Can somebody please tell me how this is correct. If you look at the description of the play it does not even match what the picture is. I had Master take over initiated and during Master takeover it lists clearly that the master takes over quote replaces quote all the other major Masters if you look at the description it lists that Master take over Panda was on a symbol that was actually a tiger, an ace, A gorilla, and one of them was a panda but all major symbols should have been changed to red panda it says that Master takeover was initiated somebody please tell me I'm wrong if you read the description of what happened and what was supposed to happen master takeover clearly says all Masters are taken over so every single Master on here should have been the same one. And in this case it was that it was red panda . I will reply to this with the rest of my screenshots I'm absolutely furious I was offered a $20 coupon on Mr o and a $20 coupon on eternal when the spin was worth at least $50 and I could have won $100 off of it now I have to do the playthrough and with these stupid $20 coupons I will reply to this with the rest of the screenshots somebody please actually take the time to look at this and read the rules of Master takeover and read what it says happened during the spin and look it's not even matching the description somebody please help
ZATVORENO: RTG vam ne plaća? Žalba?.....
- Započeto
- Tabitha Hamlin
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
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Molimo vas Prijava ili Registrujte se Objavite komentar.
- Započeto
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Jul 25, 24, 09:49:05 PM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
Original Prevod Prevedeno saMože li mi neko reći kako je ovo tačno. Ako pogledate opis predstave, on se ni ne poklapa sa onim na slici. Započeo sam preuzimanje majstora i tokom preuzimanja majstora jasno je navedeno da citat preuzima glavnog majstora zamenjuje citat svih ostalih glavnih majstora ako pogledate opis koji navodi da je Master preuzimanje Panda bila na simbolu koji je zapravo bio tigar, as, gorila, a jedan od njih je bio panda, ali sve glavne simbole je trebalo promeniti u crvenu pandu, to piše da je započeto preuzimanje Master, molim vas recite mi da grešim ako pročitate opis onoga što se desilo i šta je trebalo da se desi preuzimanje mastera jasno kaže da su svi majstori preuzeti tako da je svaki majstor ovde trebao biti isti. A u ovom slučaju to je bila crvena panda. Odgovoriću na ovo ostatkom mojih snimaka ekrana. Apsolutno sam besan. Ponuđen mi je kupon od 20 dolara za Mr o i kupon od 20 dolara za večni kada je spin vredeo najmanje 50 dolara i mogao sam sada da dobijem 100 dolara od toga. moram da prođem kroz igru i sa ovim glupim kuponima od 20 dolara ja ću odgovoriti na ovo sa ostatkom snimaka ekrana, neka neko zaista odvoji vreme da pogleda ovo i pročita pravila Master preuzimanja i pročita šta piše da se desilo tokom okretanja i pogledaj ne odgovara čak ni opisu, neka neko pomogne
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Jul 25, 24, 09:50:57 PM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
I've been waiting days for them and then they tell me that it's correct here's the rest of the things I have if you read the descriptions it's not correct and I am absolutely furious I am a very loyal customer to these casinos and they're telling me straight up when I'm looking right at the rules that it's correct when it's not matching what the rules say master takeover was initiated therefore all Masters should be the same because Master takeover means the master takes over every single master so there are four different Masters still on the board why are they not all the same?
Čekao sam ih danima i onda mi kažu da je to tačno, evo ostatak stvari koje imam ako pročitate opise nisu tačne i apsolutno sam besan ja sam veoma lojalan kupac ovih kazina i oni su govoreći mi direktno kada pogledam pravila da je ispravno kada se ne poklapa sa onim što pravila kažu da je započeto glavno preuzimanje, stoga bi svi Masteri trebali biti isti jer Master preuzimanje znači da master preuzima svakog pojedinačnog gospodara tako da postoje četiri različiti majstori su još uvek u odboru zašto nisu svi isti?
