Your opinion, please! Will the death (an media aftermath) of Michael Jackson be as big as when Elvis died?
GLASAJTE...da li će smrt M. Jacksona biti "velika" kao Elvisova?

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- drpsyce38
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- drpsyce38
- u Jun 26, 09, 03:29:41 PM
Super Hero 1493
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 5 godina
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Vaše mišljenje, molim! Da li će smrt (medijska posledica) Majkla Džeksona biti velika kao kada je Elvis umro?
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- blueday
- u Jun 26, 09, 03:53:17 PM
Almighty Member 37999
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 3 godine
Ah - thought this was going to be a poll. Why dont you add a poll to this post?
blueAh - mislio sam da će ovo biti anketa. Zašto ne dodate anketu ovom postu?
Plavi -
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- trotter
- u Jun 26, 09, 04:15:29 PM
Jr. Member 86
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
Wondering how your going to determine who's aftermath is "biggger". Micheal Jacksons death will reach more people, the computer does that... and there are so many more media outlets than what Elvis's death had had.
Are you asking who was more loved... Elvis or Michael? If so... i'll say Elvis was here in the United States. But i'm sure Michael Jackson reached many more people around the world.
Michael Jackson's death will be a zoo for many months to come, thats for sure!
Will millions flock to "Neverland ranch" on the anniversary of Michael's death, like millions have done for almost 32 years at Graceland on August 16th... i think not.
TrotterPitate se kako ćete utvrditi ko će biti "veći". Smrt Majkla Džeksona dopreće do više ljudi, kompjuter to radi... i ima mnogo više medija od onoga što je imala Elvisova smrt.
Pitate se ko je bio više voljen... Elvis ili Majkl? Ako je tako... reći ću da je Elvis bio ovde u Sjedinjenim Državama. Ali siguran sam da je Majkl Džekson stigao do mnogo više ljudi širom sveta.
Smrt Majkla Džeksona biće zoološki vrt još mnogo meseci, to je sigurno!
Da li će milioni pohrliti na "Neverland ranč" na godišnjicu Majklove smrti, kao što su milioni radili skoro 32 godine u Grejslendu 16. avgusta... mislim da neće.
Trotter -
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- Lipstick
- u Jun 26, 09, 05:00:16 PM
Admin 13901
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 18 sati
Hiya Doc,
That's a good question....and i don't think there is a person who has not wondered the same thing. If a poll was taken as to how many people had this thought..i think it would far out weigh the actuality of Michael Jacksons death having the sensationalism that Elvis' death did.
I don't think that here in the United States Michael Jackson will be as decorated as he will be in other countries. He lost his luster among the American people. What we once thought of as a mega superstar with talent unmatched...turned to a singer with too much plastic surgery and scandals with boys. This new image tarnished the Michael Jackson that we once knew.
Of course there will be the immediate flood of press and media attention. But as the dust starts to settle so will the American public.
I choose to remember him when he was at the top of his game. His music and his dancing put him in a class of his own.
Funny how life life some are death they become a legend.
LipsZdravo Doc,
To je dobro pitanje....i mislim da ne postoji osoba koja se nije pitala isto. Ako bi se sprovela anketa o tome koliko ljudi je pomislilo na ovu misao... mislim da bi to daleko nadmašilo stvarnost smrti Majkla Džeksona koja ima senzacionalizam kao što je Elvisova smrt učinila.
Mislim da ovde u Sjedinjenim Državama Majkl Džekson neće biti tako odlikovan kao u drugim zemljama. Izgubio je sjaj među američkim narodom. Ono što smo nekada mislili kao mega superzvezdu sa talentom bez premca... pretvorilo se u pevačicu sa previše plastičnih operacija i skandala sa dečacima. Ova nova slika ukaljala je Majkla Džeksona kakvog smo nekada poznavali.
Naravno da će odmah doći do poplave štampe i medijske pažnje. Ali kako prašina počne da se slaže, tako će i američka javnost.
Odlučio sam da ga se setim kada je bio na vrhuncu svoje igre. Njegova muzika i njegov ples svrstali su ga u posebnu klasu.
Smešno kako život funkcioniše...u životu se neki ismevaju...u smrti postaju legenda.
Usne -
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- mondobiz
- u Jun 29, 09, 01:46:53 PM
Sr. Member 345
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 7 godina
im not a big fan of either jackson (if u dont count the jackson 5 years) or elvis. michel probably be gonna be remembered for all the wierd stuff he did... and then some music. personally i dont think he should be remembered as "an elvis". for me, he was a wierd dude who made some really great tunes, stopping after the record BAD. thats... kinda all.
