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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hey guys, I had no idea when I made the slightest mention of my problems at how many people would reply and genuinely seem to care, so I decided to post an update...Well just got back a few mins ago, I live in the Richmond Va. area and "he" lives in the D.C. area.....about a 2 hour drive, well nothing really happened at all today mind you this is the first court date since I got the papers.....At court he tried to have my boyfriend thrown out of the know, they guy that 100% supports his child...yeah, that guy..[lol, she's 13 and he has been paying me $40 a week for the past 2 years in child support, I can't even feed the dogs for a week with that].....AND he tried to have my lawyer tossed off the case also, claiming a conflict of interest since my lawyer is my mothers boyfriend...Thankfully he didn't get either of his request and my lawyer requested to have the case be heard in Richmond.....OMG, what a joke, the judge said that would be appropiate since that is where me and the child live and he was stupid enough to say to the judge..."I object to that, it would be a 2 hour drive for me if you moved it" it's not a 2 hour drive for us PLUS our child would have to miss school if we have to go up there because there is no way of telling what time we would be able to make it back home....Needless to say it was indeed really amazes me at how he claims he wants what is best for her when all that comes out of his mouth is me,me,me.....oh poor baby doesn't want to drive down here for court, but it's ok for his kid to keep missing school  [that is if his dumb ass even thought about us not being able to make it home before she would get out of school] and sorry I'm not gonna go out of town and let her be at home by herslef without knowing when I might be back..... ...oh and in mediation [which went nowhwere] it was the mediators suggestion to try visitation first just to give our daughter the chance to build a relationship and maybe try to earn her trust and to finish the school year so she doesn't have to switch schools after she already started [he has been absent the majority of her life].....he looked right at the lady and simply said "Nope, I want it all right now" all as in physical and legas is that having someones best interest at heart, all I'm hearing is what he I,me,me and not a second thought as to how she would feel about anything!!!  Uggg this is sooo frustrating,  I know I'm not perfect and I have had legal problems of my own, which are in the past and put behind me, but that is the only thing he has in his favor so, I wonder where he's getting the idea that this is gonna work out for him, he's been gone most of her life, by his choice not mine although his wife likes to claim that I'm the one who keeps her away BULLSHIT, he's barely paid anything for her, oh and 2 years ago  HE SIGNED HER OVER TO ME, EVERYTHING!    forgot to mention that last little tid-bit lol!!!

    Hej ljudi, nisam imao pojma kada sam i najmanje pomenuo svoje probleme koliko bi ljudi odgovorilo i činilo se da ih je zaista briga, pa sam odlučio da objavim ažuriranje... Pa sam se vratio pre nekoliko minuta, živim u oblast Richmond Va. i "on" živi u DC oblasti.....oko 2 sata vožnje, pa ništa se zaista nije dogodilo danas, imajte na umu da je ovo prvi sastanak od kada sam dobio papire..... Na sudu je pokušao da izbaci mog dečka iz sobe...znate, oni tip koji 100% izdržava njegovo dete...da, taj momak..[lol, ona ima 13 godina i on mi plaća 40 dolara nedeljno. za poslednje 2 godine na izdržavanju dece, ne mogu ni nedelju dana da hranim pse sa tim].....A on je pokušao da i moj advokat odbaci slučaj, tvrdeći da je u sukobu interesa pošto je moj advokat dečko moje majke...Srećom nije dobio ni jedan od njegovih zahteva i moj advokat je tražio da se slučaj sasluša u Ričmondu.....OMG, kakva šala, sudija je rekao da bi to bilo prikladno jer je tamo ja i dete živimo i on je bio dovoljno glup da kaže sudiji..."Prigovaram, bilo bi mi 2 sata vožnje da si ga pomerio"
    Zdravo.....kao da nije 2 sata vožnje za nas PLUS naše dete bi moralo da izostane iz škole ako moramo da idemo gore jer ne postoji način da se kaže u koje vreme ćemo moći da se vratimo kući.. ..Nepotrebno je reći da je to zaista bilo dirnuto....stvarno me zadivljuje kako on tvrdi da želi ono što je najbolje za nju kada sve što izlazi iz njegovih usta sam ja, ja, ja..... o jadna bebo ne želi da se vozi ovde na sud, ali je u redu da njegovo dete nastavi da izostaje iz škole [to jest ako je njegovo glupo dupe čak i pomislilo da nećemo moći da stignemo kući pre nego što ona izađe iz škole] i izvini mi Neću ići van grada i pustiti je da bude sama kod kuće, a da ne znam kada bih se mogao vratiti..... ...oh i u posredovanju [koje nije bilo nigde], posrednici su predložili da prvo pokušamo sa posetom da našoj ćerki damo šansu da izgradi vezu i možda pokuša da zaradi njeno poverenje i da završi školsku godinu kako ne bi morala da menja školu nakon što je već počela [on je bio odsutan veći deo njenog života]... ..pogledao je pravo u damu i jednostavno rekao "Ne, hoću sve odmah" sve kao u fizičkom i pravnom pritvoru........kako je to da mi je u srcu nečiji interes, sve sam ja sluh je ono što on želi.....kao što rekoh...ja,ja,ja i ne razmišljam o tome kako bi se ona osećala prema bilo čemu!!! Ugg, ovo je jako frustrirajuće, znam da nisam savršen i da sam imao svoje pravne probleme, koji su u prošlosti i ostavljeni iza mene, ali to je jedino što mu ide u prilog pa se pitam gde je Shvativši da će mu ovo uspeti, on je otišao veći deo njenog života, po njegovom izboru, a ne po mom, iako njegova žena voli da tvrdi da sam ja taj koji je drži podalje. oh i pre 2 godine JE JE PREDAO MENI, SVE! zaboravio sam da pomenem tu poslednju sitnicu lol!!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    thanks for the update. I actually was just thinking about you and just tried to figure out where to post to find out how it went.