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Jul 25, 24, 09:52:48 PM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
I've been waiting days for them and then they tell me that it's correct here's the rest of the things I have if you read the descriptions it's not correct and I am absolutely furious I am a very loyal customer to these casinos and they're telling me straight up when I'm looking right at the rules that it's correct when it's not matching what the rules say master takeover was initiated therefore all Masters should be the same because Master takeover means the master takes over every single master so there are four different Masters still on the board why are they not all the same? And I messed up thing is is I was watching closely and I watched them all change to a panda and then they quickly changed back because that was my last spin on my bonus so it changed to the panda all of those symbols course I don't have proof of that but if you read the description literally the description does not even match the picture what is going on here that's $50 if those were all pandas it's over $50 I stopped counting when there was 13 just with the top symbol on the first real I didn't even go to the bottom one to count how many combinations of six pandas I had
Čekao sam ih danima i onda mi kažu da je to tačno, evo ostatak stvari koje imam ako pročitate opise nisu tačne i apsolutno sam besan ja sam veoma lojalan kupac ovih kazina i oni su govoreći mi direktno kada pogledam pravila da je ispravno kada se ne poklapa sa onim što pravila kažu da je započeto glavno preuzimanje, stoga bi svi Masteri trebali biti isti jer Master preuzimanje znači da master preuzima svakog pojedinačnog gospodara tako da postoje četiri različiti majstori su još uvek u odboru zašto nisu svi isti? I zabrljao sam u tome što sam pažljivo posmatrao i gledao ih kako se svi menjaju u pandu, a onda su se brzo promenili jer je to bilo moje poslednje okretanje na mom bonusu, tako da se promenilo u pandu, svi ti simboli, naravno, ja ne imate dokaz za to, ali ako pročitate opis bukvalno, opis se čak ni ne poklapa sa slikom šta se ovde dešava to je 50 dolara da su to sve pande više od 50 dolara prestao sam da brojim kada je bilo 13 samo sa gornjim simbolom na prvom realnom Nisam otišao ni do donje da izbrojim koliko sam imao kombinacija od šest pandi
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Jul 26, 24, 04:05:04 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Hello Tabitha Hamlin,
Please send us your casino username via PM so that we could contact the casino rep and look further into this case.
Thank you.
Zdravo Tabita Hamlin ,
Molimo vas da nam pošaljete svoje korisničko ime za kazino putem PM- a kako bismo mogli da kontaktiramo predstavnika kazina i detaljnije razmotrimo ovaj slučaj.
Hvala vam.
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Jul 26, 24, 05:31:55 AM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
Can you look at it and tell me what you think? It says Master takeover was initiated. And in the rules it clearly states what Master takeover is. I watched the screen turn all of those symbols into a red panda and then they quickly disappeared and I won 1$
Možete li ga pogledati i reći mi šta mislite? Piše da je Master preuzimanje pokrenuto. A u pravilima jasno stoji šta je Master preuzimanje. Gledao sam kako ekran pretvara sve te simbole u crvenu pandu i onda su brzo nestali i osvojio sam 1$
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Jul 26, 24, 05:37:19 AM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
- They scammed me and I play there so much. I am elite and they are denying it I just want somebody else to look at it and tell me that Master takeover rules were applied and that screen shows the result of Master takeover, if you read what it says under master takeover for the spin it lists random symbols saying they were changed to a panda, one is a tiger, one is an A, one is a kingkong guy, and the last one I think MIGHT be a panda.. but what are the rules of Master takeover? One master TAKES OVER ALLLLLLLLL. the other Masters. I don't see that I see all different master symbols but during my gameolay I watched them all change! Then it changed back quickly and never paid me Its been says dealing with this I just want to cry
- Prevarili su me i toliko igram tamo. Ja sam elita i oni to poriču. Samo želim da neko drugi to pogleda i kaže da su primenjena pravila Master preuzimanja i taj ekran prikazuje rezultat Master preuzimanja, ako pročitate šta piše pod master preuzimanjem za spin koji navodi nasumični simboli koji govore da su promenjeni u pandu, jedan je tigar, jedan je A, jedan je kingkong momak, a poslednji za koji mislim da bi MOGAO biti panda.. ali koja su pravila Master preuzimanja? Jedan majstor PREUZIMA ALLLLLLLLLL. drugi Majstori. Ne vidim da vidim sve različite glavne simbole, ali sam tokom igre gledao kako se svi menjaju! Onda se brzo promenilo i nikad mi se nije isplatilo. Rečeno je da se bavim ovim samo želim da plačem
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Jul 26, 24, 05:41:14 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
Sorry to hear that you are facing this kind of issue.
Thanks for sending your account details. We have forwarded them to the casino rep and inquired about this matter. Once they reply, we will let you know here on the thread.
Thank you for your patience.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Žao nam je što se suočavate sa ovom vrstom problema.
