Spiked Brovnies?
- Započeto
- Lipstick
- Admin 13900
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 dana
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- Započeto
- Lipstick
- u Feb 24, 11, 01:33:30 PM
- Admin 13900
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 dana
Original Prevod Prevedeno saHi Dolls and Guys,
Brownies laced with a little weed? No, but there is laced brownies that are becoming hot on the market.
Lazy cakes aka Relaxation Brownies are sprouting up all over the country. They are found mostly in gas stations and convenient stores.
If you want to kick back and relax this adults only brownie claims to be just what your looking for. They are made with Velarin Root and Rose Hips which targets the melatonin in your body and will make you relax and fall asleep. It is not reccomended to drive or operate machinery with these little Lazy cakes.
How do you feel about these being on the market........a good thing or a bad thing?
LipsZdravo lutke i momci,
Brauni sa malo trave? Ne, ali postoje kolačići sa čipkom koji postaju vrući na tržištu.
Lenji kolači zvani Relakation Brovnies niču širom zemlje. Uglavnom se nalaze na benzinskim pumpama i prikladnim prodavnicama.
Ako želite da se opustite i opustite, ovaj kolačić za odrasle tvrdi da je upravo ono što tražite. Napravljeni su od korena Velarina i šipka koji ciljaju melatonin u vašem telu i učiniće da se opustite i zaspite. Nije preporučljivo voziti ili upravljati mašinama sa ovim malim lenjim kolačima.
Šta mislite o tome da su ovi na tržištu........dobri ili loši?
Usne -
- Odgovoreno
- timwilcob
- u Feb 24, 11, 01:47:29 PM
- Sr. Member 455
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
The fact they are sprouting mostly at gas station - convenient marts is the only downside i see to that whole thing
Činjenica da niču uglavnom na benzinskim pumpama - pogodni marketi je jedina mana koju vidim u celoj stvari
- Odgovoreno
- chillymellow
- u Feb 24, 11, 01:49:53 PM
- Mighty Member 3619
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
ha. I got one of these for Valentines day from Jake. They were like $3.95 each! Not worth it. I didn't get anything at all out of them but extra calories. No nice sleepiness...nothing. Way too expensive for a brownie.
ha. Dobio sam jednu od ovih za Dan zaljubljenih od Jakea. Koštali su po 3,95 dolara! Ne vredi. Nisam dobio ništa od njih osim dodatnih kalorija. Nema lepe pospanosti...ništa. Preskupo za kolače.
- Odgovoreno
- Joseph Kennedy
- u Feb 24, 11, 03:28:56 PM
- Super Hero 1621
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
Bad thing. Concerned citizens everywhere need to call the news outlets and inform people where these "sweet narcotics" are being sold and immediately have them outlawed. What if little kids get a hold of these things?! Moreover if there are enough of these being sold in a county/state the government needs to step in.
Loša stvar. Zabrinuti građani svuda treba da pozovu novinske kuće i obaveste ljude gde se ti „slatki narkotici“ prodaju i odmah ih stave van zakona. Šta ako se mala deca dočepaju ovih stvari?! Štaviše, ako ima dovoljno njih koji se prodaju u okrugu/državi, vlada mora da uskoči.
- Odgovoreno
- wnanhee
- u Feb 24, 11, 03:32:27 PM
- Superstar Member 5413
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 godine
Bad thing. Concerned citizens everywhere need to call the news outlets and inform people where these "sweet narcotics" are being sold and immediately have them outlawed. What if little kids get a hold of these things?! Moreover if there are enough of these being sold in a county/state the government needs to step in.
My exact thoughts!
Loša stvar. Zabrinuti građani svuda treba da pozovu novinske kuće i obaveste ljude gde se ti „slatki narkotici“ prodaju i odmah ih stave van zakona. Šta ako se mala deca dočepaju ovih stvari?! Štaviše, ako ih ima dovoljno prodatih u okrugu/državi, vlada mora da uskoči.
Moje tačne misli! -
- Odgovoreno
- timwilcob
- u Feb 24, 11, 03:39:06 PM
- Sr. Member 455
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
Then also , perhaps maybe alcohol or anything else intoxicating should also , i mean at least from roadway fill 'er up's, i don't believe the brownies are an issue themselves... as it is indicated it is an adult food item. Perhaps more zoning regulations would allow all to be content, things of such sold at more appropriate "stores" for example. In that example the safety of everyone is much higher , i mean kids aren't in sex shops ya know.