    Hvala za ažuriranje. Zapravo sam samo razmišljao o tebi i samo pokušao da smislim gde da objavim da saznam kako je prošlo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm sorry if I missed part 1. But it sounds like that guy needs a swift kick you know where shocked

    Strange how it can be someone suddely wants to be "Daddy" again after so long. I'm glad the judge saw good reason to move it closer to you. Keep the chin and dukes up SM.  kiss

    Žao mi je ako sam propustio prvi deo. Ali zvuči kao da tom momku treba brz udarac, znate gde shocked

    Čudno kako je moguće da neko odjednom poželi da ponovo bude "tata" posle toliko vremena. Drago mi je da je sudija video dobar razlog da to približi vama. Držite bradu i vojvode gore SM. kiss

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    well satan, i am glad things worked out for u so far...its good that it will be in ur u dont have to travel...i am glad u posted because i was just starting to wonder how things went for u today...

    what i dont understand is if he gave up his rights 2 years ago, what is it he wants now?  doesnt he know that speaks for itself..

    anyhoot, good luck  things r turning hit them damn

    pa sotono, drago mi je da su ti stvari do sada uspele...dobro je što će biti u tvom stanju...da li ne moraš da putuješ...drago mi je što si objavio jer sam tek počeo da se pitam kako stvari su išle za tebe danas...

    ono što ne razumem je ako se odrekao svojih prava pre 2 godine, šta sada hoće? zar ne zna da to govori samo za sebe..

    u svakom slučaju, srećno što se stvari okreću.... sada pogodi proklete slotove... lol

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Im sorry to hear your terribly traumatic time of it satan, I truly hope all works out exactly as it should i.e. your daughter stays with you.

    He sounds like a prize idiot.  Why the interest all of sudden - is it monetary cos thats generally what its all about over here.

    Do keep us posted.


    Žao mi je što čujem vaše strašno traumatično vreme sa satanom, iskreno se nadam da će sve ispasti baš onako kako treba, tj. vaša ćerka ostaje sa vama.

    Zvuči kao idiot za nagradu. Čemu kamate odjednom - da li je to novčano, jer se ovde uopšte radi o tome.

    Obaveštavajte nas.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Any chance its because him and the new wifey cant have kids? Ive seen that one before, suddenly taking an interest because its cheaper than adopting.
    I feel you are a good parent as you have not mentioned how you feel but hpw your daughter would feel and if she is in a safe family enviroment then there is no reason at all to give him custody.

    Ima li šanse da on i nova supruga ne mogu da imaju decu? Video sam to ranije, odjednom sam se zainteresovao jer je jeftiniji od usvajanja.
    Osećam da ste dobar roditelj jer niste spomenuli kako se osećate, ali hpv bi se osećala vaša ćerka i ako je u bezbednom porodičnom okruženju onda nema razloga da mu date starateljstvo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Geneco, funny how you said that, he went from being father of the year [well not really, but he was a decent father] from birth until we broke up when she was 3, to NON-EXISTANT from 3-11, to in and out from 11 till now, and you really nailed it with SUDDEN.....mentioned nothing at all to me or her about it, just get a kock on the door from the sheriff one day out of the blue!  And to everyone else, thank you guys so much for's a huge relief to be able to talk about this and vent a little, so thank you guys for being here for me!

