I work in a very large grocery store, i am an asst manager for the front end, its not that i stand around and order employees, i'm right there with and doing whatever they do i do, registering, cleaning, zoning, stocking on top of it, i have breaks and scheduling and also counting drawers and supervising who does what and when, i am the complaint department, the advisor, the leviator, negoiator, decisioner and the go between, many other tasks i handle.. it can get to you mentally, and i know you can't make everyone happy, but i do my best..
Theres something that happens in grocery stores that i cannot understand.. it is parents with the crying children, don't get me wrong and i completely understand yes children do cry they can be unhappy when they don't get what they want, but time and time again parents from the moment they enter the store they will have a child that is screaming at the top of their lungs, the entire time they are shopping the child is still screaming from one end to the other, i notice the parent is either calmly ignoring it, or yelling back threatening disipline, frantically trying to give the child anything to quiet he/she, i've seen the child throw things out the carts, hit their parents, ask for food and then throw it.. the siblins are either distracting or teasing the child and antagonizing, all through check out the child is screaming, by this time i've got customer complaints, employees and cashiers have headaches, a child screaming or crying loudly for nothing can drive you insane..then as they are all done and walking towards the door to exit, the child suddenly is quiet..(hmm i wonder why) majority of this that happens the child is just plain out of control, sometimes theres child that are crying because they need a diaper change or are hungry.. well take care of this FIRST and then finish shopping, that baby is number 1.. beside the babies that need changing or are hungry, theres nothing wrong with these children, but there is something definetly wrong with the parents..
If this was my child i would straight walk back out the door, knowing there is a disipline problem that i need to check.. my child and this problem is going to be taken care of first, my child is going to learn that you do not act this way in a store or ANYWHERE.. at an early age my daughter was taught how to respect, how to listen, how to be sensitive, how to be good, i took the time to care and show her i care..
What are you feelings on this.. are the parents to blame, should they take steps to walk outside, or is it okay to let them scream through the store?
Naše bebe koje plaču..
- Započeto
- Imagin.ation
- Superstar Member 5026
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 6 godina
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- Započeto
- Imagin.ation
- u Oct 15, 11, 04:05:56 PM
- Superstar Member 5026
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 6 godina
Original Prevod Prevedeno saRadim u veoma velikoj prodavnici prehrambenih proizvoda, ja sam pomoćnik menadžera za prednji kraj, nije da stojim okolo i naređujem zaposlenima, ja sam tu sa i radim šta god oni rade, registrovanje, čišćenje, zoniranje, skladištenje povrh toga, imam pauze i zakazivanje, kao i brojanje fioka i nadgledanje ko šta i kada radi, ja sam odeljenje za žalbe, savetnik, leviator, pregovarač, donosilac odluka i posrednik, mnoge druge poslove kojima se bavim... mogu mentalno doći do tebe, i znam da ne možeš sve učiniti srećnim, ali dajem sve od sebe..
Ima nešto što se dešava u prodavnicama prehrambenih proizvoda što ne mogu da razumem.. to su roditelji sa decom koja plače, nemojte me pogrešno shvatiti i potpuno razumem da deca plaču, mogu biti nesrećna kada ne dobiju ono što žele, ali iznova i iznova roditelji od trenutka kada uđu u prodavnicu imaće dete koje vrišti na sav glas, sve vreme dok kupuju dete još uvek vrišti s kraja na kraj, primećujem da je roditelj ili mirno ignorišući to, ili uzvraćajući uzvraćajući preteći disciplinom, mahnito pokušavajući da dam detetu bilo šta da ga utiša, video sam dete kako baca stvari iz kolica, udara roditelje, traži hranu i onda je baca... siblini ili ometaju ili zadirkuju dete i antagoniziraju se, tokom celog odjavljivanja dete vrišti, do sada imam pritužbe kupaca, zaposleni i blagajnici imaju glavobolje, dete koje vrišti ili glasno plače bez čega može da te izludi.. onda kada su svi gotovi i idu prema vratima da izađu, dete odjednom utihne..(hmm, pitam se zašto) većina ovoga što se dešava dete je jednostavno van kontrole, ponekad ima dece koja plaču jer im treba promenite pelene ili ste gladni.. dobro sredite ovo PRVO pa završite kupovinu, ta beba je broj 1.. pored beba koje treba da se presvuku ili su gladne, nema ništa loše sa ovom decom, ali nešto definitivno nije u redu sa roditelji..