Takođe, možda bi možda trebalo i alkohol ili bilo šta drugo opijajuće, mislim barem od punjenja kolovoza, ne verujem da su kolačići sami po sebi problem... jer je naznačeno da je to hrana za odrasle. Možda bi više propisa o zoniranju omogućilo svima da budu zadovoljni, tako da se stvari prodaju u prikladnijim „prodavnicama“, na primer. U tom primeru bezbednost svih je mnogo veća, mislim da deca nisu u seks šopovima.
- Odgovoreno
- chillymellow
- u Feb 24, 11, 04:33:55 PM
- Mighty Member 3619
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
I don't think they are filled with narcotics but are instead herbs you could buy at a health food or drugstore, or, gas station.
By: Katie Delaune - kdelaune@fox41.com
LOUISVILLE, Ky (WDRB Fox 41) -- For years, energy drinks have fueled us with jolts of caffeine. Now it looks like things are slowing down with the introduction of Lazy Cakes.
"They're very square, rectangular. They look juicy, nice, and warm," says Kevin Arnold, an visitor from New York. The makers of these 2 oz. brownies in a bag claim the sugary snack will help you relax and unwind from a stressful day. With its psychedelic packaging and its groovy slogan of "Peace, love , and Lazy Cakes," some folks we talked to on 4th Street were wondering:
"Is it a weed brownie?" questions Meghan Hubbs, after seeing Lazy Cakes for the first time.
A spokeswoman for Lazy Cakes says there's no marijuana in them. On the website, the makers say their brownies are a dietary supplement meant to help adults wind down from a stressful day.
We bought our cakes at the B-Mart in west Louisville, where the distributor says their selling like hot cakes. The ingredients read like any basic brownie -- sugar, chocolate, and flour. But then there's also rose hip extracts, passion flower, and four milligrams of melatonin. The body naturally produces melatonin and it's often sold in stores as a sleep aid.
"It helps the body reset its circadian rhythm or the body's knowledge of when it's night and when it's day," says Henry Spiller, director with Kentucky Regional Poison Control Center.
A two-year-old in Memphis reportedly went to the hospital after eating a brownie. Doctors there claim too much melatonin could kill a child. The makers have a warning on the brownie -- for adults only. But (Spiller) says the warnings don't worry him.
"I wouldn't be concerned if a child got into the brownie that Mom was saving because that's what she was using. It's reasonably benign," says Spiller.Ne mislim da su punjene narkoticima, već su umesto toga bilje koje možete kupiti u zdravoj hrani ili drogeriji, ili na benzinskoj pumpi.
Autor: Katie Delaune - kdelaune@fok41.com
LOUISVILLE, Kej (VDRB Fok 41) - Godinama su nas energetska pića podsticala kofeinom. Sada izgleda da se stvari usporavaju sa uvođenjem Lazi Cakes.
„Veoma su kvadratne, pravougaone. Izgledaju sočno, lepo i toplo“, kaže Kevin Arnold, posetilac iz Njujorka. Proizvođači ovih 2 oz. kolačići u vrećici tvrde da će vam slatka užina pomoći da se opustite i opustite od stresnog dana. Sa svojim psihodeličnim pakovanjem i elegantnim sloganom „Mir, ljubav i lenji kolači“, neki ljudi sa kojima smo razgovarali u 4. ulici su se pitali:
„Da li je kolač od korova?“ pita Megan Habs, nakon što je prvi put videla Lazi Cakes.
Portparolka Lazi Cakesa kaže da u njima nema marihuane. Na veb stranici, proizvođači kažu da su njihovi kolačići dodatak ishrani namenjen odraslima da se opuste od stresnog dana.
Kupili smo naše kolače u B-Martu u zapadnom Luisvilu, gde distributer kaže da se prodaju kao vrući kolači. Sastojci se čitaju kao svaki osnovni kolačić - šećer, čokolada i brašno. Ali tu su i ekstrakti šipka, cvet strasti i četiri miligrama melatonina. Telo prirodno proizvodi melatonin i često se prodaje u prodavnicama kao sredstvo za spavanje.
