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Feelin froggy
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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi all,

    I was in the mood to make some  spaghetti and meatballs. The meatballs turned out great and I started on the tomato sauce. I was using a brand of crushed tomatoes that I'd never used before.  I put in all my garlic, seasonings etc. and gave it a quick taste. I wish I could've seen my face because it felt like a horrible look. It was extremely bitter. I thought "well sugar should fix this right up". I'm smiling and bouncing around the kitchen. All I had was the sugar dispenser that drops the little sugar pellets. I added a couple sugar tablets....ok well more like 10 or 11. I gave it another taste anticipating a wonderful surprise and it was like a dessert. It was incredibly sweet and the tomato was unrecognizable.

    I added more tomato and nothing helped so right in the trash it went. I have meatballs and no spaghetti. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I had a moment of insanity and pulled the sugar in on it. I was working on that forever!

    What have you completely f'd up in the kitchen? There's gotta be something right?

    Zdravo svima,

    Bio sam raspoložen da napravim špagete i ćufte. Ćufte su ispale sjajne i počela sam sa paradajz sosom. Koristio sam marku zdrobljenog paradajza koji nikada ranije nisam koristio. Stavio sam sav svoj beli luk, začine itd. i dao mu brz ukus. Voleo bih da sam mogao da vidim svoje lice jer je izgledalo kao užasan pogled. Bilo je izuzetno gorko. Mislio sam "pa šećer treba da popravi ovo". Smejem se i skakućem po kuhinji. Sve što sam imao je dozator šećera koji baca male kuglice šećera. Dodao sam par tableta šećera....ok više kao 10 ili 11. Dao sam mu još jedan ukus očekujući divno iznenađenje i bilo je kao desert. Bilo je neverovatno slatko, a paradajz je bio neprepoznatljiv.

    Dodao sam još paradajza i ništa nije pomoglo pa je otišlo u smeće. Imam ćufte i nemam špagete. Iskreno, ne znam šta sam mislio. Imao sam trenutak ludila i uvukao šećer u to. Zauvek sam radio na tome!

    Šta si potpuno pokvario u kuhinji? Mora da je nešto u redu?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Froggy..  you had a food nationality mix-up.. it happens aaallllll the time..lmaoooo.. you didn't make Italian Spaghetti.. you made Swedish meatballs is all.. what were you thinking.. sheessshhh.. just get some french bread, slice it gently down it's middle.. (no sugar cubes needed) and place swedish meatballs with a little bit of some kind of... cheese cheesy cheesy

    Žabica.. pomešala si nacionalnost u hrani.. dešava se sve vreme..lmaoooo.. ti nisi napravio italijanske špagete.. napravio si švedske ćufte je sve.. šta si mislio.. šššššš.. samo uzmite malo francuskog hleba, isecite ga nežno po sredini.. (nisu potrebne kocke šećera) i stavite švedske ćufte sa malo neke vrste... sira cheesycheesy

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Omg froggy i hate when that happens. I would be serving it anyway and when my man said it was too sweet i would be like "what the heck you talking bout, taste just fine darlin now eat up"!

    At this point i'd just order from Pizza Hut.....i know you got them around them parts!


    Omg žabo mrzim kad se to desi. Svejedno bih ga poslužio, a kada bi moj čovek rekao da je preslatko, rekao bih "šta do đavola pričaš, ukusno ukusno, draga, sada pojedi"!

    U ovom trenutku bih samo naručio iz Pizza Hut-a.....znam da ih imate oko tih delova!


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I hate when stuff like that happens.I just hate to waste a lot and it about kills me when something gets messed up and theres no fixing it. just recently i had to throw away our hole dinner because the chips i added in were bad. me and my b/f tried eating a couple of bites but it tasted really bad so i threw it out and we had grilled chicken in the G. foreman.I use the packages when i make spaghetti  and i swear it comes out different every time. maybe it's just my taste buds. thanks.

    Mrzim kada se takve stvari dešavaju. Samo mrzim da trošim mnogo i ubija me kada se nešto pokvari i ne može se popraviti. Nedavno sam morao da bacim našu rupu večeru jer je čips koji sam dodao bio loš. ja i moj b/ž smo pokušali da pojedemo nekoliko zalogaja, ali je bilo jako lošeg ukusa pa sam ga izbacio i imali smo piletinu sa roštilja u G. Foreman. Koristim pakovanje kada pravim špagete i kunem se da svaki put ispadne drugačije . možda je to samo moj ukus. Hvala.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    awww, funny though, i rarely cook, i just cook easy things when i cook, so i rarely make errors hehe, but maybe the tomatos was the wrong ones sad

    better luck next time and maybe try no sugar hahaha


    aaaaaaaaaa, smešno, retko kuvam, samo kuvam lake stvari kada kuvam, pa retko pravim greške hehe, ali možda je paradajz bio pogrešan sad

    više sreće sledeći put i možda probaj bez šećera hahaha


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Once the "men" were trying to be nice for us ladies, they decided to buy and cook dinner for us.. they decided on fried chicken.. well.. the cheapskates bought stewing chicken which is alot less, tryna save some money and get away cheap.. mmhmm.. came home fried it up.. what they didn't know was you can't fry stewing chicken it comes out like rubber.. everything was smelling good and looking good til we all took a bite..us ladies knew right away..  mmhmm  sooooo you tried to get cheap on us and buy stewing chicken.. (we already knew the trick we've tried it too) lol..whats done in the dark comes to light quickly..