Da je ovo moje dete, odmah bih se vratio kroz vrata, znajući da postoji problem sa disciplinom koji moram da proverim.. moje dete i ovaj problem će se prvo rešiti, moje dete će naučiti da ti to radiš ne ponašaj se ovako u prodavnici ili BILO GDE.. u ranom detinjstvu moju ćerku su učili kako da poštuje, kako da sluša, kako da bude osetljiva, kako da bude dobra, odvojila sam vreme da brinem i pokažem joj da mi je stalo..
Šta osećaš u vezi ovoga.. da li su roditelji krivi, da li treba da preduzmu korake da izađu napolje ili je u redu pustiti ih da vrište kroz radnju? -
- Odgovoreno
- CatFace
- u Oct 15, 11, 04:34:08 PM
- Sr. Member 433
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
When I hear stories like this, it gives me creeps. I mean, I hope to have children some day, but when I see in how many ways one can make a mistake about their education and breeding, I start having second thoughts. Anyway, I sincerely think it's parents' fault for the most part, as discipline must be introduced to children from the moment they are born.
Kad čujem ovakve priče, jezim se. Mislim, nadam se da ću jednog dana imati decu, ali kada vidim na koliko načina se može pogrešiti u njihovom obrazovanju i uzgoju, počinjem da se premišljam. U svakom slučaju, iskreno mislim da su najvećim delom krivi roditelji, jer se disciplina mora uvoditi kod dece od trenutka kada se rode.
- Odgovoreno
- Imagin.ation
- u Oct 15, 11, 06:16:08 PM
- Superstar Member 5026
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 6 godina
Catface, im sure if you recognize it now, you'll do fine raising a child and be a fantastic mother.. but i'm not trying to make something out of nothing, it is really bad.. i've tried to intervene in some cases, just by being kind and care what the child is crying for.. they will give you a dirty look like mind your own business.. so it's hard.. it makes me sad.. i just think about how the child will turn out, hoping his future will be okay
Catface, siguran sam da ako ga sada prepoznaš, dobro ćeš odgajati dete i biti fantastična majka.. ali ja ne pokušavam da napravim nešto ni iz čega, stvarno je loše.. pokušala sam da intervenišem u nekim slučajevima samo tako što ćete biti ljubazni i pazite šta dete plače.. daće vam prljavi izgled gledajte svoja posla.. pa teško je.. rastužuje me.. samo razmišljam o tome kako dete ispostaviće se, nadajući se da će njegova budućnost biti u redu
- Odgovoreno
- kattboots
- u Oct 15, 11, 06:31:30 PM
- Mighty Member 2805
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 3 godine
No doubt in my mind it is the parents' faults... a child will behave the way it is taught to behave. They would not be screaming in the store if they have been taught and disciplined from the start. On the contrary, they have learned that this tactic is correct because it works!
They will not learn otherwise from these parents either IMO, as the parent is not concerned with the problem of what effect their child's behavior is having on others in the store. Is not concerned with respect for others... is not willing to inconvenience themselves enough to take that child out of the store and deal with the problem on the spot. So here they are, not dealing with the problems they have not dealt with all along.
If they have a child crying in church, the library, or heaven forbid at a movie it is accepted that they will be asked to leave and not disrupt others. Why then are they allowed to scream and cry in other places like the store, or a restaurant? It should be just as acceptable to ask them to leave in those places and situations too. Responsible parents leave of their own accord out of respect for others. Perhaps if this was done and accepted in more places these parents would learn to take the responsibility they should be taking on their own.
And CatFace I absolutely agree with imagin that you would be fine raising a child, partly just because you are already concerned that you might not get it right which shows you care!
kattNema sumnje da su roditelji krivi... dete će se ponašati onako kako je naučeno da se ponaša. Ne bi vrištali u prodavnici da su od početka naučeni i disciplinovani. Naprotiv, naučili su da je ova taktika ispravna jer funkcioniše!