„Pomaže telu da resetuje svoj cirkadijalni ritam ili da telo zna kada je noć, a kada dan“, kaže Henri Spiler, direktor Regionalnog centra za kontrolu trovanja u Kentakiju.
Dvogodišnjak u Memfisu je navodno otišao u bolnicu nakon što je pojeo kolačić. Tamošnji lekari tvrde da previše melatonina može ubiti dete. Proizvođači imaju upozorenje na kolačićima - samo za odrasle. Ali (Spiler) kaže da ga upozorenja ne zabrinjavaju.
„Ne bih se brinuo da dete uđe u kolačić koji je mama čuvala jer je to koristila. Prilično je benigno“, kaže Spiler. -
- Odgovoreno
- Joseph Kennedy
- u Feb 24, 11, 11:25:30 PM
- Super Hero 1621
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
A two-year-old in Memphis reportedly went to the hospital after eating a brownie. Doctors there claim too much melatonin could kill a child.
Big red flag right there!Dvogodišnjak u Memfisu je navodno otišao u bolnicu nakon što je pojeo kolačić. Tamošnji lekari tvrde da previše melatonina može ubiti dete.
Velika crvena zastava tamo! -
- Odgovoreno
- chillymellow
- u Feb 25, 11, 01:39:48 AM
- Mighty Member 3619
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
I wonder what Spiller's credentials are. Seems a director of poison control should be a doctor, or at least have enough knowledge of chemical substances to know whether to be concerned. Personally, I think the brownies are a big rip-off gimmick and just another way to make a buck like the packets of pills these stores have at the counter for all kinds of various thrills. And there could be parents out there who are dumb enough and sick enough to buy these just so they can get their kids to relax and go to sleep. I'd be happy to see them off the market!
Pitam se koji su Spillerovi akreditivi. Čini se da bi direktor kontrole trovanja trebao biti doktor, ili barem imati dovoljno znanja o hemijskim supstancama da zna da li treba biti zabrinut. Lično, mislim da su kolačići veliki trik i samo još jedan način da zaradite dolar poput paketića pilula koje ove prodavnice imaju na šalteru za razne vrste uzbuđenja. A mogli bi da postoje roditelji koji su dovoljno glupi i dovoljno bolesni da kupe ovo samo da bi mogli da nateraju svoju decu da se opuste i odu da spavaju. Bio bih srećan da ih ispratim sa tržišta!
- Odgovoreno
- Lipstick
- u Feb 25, 11, 09:51:31 AM
- Admin 13900
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 dana
I think because they are herbs there tends to be the notion that its safe. That is not always the case. Some of these herbs are powerful. Too much can be harmful. Particularly to a person who has certain health issues.
Herbs can do more harm then good to someone for example that suffers from liver disease. And they are not even educated or aware enough to know which herbs are safe or not because doctors wont recognize herbs.
I personally don't think they should be on the market for those reasons.Mislim da zato što su biljke, postoji tendencija da postoji ideja da je bezbedno. To nije uvek slučaj. Neke od ovih biljaka su moćne. Previše može biti štetno. Posebno za osobu koja ima određene zdravstvene probleme.
Bilje može učiniti više štete nego koristi nekome, na primer, ko pati od bolesti jetre. A čak nisu ni obrazovani ni dovoljno svesni da znaju koje bilje su bezbedne ili ne, jer lekari ne prepoznaju biljke.
Ja lično ne mislim da bi trebalo da budu na tržištu iz tih razloga. -
- Odgovoreno
- shanetroe
- u May 19, 11, 06:55:39 AM
- Newbie 1
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 13 godina
There's a new craze sweeping the land. Kids in New England might be getting hooked on melatonin brownies. Melatonin is a hormone, produced by the human body. It is also called the sleep hormone, as it is secreted by the brain and makes individuals feel drowsy. Kids are only intended to get small doses, and the packaging and marketing of melatonin-laced desserts toward kids is what individuals are concerned with. I found this here: New England towns looking to ban melatonin brownies.
Nova ludnica briše zemlju. Deca u Novoj Engleskoj se možda navuku na kolače od melatonina. Melatonin je hormon koji proizvodi ljudsko telo. Naziva se i hormonom spavanja, jer ga luči mozak i čini da se pojedinci osećaju pospano. Deca treba da dobiju samo male doze, a pakovanje i marketing deserta sa melatoninom prema deci je ono čime se pojedinci bave. Našao sam ovo ovde: Gradovi Nove Engleske koji žele da zabrane kolače od melatonina .