Hvala što ste poslali detalje naloga. Prosledili smo ih predstavniku kazina i raspitali se o ovom pitanju. Kada odgovore, obavestićemo vas ovde u temi.
Hvala na strpljenju.
- Odgovoreno
- Kaykay.87.xo
- u Jul 27, 24, 09:49:21 AM
- Sr. Newbie 18
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 8 sati
I'm curious of this outcome I too noticed when playing funny things with this game to be exact. Hopefully it's posted if so will go back in my game play and find the one I felt was wrong.
Zanima me ovaj ishod koji sam i ja primetio kada sam igrao smešne stvari sa ovom igrom, tačnije. Nadam se da je objavljeno ako je tako da će se vratiti u moju igru i pronaći onu za koju sam smatrao da nije u redu.
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Jul 30, 24, 04:52:28 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
The casino rep has informed us that they are still looking into your case. We will update you as soon as we receive a response from them.
Thank you for your patience.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Predstavnik kazina nas je obavestio da još uvek istražuju vaš slučaj. Obavestićemo vas čim dobijemo njihov odgovor.
Hvala na strpljenju.
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 02, 24, 03:01:25 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
We've received the following reply from the casino representative:
A request has been sent to RTG, our Game provider, to review the gameplay and bet in question.
Please keep an eye on this thread for further updates. Thank you for your patience.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Dobili smo sledeći odgovor od predstavnika kazina:
Poslat je zahtev RTG-u, našem provajderu igara, da pregleda igrivost i opkladu u pitanju.
Molimo vas da pratite ovu temu za dalja ažuriranja. Hvala na strpljenju.
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 06, 24, 07:47:53 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
We sent a reminder to the casino rep for an update regarding your case. Keep you updated on this thread.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Poslali smo podsetnik predstavniku kazina za ažuriranje u vezi sa vašim slučajem. Obaveštavajte vas o ovoj temi.
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Aug 07, 24, 05:04:28 AM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
Yeah they had to get a supervisor and go and have them contact RTG again I'm so mad. Yesterday I had an email at 12am central time for the elite and it was a $50 chip. So I deposited 11 bucks. I ended up at 170$ at one point and then I was like ahh I got that free chip it's like 250 MCO So I played. All my money down n then find out I cannot even use the coupon cuz I'm no longer elite. Which not everybody gets the elite emails. So it's like if you're gonna take the status away why are you sending me emails that are false and they can't say it's just automatic everyone gets them cuz only elite members get the dam emails. It's so stupid I'm so mad right now. Rtg who knows what they will even do. 3 or 4 weeks later, oh here's a chip in the amount you were supposed to get paid with a wager of x30 on it and a 100 MCO who knows it would be some stupid cr*** like that anyway I know it. Makes me so mad idk what I'm waiting for they trick me they lie to me they rip me off it's just disgusting
Da, morali su da nađu supervizora i odu da ponovo kontaktiraju RTG. Tako sam ljut. Juče sam dobio e-mail u 12:00 po centralnom vremenu za elitu i bio je čip od 50 dolara. Tako da sam položio 11 dolara. Završio sam na 170$ u jednom trenutku i onda sam bio kao ahh dobio sam taj besplatni čip, to je kao 250 MCO Pa sam igrao. Sav moj novac pada i onda saznam da ne mogu ni da iskoristim kupon jer više nisam elita. Koji ne dobijaju svi elitne mejlove. Dakle, to je kao ako ćeš da oduzmeš status zašto mi šalješ mejlove koji su lažni i oni ne mogu da kažu da je to samo automatski, svi ih dobijaju, jer samo elitni članovi dobijaju mejlove brane. Toliko je glupo da sam sada tako ljut. Rtg ko zna šta će uopšte. 3 ili 4 nedelje kasnije, oh evo čipa u iznosu koji ste trebali da dobijete sa opkladom od k30 na njega i 100 MCO koji zna da bi to bilo tako glupo ionako znam. Toliko me ljuti šta čekam, prevare me, lažu me, opljačkaju me, jednostavno je odvratno
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 08, 24, 04:12:09 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
We contacted the casino rep again, and they informed us that they still haven't received any response from the game provider. As soon as we receive any feedback from them, we will let you know.
