na bankovni račun. A ako žele da kupe hartije od vrednosti obezbeđene hipotekom, sve što treba da uradite je da pošaljete elektronski signal banci i dobijete hartije od vrednosti i razmenite.

    PAUL SOLMAN: I onda banka ima taj iznos na depozitu od Fed-a?

    DAVID VISS: To su federalni fondovi. Fed stvara novac. To je njegov posao. To je posao centralne banke.

    PAUL SOLMAN: Ali koja je razlika između iskovanog novca i Federalnih rezervi, pitali smo ekonomistu Sajmona Džonsona?

    SIMON JOHNSON, MIT Sloan School of Management: Prilično je smešno. Federalne rezerve insistiraju, apsolutno kategorički, "Mi ne štampamo novac. To je kovnica SAD koja štampa novac."

    Ali, naravno, Fed izdaje novac. To je velika stvar, zar ne? Umesto da morate da ga štampate na štampariji, to radite samo digitalno. U stvari, ne košta vas ništa, gotovo ništa da izdate ove nove cifre, ove nove delove koda na računaru negde.

    PAUL SOLMAN: Drugim rečima, ove Federalne rezerve ili federalni fondovi su samo digitalna obećanja, kompjuterski zapisi, ne gotovina, ali isto tako dobri, ne razlikuju se od novca na vašem tekućem računu.

    Dakle, Fed stvara novac, čak i ako ga ne kuje, nešto poput 600 milijardi dolara novih elektronskih dolara u prošloj godini. Ali to nije jedini način na koji vlada dolazi do novca da pokuša da smiri krizu. Takođe je pozajmljivao novac od investitora širom sveta.

    EDVARD IARDENI, predsednik, Iardeni Research: Taj sjajan, veliki usisni zvuk koji čujete tamo je globalni kapital koji dolazi na naša tržišta.

    Robert Samuelson
    Autor, Velika inflacija

    Postoji opasnost da, ako upumpaju previše, krajnja posledica bude inflacija, koju oni ne žele.

    Strane investicije
    POL SOLMAN: Malopre smo sustigli ekonomistu Eda Jardenija na investicionom doručku.

    EDVARD IARDENI: Govorimo o investitorima širom sveta koji se sada fokusiraju na povraćaj svog kapitala nego na prinos i svoj kapital. Oni žele svoj novac nazad. I, očigledno, smatraju da je američka vlada trenutno najbolje mesto za parkiranje svog novca.

    POL SOLMAN: Pod vladom SAD, Ed Iardeni ne misli na Fed, već na Trezor, koji ubira poreze i, ako ne plate federalne troškove, pozajmljuje da nadoknadi razliku prodajom svojih državnih zapisa, menica i obveznica investitorima.

    Obično, što više pozajmljuje, to je veća kamata koju mora da plati da bi zajmodavci zadržali kredite. Ali investitori su u poslednje vreme bili toliko svesni bezbednosti, da su bili voljni da se gotovo uopšte ne interesuju da stave svoje pare u trezore.

    Dakle, svetski i američki investitori pozajmljuju vladi sav ovaj novac?

    EDVARD IARDENI: Tako je. To je veoma perverzna situacija koja zaista koristi Sjedinjenim Državama. Svakako je lako tvrditi da smo mi započeli ovaj nered sa svim našim ekscesima, i pomislili biste da bi stranci rekli: „Znate, prokletstvo na vas. Ne želimo više da ulažemo u Sjedinjene Države ."

    Sasvim suprotno. Kažu, "Uzmite sav naš novac, i ne morate nam ništa da platite. Samo ga unesite u blagajničke zapise. I radite sa njim šta god želite; samo se pobrinite da ga vratimo." I kao rezultat, to je stvorilo ovu ogromnu korist za nas.

    POL SOLMAN: Trezor je pozajmio 1,5 biliona dolara u samo protekloj godini da bi pokrio i svoj godišnji manjak prihoda, budžetski deficit i TARP, Program za smanjenje problematične imovine, ne uključujući novousvojeni podsticaj, za koji će biti potrebno još 800 milijardi dolara ili tako i druge nove Fed programe.

