Hi there I've been ripped off by
its take me a while to post about this but I thought stuff it I'll see if you can be of any help I've already gone one step further by emailing the company not the casino but I just wanted a second opinion. I have read all the rules so only posting now I've completed those steps. Long story short I won off a no deposit bonus that had no cashout limit followed all the protocols jumped through hoops with my kyc etc and all was confirmed and good and then I got these emails. Now before you read them I have never had 2 accounts and no one else in my household gambles so that is bs and secondly I don't have a gambling problem as I believe they insist in the second email anyway I'll post them here and hopefully you can help. The first 4 emails are from customer support.
Zdravo, opljačkan sam
Trebalo mi je vremena da objavim o ovome, ali sam mislio da je to. Videću da li možete biti od pomoći Već sam otišao korak dalje slanjem e-pošte kompaniji, a ne kazinu, ali samo sam želeo drugo mišljenje. Pročitao sam sva pravila, tako da sam samo objavljivao te korake. Ukratko, osvojio sam bonus bez depozita koji nije imao ograničenje za isplatu, pratio sam sve protokole, skočio kroz obruče sa mojim kic-om itd. i sve je bilo potvrđeno i dobro i onda sam dobio ove mejlove. Pre nego što ih pročitate, nikada nisam imao 2 naloga i niko drugi u mom domaćinstvu se ne kocka, tako da je to bs, a drugo, nemam problema sa kockanjem jer verujem da oni ionako insistiraju u drugom mejlu, ja ću ih postaviti ovde i nadamo se da možete pomoći. Prva 4 e-poruka su od korisničke podrške.