Ok I will i'm trying to get as many of these websites that help to contact them to they kind of flood them a little bit and just kind of annoy them to the point where they just wanna get rid of us honestly that's the only way they're gonna do because they're too greedy to do it any other way, I mean this was theft. I mean there's no way around it that a theft had occurred . it was straight Strong armed out of my account and was told it was my fault gaslighting to the finest and they literally said it in the chat with me I mean, there's no excuse around it there's no way to look at that and say that I did too many bonuses free bonuses because they are locked up tight when it comes to that stuff. They're just a bunch of greedy people and that whole casino and sister casinos that they have going on they're not gonna be around long before they go out of business. You can't do this and stay in business people go there to win and when they don't get their winnings, they tend to not come back and tell other people not to go there , bad business as we get my money and never see them again, put them in my rearview mirror. There sites that advertise turbo pay get your pay in 20 minutes or less ,don't allow you to withdraw with turbo pay. They tell you there has to be a spot open and there's not one open literally I asked them so if I come back in 10 minutes, will there be a spot she said I don't know so I told her that is completely illegal absolutely 100% legal basically they're keeping people on the site with their money so they lose it most likely so they don't cant withdraw. But I got on their butts pretty hard and literally she said you'll get your money soon. She was being very cryptic with me and very cloak and dagger and in the next 10 minutes I received the money that I wasn't expecting for seven days because that's how long it takes Before the same small amount and same thing happened and I got it in my account in five minutes that's after I bet the guy that I wouldn't see my withdrawal for 14 days and he bet me that if he lost, he pay double my withdrawal and if I won, I put it all back into the Casino so I did $220 or something, but it wasn't turbo pay. They did it on their own. That's what I'm talking about. They're picking it choosing who gets it and who doesn't and it's so illegal and I went way off on tangent, but I'm just saying this is the same group that you're dealing with right now who I'm dealing with completely illegal illegal they do that at prism and Sotto Loco just FYI casino group
U redu, pokušaću da dobijem što više ovih veb lokacija koje pomažu da ih kontaktirate da ih malo preplave i samo ih nerviraju do tačke u kojoj samo žele da nas se otarase, iskreno, to je jedini način oni će to učiniti jer su previše pohlepni da to urade na bilo koji drugi način, mislim da je ovo bila krađa. Mislim, ne postoji način da se zaobiđe da je došlo do krađe. bio je direktno Strong naoružan sa mog naloga i rečeno mi je da je to moja greška da je gaslighting do najfinije i bukvalno su to rekli u ćaskanju sa mnom, mislim, nema izgovora oko toga, nema načina da se to pogleda i kaže da jesam previše bonusa besplatnih bonusa jer su čvrsto zaključani kada su te stvari u pitanju. Oni su samo gomila pohlepnih ljudi i ceo taj kazino i sestrinska kazina koje imaju, neće biti tu mnogo pre nego što se ugase. Ne možete ovo da radite i ostanete u poslu ljudi idu tamo da pobede i kada ne dobiju svoj dobitak, obično se ne vraćaju i govore drugim ljudima da ne idu tamo, loš posao jer mi dobijamo moj novac i nikad ga ne vidimo ponovo, stavi ih u moj retrovizor. Postoje sajtovi koji oglašavaju turbo pai dobijaju vašu platu za 20 minuta ili manje, ne dozvoljavaju vam da povučete sa turbo pai. Kažu vam da mora biti otvoreno mesto i da nema nijedno otvoreno, bukvalno sam ih pitao, pa ako se vratim za 10 minuta, hoće li biti mesto za koje je rekla da ne znam pa sam joj rekao da je to potpuno ilegalno, apsolutno 100 % legalno u osnovi oni drže ljude na sajtu sa njihovim novcem tako da ga najverovatnije izgube tako da ne mogu da se povuku. Ali ja sam im se prilično teško nabio i bukvalno je rekla da ćeš uskoro dobiti svoj novac. Bila je veoma zagonetna sa mnom i veoma ogrtač i bodež i u narednih 10 minuta sam dobio novac koji nisam očekivao sedam dana jer je toliko potrebno pre nego što se desila ista mala suma i ista stvar i dobila sam ga na mom nalogu za pet minuta nakon što sam se kladio na tipa da neću videti svoje povlačenje 14 dana i on se kladio na mene da će, ako izgubi, platiti duplo moje povlačenje i ako pobedim, sve vraćam u kazino tako da sam napravio 220 dolara ili nešto, ali to nije bila turbo plata. Uradili su to na svoju ruku. To je ono o čemu ja pričam. Oni to biraju birajući ko će to dobiti, a ko ne, i to je tako nezakonito i ja sam skrenuo na tangentu, ali samo kažem da je ovo ista grupa sa kojom sada imate posla sa kojom ja imam posla sa potpuno ilegalnim ilegalnim oni to rade u prizmu i Sotto Loco samo FII kazino grupa