Šta bi ti uradio?

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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    We all know the joy of sending a child to College, the excitement of them being accepted, applying for financial aid. Then they graduate and you hope they land a well paying job to justify the expense of College. Then the reality kicks in you have to pay it back. I am $42,000 in debt due to my little graduate who is now 27 yr old man. My wages are being garnished for $27,000 and the other I have to pay back starting next wk. Of course he took out his little $15,000 Pell Grant for books etc. and is paying that back. But I am a single Mom and PAID his Rent, Frat dues including Rent in the summer months when he was not up in college because you have to sign a years lease you get no financial aid in the summer. I did this for 3 yrs. They financial aid money I would deposit into his bank acct for $3,718.50 he blew threw it and did not pay his rent,dues, etc like he was supposed to and would call me up saying I need you to pay for it out of your own money or i will get kicked out of school. Of course I PAID it. A college loan is not something you can claim bankruptcy on and even if you retire they will take your social security pymts,irs tax refunds etc. My son feels that ALL parents should pay for and send their child to school and that he is paying his $15,000 back. I think this is outrageous and want to have him sign a promissory note to pay for half and he is not willing to do this. My sisters say what Parent would make their child pay for college? What would you do? :'(

    Svima nam je poznata radost slanja deteta na fakultet, uzbuđenje što ih primaju, apliciraju za novčanu pomoć. Onda diplomiraju i nadate se da će dobiti dobro plaćen posao da opravdaju troškove fakulteta. Onda stvarnost počinje da morate da je vratite. Dug sam od 42.000 dolara zbog mog malog diplomca koji sada ima 27 godina. Moja plata je kažnjena za 27.000 dolara, a drugu moram da vratim od sledeće nedelje. Naravno da je uzeo svojih 15.000 dolara Pell Granta za knjige itd. i vraća to. Ali ja sam samohrana majka i PLATILA sam njegovu stanarinu, članarinu za bratstvo uključujući stanarinu u letnjim mesecima kada on nije bio na koledžu, jer morate da potpišete godišnji zakup, a tokom leta ne dobijate finansijsku pomoć. Radio sam ovo 3 godine. Oni su novac od finansijske pomoći koji bih položio na njegov bankovni račun za 3.718,50 dolara, on je razneo, bacio ga je i nije platio kiriju, članarinu itd. kao što je trebalo i pozvao bi me i rekao da trebaš da platiš za to iz svog novca ili ću biti izbačen iz škole. Naravno da sam platio. Zajam za koledž nije nešto na čemu možete tražiti bankrot, a čak i ako se penzionišete, oni će uzeti vaše socijalno osiguranje, povraćaj poreza, itd. Moj sin smatra da SVI roditelji treba da plate i pošalju svoje dete u školu i da on plaća svoje 15.000 dolara nazad. Mislim da je ovo nečuveno i želim da ga nateram da potpiše menicu da plati polovinu, a on nije voljan da to uradi. Moje sestre kažu šta bi roditelj naterao svoje dete da plati fakultet? Šta bi ti uradio? :'(

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I think the fact that he had the money and blew it and then asked you for it, is way out of order. 

    No I wouldn't ask him to pay half but I would expect him to go out and get a decent job and once he had a decent job, then maybe I would ask for some help to help clear it.  Does he still live with you?

    If he still won't pay, then no - I would not ask my son to sign a promisory note.  Do tell him not to expect any further help though because of the debts you have because of him.

    One day in the future, when he is older and wiser -  you never know, he may eventually help you with it. (But I do doubt it very much)


    Mislim da je to što je imao novac i uprskao ga, a onda ga tražio od vas, potpuno van reda.

    Ne, ne bih tražio od njega da plati polovinu, ali očekivao bih da izađe i dobije pristojan posao, a kada bude imao pristojan posao, možda bih zamolio za pomoć da pomognem da se to riješi. Da li on još uvek živi sa vama?

    Ako i dalje neće da plati, onda ne – ne bih tražio od sina da potpiše menicu. Recite mu da ne očekuje dalju pomoć zbog dugova koje imate zbog njega.