- Odgovoreno
- wnanhee
- u May 19, 11, 07:20:19 AM
- Superstar Member 5413
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 godine
I have tried several brands of herbal supplemental(melatonin) hoping to ease insomnia but strangely it never worked for me.
According to the drug study, Melatonin has been used to help insomnia, combat jet lag, protect cells from free-radical damage, boost the immune system, prevent cancer, and extend life...but I have never heard of it's being used as laced desserts/treats(melatonin brownies) That's just awful.
geeez...Just how many more things out there we have to be aware of....ahhhhh!
They shouldn't just ban the treats but the manufacturer who makes them.Probao sam nekoliko marki biljnih suplemenata (melatonina) u nadi da ću ublažiti nesanicu, ali začudo, to mi nikada nije uspelo.
Prema studiji o lekovima, melatonin je korišćen da pomogne kod nesanice, da se bori protiv kašnjenja, da zaštiti ćelije od oštećenja slobodnih radikala, da ojača imuni sistem, spreči rak i produži život... ali nikad nisam čuo da se koristi kao čipkani deserti / poslastice (melatoninski kolačići) To je užasno.
bože... Koliko još stvari moramo da budemo svesni... ahhhhh!
Ne treba samo da zabrane poslastice, već i proizvođača koji ih pravi. -
- Odgovoreno
- ricorizzo
- u May 19, 11, 08:18:52 AM
- Sr. Member 400
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
Hey Tim, just for a little debate, how many times, especially in the summer months, does one notice while filling up at a gas station, an individual or 2, going into the store, and getting a 12 pack of Bud for the ride home?
With the brownies, are we throwing more fuel on the fire, or if it's an adult thing, the kids can't buy it, legally anyway?
Myself, when I was younger, If my pick-up was parked at a slite angle, (with the passenger side door, being the low side) and someone opened that door, they'd have a 1/2 case of empty beer cans falling out at their feet.
Not to say that is right, but the brownie thing to me seems like someone is just trying to make a nickel. I believe the whole picture here will blow over quickly.
Maybe I'm the only one here who remembers, but brownies, laced with Canibis, we're called Alice B.Tolklas brownies. Chilley, you remember?Hej Tim, samo za malu debatu, koliko puta, posebno u letnjim mesecima, neko primeti dok sipa na benzinskoj pumpi, pojedinac ili dvoje, ide u prodavnicu i uzima 12 pakovanja Buda za vožnju kuća?
Sa kolačićima, da li sipamo više ulja na vatru, ili ako je stvar za odrasle, deca to ionako ne mogu da kupe legalno?
Ja sam, kada sam bio mlađi, da je moj pikap bio parkiran pod uglom, (sa suvozačevim vratima, koja su donja strana) i neko bi otvorio ta vrata, imao bi 1/2 kutije praznih limenki piva ispadajući pred njihove noge.
Da ne kažem da je to tačno, ali stvar sa kolačićima mi se čini kao da neko samo pokušava da zaradi. Verujem da će se cela slika brzo razbiti.
Možda se ja jedini ovde sećam, ali kolačići, sa kanibisom, mi se zovemo Alice B.Tolklas kolačići. Chillei, sećaš se? -
- Odgovoreno
- chillymellow
- u May 19, 11, 11:41:00 AM
- Mighty Member 3619
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
uhm, err.,,,God Bless You Alice B. Toklas! That was a very funny movie as well. I personally never got off on eating my weed, mostly just went to sleep, but for some people it's a real high experience. But anyway, Peter Sellers gets a hip new young hippie girlfriend and the antics just don't stop when the whole family starts grooving on the brownies. Mom tries to go to the store where son said he bought them, because they were so good, but it just wasn't the same! Hilarious. I gotta find that online and watch it again, now!
uhm, err.,,,Bog te blagoslovio Alice B. Toklas! To je takođe bio veoma smešan film. Ja lično nikada nisam prestao da jedem svoju travu, uglavnom sam samo zaspao, ali za neke ljude je to zaista veliko iskustvo. Ali u svakom slučaju, Piter Selers dobija novu modernu mladu hipi devojku i ludorije jednostavno ne prestaju kada cela porodica počne da se zabavlja po kolačićima. Mama pokušava da ode u prodavnicu gde je sin rekao da ih je kupio, jer su bili tako dobri, ali to jednostavno nije bilo isto! Urnebesno. Moram da pronađem to na mreži i da ga pogledam ponovo, sada!