    Ali saberite sve to i dobićete najmanje nekoliko triliona novih zajmova Trezora i nekih 600 milijardi dolara novog novca Fed-a, do sada.

    Dakle, odatle dolazi novac, ali to izaziva novu i hitnu zabrinutost. Uz sve ovo štampanje i zaduživanje, može li biti previše novca u opticaju, rizikujući inflaciju? To zabrinjava ljude u ovom trenutku i levo i desno.

    Bob Samjuelson, autor knjige „Velika inflacija i njene posledice“, ponekad se smatra konzervativnim.

    ROBERT SAMUELSON, autor, "Velika inflacija i njene posledice": Fed očigledno upumpava ogromne količine novca u finansijski sistem kako bi sprečio paniku i obezbedio likvidnost institucijama kojima je potrebna. I postoji opasnost da, ako upumpaju previše, krajnja posledica bude inflacija, koju oni ne žele.

    POL SOLMAN: Bivši Niksonov pomoćnik Kevin Filips, ponosni autor „Lošeg novca“, sada je izrazito liberalan.

    KEVIN FILIPS, autor, "Loš novac": Imate vladu koja troši ove ogromne količine novca na obaveze koje preuzima da bi sve izvukla. To je sav novac koji se daje investicionim bankama i bankama koje su u nevolji uz skoro zanemarljivu cenu. I dozvoljeno im je da uđu i u suštini donesu deo nekog instrumenta koji je skoro bezvredan, i za to dobiju pravi novac, ukoliko je naš novac pravi novac.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    We borrow the money....our biggest creditor is China.  And by the way, we our debt ceiling is now 17 trillion.  There is now we to pay it back with out extreme taxes and fees on everyone.

    Pozajmljujemo novac....naš najveći kreditor je Kina. Uzgred, naš limit duga je sada 17 biliona. Sada moramo da ga vratimo bez ekstremnih poreza i naknada za sve.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    dazz.....I think the way we become part of the solution is vote these spend-o-maniacs out of office.  Yeah, Obama inherited a mess.  When he took office the federal deficit was $400 billion.  BUT...guess what, after one year.....JUST ONE YEAR....he has ballooned the deficit to 1.7 trillion. 

    Another GUESS WHAT:  After spending all that borrowed money, the economy is still on the skids.  Obama said if we borrowed and spent that money unemployment wouldn't go above 8%.  Well....we borrowed it.  We spent it.  The unemployment rate is 10% with no signs of improvement.

    dazz.....Mislim da je način na koji postajemo deo rešenja glasanje za ove trošne manijake van funkcije. Da, Obama je nasledio nered. Kada je preuzeo dužnost savezni deficit je bio 400 milijardi dolara. ALI... pogodite šta, posle jedne godine... SAMO JEDNU GODINU.... povećao je deficit na 1,7 triliona.

    Još jedan POGODITE ŠTA: Nakon što je potrošio sav taj pozajmljeni novac, privreda je i dalje na klizanju. Obama je rekao da ako pozajmimo i potrošimo taj novac, nezaposlenost neće preći 8%. Pa....pozajmili smo. Potrošili smo ga. Stopa nezaposlenosti je 10% bez znakova poboljšanja.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well, that is being part of the solution, your vote counts and we will have another election and plenty of time to support and rally for the candidate of your choice.  Rome wasnt built in a day and time will tell......he will probaly be voted out of office as a lot of them want it too happen and I see you are one of them and thats great, I am on the opposite and I am giving our President a chance, after all we had eight years of the Bush legacy and I guess you think that President Obama can just wave a wand and everything will go away, the parties need to work together not apart and he has done that....tried to work with the ole boy network and they just arent having it, they want him to fail and God Bless America. grin