    Jednog dana u budućnosti, kada bude stariji i mudriji - nikad se ne zna, možda će vam na kraju pomoći u tome. (Ali sumnjam u to jako)


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Does not live with me does not pay any Rent. Lives with my sister in a 4 bedroom house, sister unmarried no kids. He owns his own company foreclosure cleanout homes and moving makes around $4000 a month. >:(

    Ne živi sa mnom ne plaća nikakvu kiriju. Živi sa mojom sestrom u kući sa 4 spavaće sobe, sestra nije udata bez dece. On poseduje sopstvenu kompaniju za čišćenje kuća i selidba zarađuje oko 4000 dolara mesečno. >:(
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Does not live with me does not pay any Rent. Lives with my sister in a 4 bedroom house, sister unmarried no kids. He owns his own company foreclosure cleanout homes and moving makes around $4000 a month. >:(

    Well that is just plain mean then. 

    I still don't think the promisory note is right because he is your son but I would have thought his conscience would have got the better of him.  He could at least give you something every month to help clear this awful debt he has landed you with.

    Maybe it's time for you to plead poverty to him and tell him you can't pay your bills cos you spent all your money.  I wonder if he would come to your rescue?

    My experience makes me think that he won't but you never know!


    Ne živi sa mnom, ne plaća nikakvu kiriju. Živi sa mojom sestrom u kući sa 4 spavaće sobe, sestra nije udata bez dece. On poseduje sopstvenu kompaniju za čišćenje kuća i selidba zarađuje oko 4000 dolara mesečno. >:(

    Pa to je onda prosto zlo.

    I dalje ne mislim da je menica ispravna jer je on tvoj sin, ali sam mislio da će ga savest prevladati. Mogao bi bar da vam da nešto svakog meseca da vam pomogne da otplatite ovaj užasni dug koji vam je naneo.

    Možda je vreme da mu se izjasniš za siromaštvo i kažeš mu da ne možeš da platiš račune jer si potrošio sav svoj novac. Pitam se da li bi on došao da te spasi?

    Moje iskustvo me navodi da mislim da neće, ali nikad se ne zna!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    It's the Generation X mentality, it's the facebook I can say whatever I want because we have 1st amendment rights. It's the "Hell no we wont go Berkely mentality". It's the youth against the establishment generation. It's the you try to spank me and I'll throw you in jail for assault generation.  "Spare the rod spoil the child" I spanked him one time, thats my problem now. It's his attitude all my friends parents paid for college you should also. His friends parents were Mom and Dad and were Drs and lawyers and oh yes the mayors kid. There was only me MOM period. Now of course he calls and says I would like to take you out for a Mothers day dinner? This year I told him I really have to think about it, I will get back to you. You see it is fine as long as I don't mention it and just suck it up, because as he says I should because everyone else did.

    To je mentalitet generacije Ks, to je fejsbuk. Mogu da kažem šta god hoću jer imamo pravo na 1. amandman. To je mentalitet "Dođavola, nećemo ići na Berkli". To je omladina protiv establišment generacije. Pokušavaš da me udariš, a ja ću te baciti u zatvor zbog generacije napada. "Poštedi štap i pokvari dete" udario sam ga jednom, to je sada moj problem. Njegov stav je da svi moji prijatelji roditelji plaćaju fakultet i ti treba. Njegovi prijatelji roditelji su bili mama i tata i bili su doktori i advokati i o, da, gradonačelnici. Postojao sam samo MAM period. Sada naravno zove i kaže da bih želeo da te izvedem na večeru za Dan majki? Ove godine sam mu rekao da zaista moram da razmislim o tome, javiću ti se. Vidite da je u redu sve dok to ne pominjem i samo usisam, jer kako on kaže trebalo bi jer su svi ostali.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I totally know where you are coming from.

    He must know how you struggled to help him out - of course he does.  He doesn't worry about how you struggle now because of his actions.  Sounds like he doesn't get that you were on your own and that you did it all by yourself. 

    You truly should be proud of what you have done for him- even if he doesn't appreciate it.  You were the one that put him through college, you were the one that bailed him out and you were the one that probably sacrificed things you probably needed but instead you gave the money to him.  He doesn't appreciate you that is for sure and he doesn't understand what you have done for him all by yourself.

    As for the Mothers day meal - only you can decide whether to go or not. 


    Potpuno znam odakle dolaziš.