Thank you for your patience.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Ponovo smo kontaktirali predstavnika kazina i oni su nas obavestili da još uvek nisu dobili nikakav odgovor od provajdera igre. Čim dobijemo bilo kakve povratne informacije od njih, obavestićemo vas.
Hvala na strpljenju.
- Odgovoreno
- Keithjann
- u Aug 10, 24, 03:32:34 AM
- Sr. Newbie 35
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 15 dana
Tabitha Hamlin wrote:
Yeah they had to get a supervisor and go and have them contact RTG again I'm so mad. Yesterday I had an email at 12am central time for the elite and it was a $50 chip. So I deposited 11 bucks. I ended up at 170$ at one point and then I was like ahh I got that free chip it's like 250 MCO So I played. All my money down n then find out I cannot even use the coupon cuz I'm no longer elite. Which not everybody gets the elite emails. So it's like if you're gonna take the status away why are you sending me emails that are false and they can't say it's just automatic everyone gets them cuz only elite members get the dam emails. It's so stupid I'm so mad right now. Rtg who knows what they will even do. 3 or 4 weeks later, oh here's a chip in the amount you were supposed to get paid with a wager of x30 on it and a 100 MCO who knows it would be some stupid cr*** like that anyway I know it. Makes me so mad idk what I'm waiting for they trick me they lie to me they rip me off it's just disgusting
🤣😂😅🤣😂💯!! 👏👏👏👍
Tabita Hamlin je napisala:
Da, morali su da nađu supervizora i odu da ponovo kontaktiraju RTG. Tako sam ljut. Juče sam dobio e-mail u 12:00 po centralnom vremenu za elitu i bio je čip od 50 dolara. Tako da sam položio 11 dolara. Završio sam na 170$ u jednom trenutku i onda sam bio kao ahh dobio sam taj besplatni čip, to je kao 250 MCO Pa sam igrao. Sav moj novac pada i onda saznam da ne mogu ni da iskoristim kupon jer više nisam elita. Koji ne dobijaju svi elitne mejlove. Dakle, to je kao ako ćeš da oduzmeš status zašto mi šalješ lažne mejlove i ne mogu da kažu da je to samo automatski, svi ih dobijaju, jer samo elitni članovi dobijaju mejlove brane. Toliko je glupo da sam sada tako ljut. Rtg ko zna šta će uopšte. 3 ili 4 nedelje kasnije, oh, evo čipa u iznosu koji ste trebali da dobijete sa opkladom od k30 na njega i 100 MCO koji zna da bi to bilo tako glupo, ionako znam. Toliko me ljuti šta čekam, prevare me, lažu me, opljačkaju me, jednostavno je odvratno
🤣😂😅🤣😂💯!! 👏👏👏👍
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 15, 24, 06:03:29 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
Unfortunately, the casino rep informed us that they still have not received a response from the game provider. We will update you whenever we receive any news regarding your case.
Thank you for understanding.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Nažalost, predstavnik kazina nas je obavestio da još uvek nisu dobili odgovor od provajdera igara. Obavestićemo vas kad god dobijemo bilo kakve vesti u vezi sa vašim slučajem.
Hvala na razumevanju.
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Aug 20, 24, 05:06:58 AM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
I apologiE I didn't understand that I was spamming but it's funny cuz I was actually told that they did hear back from RTG and they said I'm wrong. But I still cannot seem to get my questions your rep and the emails I've received are giving me different information
Izvinjavam se. Nisam razumeo da šaljem neželjenu poštu, ali je smešno jer mi je zapravo rečeno da su se javili od RTG-a i rekli su da grešim. Ali izgleda da još uvek ne mogu da dobijem odgovore na svoja pitanja..tako da mi vaš predstavnik i e-poruke koje sam dobio daju različite informacije
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 20, 24, 06:16:47 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
So you've received the response from the casino clarifying your case, is that correct?
Thank you.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Dakle, dobili ste odgovor iz kazina koji pojašnjava vaš slučaj, da li je to tačno?