    Pa, to je deo rešenja, vaš glas se računa i imaćemo još izbore i dovoljno vremena da podržimo i okupimo kandidata po vašem izboru. Rim nije izgrađen za jedan dan i vreme će pokazati...... verovatno će biti izglasan van funkcije jer mnogi žele da se to i desi i vidim da si ti jedan od njih i to je sjajno, ja sam na suprotnom i dajem šansu našem predsedniku, na kraju krajeva imali smo osam godina Bušovog nasleđa i pretpostavljam da mislite da predsednik Obama može samo da mahne štapićem i sve će nestati, stranke treba da rade zajedno, a ne razdvojene i on je to učinio da....pokušao je da radi sa mrežom ole boi-a, a oni to jednostavno nemaju, žele da propadne i Bog blagoslovi Ameriku. grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well, that is being part of the solution, your vote counts and we will have another election and plenty of time to support and rally for the candidate of your choice.  Rome wasnt built in a day and time will tell......he will probaly be voted out of office as a lot of them want it too happen and I see you are one of them and thats great, I am on the opposite and I am giving our President a chance, after all we had eight years of the Bush legacy and I guess you think that President Obama can just wave a wand and everything will go away, the parties need to work together not apart and he has done that....tried to work with the ole boy network and they just arent having it, they want him to fail and God Bless America. grin

    I totally disagree. They closed out the Republicans on the health care bill and made sweetheart deals. Just like the "Old Boy Network" did in the past. But you can believe what you want.

    I agree, it will take time..Hopefully there'll be a country standing after it.

    Pa, to je deo rešenja, vaš glas se računa i imaćemo još izbore i dovoljno vremena da podržimo i okupimo kandidata po vašem izboru. Rim nije izgrađen za jedan dan i vreme će pokazati...... verovatno će biti izglasan van funkcije jer mnogi žele da se to i desi i vidim da si ti jedan od njih i to je sjajno, ja sam na suprotnom i dajem šansu našem predsedniku, na kraju krajeva imali smo osam godina Bušovog nasleđa i pretpostavljam da mislite da predsednik Obama može samo da mahne štapićem i sve će nestati, stranke treba da rade zajedno, a ne razdvojene i on je to učinio da....pokušao je da radi sa mrežom ole boi-a, a oni to jednostavno nemaju, žele da propadne i Bog blagoslovi Ameriku. grin

    Potpuno se ne slažem. Zatvorili su republikance na računu za zdravstvenu zaštitu i napravili drage poslove. Baš kao što je to činila "Old Boi Netvork" u prošlosti. Ali možete verovati u šta želite.

    Slažem se, biće potrebno vremena..Nadajmo se da će biti država koja će stajati nakon toga.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    True..Rome was not built in as day.

    However, it burned in 3 days.

    I am no fan of Bush, but at worst Bush has a $400 billion deficit....Obama has 1.7 trillion in his first year alone.

    So, yes, I want Obama to fail.  This President, who has zero work experience in any type of free market job, is dragging us down fast.  So, let's minimize the damage. 

    Istina..Rim nije sagrađen kao dan.

    Međutim, izgoreo je za 3 dana.

    Nisam obožavatelj Buša, ali u najgorem slučaju, Buš ima deficit od 400 milijardi dolara.... Obama ima 1,7 biliona samo u prvoj godini.

    Dakle, da, želim da Obama ne uspe. Ovaj predsednik, koji nema nikakvo radno iskustvo u bilo kojoj vrsti posla na slobodnom tržištu, brzo nas vuče dole. Dakle, minimizirajmo štetu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Genenco I totally disagree with you, they didnt shut them out that is not what I believed, they knew President Obama was adamant about healthcare.  The republicans are a good ole boy party....they arent trying to work it out with one that is not those can deny the fact or not...they want him to fail because the voters electing President Obama was a slap in the face of the Rethuglicans!  So we can't take this conversation to a higher plane if you like because I dont beleive that he shut the door.  It is a fact, that President Obama, being a person of color, is not accepted by some as their president and there is a racist society out there to see him can sugarcoat it or disagree or whatever..this is the United States of American and it is still not united. 