    Jednom kada su "muškarci" pokušavali da budu fini prema nama damama, odlučili su da kupe i skuvaju večeru za nas.. odlučili su se za prženu piletinu.. pa.. jeftinoće su kupile piletinu za dinstanje koja je mnogo manje, pokušavaju da uštede novac i beži jeftino.. mmhmm.. došao kući ispržen.. ono što nisu znali je da ne možeš da pržiš piletinu u dinstanju, ispada kao guma.. sve je dobro mirisalo i izgledalo je dobro dok svi nismo zagrizli. .mi dame smo odmah znale.. mmhmm takoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bi se li li?? li li?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I called my hubby and told him what happened. He brought home some sauce in a jar. The dinner was saved but we had to force it down. The Ragu tasted kinda yucky.

    I should have just ordered something. I think you're right Imagin, I had a food nationality mix up.  laugh_out_loud

    Pozvala sam svog muža i rekla mu šta se dogodilo. Doneo je kući malo sosa u tegli. Večera je sačuvana, ali smo morali da je odbacimo. Ragu je imao loš ukus.

    Trebalo je da naručim nešto. Mislim da si u pravu Zamisli, pomešao sam nacionalnost u hrani. laugh_out_loud

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I mess up almost anything I try to do in the kitchen, that's why I don't go there too often smiley

    Zabrljam skoro sve što pokušam da uradim u kuhinji, zato ne idem prečesto tamo smiley

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh dear Froggy.  What a disaster.  You could have squeezed some lemon in to take away the sweetness.

    I've had a few kitchen disasters.  Burnt potatoes, lumpy gravy etc. but the worst was a leg of lamb we bought.  The smell of it when it was cooking was just vile.  It smelt like fat, not lamb just fat.  Did all the usual trimmings - roast tatties, veg, mint sauce.  The lamb tasted like it smelt - it was absolutely vile and we couldn't eat it. 

    Worse than that though - the smell just lingered in the air for days.  I don't think I've eaten lamb since.


    Oh dragi Froggi. Koja katastrofa. Mogao si da iscediš malo limuna da ukloniš slatkoću.

    Imao sam nekoliko kuhinjskih katastrofa. Zagoreni krompir, grudasti sos itd. ali najgore je bio jagnjeći but koji smo kupili. Miris toga dok se kuvalo je bio odvratan. Mirisalo je na mast, ne na jagnjetinu, samo na mast. Uradio sve uobičajene ukrase - pečene tatice, povrće, sos od nane. Jagnje je imalo ukus kao da miriše - bilo je apsolutno podlo i nismo mogli da ga jedemo.

    Još gore od toga - miris se samo danima zadržavao u vazduhu. Mislim da od tada nisam jeo jagnjetinu.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh that's awful blue. II wish I would've thought of the lemon.

    I was given a crock pot that I really wanted one year. I was excited to get into the kitchen and create something delicious. I bought a beautiful piece of beef, added wine and veggies. It smelled like something I've never smelled before. I thought I'd give it a chance to cook a while and see if it got any better. Another meal right in the trash. It killed me to be so wasteful but I couldn't think of anything that could be done to save it. I never used that crock pot again.

    Oh, to je užasno plavo. Voleo bih da sam se setio limuna.

    Dobio sam lonac koji sam zaista želeo jedne godine. Bio sam uzbuđen što sam ušao u kuhinju i napravio nešto ukusno. Kupio sam divan komad govedine, dodao vino i povrće. Mirisalo je na nešto što nikada ranije nisam osetio. Mislio sam da mu dam priliku da malo kuva i vidim da li će biti bolje. Još jedan obrok u smeću. Ubijalo me je to što sam bio tako rasipnik, ali nisam mogao smisliti ništa što bi se moglo učiniti da ga spasim. Nikada više nisam koristio taj lonac.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    What a shame and what a waste.  It is heartbreaking to throw away food.  Do you think it was the beef rather than the pot though?


    Kakva sramota i kakav otpad. Srceparajuće je baciti hranu. Da li mislite da je to bila govedina, a ne lonac?


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I knew it was my concoction that was terrible. Just didn't have the patience to try anything else in that pot.

    Znao sam da je to moja izmišljotina koja je užasna. Jednostavno nisam imao strpljenja da probam nešto drugo u tom loncu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi all,

    I was in the mood to make some  spaghetti and meatballs. The meatballs turned out great and I started on the tomato sauce. I was using a brand of crushed tomatoes that I'd never used before.  I put in all my garlic, seasonings etc. and gave it a quick taste. I wish I could've seen my face because it felt like a horrible look. It was extremely bitter. I thought "well sugar should fix this right up". I'm smiling and bouncing around the kitchen. All I had was the sugar dispenser that drops the little sugar pellets. I added a couple sugar tablets....ok well more like 10 or 11. I gave it another taste anticipating a wonderful surprise and it was like a dessert. It was incredibly sweet and the tomato was unrecognizable.

