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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm sure many here have a yahoo account. Lately I've noticed some things
    I thought have been funny.

    Like their "Healthy Eating" sections.

    Today, it was reported there's a 1,901 calorie Burger being served at restaurants
    across America. This gut bomb has a lot of  caloric fat and saturated fat and just
    fat, fat.

    Oh! The HORROR of it all!! Wow, that's just...Just Well, it's obviously a slow
    news day frankly. I mean if they don't have anything earth shaking, seems yahoo
    grabs their "Healthy Eating" gurus (They have more then one I think) and have
    them whip up a small piece.

    Ever notice they focus on the "Oh that's bad for you!" stuff?

    Big yummy burgers, shakes meant to send that weight scale spinning like a tornado
    and you (Of course) to the vegetable section of the grocery dept to start eating a
    "Balanced Diet"

    I can attest, there's a place in AZ which has an 8,000 calorie burger. Yes, called
    the "Heart Attack Grill" Maybe I might check it out one day, before I die from
    that Mega caloric shake that's wandering around at another restaurant.

    I know eating healthy is good for you, but if you think one box of granola is
    going to wipe out 35 years of eating "Bad Stuff" then I've got news for you.

    By the time I could change my diet, I'd probably be DEAD from having to
    wait, weigh and carefully select each ingredient that I'd use. Organic?
    Radiated? Gentle to the environment and small furry animals?

    Yes it is.

    OK, you can eat it.

    I did about an hour ago, took me 2 min. I'm hungry again.

    No, you have to wait another 5 hours.


    It's good for you!




    Never mind, going out for a burger.

    Stop you can't! I'll call..I'll call...Oh fine do it and DIE!!!

    Everybody will someday.

    SHUT UP!!!

    Siguran sam da mnogi ovde imaju Iahoo nalog. U poslednje vreme primetio sam neke stvari
    Mislio sam da je bilo smešno.

    Kao i njihove rubrike "Zdrava ishrana".

    Danas je objavljeno da se u restoranima služi hamburger od 1.901 kalorija
    širom Amerike. Ova crevna bomba ima mnogo kalorijskih masti i zasićenih masti i pravedno
    masnoća, debela.

    Oh! UŽAS od svega!! Vau, to je samo... Pa, očigledno je sporo
    dan vesti iskreno. Mislim, ako nemaju ništa što potresa zemlju, izgleda iahoo
    zgrabi svoje gurue "zdrave ishrane" (mislim da imaju više od jednog) i imaju
    oni biču malo parče.

    Da li ste ikada primetili da se fokusiraju na "O, to je loše za tebe!" stvari?

    Veliki ukusni hamburgeri, šejkovi koji su trebali da pošalju tu vagu da se okreće kao tornado
    a vi (naravno) u odeljenje za povrće u prodavnici da počnete da jedete a
    "Uravnotežena ishrana"

    Mogu da potvrdim, postoji mesto u AZ koje ima hamburger od 8.000 kalorija. Da, zvao
    "Grill za srčani udar" Možda bih ga mogao pogledati jednog dana, pre nego što umrem od
    onaj Mega kalorijski šejk koji luta po drugom restoranu.

    Znam da je zdrava ishrana dobra za vas, ali ako mislite da jedna kutija granole jeste
    da izbrišem 35 godina jedenja "Loše stvari" onda imam vesti za tebe.

    Dok bih mogao da promenim ishranu, verovatno bih bio MRTV da ne moram
    sačekajte, izmerite i pažljivo izaberite svaki sastojak koji bih koristio. Organic?
    Radiated? Nežan prema okolini i malim krznenim životinjama?

    Da, jeste.

    OK, možeš da ga pojedeš.

    Uradio sam pre oko sat vremena, trebalo mi je 2 minuta. Opet sam gladan.

    Ne, morate čekati još 5 sati.


    To je dobro za tebe!




    Nema veze, izaći na hamburger.

    Ne možete stati! Zvaću..pozvaću...Ma dobro uradi to i UMRI!!!

    Svi će jednog dana.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

        AHAHHAHA...Funny Post Genenco....

    I was thinking about it after I read it, as I made myself a cup of coffee.
          I use Sugar substitute, trying to avoid to much sugar in my diet, yet as I read the label, it says, "May cause Cancer."
          Now how can I win the battle there? I try to eat healthy, and I am going to get cancer for doing so. laugh_out_loud....
            You can't drink the water, eat the food, or breath the air anymore, all of it has the possibility of causing cancer. Geeshhh.

    AHAHHAHA...Smešna objava Genenco....

    Razmišljao sam o tome nakon što sam ga pročitao, dok sam sebi pravio šoljicu kafe.
    Koristim zamenu za šećer, pokušavajući da izbegnem previše šećera u ishrani, ali dok čitam etiketu, piše: „Može izazvati rak“.
    Kako sada da dobijem bitku tamo? Trudim se da se hranim zdravo, a zbog toga ću dobiti rak. laugh_out_loud ....
    Ne možete više piti vodu, jesti hranu ili udisati vazduh, sve to ima mogućnost da izazove rak. Geeshhh.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    That was an awesome critique on the whole eating right frenzy! Too funny! What the heck is in that 8000 burger anyway?

    I really enjoy the excessive ads for belly fat. I guess that comes after eating that 8000 calorie burger.

    Every time i open my email.....there is a woman with a sagging belly and next to her a stomach that looks like a washboard...that is suppose to be her in just two weeks! Just one magic pill before you go to bed.........and you too can have six pack abs!