    As for drspyce, we shall see, and if fails he had help...he came into a big mess and it is gonna take some time to fix it..maybe not in his time but a change is gonna come...winter turns to spring and summers turns to fall...Everything must change, nothing stays the same.  God Bless America!

    Genenco U potpunosti se ne slažem sa vama, nisu ih isključili da to nije ono u šta sam verovao, znali su da je predsednik Obama nepokolebljiv u pogledu zdravstvene zaštite. Republikanci su dobra partija....oni ne pokušavaju da reše problem sa onim koji nije sam..sada oni mogu da poriču tu činjenicu ili ne...žele da propadne jer su birači koji su birali predsednika Obamu bili šamar retuglikancima! Dakle, ne možemo da odnesemo ovaj razgovor na viši nivo ako želite jer ne verujem da je zatvorio vrata. Činjenica je da predsednika Obamu, budući da je obojena osoba, neki ne prihvataju kao svog predsednika i da postoji rasističko društvo da vidi kako on ne uspe....možete da zašećerite ili se ne slažete ili šta god..ovo su Sjedinjene Američke Države i još uvek nisu ujedinjene.

    Što se dršpica tiče, videćemo, a ako ne uspe, imao je pomoć...upao je u veliku zbrku i biće potrebno neko vreme da se to popravi..možda ne u njegovo vreme ali će doći promena...zima pretvara se u proleće, a leta u jesen... Sve se mora promeniti, ništa ne ostaje isto. Bože blagoslovi Ameriku!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well, that is being part of the solution, your vote counts and we will have another election and plenty of time to support and rally for the candidate of your choice. 

    and that. is exactly why the dems lost in mass.

    the people have spoken, after seing how much damage has been done in little over a year.

    Pa, to je deo rešenja, vaš glas se računa i imaćemo još izbore i dovoljno vremena da podržimo i okupimo kandidata po vašem izboru.

    i to. upravo je to razlog zašto su demovi izgubili u masi.

    narod je progovorio, pošto je video kolika je šteta učinjena za nešto više od godinu dana.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Genenco I totally disagree with you, they didnt shut them out that is not what I believed, they knew President Obama was adamant about healthcare.  The republicans are a good ole boy party....they arent trying to work it out with one that is not those can deny the fact or not...they want him to fail because the voters electing President Obama was a slap in the face of the Rethuglicans!  So we can't take this conversation to a higher plane if you like because I dont beleive that he shut the door.  It is a fact, that President Obama, being a person of color, is not accepted by some as their president and there is a racist society out there to see him can sugarcoat it or disagree or whatever..this is the United States of American and it is still not united.  

    As I suspected DD you're just like the liberals calling another party names. Such brilliance. Well, enjoy wearing the blinders and the ear plugs. You fit the model.

    Genenco U potpunosti se ne slažem sa vama, nisu ih isključili da to nije ono u šta sam verovao, znali su da je predsednik Obama nepokolebljiv u pogledu zdravstvene zaštite. Republikanci su dobra partija....oni ne pokušavaju da reše problem sa onim koji nije sam..sada oni mogu da poriču tu činjenicu ili ne...žele da propadne jer su birači koji su birali predsednika Obamu bili šamar retuglikancima! Dakle, ne možemo da odnesemo ovaj razgovor na viši nivo ako želite jer ne verujem da je zatvorio vrata. Činjenica je da predsednika Obamu, budući da je obojena osoba, neki ne prihvataju kao svog predsednika i da postoji rasističko društvo da vidi kako on ne uspe....možete da zašećerite ili se ne slažete ili šta god..ovo su Sjedinjene Američke Države i još uvek nisu ujedinjene.