    Geneco, smešno kako si to rekao, on je od rođenja oca godine [pa ne baš, ali je bio pristojan otac], dok nismo raskinuli kada je ona imala 3 godine, postao NEPOSTOJEĆI od 3-11, u i od 11 do sada, a ti si to stvarno zakucao sa IZNENADNO.....ništa nisi ni meni ni njoj spomenula o tome, samo daj šerifu na vrata jednog dana iz vedra neba! I svima ostalima, hvala vam puno na brizi.....veliko je olakšanje što mogu da pričam o ovome i da se malo odužim, pa hvala vam momci što ste tu za mene!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Try to find out what his motive is why now does he want tax benefits??? there has to be a reason. And, don't let him know it bothers you that's half the battle and put it in God's hands he is the Best Judge of all Good Luck i will Pray for you

    Pokušaj da saznaš šta mu je motiv zašto sad hoće poreske olakšice??? mora postojati razlog. I, nemoj mu dozvoliti da zna da ti smeta to je pola bitke i daj to u Božje ruke, on je najbolji sudija svih. Srećno, moliću se za tebe

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Satan, this is good, you won the first hearing cheesy It might not feel like a win, but it is! I believe the judge is gonna see right thru him and he will be lucky to get SUPERVISED visits...

    Satano, ovo je dobro, pobedio si na prvom saslušanju cheesy Možda se ne oseća kao pobeda, ali jeste! Verujem da će sudija videti pravo kroz njega i da će imati sreće da dobije posete pod NADZOROM...

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    in response to wintermare, no, that is not the reason they already have 2 children together, ones 7 and the others under a year old..........but I agree with the last post, I think it has something to do with money and YES a tax return......we almost came to an arrangement until he was told he wouldn't recieve the "pyhsical title" and you have to have physical in order to claim them on your taxes....he was really pushing the whole joint physical custody until the mediator told him it was impossible since we live over 100 apart and in order to have joint she has to live both places eual amounts of time....his suggestion to that???  He takes her everysingle weekend, every single holiday, every single school break including he just said he wants to take away every birthday party, sleepover, girls night out, basically her entire life outside of school so he can have that title................hmmmmmm you tell me what he's after!!

    kao odgovor na zimsku moru, ne, to nije razlog što već imaju dvoje dece zajedno, jedno 7 a drugo mlađe od godinu dana..........ali slažem se sa zadnjim postom, mislim da ima nešto u vezi sa novcem i DA poreskom prijavom......umalo smo se dogovorili dok mu nije rečeno da neće dobiti "fizičku titulu" i da moraš da imaš fizičku da bi ih potraživao na svoj porez ....stvarno je gurao celo zajedničko fizičko starateljstvo sve dok mu posrednik nije rekao da je to nemoguće pošto živimo više od 100 odvojeno i da bi imala zajedničko ona mora da živi u oba mesta jedno vreme....njegova sugestija da to??? Vodi joj svaki vikend, svaki praznik, svaki školski raspust uključujući je samo rekao da želi da oduzme svaku rođendansku zabavu, prenoćište, devojačke izlaske, u suštini ceo njen život van škole, tako da on može imati taj naslov................hmmmmmm reci mi šta traži!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    What a messy ordeal.

    Keep in mind somethings about family law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    First, the legal burden HE has to change a custody arrangement of a 13 year old is HUGE.  He would have to prove your daughter is completely better with him than you.  Unless you have fellony convictions for violence, drugs, etc., the odds are highly against him.

    Second, and related to above.  This will cost him a great deal of money to carry it through to a hearing or trial.  And then, the odds are still against his wishes here.  He will have to fork out $1000s to get move this along.

    Third, your daughter will have a lot of say so in who she wish to live with.

    Praying for you!  Just keep hanging in there.

    Kakva neuredna iskušenja.

    Imajte na umu nešto o porodičnom pravu u Komonveltu Virdžinije.

    Prvo, pravni teret koji ON mora da promeni u vezi sa starateljstvom nad 13-godišnjakom je OGROMAN. Morao bi da dokaže da je tvoja ćerka potpuno bolja s njim od tebe. Osim ako ste osuđeni za nasilje, drogu, itd., šanse su velike protiv njega.

    Drugo, i povezano sa gore navedenim. To će ga koštati mnogo novca da ga prenese na saslušanje ili suđenje. A onda, šanse su i dalje protiv njegovih želja ovde. Moraće da izdvoji 1000 dolara da bi pokrenuo ovo.

    Treće, vaša ćerka će imati puno reči o tome sa kim želi da živi.

    Moliti za tebe! Samo se drži tamo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hey i just rembered something i had two teenage daughters Hummmmmm!!! It's all coming back to me you might just want to lose cause believe me i would  rather raise ten teenage boys  (i had two of them as well)over one teenage daughter and then when she turns 20 take her back she'll will be normal again  laugh_out_loud sorry i just had to get that in to make you laugh

    Hej, upravo sam se setio nečega da sam imao dve ćerke tinejdžerke Hummmmmm!!! Sve mi se vraća, možda bi samo želeo da izgubiš jer veruj mi da bih radije odgajao deset tinejdžera (imao sam i njih dvoje) preko jedne ćerke tinejdžerke, a onda kada napuni 20 godina, vrati je nazad ona će biti normalna opet laugh_out_loud izvini što sam to morao da unesem da te nasmejem