- Odgovoreno
- Tabitha Hamlin
- u Aug 20, 24, 03:45:13 PM
- Sr. Newbie 46
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 2 dana
No all they did was send me a screenshot of somebody telling them no it's fine. But. I KNOW this spin isn't right. All it was was an email referring to a new issue on eternal, and they said oh yeah you're paid out we gave you a chip (which says was for inconvenience and having to wait) so I waited this long to not even get a response just about this kong fu spin. After all this waiting, all I get is an email about something completely different and they just say oh just so you know they said this.. n it had a screen shot of an email or message. So they weren't even going to go out of their way to say something about it? Cuz like I said this was them responding to a different issue. I waited for soooooo long. And they are wrong. but nobody will take two seconds to explain to me how I'm incorrect. that's all I want. actually I just want to be reimbursed and I want to know the actual amount that should have been paid. But nobody seems to care I have been waiting for so long and all I get is a mention in a different email like it wasn't a big deal. this is a big deal to me. I spend my money and it says they are fair gaming. But they aren't going to acknowledge me or explain to me cuz hey if i am wrong I will own it but I I don't see how I can be wrong if they just would actually read my message and my complaint to specifically analyze the spin. It's embarrassing they are in the wrong and I have spent so much time money and everything with all kinds of a RTG slots at all different websites. I wish I could get a phone call from whoever is telling me I'm wrong while we both look at the the same pictures so my obvious concerns can be addressed ... please i have been waiting for so long month and half to not even get directly notified of anything because they only emailed me because of this new issue. It says if there are any questions ..... I have several!!''Please help me get connected...
Ne, sve što su uradili je da su mi poslali snimak ekrana gde im je neko rekao da je u redu. Ali. ZNAM da ovaj obrt nije u redu. Bio je to samo imejl koji se odnosio na novo izdanje o večnom, a oni su rekli o, da, isplaćeni ste, dali smo vam čip (koji kaže da je to zbog neprijatnosti i čekanja) tako da sam čekao ovoliko da čak ni ne dobijem odgovor samo o ovom kong fu spinu. Posle svog ovog čekanja, sve što dobijem je e-poruka o nečemu potpuno drugačijem i oni samo kažu o, samo da znate da su rekli ovo.. n imao je snimak ekrana e-pošte ili poruke. Znači, nisu ni hteli da se potrude da kažu nešto o tome? Jer kao što sam rekao, ovo su oni odgovarali na drugo pitanje. Čekao sam takooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kak vremena. I greše. ali niko neće odvojiti dve sekunde da mi objasni kako nisam u pravu. to je sve što želim. zapravo samo želim da budem nadoknađen i želim da znam stvarni iznos koji je trebalo da bude plaćen. Ali izgleda da nikog nije briga što sam čekao tako dugo i sve što dobijem je pominjanje u drugom imejlu kao da nije velika stvar. ovo je velika stvar za mene. Trošim svoj novac i piše da su poštene igre. Ali oni neće da me priznaju niti da mi objasne, jer hej ako grešim, ja ću to prihvatiti, ali ne vidim kako mogu da pogrešim ako bi oni zapravo pročitali moju poruku i moju žalbu da posebno analiziraju spin . Sramotno je da su u krivu i potrošio sam toliko vremena i novca na sve vrste RTG slotova na svim različitim veb lokacijama. Voleo bih da mogu da dobijem telefonski poziv od onoga ko mi kaže da grešim dok oboje gledamo iste slike kako bi se moje očigledne brige mogle rešiti... molim vas, čekao sam toliko dugo mesec i po da čak i ne dobiti direktno obaveštenje o bilo čemu jer su mi poslali e-poštu samo zbog ovog novog problema. Piše ako ima pitanja ..... Imam nekoliko!!''Molim vas pomozite mi da se povežem...
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Aug 21, 24, 05:18:02 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
We understand your frustration. We contacted the casino rep again and referred them to your latest post. Please keep an eye on this thread for further updates.
Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Razumemo vašu frustraciju. Ponovo smo kontaktirali predstavnika kazina i uputili ih na vaš najnoviji post. Molimo vas da pratite ovu temu za dalja ažuriranja.
- Odgovoreno
- JovanaV
- u Sep 05, 24, 03:19:19 AM
- Moderator 1604
- Poslednja aktivnost pre 11 sati
Dear Tabitha Hamlin,
Since there is no response from the casino regarding your case, we will have to close this complaint.
If they respond at any time, we will let you know.
Thanks for your understanding.Draga Tabita Hamlin ,
Pošto nema odgovora iz kazina u vezi sa vašim slučajem, moraćemo da zatvorimo ovu žalbu.
Ako u bilo kom trenutku odgovore, obavestićemo vas.
Hvala na razumevanju.
Aktivnosti LCB-a u poslednjih 24 sata:
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