    Kao što sam sumnjao DD, ti si kao liberali koji prozivaju drugu stranku. Takav sjaj. Pa, uživajte u nošenju slepila i čepića za uši. Odgovaraš modelu.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I have been called worst and here I stand.  President Obama has been called worst and now he is the president.  There is an old saying where I come from:  Call me anything but just dont call me late for dinner. grin

    Mene su zvali najgorim i evo stojim. Predsednik Obama je proglašen najgorim i sada je predsednik. Postoji stara izreka odakle dolazim: Zovi me bilo šta, ali samo me nemoj zvati kasno na večeru. grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    dazz.....we may disagree politically, but you still are hot!  And yeah, a good head do write well.

    dazz.....možda se politički ne slažemo, ali ti si i dalje vruć! I da, dobra glava takođe.... dobro pišeš.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thanks for the compliment, I love what you posted, you say what you feel, genenco says what he feels, this is an open forum and we can agree to disagree and thats what makes this forum awesome.  Politics and Religion are two of my favorite subjects, can bring on the replies and all of you are awesome and we come from different places and have different views and thats what makes the world go round.  I can't wait for the next reply or a good hot post...and the picture you see is a picture of two of my lovely daughters...but hey the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree. kiss

    Hvala na komplimentu, sviđa mi se ono što ste objavili, kažete šta osećate, genenco kaže šta oseća, ovo je otvoren forum i možemo se složiti da se ne slažemo i to je ono što ovaj forum čini odličnim. Politika i religija su dve moje omiljene teme, lol... može da donese odgovore i svi ste sjajni, a mi dolazimo sa različitih mesta i imamo različite poglede i to je ono što pokreće svet. Jedva čekam sledeći odgovor ili dobar vrući post...a slika koju vidite je slika dve moje divne ćerke...ali hej, voće ne pada daleko od drveta. kiss

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    hi gang , well rosevelt got us out of the 29 crash, by fixing roads and inforstructure which i thought obama was going to do. but the 2 wars is taking a lot of money. and the republicans never did us any favors leaving us  with the biggest crash we would have ever that was stopped ,and now its back to normal. so out will go the middle class again. and i feel ss for the people without jobs, cause they will have no healthcare or money. if obama wouldnt have givin states money , they wouldnt even have unemploment. so you all can be glad healtcare went down. but watch the ecomany tank now. it didnt happen overnite, it was happing the last 8 yrs. under bushs watch. and obama s left holding the bag. ty josie46

    zdravo bando, pa Rozvelt nas je izvukao iz nesreće 29, popravljajući puteve i infrastrukturu što sam mislio da će Obama uraditi. ali 2 rata uzimaju mnogo novca. a republikanci nam nikada nisu učinili uslugu ostavljajući nas sa najvećim krahom koji smo ikada videli. tako da je to zaustavljeno, a sada se vratilo u normalu. pa će opet izaći srednja klasa. i osećam se ss za ljude bez posla, jer neće imati ni zdravstvenu zaštitu ni novac. da Obama ne bi dao državama novac, ne bi ni imali nezaposlenost. tako da svi možete biti srećni što je zdravstvo nestalo. ali gledaj ecomani rezervoar sada. nije se desilo preko noći, dešavalo se poslednjih 8 godina. ispod žbunja sat. a Obama je ostao da drži torbu. ti josie46

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    dazz......if you are ever in Virginia, drinks are on ME.....and politics and religion are the topic!

    dazz......ako si ikada u Virdžiniji, piće je na meni.....a tema su politika i religija!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Josie....good post...but I have to disagree that the economy was on the melt down in the last 8 years.  Yeah...Bush did his share of wrecking it!  But, we have had deficit spending for decades.  Both Dems and Reps are both guilty.

    Džozi...dobar post...ali ne moram da se složim da je ekonomija bila u opadanju u poslednjih 8 godina. Da...Buš je dao svoj deo u uništavanju! Ali, decenijama imamo deficitarnu potrošnju. I demokrate i predstavnici su krivi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thanks for the invite but I dont think I would go to Virginia, they have a city named Lynchburg and that doesnt appeal to me.  But if you come to California, I will make you a Long Island Tea! grin

