Chris Hansen, best known for his “To Catch a Predator” series on “Dateline NBC,” has reportedly been caught by undercover cameras cheating on his wife with WPTV reporter Kristyn Caddell, who is 20 years his junior.
According to the National Enquirer, Hansen has been having an affair with Caddell for nearly four months.
Hansen lives in Connecticut with his wife and two sons but has been spending time in South Florida apparently working on a story about the disappearance of James Trindade, a local man who went missing back in 2006.
Hansen and Caddell were introduced in the VIP area of a West Palm Beach club and “there was an immediate physical attraction between them,” a source told the Enquirer.
“Chris and Kristyn got on so well that she ended up going back to his room at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach–and later boasted to pals about staying the night with him,” the source says.
Tipped off about the alleged affair, the Enquirer set up a sting operation to prove that Hansen was maintaining a relationship with the young, blonde reporter. Last weekend, the tabloid recorded the two having a romantic dinner before spending the night together at Caddell’s apartment.
Calls and emails to Caddell were not immediately returned.
source: mediabistro
For those who never saw the show.......he set up hidden cameras to bust cheaters and then presented evidence to their partner. What is ironic is that he would belittle these cheaters and follow them around with cameras with the partner they are cheating on!
Do you think given his related job he should be fired?
Kris Hansen, najpoznatiji po seriji "Uhvatiti predatora" na "Dateline NBC", navodno je uhvaćen od strane tajnih kamera kako vara svoju ženu sa VPTV reporterkom Kristin Kedel, koja je 20 godina mlađa od njega.
Prema National Enkuireru, Hansen je imao aferu sa Caddellom skoro četiri meseca.
Hansen živi u Konektikatu sa suprugom i dva sina, ali je proveo vreme u Južnoj Floridi, očigledno radeći na priči o nestanku Džejmsa Trinddejda, lokalnog čoveka koji je nestao 2006.
Hansen i Caddell su predstavljeni u VIP delu kluba u Vest Palm Biču i „među njima je odmah došlo do fizičke privlačnosti“, rekao je izvor za Enkvajer.
„Kris i Kristin su se tako dobro slagali da se ona na kraju vratila u njegovu sobu u hotelu The Coloni u Palm Biču – i kasnije se hvalila prijateljima kako je prenoćila kod njega“, kaže izvor.
Obavešten o navodnoj aferi, Enkvajer je pokrenuo operaciju kako bi dokazao da Hansen održava vezu sa mladom, plavokosom reporterkom. Prošlog vikenda tabloid je snimio kako njih dvoje vode romantičnu večeru pre nego što su zajedno proveli noć u Kaddelovom stanu.
Pozivi i mejlovi upućeni Caddell-u nisu odmah vraćeni.
izvor: mediabistro
Za one koji nikada nisu videli emisiju.......postavio je skrivene kamere da bi uhapsio varalice, a zatim predstavio dokaze njihovom partneru. Ono što je ironično je da bi omalovažavao ove varalice i pratio ih kamerama sa partnerom kojeg varaju!
Mislite li da bi s obzirom na njegov srodni posao trebalo da bude otpušten?