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    ok, I've got to be 100% honest in order to get 100% honest input, Dr. I got have 1 mistormenaor [spell check there lol] for a petty larsony that happened almost a year ago, other than that in 28 years that is the only thing on my record, and he did try to bring that up in mediation! She told him when he brought that up that , that was the past and we are focused on her present and the future and told him well both of us to stop trying to dig up past events!

    u redu, moram da budem 100% iskren da bih dobio 100% iskren input, Dr. Imam 1 grešku (provera pravopisa lol) zbog sitne laži koja se desila pre skoro godinu dana, osim toga za 28 godina to je jedina stvar u mom zapisu, a on je to pokušao da iznese u posredovanju! Rekla mu je kada je to izneo da je to prošlost i da smo fokusirani na njenu sadašnjost i budućnost i rekla mu je da obojici prestanemo da iskopavamo događaje iz prošlosti!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hey i just rembered something i had two teenage daughters Hummmmmm!!! It's all coming back to me you might just want to lose cause believe me i would  rather raise ten teenage boys  (i had two of them as well)over one teenage daughter and then when she turns 20 take her back she'll will be normal again  LOL sorry i just had to get that in to make you laugh

    I have one teenage girl who is 15 going on 35...I have full custody and believe me it is not easy to raise her but not even once I regret that I have her and not my ex. who has no clue to what so ever on rasing a child...not to mention that he only thinks about rasing kid is all about money. If it were not for my daughter, I wouldn't be here who I am...proud to be who I am as a woman, but most of all, a mother...she taught me so much...she is the gift from God. I would not want any ten boys who are perfect, and who will give me no heartache, none is better than my rebellious daughter. She made to be goof, honest, a single mother, life hasn't been always easy and I also raised my younger brother who is in medical school, at the same time...

    I didn't have to fight for custody with my ex. since he wanted nothing to do with his daughter but still it was all so worthy...

    Hej, upravo sam se setio nečega da sam imao dve ćerke tinejdžerke Hummmmmm!!! Sve mi se vraća, možda bi samo želeo da izgubiš jer veruj mi, radije bih odgajao deset tinejdžera (imao sam i njih dvoje) preko jedne ćerke tinejdžerke i onda kada napuni 20 godina, vrati je nazad ona će biti normalna opet LOL izvini što sam to morao da unesem da te nasmejem

    Imam jednu tinejdžerku koja ima 15 i 35...imam puno starateljstvo i verujte da nije lako odgajati je, ali ni jednom ne požalim što imam nju a ne bivšu. koji nema pojma o tome šta se uopšte tiče podizanja deteta...da ne spominjem da on samo razmišlja o podizanju deteta samo o novcu. Da nije bilo moje ćerke, ne bih bila ovde ovakva kakva jesam...ponosna što sam kao žena, ali pre svega majka...toliko me je naučila...ona je dar od Boga. Ne bih želeo nijednih deset dečaka koji su savršeni, i koji mi neće zadati bol, nijedan nije bolji od moje buntovne ćerke. Napravila je da bude glupa, poštena, jaka...kao samohrana majka, život nije uvek bio lak, a odgajala sam i svog mlađeg brata koji je na medicinskom fakultetu, u isto vreme...

    Nisam morao da se borim za starateljstvo sa bivšom. pošto nije želeo ništa da ima sa svojom ćerkom, ali je sve to bilo tako dostojno...
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The petty larceny means ZERO.  Don't worry about that.

    Sitna krađa znači NULA. Ne brini o tome.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski the Ex working off some unresolved guilt?  Or is this purely a powertrip thing?

    Satane.....da li bivši radi na nekoj nerešenoj krivici? Ili je ovo čisto povertrip stvar?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I've been thinking about this let me ask you one question our you really happy in your relationship maybe he is jealous and he wants you to be as miserable as he is there has to be an under lying reason

    Razmišljao sam o ovome, dozvolite mi da vam postavim jedno pitanje: zaista ste srećni u vašoj vezi, možda je on ljubomoran i želi da budete isto tako nesrećni kao i on, mora da postoji neki lažni razlog

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    It's purely  a "he's a retard" clue what in the world could possibly be going through his head.....I think it's more his wife and mother influenceing him, because he's had no problem walking out of her life before......funny thing is he's got to be one of them most honest/lying person ever.......meaning when we are alone we can talk and work things out and he's open about why he does or doesn't do thing with her, but his wife is terrifed of letting that happen and when she's around he acts like an asshole to make her feel better.............But aside from that I don't see how I could possibly even begin to trust him with comes the lying part, all he does is lie to those closest to him, he tells his daughter he'll be around or call every week....doesn't committ to that, cheats on his wife.....doesn't commit to that, and he thinks he's responsible enough to take her when he can't make a single committment in his life and stick to it..........?

