Hello turanstock,
When choosing an online casino, it’s important to first read their T&Cs, check what kind of bonuses they offer, and how quickly they pay out winnings, etc. I suggest you take a look at HERE, it’s geotargeted and you can sort by software, language, currencies, banking methods....
Also, you can find a list of the Best Online Casinos HERE, on THIS LINK you can even compare casinos to help you make a decision.
It might be a good idea to check out the list of CASINOS THAT ARE ON WARNING/BLACKLISTED, and HERE, you can read the Test Reports from LCB’s project "From The Players For The Players", which covers the whole process from signing up to withdrawing cash. This can give you a better insight into everything and help you choose the casino that suits you best.
Hope this helps. :)
Zdravo Turanštok,
Kada birate onlajn kazino, važno je da prvo pročitate njihove uslove i uslove, proverite kakve bonuse nude i koliko brzo isplaćuju dobitke itd. Predlažem da pogledate OVDE , geografsko je ciljano i možete sortirati po softveru, jezik, valute, bankarske metode...
Takođe, listu najboljih onlajn kazina možete pronaći OVDE , na OVOM LINKU možete čak i da uporedite kazina kako biste lakše doneli odluku.
Možda bi bilo dobro da pogledate listu KAZINA KOJI SU NA UPOZORENJE/CRNU LISTU , a OVDE možete pročitati izveštaje o testiranju iz LCB-ovog projekta „From The Plaiers For The Plaiers“, koji pokriva ceo proces od registracije do podizanje gotovine. Ovo vam može dati bolji uvid u sve i pomoći vam da odaberete kazino koji vam najviše odgovara.
Nadam se da ovo pomaže. :)