    I added more tomato and nothing helped so right in the trash it went. I have meatballs and no spaghetti. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I had a moment of insanity and pulled the sugar in on it. I was working on that forever!

    What have you completely f'd up in the kitchen? There's gotta be something right?

    A little food for thought hun (heehee)

    If you had taken your sugary Tomato Sauce and added a bit of Vinegar, you would have ended up with Ketchup.

    Not that you would have cared to put that on your spaghetti either, but you could maybe have used it for something. Lol

    (I used to work in a Tomato Cannery)

    Zdravo svima,

    Bio sam raspoložen da napravim špagete i ćufte. Ćufte su ispale sjajne i počela sam sa paradajz sosom. Koristio sam marku zdrobljenog paradajza koji nikada ranije nisam koristio. Stavio sam sav svoj beli luk, začine itd. i dao mu brz ukus. Voleo bih da sam mogao da vidim svoje lice jer je izgledalo kao užasan pogled. Bilo je izuzetno gorko. Mislio sam "pa šećer bi trebao ovo da popravi". Smejem se i skakućem po kuhinji. Sve što sam imao je dozator šećera koji baca male kuglice šećera. Dodao sam par tableta šećera....ok više kao 10 ili 11. Dao sam mu još jedan ukus očekujući divno iznenađenje i bilo je kao desert. Bilo je neverovatno slatko, a paradajz je bio neprepoznatljiv.

    Dodao sam još paradajza i ništa nije pomoglo pa je otišlo u smeće. Imam ćufte i nemam špagete. Iskreno, ne znam šta sam mislio. Imao sam trenutak ludila i uvukao šećer u to. Zauvek sam radio na tome!

    Šta si potpuno pokvario u kuhinji? Mora da je nešto u redu?

    Malo hrane za razmišljanje hun (heehee)

    Da ste uzeli slatki paradajz sos i dodali malo sirćeta, završili biste sa kečapom.

    Nije da bi vam bilo stalo da to stavite na svoje špagete, ali ste možda mogli da ga iskoristite za nešto. Lol

    (Radila sam u fabrici paradajza)
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well now ya tell me orren. wink That would've been awesome. Maybe I should try to recreate it. It'll probably come out like spaghetti sauce.  grin

    Pa sad mi reci Orren. wink To bi bilo sjajno. Možda bi trebalo da pokušam da je ponovo stvorim. Verovatno će ispasti kao sos za špagete. grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Ut oh.. now we are going to be seeing "Froggys Ketchup" in the grocery stores

    Uh.. sada ćemo gledati "Froggis Ketchup" u prodavnicama

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Doesn't that sound delicious Imagin? Maybe I can find a way to make it green. Ya know, nice and appetizing.  laugh_out_loud

    Zar to ne zvuči ukusno Imagin? Možda mogu pronaći način da ga učinim zelenim. Znate, lepo i ukusno. laugh_out_loud

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    LMAO laugh_out_loud

    I'd buy it laugh_out_loud

    LMAO laugh_out_loud

    Ja bih to kupio laugh_out_loud

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Doesn't that sound delicious Imagin? Maybe I can find a way to make it green. Ya know, nice and appetizing.  laugh_out_loud

    Actually that has been done by Heinz corp. You might still be able to find it in stores..Green ketchup. I tried some, no taste difference and I buy THAT brand always.

    Zar to ne zvuči ukusno Imagin? Možda mogu pronaći način da ga učinim zelenim. Znate, lepo i ukusno. laugh_out_loud

    U stvari, to je uradila Heinz corp. Možda ćete ga još uvek naći u prodavnicama..Zeleni kečap. Probao sam neke, bez razlike u ukusu i uvek kupujem TU marku.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    sssshhhhh... lips_sealed don't ever let Lips know theres green ketch-up for hotdogs..she'd probably freak.. be_sickamp;  not to mention froggy would torture her with it!! laugh_out_loud

    ssssshhhhh... lips_sealed nikad nemoj da Lips zna da ima zelenog keča za hot-dogove..verovatno bi poludela.. be_sick amp; da ne spominjem da bi je žaba mučila sa tim!! laugh_out_loud

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    You're right gene. I remember that. There's no way I can eat it. It's silly, I know, but it's a mental thing. Can't eat it.  laugh_out_loud

    On second thought, I might be able to  force it down if it means torturing lips after all those times she said ewwwwwwww slug dog while I was enjoying my Portillos hotdog.

    U pravu si gen. Sećam se da. Nema šanse da je pojedem. To je glupo, znam, ali to je mentalna stvar. Ne mogu da jedem. laugh_out_loud

    Kad bolje razmislim, možda bih uspeo da ga nateram ako to znači da mučim usne nakon svih onih vremena kada je rekla evvvvvvvv puž pas dok sam uživao u svom Portillos hotdogu.

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