    To je čista stvar "on je retard"......nema pojma šta bi mu to moglo proći kroz glavu.....Mislim da više njegova žena i majka utiču na njega, jer nije imao problema da hoda iz njenog života ranije......smešno je što on mora da bude jedna od njih najiskrenijih/lažljivijih osoba ikada.......što znači kada smo sami možemo razgovarati i rešavati stvari, a on je otvoren zašto on radi ili ne radi nešto sa njom, ali njegova žena se plaši što će to dozvoliti i kada je ona u blizini on se ponaša kao seronja da bi joj bilo bolje.............Ali na stranu od toga ne vidim kako bih uopšte mogao da počnem da mu verujem sa njom...evo laži, sve što radi je da laže najbliže, kaže svojoj ćerki da će biti tu ili zove svakoga obavezuje se na to, vara svoju ž obavezuje se na to, i misli da je dovoljno odgovoran da je uzme kada ne može da se obaveže u životu i trudi se..........?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Glad things are looking up for you hun.

    Girllllllllllll my ex was the exact same way, he wasn't the BEST father.  We were on and off until my oldest was about 5 then I had my little one 2 years after that.  I was the primary bread winner and he basically spent most of his time with our sons.  Even though I told him to leave, I still can't believe how little he had to do with the boys.  He had a 5 and 12 year old (who had his own cell so dad didn't have to talk to "the bitch") and he still couldn't call.  My oldest didn't show it, but I could tell he was hurt but my little one cried his self to sleep SO OFTEN cuz damn dad didn't call.

    I NEVER talked bad about him though, tried to make excuses, dad must be busy or working just to make my sons feel better. 

    But we all know KARMA is a BITCH!  I had never asked him for a penny, but when I got laid off and couldn't afford health care the state decided I should get child support and he had to pay for their health insurance!  LMAO  cheesy  AND at my sons graduation he and all his friends took pictures with my boyfriend and my father.  But Delayne was too busy to take a pic with his "dad" and my youngest decided on his own that this year he wasn't gonna tell his "dad" about football or any swim meets since "dad never comes anyway" 

    DANGGGG  I started this post just to say that my ex basically wanted nothing to do with the boys if he wasn't gettin SUM!! (horrible)  Sorry for rambling on and on!
    Drago mi je da te stvari idu dobro.

    Girlllllllllll moj bivši je bio potpuno isti, nije bio NAJBOLJI otac. Bili smo i gasili sve dok moj najstariji nije imao oko 5 godina, a onda sam dobio svoju malu 2 godine nakon toga. Ja sam bio primarni dobitnik hleba i on je uglavnom provodio većinu vremena sa našim sinovima. Iako sam mu rekao da ode, još uvek ne mogu da verujem koliko je malo imao veze sa dečacima. Imao je dete od 5 i 12 godina (koji je imao svoj mobilni tako da tata nije morao da razgovara sa "kučkom") i još uvek nije mogao da zove. Moj najstariji to nije pokazao, ali sam mogao da kažem da je povređen, ali moj mali je TAKO ČESTO plakao da spava, jer prokleti tata nije zvao.

    Ipak, NIKAD nisam govorio loše o njemu, pokušavao da se opravdavam, tata mora da je zauzet ili radi samo da bi se moji sinovi osećali bolje.

    Ali svi znamo da je KARMA KUČKA! Nikada mu nisam tražio ni peni, ali kada sam dobio otkaz i nisam mogao da priuštim zdravstvenu zaštitu, država je odlučila da dobijem alimentaciju, a on je morao da plati njihovo zdravstveno osiguranje! LMAO cheesy A na maturi mojih sinova on i svi njegovi prijatelji su se slikali sa mojim dečkom i ocem. Ali Dilejn je bio previše zauzet da bi se slikao sa svojim "tatom" i moj najmlađi je sam odlučio da ove godine neće reći svom "tati" za fudbal ili bilo koje plivačke mitinge jer "tata ionako nikada ne dolazi"

    DANGGGG Počeo sam ovaj post samo da kažem da moj bivši u suštini nije želeo ništa da ima sa dečacima ako ne dobija SUM!! (užasno) Izvinjavam se što sam se neprestano razbijao!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Shelli.  I think you show how keeping the NUMBER ONE rule does work!  (Number one rule = never bad mouth your ex in front of your kids.)  This almost always backfires in the end. you wrote, you allowed your kids to come to their own conclusion about their dad.  Well done!