Nisam veliki fan ni Džeksona (ako ne računate Džeksona 5 godina) ni Elvisa. Mišel će verovatno ostati upamćen po svim čudnim stvarima koje je uradio... i onda malo muzike. lično mislim da ga ne treba pamtiti kao "elvisa". za mene, on je bio čudan tip koji je napravio neke zaista sjajne melodije, stao nakon ploče BAD. to je... nekako sve.
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- PMM2008
- u Jun 29, 09, 02:26:59 PM
Mighty Member 3103
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
I am a huge ELVIS fan, yet I was only 10 when he passed away so it was not as big for me as just the other day when Micheal died. I grew up with THRILLER and BAD, as mainstays on my stereo. I followed his ups and downs as a human being, and his successes, and mistakes. I couldn't do that with Elvis, as I was just to young. I think Elvis will still be remembered kinder than Micheal and his mistakes, but for me, mistakes or not , his death will always be bigger for me, as he was such a part of my lifetime, as Elvis was not. It all has to do with my age and the fact it became part of my history when he died. Older folks remember where they were when Elvis died, I can't. Yet I will always remember where I was when I heard Micheal was gone.
Veliki sam fan ELVIS-a, ali sam imao samo 10 godina kada je preminuo, tako da za mene to nije bilo tako veliko kao pre neki dan kada je Majkl umro. Odrastao sam sa THRILLER-om i BAD-om, kao osloncem na mom stereo. Pratio sam njegove uspone i padove kao čoveka, njegove uspehe i greške. Nisam mogao to da uradim sa Elvisom, pošto sam bio premlad. Mislim da će Elvisa i dalje pamtiti bolje od Majkla i njegovih grešaka, ali za mene, grešaka ili ne, njegova smrt će uvek biti veća za mene, jer je on bio deo mog života, kao što Elvis nije. Sve to ima veze sa mojim godinama i činjenicom da je to postalo deo moje istorije kada je on umro. Stariji ljudi se sećaju gde su bili kada je Elvis umro, ja ne mogu. Ipak, uvek ću se sećati gde sam bio kada sam čuo da je Majkl otišao.
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- Deb321
- u Jun 29, 09, 03:25:19 PM
Sr. Member 376
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 8 godina
I personally think Michael Jackson's death will never be as big as the death of Elvis. Not saying that Michael Jackson wasn't a great musical genius just in my opinion he wasn't as big as Elvis. Being from the south in the US of course I was a huge Elvis fan and the story of his rags to riches life and the kindness he showed to even perfect strangers left many in awe of him. I also was a huge Michael fan and although he is gone we will always have his great music.
Lično mislim da smrt Majkla Džeksona nikada neće biti tako velika kao Elvisova. Ne kažem da Majkl Džekson nije bio veliki muzički genije, samo po mom mišljenju nije bio veliki kao Elvis. Budući da sam sa juga u SAD, naravno, bio sam veliki Elvisov obožavatelj i priča o njegovom životu od dronjaka do bogatstva i ljubaznosti koju je pokazao čak i prema savršenim strancima izazvala je mnoge strahopoštovanje prema njemu. Takođe sam bio veliki obožavatelj Majkla i iako ga više nema, uvek ćemo imati njegovu sjajnu muziku.
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- mrgmomma67
- u Jun 29, 09, 05:54:44 PM
Full Member 129
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 8 godina
I personally think he was awesome, the man never had a childhood so thats why he was around children all the time, he was nothing except a child stuck in a mans body, he was awesome, weird yes but fantastic music and could he dance....I honestly won't believe he's passed unless they show a body, it all just doesn't fit, and his family, if my sibling just passed I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears, something just doesn't seem right to me.....I just wonder if there going to let the public view any of the funeral.....
Ja lično mislim da je bio sjajan, čovek nikada nije imao detinjstvo pa je zato bio sve vreme u blizini dece, nije bio ništa drugo do dete zaglavljeno u muškom telu, bio je sjajan, čudan da, ali fantastična muzika i umeo je da igra. ...Iskreno neću verovati da je prošao osim ako ne pokažu telo, jednostavno ne štima, a njegova porodica, da je moj brat samo preminuo ne bih mogao da zadržim suze, nešto jednostavno ne ne čini mi se u pravu.....Pitam se samo da li će se dozvoliti javnosti da vidi bilo kakvu sahranu.....
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- soda69
- u Jun 29, 09, 07:14:26 PM
Hero Member 671
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 3 godine
Elvis will remain "King" to the era and genre that he touched and graced with his music. The same would be said about Michael Jackson. However if you take into consideration and compare the two's era and genre, Michael would have a much larger following...literally able to touch the world and broke the genre barriers, winning awards not only in R&B and pop but also in Rock. Elvis, still considered King of rock, may have crossed over to the country genre (have to check that one).