Ni od ovih roditelja neće naučiti drugačije, IMO, jer roditelj nije zabrinut za problem uticaja ponašanja njihovog deteta na druge u prodavnici. Ne brine o poštovanju drugih... nije voljan da sebi stvara dovoljno neprijatnosti da izvede to dete iz prodavnice i reši problem na licu mesta. Dakle, evo ih, ne bave se problemima kojima se nisu bavili sve vreme.
Ako imaju dete koje plače u crkvi, biblioteci ili ne daj Bože u bioskopu, prihvaćeno je da će od njih biti zatraženo da odu i da ne ometaju druge. Zašto im je onda dozvoljeno da vrište i plaču na drugim mestima kao što su prodavnica ili restoran? Trebalo bi da bude jednako prihvatljivo i zamoliti ih da odu i na tim mestima i situacijama. Odgovorni roditelji odlaze svojom voljom iz poštovanja prema drugima. Možda bi, ako bi se ovo uradilo i prihvatilo na više mesta, ovi roditelji naučili da preuzmu odgovornost koju bi sami trebalo da preuzmu.
I CatFace Apsolutno se slažem sa zamislim da bi bilo dobro da odgajate dete, delimično samo zato što ste već zabrinuti da to možda nećete shvatiti kako treba, što pokazuje da vam je stalo!
katt -
- Odgovoreno
- wmmeden
- u Oct 15, 11, 11:50:12 PM
- Super Hero 1204
- Poslednja aktivnost pre godinu dana
THANK YOU for posting this. I tell my son from the get go "do NOT ask for anything, do not run off, and do not misbehave" because I have and will swat him in the store. Some parents don't believe in spankings, I do and always will no matter what anyone else says. My daughter is given her favorite toy at the beginning of a trip and she is very good in the store. I have to make sure she isn't hungry, though, or she will try to open the boxes. And she loves Lowes
HVALA što ste ovo objavili. Ja svom sinu od samog početka kažem „NE traži ništa, ne beži i ne ponašaj se loše“ jer sam ga udario i udariću ga u prodavnici. Neki roditelji ne veruju u batine, ja verujem i uvek ću, bez obzira šta neko drugi kaže. Moja ćerka dobija svoju omiljenu igračku na početku putovanja i veoma je dobra u prodavnici. Moram da se uverim da nije gladna, inače će pokušati da otvori kutije. I ona voli Lovesa
- Odgovoreno
- genenco
- u Oct 15, 11, 11:56:46 PM
- Mighty Member 3032
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 godina
In a humorous vein, this is acceptable:
However, I realize that when children are so out of control that taking them outside is the only answer, then you know that there's some real problems with discipline.U duhovitom smislu, ovo je prihvatljivo:
Međutim, shvatam da kada su deca toliko izmakla kontroli da je izvođenje napolje jedini odgovor, onda znate da postoje pravi problemi sa disciplinom. -
- Odgovoreno
- blueday
- u Oct 16, 11, 06:29:29 AM
- Almighty Member 37999
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 3 godine
A screaming child in the store drives me up the wall. They usually want something they can't have and if they scream hard enough, they will get it. It's all so wrong.
blueDete koje vrišti u prodavnici me vozi uz zid. Obično žele nešto što ne mogu da imaju i ako vrište dovoljno snažno, dobiće to. Sve je tako pogrešno.
Plavi -
- Odgovoreno
- p0kahontis
- u Oct 16, 11, 07:18:46 AM
- Sr. Member 367
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
I was born in 1972 and I was raised by grandparents. And we all know that when you go out in public with them, you BETTER not embarras them. All my grandmother had to do was give me a look or do the undercover pinch under my arm, which meant shape up or else.
Now a days these parents try to be their child's friend and they have an instant tune out button when kid starts acting like a brat. It is up to us to be consistent with discipline and love.
I am a sixth grade teacher with forty students and my students do not disrespect me or misbehave in front of me, however, they are different with other adults. I usually get the roughest group every year, which i Love. Unfortunately, kids are like dogs. They since who they can and cannot mess with. I feel sorry for my substitutes .