    Shelli. Mislim da pokazujete kako držanje pravila BROJ JEDAN funkcioniše! (Pravilo broj jedan = nikada nemoj loše govoriti o svom bivšem pred svojom decom.) Ovo se na kraju skoro uvek obori. Ali....kao što ste napisali, dozvolili ste svojoj deci da sami donesu zaključak o svom tati. Dobro urađeno!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well said Shelli, same here....I never needed to tell her anything bad about him, his absence and his actions now speak for themselves and oddly enough she has expressed to feeling to me and told me that the only reason she's afraid to speak her mind to him and his wife is because she's afraid they won't let her see her siblings if she makes them upset!!  Oh and yesterday after she got off of school [she goes to a friends house to do homework] she texted my boyfriend and told him she thinks she just ruined her life.......when she got home I asked her what was wrong and she said she called her dad to tell him she doesn't want to live with him and to drop this before it ends up costing them alot of money....her make her call his wife to tell her [why...I don't know considering he's the one who told me his wife has nothing to do with this and to leave her out of it] and her response was  "don't you love us?" and "what about your brother and sister, don't you love them and want to be in their life".......that is really pathetic that they would sink that low and purposely say things just to try and make her feel bad!!  Oh well, if that was her intentions lemme tell ya, it BACKFIRED big time!!  Instead of feeling bad, she's pissed off that his wife used the kids and she's even more pissed that she tried to whole don't you love us thing....of course she loves them, but that doesn't mean she has to give up her life of them!!!!!  Oh and one more thing.......I MADE HER CALL AND SAY EVERYTHING!!    At least that what her dad keeps insisting, I guess he doesn't realize that she is an actual human being with thoughts, feelings and emotions, and everytime she calls him and says something he doesn't like he ask her to tell me to stop making her call and say those things..........I have nothing to do with what she feels and she's told him that a dozen times, but know how stupid people are!

    Dobro je rekla Šeli, isto i ovde.... Nikad nisam imala potrebu da joj kažem ništa loše o njemu, njegovo odsustvo i njegovi postupci sada govore sami za sebe i koliko je čudno ona mi je izrazila osećanja i rekla mi da je jedini razlog zašto se plaši da govori šta misli s njim i njegova žena je zato što se boji da joj neće dozvoliti da vidi svoju braću i sestre ako ih uznemiri!! Oh, i juče nakon što je izašla iz škole [ona ide kod prijatelja da radi domaći] poslala je poruku mom dečku i rekla mu da misli da je upravo uništila svoj život.......kada je stigla kući pitao sam je šta je bilo pogrešno i rekla je da je zvala svog oca da mu kaže da ne želi da živi sa njim i da odustane od ovoga pre nego što ih to košta mnogo novca...naterala je da pozove njegovu ženu da joj kaže [zašto.. .Ne znam s obzirom da mi je on rekao da njegova žena nema nikakve veze sa ovim i da je izostavim] i njen odgovor je bio "zar nas ne voliš?" i "šta je sa tvojim bratom i sestrom, zar ih ne voliš i ne želiš da budeš u njihovom životu".......zaista je patetično što bi toli tako nisko i namerno govorili stvari samo da bi pokušali da je nateraju osećati se loše!! Oh, dobro, ako su to bile njene namere, dozvolite mi da vam kažem, to se VRATILO!! Umesto da se oseća loše, ona je ljuta što je njegova žena koristila decu i još više je ljuta što je pokušala da u potpunosti reši zar nas ne voliš....naravno da ih voli, ali to ne znači da mora odustati od života od njih!!!!! Oh i još nešto.......Ja sam je nazvala I REKLA SVE!! Bar ono što njen tata stalno insistira, pretpostavljam da ne shvata da je ona stvarno ljudsko biće sa mislima, osećanjima i emocijama, i svaki put kada ga pozove i kaže nešto što mu se ne sviđa, traži od nje da mi kaže da prestani da je zoveš i govori te stvari..........Ja nemam veze sa onim što ona oseća i to mu je rekla desetak puta, ali hej....znaš kako su ljudi glupi!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi Satan,

    I can't have kids and don't have any wise things to add here, except I am upset for you, and I hate your situation, and I hope things get better for you.


    zdravo satano,

    Ne mogu da imam decu i nemam nikakve mudre stvari da dodam ovde, osim što sam uznemiren zbog tebe, i mrzim tvoju situaciju, i nadam se da će ti stvari biti bolje.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    thanks, Nal......

    hvala, Nal.....

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    It really sucks that his dumb ass wife would say some crap like that to a kid.  ESPECIALLY a teenage girl.  She obviously has NO clue.  (want me to go beat her ass??)  Just playing but they are both IDIOTS!
    Zaista je sranje što bi njegova glupa žena rekla takvo sranje klincu. NAROČITO tinejdžerka. Ona očigledno nema pojma. (hoćeš da je prebijem??) Samo se igram, ali obojica su IDIOTI!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    lol!!!!!!  grin grin grin
    shelli, you are so much like you.
    i was thinking it from the beginning. but i was going to say i was going to kick his ass!
    sooooooo funny grin grin grin

    lol!!!!!! gringringrin
    Shelli, toliko si kao ja..volim te.
    mislio sam na to od početka. ali hteo sam da kažem da ću ga prebiti!
    sooooooo funni gringringrin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    hahaha realy sooooooo funny

    hahaha stvarno takooooo smešno

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    You know girl i'm on your side all the way on this one. Don't fret, only the strong survive and you will!!