    Hvala na pozivu, ali mislim da ne bih išao u Virdžiniju, oni imaju grad koji se zove Linčburg i to mi se ne sviđa. Ali ako dođeš u Kaliforniju, napraviću ti Long Island čaj! grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    hi, yes but bush was left with a clean slate and out of debt. the war in iraqwas our downfall. it woke up the whole arab nation. chaney loves war. his stock is BLACKROCK. we are in the mess  because him and bush put us there, they are the ones that put it into action. Osambinladdin  is out to bust the us. ecomey and they did a hell of a job. and they should have had the fed. ck. out the wallstreat players like madeoff among the many, and the banks that brung us makes  me sick that they look the other way on thease crooks ty josie46

    zdravo, da, ali Buš je ostao čist i bez dugova. rat u Iraku je bio naš pad. probudila je ceo arapski narod. Čejni voli rat. njegova akcija je BLACKROCK. mi smo u neredu jer su nas on i Buš stavili tamo, oni su ti koji su to sproveli u delo. Osambinladin je spreman da nas uhapsi. ecomei i uradili su pakleni posao. i trebalo je da imaju hranu. ck. iz Vallstreat igrače se sviđaju među mnogima, i banke koje su nas srušile. Muka mi je što gledaju sa druge strane na ove lopove ti josie46

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    drpsyche this is me on this picture and I am hot  Thanks for your reponse above and I may not say something someone likes but hey that is politics for you!  If you open up a can of worms, you may have to eat them..yukk shocked (physche!) lol

    drpsiche ovo sam ja na ovoj slici i ja sam takođe Hvala na odgovoru iznad i možda neću reći nešto što se nekome sviđa, ali hej, to je za tebe politika! Ako otvorite konzervu crva, možda ćete morati da ih pojedete..iukk shocked (phische!) lol

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Whoa...that Long Island Ice Tea is looking better and better!

    Vau...taj Long Island Ice Tea izgleda sve bolje i bolje!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I am gonna keep that Long Island Chilled for you and then we you come to Cali I will freshen up for you, but hey I would go to Washington, D.C. and meet ya, hw about that? wink

    Sačuvaću taj Long Island Chilled za tebe i onda dođemo u Kali ja ću da se osvežim za tebe, ali hej, otišao bih u Vašington, DC i upoznao se sa tobom, šta kažeš na to? wink

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski that city.  Used to practice there.  Anytime!

    DC....volim taj grad. Nekad sam tamo vežbao. Bilo kada!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I saw senator elect Brown and he said that he won because of the healthcare crisis and that he would work with our President Obama without the partisan b.s.......he said that people want them to work together and he did too because he is their to serve the people and his state has 96 percent covered already with healthcare.  He is actually a pretty good looking guy, like President Obama and I truly think he is gonna be a good senator...he just doesnt look like a rethuglican.  grin

    Video sam senatora kako je izabrao Brauna i rekao je da je pobedio zbog zdravstvene krize i da bi radio sa našim predsednikom Obamom bez partizanskih bs......rekao je da ljudi žele da rade zajedno i on je takođe uradio jer je je njihov da služe narodu i njegova država ima 96 odsto već pokrivena zdravstvenom zaštitom. On je zapravo prilično zgodan momak, kao predsednik Obama i zaista mislim da će biti dobar senator...on jednostavno ne liči na rehulikan. grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Rethuglican!  Love it!  Well, we have sure had our share of those!

    I am sure hoping we get some healthcare reform.  But, I sure hope it is nothing like what is in the House and Senate. 

    Rethuglican! Sviđa mi se! Pa, sigurno smo imali svoj deo toga!

    Nadam se da ćemo dobiti neku reformu zdravstva. Ali, nadam se da to nije ništa slično onome što je u Domu i Senatu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yes, drpysche, I agree, I should write it, I have been in politics for awhile, secretary for a mayor, commission secretary, secretary to a vice president of aerospace..they were all in to the politics and the art of interesting though ..everyone wants to be your new bestfriend!

    Da, drpische, slažem se, trebalo bi da napišem, ja sam neko vreme u politici, sekretar gradonačelnika, sekretar komisije, sekretar potpredsednika vazduhoplovstva..svi su bili u politici i umetnosti politike. .lol.....zanimljivo je ipak ..svi žele da budu tvoj novi najbolji prijatelj!

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