    Mora da zna kako ste se borili da mu pomognete - naravno da zna. On ne brine o tome kako se sada mučite zbog njegovih postupaka. Zvuči kao da ne shvata da ste bili sami i da ste sve uradili sami.

    Zaista treba da budete ponosni na ono što ste učinili za njega - čak i ako on to ne ceni. Ti si bio taj koji ga je proveo na fakultetu, ti si bio taj koji ga je izvukao i ti si bio taj koji je verovatno žrtvovao stvari koje su ti verovatno bile potrebne, ali si umesto toga dao novac njemu. On te ne ceni, to je sigurno, i ne razume šta si sam uradio za njega.

    Što se tiče obroka za Dan majki - samo vi možete odlučiti da li ćete ići ili ne.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I am sending my kid off to college.  Run #1  Never, never sign for a loan.  Make the kid do it.

    Lucky, I am sorry.  I really am, but your child has some serious "entitlement" issues.  When I was a practicing psychologist I saw it ALL the time:  Mom and dad going BROKE so their kids can live the highlife. 

    All you can do is live-and-learn.  And perhaps just keep a check on youself so you don't do any enabling. 

    I reallly am sorry.......this sounds very, very painful.

    Šaljem svoje dete na fakultet. Trčanje #1 Nikada, nikada ne potpisujte zajam. Nateraj dete da to uradi.

    Lucki, žao mi je. Zaista jesam, ali vaše dete ima ozbiljnih problema sa "pravom". Kada sam bio psiholog, stalno sam to video: mama i tata su BROJI da bi njihova deca mogla da žive u svetom životu.

    Sve što možete da uradite je da živite i učite. I možda samo pazite na sebe kako ne biste ništa omogućili.

    Zaista mi je žao.......ovo zvuči veoma, veoma bolno.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well, you "Could" instigate a lawsuit, but this would drive a wedge into the relationship of yours.

    I wish there was a solid answer, but sounds like he's still an irresponsible child. I think it's best to try and pay and write it off...But you can just send him a nice card for Christmas and his birthday.

    You already gave enough cash wise.

    Pa, „Mogao bi“ da pokreneš tužbu, ali ovo bi zabilo klin u tvoju vezu.

    Voleo bih da postoji čvrst odgovor, ali zvuči kao da je on još uvek neodgovorno dete. Mislim da je najbolje da pokušaš da platiš i otpišeš...Ali možeš mu samo poslati lepu čestitku za Božić i rođendan.

    Već ste dali dovoljno novca.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Gen, I am afraid she wouldn't have a leg to stand on to sue.  If she signed the note, she is 100% stuck with it.  I am sure there will be lots of genuine empathy from the LCB family.  I am just trying to make the point that parents should not go on the hook for their adult children. 

    Gen, bojim se da ne bi imala nogu da tuži. Ako je potpisala belešku, ona je 100% zaglavljena sa njom. Siguran sam da će biti puno istinske empatije od strane LCB porodice. Samo pokušavam da naglasim da roditelji ne bi trebalo da se zalažu za svoju odraslu decu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Gen, I am afraid she wouldn't have a leg to stand on to sue.  If she signed the note, she is 100% stuck with it.  I am sure there will be lots of genuine empathy from the LCB family.  I am just trying to make the point that parents should not go on the hook for their adult children. 

    You are totally right - but we do and if we had our time again, we would do it again because no mother want's to see their child fail because we couldn't come up with the money.

    It's a terrible situation and I agree, write it off and just give him cards for Christmas and Birthday.


    Gen, bojim se da ne bi imala nogu da tuži. Ako je potpisala belešku, ona je 100% zaglavljena sa njom. Siguran sam da će biti puno istinske empatije od strane LCB porodice. Samo pokušavam da naglasim da roditelji ne bi trebalo da se zalažu za svoju odraslu decu.

    Potpuno ste u pravu – ali imamo i da imamo vremena ponovo, uradili bismo to ponovo jer nijedna majka ne želi da vidi svoje dete kako propada jer nismo mogli da dođemo do novca.

    To je užasna situacija i slažem se, otpiši to i samo mu daj čestitke za Božić i rođendan.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Gen, I am afraid she wouldn't have a leg to stand on to sue.  If she signed the note, she is 100% stuck with it.  I am sure there will be lots of genuine empathy from the LCB family.  I am just trying to make the point that parents should not go on the hook for their adult children.  