Imagin.ation, put a sign up in front of your grocery store like restaurants do:
managementRođen sam 1972. godine i odgajali su me baka i deda. A svi znamo da kada izađete u javnost sa njima, BOLJE da ih ne sramotite. Sve što je moja baka morala da uradi bilo je da me pogleda ili da me tajno štipa ispod ruke, što je značilo da se oblikujem ili drugačije.
Danas ovi roditelji pokušavaju da budu prijatelji svog deteta i imaju dugme za trenutno isključenje kada dete počne da se ponaša kao derište. Na nama je da budemo dosledni disciplini i ljubavi.
Ja sam učitelj šestog razreda sa četrdeset učenika i moji đaci me ne ne poštuju niti se loše ponašaju preda mnom, ali su drugačiji sa drugim odraslim osobama. Obično dobijam najgrublju grupu svake godine, što volim. Nažalost, deca su kao psi. Oni od koga mogu i ne mogu da se zezaju. Žao mi je mojih zamenika .
Imagin.ation, prijavite se ispred svoje prodavnice kao što to rade restorani:
menadžment -
- Odgovoreno
- Imagin.ation
- u Oct 16, 11, 01:38:26 PM
- Superstar Member 5026
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 6 godina
It is serious, people walk out because they can't take it, or can't concentrate on getting their own shopping done.
Another thing that i see all too often is the toy isle is not the baby sitter section, children are left there unattended, playing with the toys, opening them, bouncing balls, playing toss or football, combing barbies hair or redressing her, once some children opened the sidewalk chalk and attempted to make hopscotch.. i asked them to take me to their parents, they were in the deli (mom and dad) enjoying the free samples, i handed the parents the opened package and told them they can't allow their children to wander off, and get this.. the parents started scolding the children... i just walked away shaking my head.. alot of times at check-out children are there with opened candy or ice cream bars eating it, the parent is ignoring this and allowing it, i tell the parent that i need to ring up the candies and they'll have this fake look of surprise, take it away hand it to me and say i don't want it, don't have enough money for it..now im the mean lady that took their candy and ice cream away ...
what are you teaching your child that it is okay to steal until you get caught, take things that aren't yours and play innocent? Wrappers everywhere, opened half drank soda, half eaten candy and food is always the scene in the check-out stands or stuffed into the modules of the displays.. it makes me sick ,not about the candy or food.. im sick about the parents that allow it and think it's okay.. the attitude of this is a big store whats a little candy, it's not about that, its what you are teaching your childrenOzbiljno je, ljudi izlaze jer to ne mogu da podnesu ili ne mogu da se koncentrišu na kupovinu.
Još jedna stvar koju prečesto viđam je da ostrvo igračaka nije deo za bebisitere, deca ostaju tamo bez nadzora, igraju se sa igračkama, otvaraju ih, odbijaju loptice, igraju bacanje ili fudbal, češljaju Barbi kosu ili je preoblače, jednom deca su otvorila kredu na trotoaru i pokušala da naprave poskoke.. zamolio sam ih da me odvedu do svojih roditelja, bili su u deliciji (mama i tata) uživali u besplatnim uzorcima, dao sam roditeljima otvoren paket i rekao im da mogu' ne dozvolim njihovoj deci da odlutaju, i dobiju ovo.. roditelji su počeli da grde decu... samo sam otišla odmahujući glavom.. mnogo puta su deca na odjavljivanju sa otvorenim bombonima ili sladoledom i jedu to , roditelj ignoriše ovo i dozvoljava to, kažem roditelju da moram da pozovem bombone i oni će imati ovaj lažni pogled iznenađenja, odnesi mi ga i reci da ne želim, don nemam dovoljno novca za to..sada sam zla dama koja im je odnela slatkiše i sladoled ...
šta učite svoje dete da je u redu da kradete dok vas ne uhvate, uzimate stvari koje nisu vaše i igrate se nevino? Posvuda omoti, otvoreni, pola pili sok, napola pojedeni slatkiši i hrana je uvek scena na odjavnim štandovima ili punjena u module displeja.. muka mi je od toga, ne zbog slatkiša ili hrane.. muka mi je od roditelji koji to dozvoljavaju i misle da je u redu.. stav ovog je velika prodavnica šta je malo slatkiša, ne radi se o tome, nego ono čemu učite svoju decu
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