- Odgovoreno
- Lipstick
- u May 19, 11, 03:55:50 PM
- Admin 13900
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 dana
There's a new craze sweeping the land. Kids in New England might be getting hooked on melatonin brownies. Melatonin is a hormone, produced by the human body. It is also called the sleep hormone, as it is secreted by the brain and makes individuals feel drowsy. Kids are only intended to get small doses, and the packaging and marketing of melatonin-laced desserts toward kids is what individuals are concerned with. I found this here: New England towns looking to ban melatonin brownies.
Thanks shane for the article. I figured it would be a matter of time before it would get the boot. Just doesn't seem like it should be legal, especially around young children.
Nova ludnica briše zemlju. Deca u Novoj Engleskoj se možda navuku na kolače od melatonina. Melatonin je hormon koji proizvodi ljudsko telo. Takođe se naziva i hormonom spavanja, jer ga luči mozak i čini da se pojedinci osećaju pospano. Deca treba da dobiju samo male doze, a pakovanje i marketing deserta sa melatoninom prema deci je ono čime se pojedinci bave. Našao sam ovo ovde: Gradovi Nove Engleske koji žele da zabrane kolače od melatonina .
Hvala Shane na članku. Mislio sam da će biti pitanje vremena kada će dobiti čizmu. Čini se da to ne bi trebalo da bude legalno, posebno oko male dece.
Usne -
- Odgovoreno
- Cat50
- u May 19, 11, 06:44:24 PM
- Superstar Member 6639
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 14 sati
lol rico and chilly i dont remember those days but i heard they were the good ones pacer i agree with your logic and after reading about those brownies they should be banned
lol rico i chilli ne sećam se tih dana, ali čuo sam da su bili dobri pacer slažem se sa tvojom logikom i nakon čitanja o tim kolačićima treba ih zabraniti
- Odgovoreno
- Cat50
- u May 19, 11, 07:25:33 PM
- Superstar Member 6639
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 14 sati
I agree that we as adults can make adult decisions but when it comes to children i draw the line on anything that could put them in danger.Its our job as parents to protect them and even though every1 is entitled to their opinion some people don't think that some things they do are wrong as far as their kids and that's why laws are put into place.I have one example of how those brownies could get into the hands of a kid.I have a 15 and 17 year old and they go to the store all the time alone.If they see the brownies and they are like cartonish then they might buy one and eat it as young adults would(he who has perfect kids or know some cast the first stone)even though the product is marked adult.I figure to solve this just sell them at adult stores where kids don't go and then to each their own.As far as the fda is concerned i agreeable dont trust some if not all of the approved medication.I live in daily pain with RA and lupus and i have learned to meditate instead of taking the various meds they want me to take as far as pain killers muscle relaxers etc.We as adults have to make our own descisions about whats best for us.
Slažem se da mi kao odrasli možemo da donosimo odluke odraslih, ali kada su deca u pitanju, povlačim liniju svega što bi moglo da ih dovede u opasnost. Naš posao kao roditelja je da ih zaštitimo i iako svako ima pravo na svoje mišljenje, neki ljudi nemaju Ne mislim da su neke stvari koje rade pogrešne što se tiče njihove dece i da su zato uvedeni zakoni. Imam jedan primer kako bi ti kolačići mogli da dođu u ruke deteta. Imam 15 i 17 godina i oni idite u prodavnicu sve vreme sami. Ako vide kolačiće i oni su poput kartona, onda bi mogli da kupe jedan i pojedu ga kao što bi mladi odrasli (onaj ko ima savršenu decu ili neko zna da je prvi bacio kamen) iako je proizvod označeno za odrasle. Smatram da da ovo rešim samo ih prodajte u prodavnicama za odrasle gde deca ne idu, a zatim svakom svom. Što se tiče FDA, slažem se da ne verujem nekim ako ne i svim odobrenim lekovima. Živim u svakodnevni bol sa RA i lupusom i naučio sam da meditiram umesto da uzimam razne lekove koje žele da uzimam što se tiče lekova protiv bolova, relaksatora mišića itd. Mi kao odrasli moramo da donosimo sopstvene odluke o tome šta je najbolje za nas.
