Arobinn2024 wrote:
I WON OVER 231,000 DOLLARS on this website fair and square
they claim i won it ineligibility because I had an active bonus that didn't allow me to play table games, which is where I won all my money
As you can clearly see from the screenshot, I attached they sneakily took my money at 4 AM in the morning. Didn't tell me why or anything when I reached out to customer service. They told me that I wrongfully want it because I wasn't allowed to play table games on the current bonus, I was on, however as you can clearly see I asked to forfeit the bonus and the bonus was denied on October 17. All my winnings came after that date. This company owes me $230,000 and I'm looking into ways to sue them if anyone can help or can give me any advice on what to do that would be greatly appreciated.
Again again, I did not break any other rules. The coupon was clearly denied on October 17 as it shows in the screenshot and they still completely robbed me randomly this morning after me continuing to play for days and days and run my balance upI've deposited the money legally through bitcoin and they still took it all
Greetings all,
I have reviewed the situation and I can definitely clarify here, our service department is excellent however they don't have the experience to really look into the case and see the play by play rather than reciting the notes within the player account.
The initial win was using a deposit coupon good for slots and keno only, these funds were to be removed by a manager and your intial deposit was to be refunded. Before a manager could remove the funds within your account you began playing and winning on those funds (the win which was to be removed) when you were only entitled to the initially deposited funds, not the win you had already accumulated through non-allowed play.
You were then informed of the situation and re-credited the intial deposit which you played to zero without a resulting win. At this point the initial deposit has been refunded, the funds you accumulated that tremendous balance on.were not eligilble for anything but slots and keno and there were literally millions of dollars in prohibited play that resulted in your stellar win.
I wish I had better news but in the case there is nothing that can be done to assist, the win itself was not valid for the above reasons and the intial deposit has been re-credited then played to zero by you.Hopefully this at least clarifies the situation.
Supporting documentation has been forwarded to the team for review and verification.
Best wishes,
Nick and Slots Garden
Arobin2024 je napisao: OSVOJIO SAM PREKO 231.000 DOLARA na ovoj veb stranici pošteno
tvrde da sam dobio nepodobnost jer sam imao aktivni bonus koji mi nije dozvoljavao da igram stone igre, gde sam osvojio sav svoj novac
Kao što možete jasno videti na snimku ekrana, priložio sam da su mi tajno uzeli novac u 4 sata ujutro. Nije mi rekao zašto ili bilo šta kada sam se obratio korisničkoj službi. Rekli su mi da ga neopravdano želim jer mi nije bilo dozvoljeno da igram igre na stolu na trenutnom bonusu, bio sam uključen, međutim, kao što jasno vidite, tražio sam da odustanem od bonusa i bonus je odbijen 17. oktobra. dobici su došli posle tog datuma. Ova kompanija mi duguje 230.000 dolara i tražim načine da ih tužim ako neko može da mi pomogne ili može da mi da bilo kakav savet šta da radim, što bi bilo veoma zahvalno.
Opet, nisam prekršio nijedno drugo pravilo. Kupon je jasno odbijen 17. oktobra kao što se vidi na snimku ekrana i još uvek su me potpuno nasumično opljačkali jutros nakon što sam nastavio da igram danima i danima i podižem svoj bilans. Legalno sam deponovao novac preko bitkoina i oni su ga ipak uzeli sve
pozdrav svima,
Pregledao sam situaciju i definitivno mogu da razjasnim ovde, naš servisni odeljenje je odličan, ali oni nemaju iskustva da stvarno ispitaju slučaj i vide igru po igru, umesto da recituju beleške u okviru naloga igrača.
Početni dobitak je bio korišćenje kupona za depozit koji je bio dobar samo za slotove i keno, ova sredstva je trebalo da ukloni menadžer i vaš početni depozit je trebalo da bude refundiran. Pre nego što je menadžer mogao da ukloni sredstva sa vašeg naloga, počeli ste da igrate i dobijate na tim sredstvima (pobeda koja je trebalo da bude uklonjena) kada ste imali pravo samo na prvobitno deponovana sredstva, a ne na dobitak koji ste već akumulirali kroz nedozvoljenu igru .
Tada ste bili obavešteni o situaciji i ponovo ste kreditirali početni depozit koji ste odigrali na nulu bez dobijene pobede. U ovom trenutku je početni depozit refundiran, sredstva na kojima ste akumulirali taj ogroman saldo nisu ispunjavali uslove ni za šta osim za slotove i keno i bilo je bukvalno miliona dolara u zabranjenoj igri koja je rezultirala vašom zvezdanom pobedom.
Voleo bih da imam bolje vesti, ali u slučaju da se ništa ne može učiniti da bi se pomoglo, sama pobeda nije bila važeća iz gore navedenih razloga i početni depozit je ponovo kreditiran, a zatim ste ga odigrali na nulu. Nadamo se da je ovo barem razjašnjava situaciju.
Propratna dokumentacija je prosleđena timu na pregled i verifikaciju.
najbolje želje,
Nick and Slots Garden