    Well, not being a lawyer though. she could prove where the cash went and what for. Unless (I may have not seen/read) that she took out the loan personally.

    If that is the reason, then you're probably right.

    Heck with all the financial help offered to students, seems few should have to hit up the parents for cash...Or for some minor stuff...Pity...

    Gen, bojim se da ona ne bi imala nogu da tuži. Ako je potpisala belešku, ona je 100% zaglavljena sa njom. Siguran sam da će biti puno istinske empatije od strane LCB porodice. Samo pokušavam da naglasim da roditelji ne bi trebalo da se zalažu za svoju odraslu decu.

    Pa, ne biti advokat. mogla je da dokaže gde je novac otišao i za šta. Osim (možda nisam video/pročitao) da je lično podigla kredit.

    Ako je to razlog, onda ste verovatno u pravu.

    Dođavola uz svu finansijsku pomoć koja se nudi studentima, izgleda da bi malo ko trebalo da traži pare od roditelja... Ili za neke manje stvari... Šteta...
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Technically Geneco is 100% correct borrowing Federal Financial Aid and not using it for purposes intended Education can be investigated it is MISSAPPROPRIATION of federal funds and it is a FELONY! In that case I would not have to pay it back. But look at the cost and I do not mean financial. Students have been borrowing Financial Aid and buying houses with it, taking trips etc. This is NOTHING to brag about and if you get caught you will go to jail. I posted so that NO other Parent falls into this trap. Your child will have many yrs of employment to pay it back. Never take out a loan for your child to go to College. On one loan only $8,000 it will be $15,000 by the time I pay it back thats interest.

    Tehnički, Geneco je 100% tačan što pozajmljuje Federalnu finansijsku pomoć i ne koristi je u svrhe namenjene obrazovanju. Obrazovanje se može istražiti, to je PRONESAJANJE federalnih sredstava i to je KRIVIČNO DELO! U tom slučaju ne bih morao da ga vraćam. Ali pogledajte troškove i ne mislim na finansijske. Studenti su pozajmljivali finansijsku pomoć i kupovali kuće sa njom, išli na putovanja itd. Ovo se NIŠTA ne može hvaliti i ako vas uhvate ići ćete u zatvor. Objavio sam tako da NIJEDAN drugi Roditelj ne upadne u ovu zamku. Vaše dete će imati mnogo godina zaposlenja da ga vrati. Nikada ne uzimajte kredit da bi vaše dete išlo na fakultet. Na jedan zajam samo 8.000 dolara biće 15.000 dolara dok ga vratim, to je kamata.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Hi Lucky,

    The real question here is what does your heart tell you? From what i read in your post i think you are feeling he should pay at least half. I would have to agree with that.

    You raised him, took care of him during his college years and it sounds like he will be doing pretty good for himself thanks to good parents. Your not obligated to "owe" your son anything, he is a grown man.

    You have had your share of misfortune with the accident. You need to think about yourself now and your future. Follow your heart and your instinct.

    Whatever decision you make, just make sure its your own and don't let anyone make you feel guilty.

    Zdravo Lucki,

    Pravo pitanje ovde je šta vam srce govori? Iz onoga što sam pročitao u vašem postu, mislim da mislite da bi on trebao platiti barem polovinu. Morao bih da se složim sa tim.

    Odgajali ste ga, brinuli se o njemu tokom studentskih godina i zvuči kao da će mu biti prilično dobro zahvaljujući dobrim roditeljima. Niste obavezni da svom sinu ništa "dugujete", on je odrastao čovek.

    Imali ste svoj deo nesreće sa nesrećom. Sada morate razmišljati o sebi i svojoj budućnosti. Pratite svoje srce i svoj instinkt.