    Now if you if will excuse me I'm off to eat my deep fried snicker bar.......wink!


    To je bila sjajna kritika čitavog ludila za pravilnom ishranom! Previše smešno! Šta je dođavola u tom hamburgeru od 8000?

    Zaista uživam u preteranim reklamama za salo na stomaku. Pretpostavljam da to dolazi nakon jedenja tog hamburgera od 8000 kalorija.

    Svaki put kada otvorim svoj mejl.....postoji žena sa opuštenim stomakom, a pored nje stomakom koji izgleda kao daska za pranje veša...to bi trebalo da bude ona za samo dve nedelje! Samo jedna magična pilula pre nego što odete na spavanje.........a i vi možete imati šest paketa trbušnjaka!

    Sada ako me izvinite, ja idem da jedem svoj duboko prženi snicker bar.......namigni!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well Lips, you ask, I have delivered.

    The Quadruple Bypass Burger has four slabs of beef weighing 2lbs, three cheese layers, four bacon rashers, lettuce and tomato.

    Pa Usne, pitate, isporučio sam.

    Kuadruple Bipass Burger ima četiri ploče govedine težine 2 funte, tri sloja sira, četiri rašpice slanine, zelenu salatu i paradajz.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I guess the real question is how does one get their mouth around such a whopper?

    cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy


    Pretpostavljam da je pravo pitanje kako neko može da progovori o takvom gomilanju?


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    I guess the real question is how does one get there mouth around such a whopper?

    cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy


    LMAO - indeed!   grin grin grin

    Jeez its huge.



    Pretpostavljam da je pravo pitanje kako se može doći do usta oko takvog gomile?



    LMAO - zaista! gringringrin

    Ogroman je.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    NOW THATS A BURGER!!!! cheesy cheesy cheesy

    SADA JE TO BURGER!!!! cheesycheesycheesy

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    I guess the real question is how does one get their mouth around such a whopper?

    cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy


    Lips...Well...Um...There's so many ways to answer this quote, I'll just chuckle and pass..Ya know?? cheesy


    Pretpostavljam da je pravo pitanje kako neko može da progovori o takvom gomilanju?



    Usne...Pa...Um...Postoji toliko načina da se odgovori na ovaj citat, samo ću se nasmejati i proći..Znaš?? cheesy
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Where's the mayo?  Gotta have mayo!


    Gde je majonez? Moram imati majonez!


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I always have mine cut in half...fits better in your mouth  cheesy

    now this is what happens when you eat toooooo many, so be careful..i have seen it happen...

    Ja uvek imam svoju isečenu na pola... bolje ti stoji u ustima cheesy

    evo šta se dešava kada jedete previše, zato budite oprezni.. video sam da se dešava...

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Nal, I had a boss at an employer long ago and this guy was about 5' 5" and he had to weigh AT LEAST 400 lbs and frankly I have seen guys like this so often lately and wondered if this is a result of simply "Not Caring" a little bit about their weight or maybe their self-esteem is shot to ribbons.

    Reminds me of a trivia question asked about Las Vegas.

    "How many people weighing over 500 lbs visited the emergency room last year?" (This being 2006).

    the answer was 175 people and they did NOT count multiple visits.

    Nal, imao sam šefa kod poslodavca davno i ovaj momak je imao oko 5' 5" i morao je da ima NAJMANJE 400 funti i iskreno, viđao sam ovakve momke tako često u poslednje vreme i pitao sam se da li je to rezultat jednostavnog " Ne brinući se malo o njihovoj težini ili je možda njihovo samopoštovanje napušteno.

    Podseća me na jedno trivijalno pitanje o Las Vegasu.

    „Koliko je ljudi teških preko 500 funti posetilo hitnu pomoć prošle godine?“ (Ovo je 2006).

    odgovor je bio 175 ljudi i NISU brojali više poseta.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    that's not cool

    to nije kul

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I always have mine cut in half...fits better in your mouth  cheesy
    Now why did i just think of Lorena Bobbet.....lmaooo!

    Ja uvek imam svoju isečenu na pola... bolje ti stoji u ustima cheesy
    Zašto sam se setio Lorene Bobbet.....lmaooo!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    you are bad..my eyes are watering, and you just gave me permagrin again  grin
    you are a lot sicker than i thought you were...

    loš si..suze mi oči, a opet si mi dao permagrin grin
    mnogo si bolesniji nego što sam mislio da si...

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    you are bad..my eyes are watering, and you just gave me permagrin again  grin
    you are a lot sicker than i thought you were...
    I like to live on the edge too Nal...and i'm never gonna survive unless i'm alittle crazy......wink!

    loš si..suze mi oči, a opet si mi dao permagrin grin
    mnogo si bolesniji nego što sam mislio da si...
    I ja volim da živim na ivici Nal...i nikad neću preživeti osim ako nisam malo lud......mig!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    I guess the real question is how does one get their mouth around such a whopper?

    cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy


    Lips...Well...Um...There's so many ways to answer this quote, I'll just chuckle and pass..Ya know?? cheesy
    Ummmm....okay i must admit.......yes i do know!!


    Pretpostavljam da je pravo pitanje kako neko može da progovori o takvom gomilanju?



    Usne...Pa...Um...Postoji toliko načina da se odgovori na ovaj citat, samo ću se nasmejati i proći..Znaš?? cheesy
    Ummmm....u redu moram priznati.......da znam!!

Brzi odgovor

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