- Odgovoreno
- timwilcob
- u May 19, 11, 10:59:21 PM
- Sr. Member 455
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
sorry Rico i lost this thread along time ago , funny thing is lately i have been myself getting these herbal smoking blends at my local tobacco shop, hey we have a somewhat legal alternative to smoking illegal substances that have been "classified" as narcotics ie marijuana.. i like it excites my neurons and such just as the illegal stuff.. sure it may be a little abusive but i am not a drinker anymore and i enjoy smoking .. but then there it is the fact of abuse or simple recreational use.. of course in all instances these things are meant strictly for the adult not a minor in any case... these herbs are just exquisite hard to find in nature and blended together , quite a delicacy if you ask me to find them such presentation.. i'm sure it won't last like most things found to be of interest with little tax penalty..here on the local television they "accidentally " grouped these herbal substance packages on the screen to address a growing craze by young substance abusers that have been ingesting bathing ingredients .. just more fuel for the fire yes Rico, and as for those cans falling out of the vehicle that is simply bad taste and if you ask me judgement , to use intoxicants while operating any machine is simply carelessness.
izvini Rico, izgubio sam ovu temu pre nekog vremena, smešna stvar je što sam u poslednje vreme i sam dobijao ove biljne mešavine za pušenje u mojoj lokalnoj prodavnici duvana, hej, imamo donekle legalnu alternativu pušenju ilegalnih supstanci koje su "klasifikovane" kao narkotike, tj. marihuana .. sviđa mi se da uzbuđuje moje neurone i slično kao i ilegalne stvari.. naravno da je možda malo uvredljivo, ali ja više ne pijem i uživam u pušenju.. ali onda je to činjenica zlostavljanja ili jednostavne rekreativne upotrebe .. naravno u svim slučajevima ove stvari su namenjene isključivo odrasloj osobi, a ne maloletnoj u svakom slučaju... ove biljke su jednostavno izuzetne, teško ih je naći u prirodi i pomešane zajedno, prilično delikates ako me zamolite da im nađem takvu prezentaciju .. siguran sam da neće potrajati kao većina stvari za koje se utvrdi da su od interesa sa malom poreskom kaznom..ovde na lokalnoj televiziji su "slučajno" grupisali ove pakete biljnih supstanci na ekranu kako bi se pozabavili rastućom pomamom mladih supstanci nasilnici koji su gutali sastojke za kupanje.. samo još goriva za vatru da Riko, a što se tiče ispadanja tih konzervi iz vozila to je jednostavno neukus i ako mene pitaš za rasuđivanje koristiti opojna sredstva pri rukovanju bilo kojom mašinom je jednostavno nepažnja .
- Odgovoreno
- timwilcob
- u May 19, 11, 11:02:26 PM
- Sr. Member 455
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
as for the brownies .. sounds alot like people going by the packaging to tell themselves whether or not to use it for any means.. all in the packaging , a little studying on the ingredients a little bit of self education to ourselves about the ingredients and how or whther we individually would like to find how it affects us
što se tiče kolačića .. zvuči kao da ljudi prolaze kroz pakovanje da bi sebi rekli da li da ga koriste ili ne za bilo koji način .. sve u pakovanju , malo proučavajući sastojke malo samoobrazovanje o sastojcima i kako ili da li bismo mi pojedinačno želeli da otkrijemo kako to utiče na nas
- Odgovoreno
- ricorizzo
- u May 20, 11, 10:07:41 AM
- Sr. Member 400
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
Hey Tim, right on, everything you said I surely agree with, includeing my choice to consume beer, while driveing. Wrong, of course it was. The thing being, I was of legal age, had I been caught, of course I'd have to pay the what fines we're in place, at the time.
See ya at the poker table Sunday.
RicoHej Tim, u redu, sa svime što si rekao se sigurno slažem, uključujući i moj izbor da pijem pivo, dok vozim. Pogrešno, naravno da je bilo. Stvar je u tome što sam bio punoletan, da sam uhvaćen, naravno da bih morao da platim kazne koje smo imali u tom trenutku.
Vidimo se za poker stolom u nedelju.
Brzi odgovor
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