    Koju god odluku da donesete, samo se uverite da je vaša i ne dozvolite nikome da se osećate krivim.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Also always have your student apply to College as an Independent. Which means he is 100% on his own and you do not get to ride him off your taxes as a dependent. It is kinda sneaky they way they make you apply to Colleges it is a database that asks for your taxes and if you student lives with you. Now you think you are just applying to colleges to be accepted you are and you are not. Two things are happening at that time they take this info you provided and you and your student pick all the colleges they would like to attend they are prequalifying you both at that time, checking to see if your student has a checking/savings acct they will hold that against him for FINANCIAL AID,  then they are sending in your application with your financial ABILITY TO PAY to all the colleges you choose at the same time. The colleges have already seen your financials before they send you an acceptance letter. Then they tell you upon acceptance wel the College will cost about $30,000 to attend a year. BUT what they do NOT TELL YOU is that there is ALSO the COST OF ATTENDANCE this is ROOM/BOARD FOOD,TRANSPORATION,HEALTH INS and that is ANOTHER $28,000 A YEAR. So your $30,000 College yearly is $60,000. Parents always ask what does is cost to go to your College THEY NEVER ASK WHAT IS THE TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE.

    Takođe, uvek neka se vaš student prijavi na fakultet kao nezavisni. Što znači da je on 100% sam i ne možete da ga skinete sa poreza kao izdržavanog lica. Malo je podmukao način na koji te teraju da se prijaviš na fakultete, to je baza podataka koja traži tvoje poreze i ako student živi sa tobom. Sada mislite da se samo prijavljujete na fakultete da biste bili prihvaćeni jeste, a niste. Dve stvari se dešavaju u to vreme, oni uzimaju ove informacije koje ste dali i vi i vaš student birate sve fakultete koje bi želeli da pohađaju, oni vas oboje u to vreme prekvalifikovaju, proveravaju da li vaš student ima račun za čekanje/štednju. to protiv njega za FINANSIJSKU POMOĆ, onda šalju vašu prijavu sa vašom finansijskom SPOSOBNOSTOM DA PLAĆATE svim fakultetima koje odaberete u isto vreme. Fakulteti su već videli vaše finansijske podatke pre nego što su vam poslali pismo o prihvatanju. Onda vam kažu po prijemu da će koledž koštati oko 30.000 dolara godišnje. Ali ono što VAM NE KAŽU je da postoje TAKOĐE TROŠKOVI POSTUPKA, ovo je HRANA SOBE/pansiona, PREVOZ, ZDRAVSTVENI STANOVI i to je JOŠ 28.000 USD GODIŠNJE. Dakle, vaš koledž od 30.000 dolara godišnje je 60.000 dolara. Roditelji uvek pitaju koliko košta odlazak na vaš koledž. ONI NIKADA NE PITAJU KOLIKI JE UKUPNI TROŠKOVI POHAĐANJA.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    My sons response was absolutly Beautiful, and a promise to help, when i am hurting he is hurting he wrote. But upon reflection it is something that is dear to my heart and not to the internet although I have known some of you for years and consider you all family it is still the internet and some things should be kept private. His words were priceless and even if I never see a dime his words were beautiful. There is no more important job in the world than that of a parent your success or failure with your child will effect generations to come. If you raised them with love they in turn will raise their child with love. That is priceless.

    Odgovor mojih sinova je bio apsolutno prelep, i obećanje da će pomoći, kada me boli, on je boli, napisao je. Ali kad razmislim, to je nešto što mi je drago srcu, a ne internetu, iako neke od vas poznajem godinama i smatram vas svim porodicom, to je još uvek internet i neke stvari treba da ostanu privatne. Njegove reči su bile neprocenjive, a čak i ako nikada ne vidim ni novčića, njegove reči su bile prelepe. Ne postoji važniji posao na svetu od roditeljskog koji će vaš uspeh ili neuspeh sa detetom uticati na generacije koje dolaze. Ako ste ih odgajali s ljubavlju, oni će zauzvrat odgajati svoje dete s ljubavlju. To je neprocenjivo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    That is worth A MILLION dollars to I had to post it HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! cheesy

    To vredi MILION dolara da moram da ga objavim SREĆAN DAN MAJKI!!!!! cheesy
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Hi Lucky,

    What a beautiful heartfelt letter he wrote you. Right when you fell into despair....he writes something that i know you will hold on to for the rest of your life.

    It says alot about you and who you are in that letter. Your a great mom for sure, but then again i always sensed it!

    Zdravo Lucki,

    Kako ti je lepo iskreno pismo napisao. Taman kada si pao u očaj....on piše nešto za šta znam da ćeš se držati do kraja života.

    U tom pismu govori mnogo o vama i ko ste. Sigurno si odlična mama, ali opet sam to uvek osećala!


Brzi odgovor

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