    Like i said just bend over in a short skirt in front of him and his her what your working with. She can't even begin to compare!!

    Save save save all the emails and VM's. This is beautiful evidence as to a character profile in court.

    Hang in there......I'm pulling for you girl!!!


    Znaš devojko da sam na tvojoj strani sve do ovoga. Ne brini, samo jaki prežive i ti ćeš!!

    Kao što sam rekao, samo se sagni u kratkoj suknji ispred njega i njegove žene....pokaži joj sa čime radiš. Ne može ni da počne da upoređuje!!

    Sačuvaj sačuvaj sačuvaj sve e-poruke i VM. Ovo je lep dokaz o profilu karaktera na sudu.

    Drži se...... vučem za tebe devojko!!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Sorry Lips, but there is nothing to save, but it's all good, ever since the phone call yesterday when she tried to pull the don't yo love us and what about the kids crap...she's friggin hot!!!  She sat there and told me she though that was the lowest they could get and if it wasn't for fear of them taking the kids away from her that she would tell them to stay out of her life pretty much his wife attempt at f***** with her head and trying to make her feel guilty just made her more upset with them........!!!  And thank you everyone else for your support, it's really helping alot to be able to vent out here and it's even more helpful hearing all the support you guys are giving me, so from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU ALL!!   [man I love LCB]


    Profanity removed. 

    Izvini Lips, ali nema šta da se spase, ali sve je u redu, još od jučerašnjeg telefonskog poziva kada je pokušala da povuče zar nas ne voliš i šta je sa dečjim sranjima... jebeno je zgodna!!! Sedela je tamo i rekla mi da je to najmanje što su mogli da dobiju i da nije zbog straha da će joj oduzeti decu rekla bi im da se klone njenog životnog perioda...... tako da je njegova žena pokušavala da se jebe glavom i pokušavajući da je natera da se oseća krivom samo je još više uznemirila zbog njih........!!! I hvala svima ostalima na podršci, zaista mi puno pomaže što mogu da izađem ovde i još je korisnije čuti svu podršku koju mi pružate, tako da od srca HVALA SVIMA!! [čovek koga volim LCB]


    Vulgarnost je uklonjena.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Got an update on this....we finally go to court on the 27'th....we have actually talked and now they are only asking for I guess when we go we just show them the arrangements and that's it......I still don't like the idea of visitation, because now it's gonna be more money out of my pocket to meet them halfway everyother week...[we live about 100 miles apart] And of course she has forgiven and forgotten and all I hear about for days after she gets home is Daddy this and Daddy that...I'm glad that she can finally have a relationship with him...but I'm seriously sick of hearing how the person who didn't even acknowledge the fact that she existed for 13 years is suddenly so great! Oh well....that's life I guess, gotta take the good with the bad! I'm not knocking it because it's gonna save alot of headache, but I still got to wonder why they went from I was physical and legal custody to oh wait....we just want visitation....Very strange!!

    Dobio sam novosti o ovome.... konačno idemo na sud 27. .... zapravo smo razgovarali i sada traže samo posetu... pa pretpostavljam da kada odemo samo im pokažemo aranžmane i to je to......i dalje mi se ne sviđa ideja posete, jer će sada biti više novca iz mog džepa da ih sretnem na pola puta svake nedelje...[živimo oko 100 milja jedan od drugog] I od naravno da je oprostila i zaboravila i sve o čemu čujem danima nakon što se vrati kući je tata ovo i tata ono...drago mi je što konačno može da ima vezu sa njim...ali ozbiljno mi je muka od slušanja kako je osoba koja nije ni priznala činjenicu da postoji 13 godina odjednom tako velika! Pa je život, pretpostavljam, treba uzeti dobro sa lošim! Neću da kucam jer će to uštedeti mnogo glavobolje, ali ipak moram da se zapitam zašto su prešli sa fizičkog i pravnog starateljstva na oh čekaj.... samo želimo posete.... Veoma čudno!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Sounds like you've made some progress.
    Good job satan.
    And once the court crap is over and done with you'll feel a heck of alot better.
    As for your daughter suddenly wanting a relationship with dad out of the blue,
    I hate saying it but no matter how much of a jerk he is, it might turn out better in the long run.

    Btw, I was born in DC and grew up there (georgetown and by the national cathedral)

    Zvuči kao da ste napredovali.
    Bravo satano.
    A kada se sranje završi i završi, osećaćete se mnogo bolje.
    Što se tiče vaše ćerke koja iznenada želi vezu sa tatom iz vedra neba,
    Mrzim to da kažem, ali bez obzira koliko je kreten, moglo bi da ispadne bolje na duge staze.

    Btv, rođen sam u Vašingtonu i tamo sam odrastao (džordžtaun i kod nacionalne katedrale)

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Probably moved off physical custody because the lawyer told them what the FEE would be to try to get it.......and a long shot at that!