Michael brought more than just music to the table. He innovated and influenced the music industry we know today. Whether it be in music style, image, video, and dance. Every thing we see or listen to in this industry, the influence of Michael, the DNA of his talents, can always be found in one form or another. Whether you were a fan of Michael or not, whether you can admit it or not (if not your just in denial..LOL)..but with his were curious, interested and tuned in to see and understand what happen. Listenening to what others had to say. Many of which, came along with tribute videos of this legendary icon. Honestly who can compare? Kenye..sorry but u don't even come close.Elvis će ostati "kralj" eri i žanra koje je dotakao i ulepšao svojom muzikom. Isto bi se reklo i za Majkla Džeksona. Međutim, ako uzmete u obzir i uporedite eru i žanr njih dvojice, Majkl bi imao mnogo više sledbenika...bukvalno u stanju da dotakne svet i razbije žanrovske barijere, osvajajući nagrade ne samo u R&B i popu, već iu roku. Elvis, koji se i dalje smatra kraljem roka, možda je prešao na kantri žanr (moram to proveriti).
Majkl je doneo više od muzike na sto. On je inovirao i uticao na muzičku industriju kakvu danas poznajemo. Bilo da se radi o muzičkom stilu, slici, videu i plesu. Sve što vidimo ili slušamo u ovoj industriji, uticaj Majkla, DNK njegovih talenata, uvek se može naći u ovom ili onom obliku. Bilo da ste obožavali Majkla ili ne, da li to možete da priznate ili ne (ako ne samo poričete..LOL)..ali sa njegovom smrću...bili ste radoznali, zainteresovani i podešeni da vidite i razumete šta desiti se. Slušajući šta drugi imaju da kažu. Mnogi od njih su došli zajedno sa video zapisima posvećenim ovoj legendarnoj ikoni. Iskreno, ko može da uporedi? Kenije..izvini, ali ti ni ne prilaziš blizu. -
- Odgovoreno
- Deb321
- u Jun 29, 09, 08:55:34 PM
Sr. Member 376
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 8 godina
Elvis will remain "King" to the era and genre that he touched and graced with his music. The same would be said about Michael Jackson. However if you take into consideration and compare the two's era and genre, Michael would have a much larger following...literally able to touch the world and broke the genre barriers, winning awards not only in R&B and pop but also in Rock. Elvis, still considered King of rock, may have crossed over to the country genre (have to check that one).
Michael brought more than just music to the table. He innovated and influenced the music industry we know today. Whether it be in music style, image, video, and dance. Every thing we see or listen to in this industry, the influence of Michael, the DNA of his talents, can always be found in one form or another. Whether you were a fan of Michael or not, whether you can admit it or not (if not your just in denial..LOL)..but with his were curious, interested and tuned in to see and understand what happen. Listenening to what others had to say. Many of which, came along with tribute videos of this legendary icon. Honestly who can compare? Kenye..sorry but u don't even come close.
Well said soda, I couldn't agree more. I liked them both and in their own way they were both musical geniuses. Both my husband and I have always been fans of Michael and we sat up almost all night on Saturday and watched all of his great videos. He surely will be missed.
Elvis će ostati "kralj" eri i žanra koje je dotakao i ulepšao svojom muzikom. Isto bi se reklo i za Majkla Džeksona. Međutim, ako uzmete u obzir i uporedite eru i žanr njih dvojice, Majkl bi imao mnogo više sledbenika...bukvalno u stanju da dotakne svet i razbije žanrovske barijere, osvajajući nagrade ne samo u R&B i popu, već iu roku. Elvis, koji se još uvek smatra kraljem roka, možda je prešao na kantri žanr (moram to proveriti).
Majkl je doneo više od muzike na sto. On je inovirao i uticao na muzičku industriju kakvu danas poznajemo. Bilo da se radi o muzičkom stilu, slici, videu i plesu. Sve što vidimo ili slušamo u ovoj industriji, uticaj Majkla, DNK njegovih talenata, uvek se može naći u ovom ili onom obliku. Bilo da ste obožavali Majkla ili ne, da li to možete da priznate ili ne (ako ne samo poričete..LOL)..ali sa njegovom smrću...bili ste radoznali, zainteresovani i podešeni da vidite i razumete šta desiti se. Slušajući šta drugi imaju da kažu. Mnogi od njih su došli zajedno sa video zapisima posvećenim ovoj legendarnoj ikoni. Iskreno, ko može da uporedi? Kenije..izvini, ali ti ni ne prilaziš blizu.
Dobro rečeno soda, ne mogu se više složiti. Obojica su mi se dopala i na svoj način su obojica bili muzički geniji. I moj muž i ja smo oduvek bili obožavatelji Majkla i skoro celu noć smo sedeli u subotu i gledali sve njegove sjajne video snimke. On će sigurno nedostajati. -
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- PMM2008
- u Jun 29, 09, 09:04:19 PM
Mighty Member 3103
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 4 godine
I agree Soda....very well said......
Slažem se Soda....veoma dobro rečeno......
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