    Verovatno su uklonjeni sa fizičkog pritvora jer im je advokat rekao kolika će biti HOKSA da bi pokušali da je dobiju.......i daleko od toga!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I know it sux, and I know what you're going through & I'm sorry it's tough.

    Trust don't have a thing to worry about. It's going to cost him entirely too much $ to change things...that's why he backed down to visitation.

    I know you don't want to do the drive and stuff....but please, keep in mind...she's 13..and the last thing you want from your daughter is resentment for not letting her see him, or talking bad about him. You can try to talk to her and just explain that her time w/her Dad is HER special time w/him, and when she's with you, it's YOUR time. She's 13, but she's not an idiot...I'm sure you can do the grownup Mommy/daughter friend talk w/her & she'll understand & maybe chill a little w/ the 'Daddy this & that". wink

    Smile. It'll all work out. It really will.
    Btw, I'm like 40 mins North of Richmond--how funny- so close.  cool

    Znam to super, i znam kroz šta prolaziš i žao mi je što je teško.

    Veruj mi...nemaš razloga da brineš. To će ga koštati previše dolara da promeni stvari...zato je odustao od poseta.

    Znam da ne želiš da voziš i slično....ali molim te, imaj na umu...ona ima 13 godina..i poslednja stvar koju želiš od svoje ćerke je ljutnja što joj ne dozvoljava da ga vidi ili priča loše o njemu. Možete pokušati da razgovarate sa njom i samo objasnite da je njeno vreme sa tatom NJENO posebno vreme sa njim, a kada je ona sa vama, to je VAŠE vreme. Ona ima 13 godina, ali nije idiot...Siguran sam da možeš da pričaš odrasla mama/ćerka prijateljica sa njom i ona će razumeti i možda se malo ohladiti uz 'tata ovo i ono'. wink

    Osmeh. Sve će uspeti. Zaista hoće.
    Btv, ja sam otprilike 40 minuta severno od Ričmonda - kako smešno - tako blizu. cool

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    thanks guys!

    Hvala momci!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Glad its going to be finally sorted.

    Kids are resiliant and tend to live for the here and now.  I guess you should think yourself lucky that he does actually want to see her and she is happy seeing him.

    My son was/is like he didn't/doesn't exist in the eyes of his father and he has had nothing to do with my son since he was just over 2.  My son is now 27.  I would have loved my son to talk about his "dad" even though we weren't together as a couple but as his dad wasn't interested, that never happened.

    I do understand that this battle has been quite nasty though Satan and its great its going to be sorted...finally.  As long as your daughter is happy, that's the most important thing.


    Drago mi je da će se konačno srediti.

    Deca su otporna i imaju tendenciju da žive za ovde i sada. Pretpostavljam da bi trebalo da mislite da ste srećni što on zaista želi da je vidi i ona je srećna što ga vidi.

    Moj sin je bio/je kao da nije/ne postoji u očima svog oca i nema nikakve veze sa mojim sinom otkako je imao nešto više od 2 godine. Moj sin sada ima 27 godina. Voleo bih svog sina da priča o svom "tati" iako nismo bili zajedno kao par, ali kako njegov tata nije bio zainteresovan, to se nikada nije dogodilo.

    Razumem da je ova bitka bila prilično gadna, iako je Satana i velika je da će se rešiti... konačno. Sve dok je vaša ćerka srećna, to je najvažnije.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Satan, So glad things are going to be sorted for you. Things do get easier. I have 4 kids, oldest being 30 now and youngest 15. I seperated from thier Father when youngest was born, he pays nothing for her to me and most times wants nothing to do with her unless she bows down to his every wish, but she just adores him, its Dad this and that and most days im the bad person but in my heart I know one day she will see him for who and what he really is and then maybe just maybe I can have my carefree beautiful 15 year old back to the way she was before he decided to have his so called rights.
    Oh and now Ive made it about me and didnt mean 2 just wanted you to know I know where your at and what your going thru and that it does get better.

    Satano, drago mi je da će se stvari srediti za tebe. Stvari postaju lakše. Imam 4 dece, najstarije sada ima 30, a najmlađe 15. Odvojio sam se od tvog oca kada se najmlađi rodio, on mi ništa ne plaća za nju i najčešće ne želi ništa sa njom osim ako se ne povinuje svakoj njegovoj želji, ali ona jednostavno ga obožava, njegov tata taj i taj i većinu dana sam loša osoba, ali u svom srcu znam da će ga jednog dana videti kakav je i šta je on zapravo i onda možda samo možda mogu da vratim svoju bezbrižnu prelepu 15-godišnjakinju onakva kakva je bila pre nego što je odlučio da ima svoja takozvana prava.
    Oh, a sada sam to napravio o sebi i nisam mislio da 2 samo želim da znaš da znam gde si i kroz šta ideš i da će biti bolje.

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